Plan for Continuous Provision Class 1 Spring Term 2 Mr Taylor

Plan for Continuous Provision
Class 1 Spring Term 2
Mr Taylor
Please note, this does not include everyday resources, just subject/term specific resources or activities.
Role play
Three Bears Cottage.
Domestic play.
Ordering objects by size, weight, capacity.
Three bears related stories.
Writing Area
Pens, pencils, crayons, rubbers. Sound stones, letter lids, capital letter, jelly letters, full stop, finger
spaces prompts. Rainbow paper, story writing books. Frozen writing tool kit, Minecraft writing tool kit.
Postbox, theme headed note paper, envelopes. Capital letter shaped car tracks with lower case letter
cars to match.
Forest shed.
Owl/forest animal masks. Owl Babies
storytelling props. Forest stories.
Maths Area
Aqua beads, numicon, jelly numbers, jelly fish,
jelly bath, containers-capacity, jelly bath, ice,
shaving foam, glitter, etc. floating sinking,
Sound stones, number stones, ping pong balls,
containers- capacity.
Creative Area
Birthday cards to 20. Teddy bears to 20. Gift bags. Number stories, rulers, counters, numicon, 1-20
puzzles, sorting circles, number ping pong balls, jelly numbers, jelly fish, numbers pegs and boards,
magnetic numbers and board, 2D/3D shapes, bead strings, number stones, scales/balance, conkers,
treasure, stones, gems, ice cubes, etc. numicon number log, padlocks, sandpaper numerals, number
rods, spindle box (0-9), subtraction grid. Tape measures.
Tinsel, polystyrene, foam shapes, feathers, assorted lids, pom poms, glitter, glue, scissors, gummy
shapes, paper, collage materials, junk modelling. Tricky word colouring puzzles. Weekly challenges.
Small World
Bear Hunt backdrop, table with grass, river, mud, snowstorm, cave, forest, etc. bear hunt figures. Story
maps. Bear Hunt sequencing cards on pegged line for ordering.
Figures of each member of class for bear hunt innovations.
Reading Area
Topic stories- forests, forest animals, owls, etc. Current Disney stories. Puppets, bears to be read to.
Figures of each member of class. Blocks, stickle bricks, duplo, lego. Flags.
Investigation tray
Pinecones, leaves, conkers, etc. forest
animals, magnifiers, mirrors.
Finger Gym
Nuts and bolts threading. Marbles, washers, malleable materials, golf tees, cocktail sticks, beadsbalancing. Sequins and sand letter formation practise, pipe cleaner and bead threading snakes.
Tweezers and coloured beads sorting. Padlocks and keys sorting.
Book boat, cushions, choice of books.
iPad- letter and number formation
Creative Area
Collage materials/writing/drawing materials.
Easels, paper, etc.
Role play
Greengrocers/snack time
Sound boxes- matching pictures to corresponding sound.
Sound matching grids.
Topic Area
Key reads, trees, owl babies, owl, fox, snake, squirrel, mouse, gruffalo, gruffalo’s child, conkers, number
logs, pine cones, leaves, feathers, hedgehogs, information books, handmade owls, 3 bears story sack.