Application - Shawnee State University

Emerging Leaders
Learn. Lead. Leave Your Legacy.
Emerging Leaders is an interactive program for freshmen and sophomore students at Shawnee State
University. A year long program, Emerging Leaders challenges students to develop their leadership
abilities through workshops, presentations, service projects and retreats. The Emerging Leaders program
creates an opportunity for students to become actively engaged in the campus community through
leadership development, civic engagement and self-discovery. It is through achievement, mentoring and
co-curricular involvement that students experience an all-inclusive approach to college life. While
working with administrators, faculty, community leaders and student leaders, participants will learn and
cultivate their competencies in:
 Leadership
 Ethical Decision Making
 Personal Goal Setting
Appreciating Differences
Valuing Global Perspectives
Servant Leadership
 Problem Solving
 Accountability
 Mentoring
 Community Service & Action
 Citizenship
 Social Awareness
Application Deadlines and Selection Criteria
Twenty participants will be selected on the basis of their interest, previous co-curricular involvement,
leadership potential, and responses to the essay questions.
Application Deadline is Friday, September 4, 2015 by Noon.
Return this form to the Dean of Students Office (University Center Room 222)
Interviews with Dean of Students, UC 222
Sept. 9-11
Biweekly meetings-Wednesdays at 3:30 starting September 16, UC 214
Participant Expectations
Remain in good academic standing with 2.5 Cumulative GPA
Maintain full-time student status
Attend biweekly meetings
Join a student organization
Attend a half day leadership retreat on Friday, September 25 12:30 to 4:30
Benefits for Participants
Develop and practice leadership skills
Acquire knowledge that is needed to be an effective leader on campus
Learn the value of a diverse university community
Develop a better understanding of self and working with others
Leave your legacy at Shawnee State University
Emerging Leaders
Learn. Lead. Leave Your Legacy.
Program Requirements
Meetings/Campus Presentations - Will be held biweekly for the Fall semester and monthly for the
Spring semester
Campus and Community Engagement - Students will participate in the 9-11 Day of Service (September
12) and the MLK Day of Service (January) and join at least one recognized student organization.
SSU ID #: _______________________________
Name: ________________________________
SSU Email: ______________________________
Major: ________________________________
Telephone: _____________________________
Campus Address:
Mentor: _________________________________
Please type your answers on a separate sheet.
1. Leadership is defined as the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a
common goal. How would the dictionary define you?
2. How will Emerging Leaders develop your leadership experiences at Shawnee State University?
3. Looking at the program description for Emerging Leaders, which portions do you find most
4. What other activities are you planning to be involved in this semester?
5. What skills do you possess that would be an asset to this program?
Return your application to the Dean of Students Office, UC 222 or email Marcie Simms, Dean of
Students at for more information. Deadline: Friday, September 4, 2015.