


December 2014


Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Physiology, University of Florida College of Medicine,

Gainesville, FL, 1981-1983

Ph.D., Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 1981

M.S., Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 1976

B.S., Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 1972


1994-present: Professor, Department of Biology

Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA

2008–present: Affiliate Instructor, Department of Biological Structure

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

2006–present: Women’s and Gender Studies Affiliated Faculty

Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA



Chair, Department of Biology

Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA

Associate Professor, Department of Biology

Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA

1983-1988: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology

Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA




Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physiology

University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL

Teaching Associate, Lecturer, Teaching Assistant

Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

Human Engineering Analyst

Boeing Aerospace Company, Seattle, WA


Efficacy of tamixofen and thymoquinone on tumor development, lipid peroxidation, and total antioxidant capacity in DMBA induced mammary carcinoma in female Sprague-

Dawley rats , completed 2013.

Thymoquinone decreases oxidative damage (8-OHdG) in DMBA treated female Sprague-

Dawley rats, completed 2013.

The effects of diethylstilbestrol on myometrial contractility in mice, completed 2012.

The effects of exercise and leptin administration on the reproductive capabilities of Sprague

Dawley rats, completed 2009.

Can small dietary changes reduce overweight and obesity?, completed 2009.

The effects of a high fat diet on leptin and estrous cycles of exercising rats, completed 2002.

Effect of exercise and leptin treatment on the estrous cycle of mice, completed 2002.

Effects of vitamin E supplementation on delayed-onset muscle soreness, completed 1997.

Improvement by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass graft patients in an 11-week community-based cardiac rehabilitation program, completed 1995.

Effects of high voltage pulsed galvanic stimulation on human fibroblasts in vitro, completed


Effect of maternal exercise in rats on sexual behavior in castrated, hormone-treated offspring, completed 1994.

The effect of choline and myo-inositol on liver and carcass fat levels in aerobically trained rats," completed 1992.

Exercise-induced changes in blood ammonia as related to dietary protein in horses, completed 1989.

Role of prolactin in delayed implantation in mice," completed 1984.


Carlberg, K.A. Biology of Women; 2005.

Carlberg, K.A. Reproductive Cycles. Swedan, N., Ed. Women’s Sports Medicine and

Rehabilitation. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.; p. 145-166; 2001.

Carlberg, K.A.; Buckman, M.T. Exercise and the menstrual cycle. Appenzeller, O., Ed.

Sports Medicine: Fitness, Training, Injuries. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Urban &

Schwarzenberg. (This chapter was re-written in 1991. The fourth edition of the book never was published.)

Carlberg, K.A.; Peake, G.T.; Buckman, M.T. Exercise and the menstrual cycle. Appenzeller,

O., Ed. Sports Medicine: Fitness, Training, Injuries. Third Edition. Baltimore: Urban &

Schwarzenberg; p. 161-180; 1988.

Carlberg, K.A.; Peake, G.T.; Buckman, M.T. Exercise and the menstrual cycle. Appenzeller,

O.; Atkinson, R., Eds. Sports Medicine: Fitness, Training, Injuries. Second Edition.

Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1983: 131-147.

Carlberg, K.A.; Peake, G.T.; Buckman, M.T. Menstrual dysfunction in athletes. Appenzeller,

O.; Atkinson, R. Eds. Sports Medicine: Fitness, Training, Injuries. Baltimore: Urban &

Schwarzenberg; 1981: 119-133.


Carlberg, K.A., Lang, B.Z. Infection with pinworms (Syphacia obvelata) does not affect plasma corticosterone concentration in male, nonpregnant female, and pregnant female rats. Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science 43(3): 46-49; 2004.

Carlberg, K.A.; Alvin, B.L.; Gwosdow, A.R. Exercise during pregnancy and maternal and fetal corticosterone and androstenedione in rats. American Journal of Physiology 271:

E896-E902; 1996.

Carlberg, K.A.; Gwosdow, A.R.; Alvin, B.L. Effects of halothane and methoxyflurane anesthesia on plasma corticosterone concentration in rats at rest and post-exercise.

Laboratory Animal Science 45(10): 584-587; 1995.

Kenney, J.L.; Carlberg, K.A. The effect of choline and myo-inositol on liver and carcass fat levels in aerobically trained rats. International Journal of Sports Medicine 16: 114-

116; 1995.

