Native American Study Guide

PALEO PERIOD (very old) page 13.
1. The earliest known native American culture was the _____________ Indians.
2. Early people can often be identified by the _____________ they used to make their knives,
scrapers, and points for their spears.
3. Most tools and spear points of the PALEO INDIANS were made of ______________.
4. PALEO INDIANS were the first people to use the _____________, a smooth stone sling-like
implement that threw darts better than throwing them by hand.
5. PALEO INDIANS were _______________ hunters, roaming from place to place following
_____________ of large animals.
6. Name 2 ways the PALEO hunters killed their food.
7. PALEO INDIANS lived in groups of ___ to ____people.
8. Since the PALEO INDIANS were nomadic and moved around, they did not leave many
_____________ in any one place.
9. How many PALEO INDIAN sites have been found in Georgia?
10. An ________________ is usually a simple object, such as a tool or ornament, showing
human work and representing a culture. (This is the same answer as # 8)
ARCHAIC PERIOD ( old) page 14.
Early Archaic Period
11. The ARCHAIC Period was divided into three periods, _____________, ______________,
and ____________.
12. During the EARY ARCHAIC PERIOD, people still hunted ____________ game(animals), but
these animals slowly became extinct.
13. ARCHAIC INDIANS then began to hunt smaller game, such as _________, __________,
_____________ and _______________.
14. ARCHAIC people also began to eat ________________, game ___________, and _______.
15. The early ARCHAIC people invented useful items, such as _______________, ___________,
and ________________ ______________ made from deer ____________.
16. Early Archaic people moved each _______________.
17. In the fall, they lived where _____________, ____________ and _______ were found.
18. In summer, they moved to where good _________________ was found.
19. In spring and winter they ________________ (moved) to find food.
Middle Archaic Period
20. By the Middle ARCHAIC period, water levels along rivers and coastal areas receded (moved
back) and the area grew ____________ and ________.
21. ARCHAIC people then began to eat ___________.
22. _____________made from animal bones have been found on weighted spears.
23. Weighted spears could be thrown longer distances so ____________ became easier to get.
24. Finding more food meant that the people did not have to ___________ as often as they
once had.
25. It has been discovered that several small groups now joined together to establish
Late Archaic Period
26. A common artifact from the Late ARCHAIC period is the ______________ ________,
made by putting an axe head on a wooden handle.
27. What are excavations?
28. It has been indicated that these axes were used to clear ________ and __________ around
the Indian camps.
29. Late ARCHAIC INDIANS saved ___________ to plant and it is thought that
____________________, the science of cultivating plants and trees began in this period.
30. Archaeologists digging on Stallings Island, on the Savannah River, found large mounds of
_______________ and _________ shells.
31. Also on Stallings Island were the remains of _____________ grounds, ___________
hearths, ___________, _____________, shell ____________, ___________ pins and
_____________, bone _____________ and many different ____________points.
32. Because of these discoveries on Stallings Island, historians believe Late ARCHAIC villages
were more _________________ than any other group before them.
33. The way __________ was prepared also changed during the Late ARCHAIC period.
34. POTTERY SHARDS ( pieces of pottery) were discovered which indicate that __________
containers were used for storing, cooking, and serving food in the ARCHIAC period.
35. Learning to make and use ________________ may be one of the greatest contributions
the ARCHAIC people made to Native American culture.
36. During the WOODLAND Period several hundred families began banding together to form
37. A ______________ is a group of people who share a common ancestry, name, and way of
38. The WOODLAND tribes lived together in _______________ and built dome-shaped houses
called _________, which were made from small trees and bark.
39. Woodland Indians made hunting easier when they developed the _______ and _________.
40. Arrow points were made out of ____________, _____________ teeth, or deer
41. Important ways of getting food for WOODLAND Indians was also ________________,
_______________, and gathering _________ and ___________.
42. WOODLAND people also grew things such as ____________, wild ____________, and
43. WOODLAND people made pottery last longer by mixing clay with _____________.
44. Name the 2 steps used to make clay containers hard enough to use for cooking.
45. Elaborate ________________ ceremonies were introduced during the WOODLAND period.
46. WOODLAND INDIANS were the first to build cone-shaped _______________ mounds for
their dead.
47. When WOODLAND people were buried, their bodies were adorned with ______________ ,
_______________, ____________, and copper or bone _____________ and the families and
friends of the dead person put pottery, tools, tobacco pipes and _________________ in the
grave with them.
48. Archaeologists think that prehistoric Indians believed in some form of ___________ after
__________ because of the artifacts found in the burial mounds.
49. The ___________________________ culture is the youngest and most civilized of the
prehistoric civilizations found in Georgia.
50. The first things learned about the MISSISSIPPIAN INDIANS were from villages excavated
along the _______________ River.
51. MISSISSIPPIAN INDIANS planted __________ (corn), __________, _________________,
and ______________ together in hills.
52. MISSISSIPPIAN INDIANS planted _______________ to use in ceremonies, and they planted
in different fields each year so the soil would stay ___________.
53. MISSISSIPPIAN INDIANS began to dress differently, their _______________ were less
simple and they wore ______________ and ______ ornaments.
54. MISSISSIPPIAN INDIANS painted or _________________ their bodies and began wearing
_________________ headdresses.
55. During the MISSISSIPPIAN Period, villages grew and several ___________________ families
might live in a single settlement.
56. MISSISSIPPIANS built centers for _________________ ceremonies and often built
__________ and ____________________ ( wooden fences) to protect the villages.
57. In some Georgia villages, _____________ _______________ have been found along the
palisades, (wooden fences) indicating that they needed to defend themselves against tribal
58. What happened to the MISSISSIPPIAN INDIANS?