Additional file 9 Summary of His10-MrpC2 and FruA-His6 binding to DNA fragments in EMSAs Ranka MXAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 4360 6247 4064 5802 0524 5125 mrpC Position of peak relative to ORF starta 568 -71 -241 -370 -97 -247 12 14 4147 3117 rpoE1 fruA -23 -330 19 3993 bsgA -47 27 1710 pkn8 -204 50 268 383 6947 5208 6500 cheW6a socA1 pktA1 -55 -61 -74 421 444 4149 2902 frzS Mx3320 -163 -40 461 5123 mrpA -171 655 5783 pilA -173 a Gene Characteristicsb high rank high rank, down-regulated high rank high rank high rank, up-regulated high rank, up-regulated, known to be bound by MrpC/2 and involved in development A and S motility regulation up-regulated, known to be bound by MrpC/2 and involved in development weakly up-regulated, known to be involved in development up-regulated, known to be involved in development S motility bypass of C-signaling known to be involved in development S motility up-regulated, known to be involved in development up-regulated, known to be involved in development S motility Apparent number of His10-MrpC2 binding sitesc 2 2 Nt 3 2 >4 Motifs bound by His10-MrpC2d 1 1 1 1 2 Nt Binding by FruA-His6 alonee + + Nt + - Cooperative binding by His10-MrpC2 and FruA-His6e + + Nt + + + 4 2 Nm 1 Nt + Nt 2 1 + + 1 1 - + 1 2 2 1 Nm 1 + + + + 1 1 Nm Nm + + + 2 Nm + + 1 Nm - - From Additional file 3. Note that the ChIP-seq peak at -330 relative to the fruA start codon is at -98 relative to the predicted start codon of MXAN_3116, as listed in Additional file 3. b From Additional files 3, 6, and 7. See the text or Additional file 6 for references. c From Figure 4 and Additional file 10. Nt, not tested. From Figure 5. Nt, not tested; Nm, no match. e From Figure 6 and Additional file 10. Nt, not tested. Note that cooperative binding was not observed at a low concentration of His10-MrpC2 for MXAN_5802. d