Carlberg, K.A; Alvin, B.L. Effects of blood sampling technique and exercise on plasma androgens in female rats. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 24: 610-614;


Delistraty, D.A.; Greene, W.A.; Carlberg, K.A.; Raver, K.K. Cardiovascular reactivity in Type

A and B males to mental arithmetic and aerobic exercise at an equivalent oxygen uptake. Psychophysiology 29: 264-271; 1992.

Delistraty, D.A.; Greene, W.A.; Carlberg, K.A; Raver, K.K. Use of graded exercise to evaluate physiological hyperreactivity to mental stress. Medicine and Science in Sports

and Exercise 23: 476-481; 1991.

Carlberg, K.A.; Fregly, M.J. Catecholamine excretion and beta-adrenergic responsiveness in estrogen-treated rats. Pharmacology 32: 147-156; 1986.

Carlberg, K.A.; Fregly, M.J. Disruption of estrous cycles in exercise-trained rats.

Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 179: 21-24; 1985.

Carlberg, K.A.; Fregly, M.J.; Fahey, M. Effects of chronic estrogen treatment on water exchange in rats. American Journal of Physiology 247: E101-E110; 1984.

Carlberg, K.A.; Buckman, M.T.; Peake, G.T.; Riedesel, M.L. Survey of menstrual function in athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology 51: 211-222; 1983.

Carlberg, K.A.; Buckman, M.T.; Peake, G.T.; Riedesel, M.L. Body composition of oligo/ amenorrheic athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 15: 215-217;


Carlberg, K.A.; Peake, G.T.; Buckman, M.T. Familial susceptibility to athletic oligo/amenorrhea. Annals of Sports Medicine 1: 115-116; 1983.

Fregly, M.J.; Lockley, O.E.; Carlberg, K.A. Effect of methylxanthines on the spontaneous appetite for NaCl solutions in rats. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology

and Medicine 170: 182-187; 1982.


Sindi AA, Carlberg KA. Thymoquinone, a component of the Middle East spicy seed Nigella

sativa, decreases oxidative DNA damage in a rat model of mammary cancer.

Experimental Biology 2014.

Al-Otaibi N, Carlberg K, Joyner-Matos J. Combined efficacy of tamoxifene (TAM) and thymoquinone (TQ) on the lipid peroxidation and the total antioxidant capacity in

DMBA induced mammary carcinoma in female Sprague-Dawley rats. 2 nd International

Conference and Exhibition on Cell & Gene Therapy, Orlando FL, October 23-25, 2013.

Dykstra-Aiello CJ, Carlberg KA. Age effects on aerobic exercise-induced reductions in pain sensitivity in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Experimental Biology 2012.

Dykstra-Aiello CJ, Carlberg KA. Gender and age effects on aerobic exercise-induced reductions in pain sensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats. International Neuropsychological

Society, 2012.

Carlberg KA, Joyner-Matos J, Daberkow DP. Student research projects at the beginning and end of the biology program. Physiology 2011. Annual meeting of the Physiological

Society, Oxford, England.

Miller I, Carlberg K. Integrating information literacy within the disciplines: a facultycentered approach. Presented to the Pacific Northwest Library Association, Post Falls,

ID, August 8, 2008.

Evanson, JB, Carlberg, KA. Leptin administration normalizes estrous cycles in exercising mice. Physiologist 43(4): 325, 2000.

Evanson JB, Carlberg, KA. Leptin administration has a normalizing effect on the estrous cycle of exercising mice. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Northwest Chapter of

the American College of Sports Medicine, p. 21, 2000.

Carlberg KA, Vanhoose AM, Shaffer M, Treff NR. Restraint stress does not alter placental androstenedione secretion in pregnant rats. Medicine and Science in Sports and

Exercise 31(5): S389, 1999.

Carlberg, K.A.; Gwosdow, A.R.; Alvin, B.L. Exercise during pregnancy and stress responses in offspring of rats. FASEB Journal 9(3):A363, 1995.

Carlberg, K.A.; Gwosdow, A.R.; Alvin, B.L. Exercise in pregnant rats increases corticosterone (CORT) concentration in mothers and fetuses. FASEB Journal

8(5):A791; 1994.

