About Queen’s Park Infant Academy Queen’s Park Infants became a stand-alone Academy on 1 April 2013. We stand on a large site, and the natural progression for vast majority of our children is to transfer at 7+ to Queen’s Park Academy - the Junior School, which is next door. There is good liaison between the two academies and the staff works co-operatively to provide a stable and secure progression for the children from Foundation Stage through Key Stages 1 & 2. There is also a thriving Pre-School on site, and excellent liaison is in place here; the majority of Queen’s Park PreSchool children feed into our Reception classes. In addition, there is a very popular Children’s Centre, for children of pre-school age and their families and The 115 Club – who rent a room on our site - offers breakfast, after school and holiday clubs to pupils from our school and the Junior Academy. The Academy has a large catchment area, and from September 2013, we moved to five-form entry in Reception – with four classes in both Years 1 and 2. We currently have 390 children on roll between the ages of 4 and 7 years. There is a supportive and active parents’ association – The Friends of Queen’s Park Infant Academy – who help within the school and organise social as well as fund-raising events. There is also a committed and supportive Governing Body. Our purpose-built and newly refurbished accommodation has 13 classrooms, Library, ICT suite, Nurture Group Room, Hall, Music & Drama Studio, First Aid Room and Administrative Offices. Outside, there are spacious hard & soft play areas, a Nursery Garden and a Wild Garden with a pond. Queen’s Park Infant Academy was awarded ‘Good’ in its recent Ofsted Inspection – “the school is well led and managed. Pupils’ standards have risen rapidly this year to well above the national average.” We pride ourselves on our welcoming atmosphere and friendly approach. Staff, children, governors and parents all work together within this community to provide an interesting and stimulating curriculum and to support the welfare of all our children. We believe it is vitally important for our school community to be able to voice their opinions and feelings when it comes to important decisions that affect them. Therefore, we asked our children what are the things a Head Teacher should be able to do? Our children would like someone who: o Can do good assemblies and tell good stories o Is good at drawing and painting o Is kind and fair o Has a smiley face o Has fun with us o Likes talking to children o Is good at organising things We believe in a well-balanced and creative curriculum, and within our team of experienced teachers, there are many talents and skills which are used to good effect to further the children’s knowledge and motivation, both within and without the classroom. All the staff share their interests with the children by organising after school clubs, and this term the clubs have included football, painting, drumming and cookery. We also have a tutor who offers violin lessons as well as after school tutors who offer French and Dance Clubs. We are an inclusive school, committed to raising standards. We have an excellent and knowledgeable Special Needs team, and believe strongly in early identification and support for all our children. Our outstanding Nurture Group is a cornerstone of our wrap-around care. The School is committed to ensuring that all our children have the best start in life. We assess, monitor and track progress carefully, working closely with parents, and our lesson planning is differentiated to ensure the needs of all children are met. Interesting educational visits and visitors are organised there are many opportunities for our children to pursue their interests. Queen’s Park Infant Academy is a popular school, looking for an outstanding Head Teacher, who has Early Years and Key Stage 1 knowledge and skills, and has experience of teaching and leading across the whole age range. The successful candidate will have energy and enthusiasm, excellent interpersonal and leadership skills, as well as the ability to work well with a team. Queen’s Park Infant Academy March 2014