表一、海生所 104 學年專題討論(一) 摘要表 IMB 104 Seminar (I) Abstract form 報告日期/Date:2015 年/year 10 月/month 28 日/day 班別/學生姓名:海生所 碩二 唐偉庭 Class/Name: Tang, Wei-Ting 題目Title:Decapod crustacean assemblages off the West coast of central Italy (western Mediterranean) 作 者 Author(s): EMANUELA FANELLI , FRANCESCO COLLOCA , GIANDOMENICO ARDIZZONE 期刊 Journal name: SCIENTIA MARINA 71(1) 期頁數 Issue and page nos: SCI. MAR., 71(1), March 2007, 19-28. 摘要 Abstract: Community structure and faunal composition of decapod crustaceans off the west coast of central Italy (western Mediterranean) were investigated. Samples were collected during five trawl surveys carried out from June 1996 to June 2000 from 16 to 750 m depth. Multivariate analysis revealed the occurrence of five faunistic assemblages: 1) a strictly coastal community over sandy bottoms at depths <35 m; 2) a middle shelf community over sandy-muddy bottoms at depths between 50 and 100 m; 3) a slope edge community up to 200 m depth as a transition assemblage; 4) an upper slope community at depths between 200 and 450 m, and 5) a middle slope community at depths greater than 450 m. The existence of a shelfslope edge transition is a characteristic of the western and central Mediterranean where a Leptometra phalangium facies is found in many areas at depths between 120 and 180 m. The brachyuran crab Liocarcinus depurator dominates the shallow muddy-sandy bottoms of the shelf, while Parapenaeus longirostris is the most abundant species from the shelf to the upper slope assemblage. The dominant species on the middle slope are mainly nektobenthic (Aristeus antennatus, Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Plesionika martia), bentho-pelagic (Pasiphaea sivado) and benthic species (Nephrops norvegicus). The average diversity of the five assemblages defined increased with depth and the highest diversity values were found in the slope assemblages. Depth is the main factor influencing decapod assemblage composition, but sediment type and dissolved organic matter seem to be secondary structuring factors particularly in the shelf zone. 題目Title:Distribution of demersal crustaceans in the southern Adriatic Sea 作 者 Author(s): Nicola UNGARO, Chiara Alessandra MARANO, Luca CERIOLA, Michele MARTINO 期刊 Journal name: Acta Adriatica, 46(1) 期頁數 Issue and page nos: Acta Adriatica, 46(1): 27-40, 2005 摘要 Abstract: Occurrence, distribution, and assemblage of crustaceans in the southern Adriatic Sea were determined from data collected during five seasonal (summer) trawl surveys carried out during 1996-2000. Trawls were conducted at a bathymetric range of 10-800 m, by the same vessel and same sampling gear in the framework of the E.U. Project, MEDITS. Fifty-two benthic-epibenthic, and nektonic species (three stomatopods, 49 decapods) were caught. Species density data (individuals per km2) were processed according to multivariate techniques to describe the composition and distribution of main species assemblages. The assemblages were consistent throughout the surveyed area with some differences between the western and eastern zones, mostly those found on shelf bottoms. The influence of oceanographic features, other than depth, is discussed.