Rector, R.S.; Carlberg, K.A.; Alvin, B.L. Effect of maternal exercise in rats on sexual behavior in castrated, hormone-treated offspring. Proceedings of the Society for

Experimental Biology and Medicine 205(3):267; 1994.

Carlberg, K.A.; Alvin, B.L. Androstenedione in pregnant rats and their fetuses post-exercise and at rest. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 25:S73; 1993.

Anson, C.J.; Greene, W.A.; Delistraty, D.A.; Carlberg, K.A. Sympathetic drive in type A and

B males as indicated by the pre-ejection period. Psychophysiology 29: S17, 1992.

Kenney, J.L.; Carlberg, K.A. The effect of choline and myo-inositol on liver and carcass fat levels in aerobically trained rats. Physiologist 35: 188; 1992.

Carlberg, K.A.; Alvin, B.L. Reproduction in offspring of exercised and sedentary pregnant rats. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 24: S139; 1992.

Carlberg, K.A.; Gwosdow, A.R.; Harris, H.A.; Painter, D.E. Effects of three anesthetics on plasma corticosterone concentration at rest and post-exercise in female rats.

Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 193: 238; 1990.

Carlberg, K.A.; Harris, H.A.; Painter, D.E.; Day, C.H. Effects of blood sampling technique and exercise on plasma androgen concentrations in female rats. Medicine and Science

in Sports and Exercise 22: S32; 1990.

Delistraty, D.A.; Greene, W.A.; Raver, K.; Carlberg, K.A. Cardiovascular and pulmonary response to mental versus physical stress at an equivalent oxygen consumption.

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise; 22: S60; 1990.

Greene, W.A.; Delistraty, D.A.; Raver, K.; Carlberg, K.A; Hobbins, C. Lipid response and fitness level in relation to psychological stress. Medicine and Science in Sports and

Exercise; 22: S93; 1990.

Hobbins, C.M.; Greene, W.A.; Delistraty, D.A.; Raver, K.K.; Carlberg, K.A. The relationship between Type A behavioral components and resting physiological activity. Proceedings

of the 70th Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association; 1990.

Carlberg, K.A.; Hall, B.L. Mild food restriction and reproduction in female rats. Federation

Proceedings 46:528; 1987.

Carlberg, K.A. Effects of exercise and food restriction on estrous cycles. Proceedings of the

International Union of Physiological Sciences 16: 366; 1986.

Carlberg, K.A. Exercise-induced changes in pain sensitivity in rats. Program for the 59th

Annual Meeting of Northwest Scientific Association. p. 65; 1986.

Hall, B.L.; Carlberg, K.A. Effect of exercise on fertility in male rats. Program for the 59th

Annual Meeting of Northwest Scientific Association. p. 64; 1986.

Carlberg, K.A. Naloxone-reversible changes in pain sensitivity in exercise-trained rats.

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 17: 236; 1985.

Carlberg, K.A.; Fregly, M.J. Disruption of estrous cycles in exercise-trained rats. Scientific

Program Abstracts, 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, Biomechanics-Kinanthropometry

and Sports Medicine, Exercise Science; p. 133; 1984.

Carlberg, K.A.; Fregly, M.J. Disruption of estrous cycles in exercise-trained rats. Federation

Proceedings 43: 627; 1984.

Carlberg, K.A.; Fregly, M.J. Pain sensitivity in exercise-trained rats. Proceedings of the

Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 176: 332; 1984.

Carlberg, K.A.; Fregly, M.J. Catecholamine excretion and beta-adrenergic responsiveness in estrogen-treated rats. Federation Proceedings 42: 613; 1983.

Carlberg, K.A.; Fregly, M.J. Effects of chronic estrogen treatment on water exchange in rats. Federation Proceedings 41: 1031; 1982.

Carlberg, K.A.; Buckman, M.T.; Peake, G.T. Prolactin response to exercise in oligo/amenorrheic and menstruating athletes. International Journal of Sports Medicine

2: 272; 1981.

Carlberg, K.A.; Buckman, M.T.; Peake, G.T.; Riedesel, M.L. Low body weight increases susceptibility to athletic oligo/amenorrhea. Medicine and Science in Sports and

Exercise 13: 105; 1981.

