Data from: Defoliation by pastoralists affects savanna tree seedling dynamics by limiting the facilitative role of canopy cover, Bufford, Jennifer L., Gaoue, Orou G. Data 1: Seedling and sapling size, growth and survival (Data name: Khaya_Seedling_Demography.csv) 1. Description of data These data show the basal diameter (cm), heights (m) measured on individual seedlings and saplings of Khaya senegalensis (Meliaceae) yearly from 2004 to 2007. From 2005-2007, we report if individual survived or not and the previously measured basal diameter and height (if applicable). Individuals have unique (aluminum) tag number within population. A total of 12 populations were monitored for 4 years and these populations were selected randomly in two ecological regions (wet or dry) and in each region populations were equally divided between high and low foliage and bark harvesting intensities. 2. Variable descriptions Year: year the data were collected Subplot: Population number “p” subplot number pop: population number region: ecological region, either wet (Sudano-Guinean) or dry (Sudanian) harv: harvest intensity, either Harv (high harvest intensity populations) or NoHarv (low harvest intensity populations) plot: number of 10 x 10m plot within each population (10 plots per population) Tag04: individual tag number as labeled in 2004 Tag06: individual tag number as labeled in 2006 Tag07: individual tag number as labeled in 2007 YearNew: first year that the seedling was recorded PrevDB: basal diameter (cm) of the seedling in the preceding year (if applicable) PrevHt: height (m) of the seedling in the preceding year (if applicable) Pres: seedling was present (1) or absent (0) in that year Surv: survival of the seedling from the previous year DB: basal diameter (cm) Ht: height (m) dDB: change in basal diameter (cm) from the previous year (if applicable) dHt: change in height (m) from the previous year (if applicable) 1