Nama : Elin Sofyanti St. Number : 10 002 006 1. Resize gambar A. Gambar ukuran asli B. Resize 1 C. Resize 3 2. Mengubah paragraf menjadi kalimat 1) In linguistics have several branches of knowledge. 2) One of them is syntax and its properties. 3) Syntax is the study of the combination of words into phrases, clauses and sentences. 4) Syntax describes how sentences and their constituents are structured. 5) In this paper, we concern to discuss about coordination. 6) The term coordination refers to syntactic constructions in which two or more units of the same type are combined into a larger unit and still have the same semantic relation with other surrounding elements. 7) Coordination is a relation of association combine two syntax of the same type and forming a syntax which is again of the same type. 8) For example, we can take two nouns, say Bill and Ben, and we can coordinate them into a single element Bill and Ben. 9) This coordinated element behaves exactly like each of the nouns in that it can appear as subject, object, object of a preposition or topic in a sentence; Bill and Ben went to Malioboro mall. 10) From an example above we can define that coordinator and has coordinate of two elements of noun Bill and Ben be a single element. 3. Mengubah kalimat menjadi paragraf In linguistics have several branches of knowledge. One of them is syntax and its properties. Syntax is the study of the combination of words into phrases, clauses and sentences. Syntax describes how sentences and their constituents are structured. In this paper, we concern to discuss about coordination. The term coordination refers to syntactic constructions in which two or more units of the same type are combined into a larger unit and still have the same semantic relation with other surrounding elements. Coordination is a relation of association [i.e. non-dependency] combine two syntax of the same type and forming a syntax which is again of the same type. For example, we can take two nouns, say Bill and Ben, and we can coordinate them into a single element Bill and Ben. This coordinated element behaves exactly like each of the nouns in that it can appear as subject, object, object of a preposition or topic in a sentence; Bill and Ben went to Malioboro mall. From an example above we can define that coordinator and has coordinate of two elements of noun Bill and Ben be a single element. 4. Mengubah paragraf menjadi kata dan sortir 1. [i.e. 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. about 10. above 11. again 12. an 13. and 14. and 15. and 16. and 17. and 18. and 19. and 20. and 21. and 22. and 23. and 24. appear 25. are 26. are 27. as 28. association 29. be 30. behaves 31. Ben 32. Ben 33. Ben, 34. Ben. 35. Bill 36. Bill 37. Bill 38. Bill 39. branches 40. can 41. can 42. can 43. can 44. clauses 45. combination 46. combine 47. combined 48. concern 49. constituents 50. constructions 51. coordinate 52. coordinate 53. coordinated 54. coordination 55. Coordination 56. coordination. 57. coordinator 58. define 59. describes 60. discuss 61. each 62. element 63. element 64. element. 65. elements 66. elements. 67. exactly 68. example 69. example, 70. For 71. forming 72. From 73. has 74. have 75. have 76. how 77. In 78. In 79. in 80. in 81. in 82. into 83. into 84. into 85. is 86. is 87. is 88. is 89. it 90. its 91. knowledge. 92. larger 93. like 94. linguistics 95. Malioboro 96. mall. 97. more 98. non-dependency] 99. noun 100. nouns 101. nouns, 102. object 103. object, 104. of 105. of 106. of 107. of 108. of 109. of 110. of 111. of 112. of 113. of 114. of 115. of 116. One 117. or 118. or 119. other 120. paper, 121. phrases, 122. preposition 123. properties. 124. refers 125. relation 126. relation 127. same 128. same 129. same 130. same 131. say 132. semantic 133. sentence; 134. sentences 135. sentences. 136. several 137. single 138. single 139. still 140. structured. 141. study 142. subject, 143. surrounding 144. syntactic 145. syntax 146. Syntax 147. Syntax 148. syntax 149. syntax 150. take 151. term 152. that 153. that 154. the 155. the 156. The 157. the 158. the 159. the 160. the 161. the 162. their 163. them 164. them 165. this 166. This 167. to 168. to 169. to 170. topic 171. two 172. two 173. two 174. two 175. type 176. type 177. type. 178. unit 179. units 180. we 181. we 182. we 183. we 184. went 185. which 186. which 187. with 188. words