Carlberg, K.A.; Peake, G.T.; Buckman, M.T.; Srivastava, L.S. Androgen response to exercise in oligo/amenorrheic and menstruating athletes. Program and Abstracts, The

Endocrine Society, 63rd Annual Meeting; p. 351; 1981.

Carlberg, K.A.; Peake, G.T.; Buckman, M.T.; Srivastava, L.S.; Riedesel, M.L. Pituitaryovarian axis in oligo/amenorrheic athletes. Federation Proceedings 40: 396; 1981.

Carlberg, K.A.; Riedesel, M.L. Athletic training and body composition as factors in secondary amenorrhea. Physiologist 22: 17; 1979.

Carlberg, K.A.; Riedesel, M.L. Effects of water immersion on submaximal exercise.

Medicine and Science in Sports 10: 61; 1978.

Carlberg, K.A.; Riedesel, M.L. Responses to rowing exercise during water immersion. New

Mexico Academy of Sciences Bulletin 18: 40-41; 1978.


“Student research projects at the beginning and end of the biology program,” Physiology

2011. Annual meeting of the Physiological Society, University of Oxford, England.

“Exercise, Hormones, and Fetuses.” Department of Biology, University of Idaho, 2001.

"Exercise and the Menstrual Cycle," EWU Athletic Training Seminar, Cheney, WA, 1990.

"Exercise During Pregnancy: Maternal Responses," Northwest Chapter, American College of

Sports Medicine, Annual Meeting, Coeur d'Alene, ID, 1988.

"The Menstrual Cycle and Athletics," Northwest Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting,

Spokane, WA, 1987.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (Member 1983-1985, 2004 - present)

American College of Sports Medicine (Fellow 1992-2010; Member 1978-2010; Coordinator for abstract review 1989, 1994-2001; Abstract reviewer 1992, 1988, 1986)

American College of Sports Medicine, Northwest Chapter (Member 1986-2010; Board of

Directors 1990-1991; President-Elect 1991-1992; President 1992-1993; Past-President

1993-1994; Executive Board Task Force for NWACSM Committee Structure 1996;

Abstract reviewer for annual meeting 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)

American Physiological Society (Member 1979-present; Student mentor at annual meetings

1994, 2001, 2003, 2006)

Endocrine Society (Member 1996 – 2001; Abstract reviewer for annual meeting 1997)

Melpomene Institute for Women's Health Research (Member 1983-1991)

New York Academy of Science (Member 2007-2013)

Phi Kappa Phi (Member 1993 - 2008; EWU Chapter President-Elect 1997-1998, President

1998-2001, Treasurer 2004-2007)

Sigma Xi (Member 1981-2001; EWU-Spokane Chapter Vice-president 1988-1989, President


Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (Member 1986-2008)

Society for Menstrual Cycle Research (Member 1984-1986)

WomenSport International (Member 1994-1996)


Associate Editor, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1994 - 2000.

Editorial Board, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2000 - 2005.

Manuscript reviewer, Advances in Physiology Education, American Journal of Physiology,

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, European Journal of Applied Physiology,

Journal of Applied Physiology, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Sports

Medicine, Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal.

Organizer, annual meeting, Northwest Section of the Society for Experimental Biology and

Medicine, Cheney, WA, 1993.

Organizer, lecture tour by Dr. Christine L. Wells, Northwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, Spokane, WA and Missoula, MT, 1993.

Co-organizer, Annual meeting, Northwest Chapter of the American College of Sports

Medicine; Spokane, WA, 1991.

Co-organizer, "Optimal training for peak performance," lecture tour by Dr. David L. Costill,

Northwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine; Spokane, WA, 1991.


Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee: Member, 1987 - present; Chair, 1990 - 1996,

1997 - 2014.

Institutional Review Board (Human Subjects Review Committee): Member, 1990 – 1995,

2010 – 2013.

Department Personnel Committee, Chair or member, 1997 - 2014.

Physical Therapy Club: Adviser, 1992 – 1999, 2005 – present.

Radiation Safety Committee: Member, 2007 – present.

College Personnel Committee: Member, 2007-2010.

Information Literacy Committee: Member, 2007 – 2008.

Gerontology Advisory Committee: Member, 1984-1988; Chair, Subcommittee to develop

Biology of Aging course, 1984.


Strong Female Role Model, EWU Athletic Department, 2011.

CenturyTel Foundation Faculty Achievement Award, EWU, 1999.
