60.3 KB - K-10 Outline

These assessment pointers are for judging standards of student performance in Year 7 History. They
are examples of what students may demonstrate rather than a checklist of everything they should do.
For reporting, they are used to make on-balance judgments about achievement based on what has
been taught and assessed during the reporting period. They can also be used to guide the pitch of
assessment tasks, develop marking keys and inform assessment feedback.
Reporting against the Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 7, students suggest reasons for change and continuity over time. They describe the effects of change on societies, individuals and groups. They describe
events and developments from the perspective of different people who lived at the time. Students explain the role of groups and the significance of particular individuals in
society. They identify past events and developments that have been interpreted in different ways.
Students sequence events and developments within a chronological framework, using dating conventions to represent and measure time. When researching, students develop
questions to frame an historical inquiry. They identify and select a range of sources and locate, compare and use information to answer inquiry questions. They examine
sources to explain points of view. When interpreting sources, they identify their origin and purpose. Students develop texts, particularly descriptions and explanations. In
developing these texts and organising and presenting their findings, they use historical terms and concepts, incorporate relevant sources, and acknowledge their sources of
Continuity and change,
Cause and effect
Excellent achievement
High achievement
Satisfactory achievement
Limited achievement
Very low achievement
Discusses key features of
ancient and modern societies,
compares experiences and
draws conclusions of the past
and the present.
Identifies key features of ancient
and modern societies and
compares experiences of the
past and the present.
Lists key features of ancient and
modern societies and compares
some experiences of the past
and the present.
Lists key features of ancient and
modern societies and identifies
some effects of change.
Lists some features of ancient
and modern societies.
Discusses the actions of a
particular individual from a
group to show cause and effect
and/or change on societies,
individuals and groups.
Describes the actions of a
particular individual from a
group to show cause and effect
and/or change on societies,
individuals and groups.
Identifies the actions of a
particular individual from a
group to show cause and effect
and/or change on societies,
individuals and groups.
Lists a few actions of a particular
individual from a group, with
minimal evidence of cause and
effect or change on societies,
individuals and groups.
Attempts to show the actions of
an individual from a group;
however, shows little or no
evidence of cause and effect or
change on societies, individuals
or groups.
2013/37199v5 [PDF 2013/37556] Published: 22 May, 2015
Excellent achievement
High achievement
Satisfactory achievement
Limited achievement
Very low achievement
Continuity and change,
Cause and effect
Uses detailed facts and
information about the physical
features of ancient sites and
artefacts to explain their
relevance to past and present
Uses facts and information
about the physical features of
ancient sites and artefacts to
describe their relevance to past
and present times.
Uses facts and information
about the physical features of
ancient sites and artefacts to
identify their relevance to past
and present times.
Uses minimal facts and/or
information about the physical
features of ancient sites and
artefacts to state some
relevance to past and present
Evidence, Use of sources
and Contestability
Explains and uses relevant
evidence from primary and
secondary sources to support a
response, argument and/or
answer inquiry questions.
Uses relevant evidence from
primary and secondary sources
to support a response, argument
and/or answer inquiry
Uses evidence from primary and
secondary sources to support a
response, argument and/or
answer inquiry questions.
Addresses a response or
argument, and/or answers
inquiry questions superficially,
without using evidence from
primary and/or secondary
Locates, compares, selects and
uses detailed facts and
information from a range of
relevant primary and secondary
Locates, compares, selects and
uses facts and information from
a range of relevant primary and
secondary sources.
Locates, compares, selects and
uses facts and information from
a range of primary and
secondary sources.
Selects and uses facts and/or
information from primary and
secondary sources.
Uses facts and/or information
from few primary and secondary
Explains the origin, purpose and
point of view of sources.
Describes the origin, purpose
and point of view of sources.
Identifies the origin, purpose
and point of view of sources.
Identifies the origin, purpose or
point of view of sources.
Describes the source; however,
makes no reference to origin,
purpose or point of view.
Develops a wide range of
relevant questions to frame an
historical inquiry.
Develops a wide range of
questions to frame an historical
Develops a range of questions to
frame an historical inquiry.
Writes questions which restrict
the depth of an historical
Attempts to write inquiry
questions; however, simply
states information or uses
irrelevant information.
Locates, compares, organises
and uses relevant and reliable
facts and information to
produce concise and detailed
notes and answer inquiry
Locates, compares, organises
and uses facts and information
to produce detailed notes and
answer inquiry questions.
Locates, compares, and uses
facts and information to answer
inquiry questions.
Selects and presents simple
facts and information; however
shows few links to answer
inquiry questions.
Uses minimal facts or
information, with no link to
inquiry questions.
Selects, uses and acknowledges
a range of relevant sources.
Selects, uses and acknowledges
relevant sources.
Selects, uses and acknowledges
all sources.
Uses and acknowledges few
Uses few sources; however,
does not acknowledge them.
Historical inquiry
Provides minimal facts and/or
information about the physical
features of ancient sites and
artefacts; however, does not
show their relevance to past and
present times.
Perspectives and
interpretations, Empathy
and Significance
Chronology, terms and
Explanation and
Excellent achievement
High achievement
Satisfactory achievement
Limited achievement
Very low achievement
Examines past events and
developments from the
perspective of different
individuals and/or key groups.
Explains past events and
developments from the
perspective of different
individuals and/or key groups.
Describes past events and
developments from the
perspective of different
individuals and/or key groups.
Briefly describes past events and
developments from the
perspective of different
individuals and/or key groups.
Explains different
interpretations of past events
and developments.
Describes different
interpretations of past events
and developments.
Identifies different
interpretations of past events
and developments.
Identifies an interpretation of
past events and developments.
Discusses the significance and
role of an individual and/or key
group in society, using clear
Clearly explains the significance
and role of an individual and/or
key group in society.
Explains the significance and
role of an individual and/or key
group in society.
Briefly states the significance
and role of an individual and/or
key group in society.
Briefly identifies an individual
and/or key group in society,
showing no significance.
Accurately sequences relevant
historical events and
developments within a
chronological framework, using
specific dating conventions to
represent and measure time.
Sequences relevant historical
events and developments within
a chronological framework,
using dating conventions to
represent and measure time.
Sequences historical events and
developments within a
chronological framework, using
dating conventions to represent
and measure time.
Sequences few historical events
and developments, using some
dating conventions to represent
and measure time.
Sequences a minimal number of
historical events or
developments; however, does
not follow dating conventions.
Accurately uses precise and
relevant historical terms and
Accurately uses relevant
historical terms and concepts.
Uses a range of historical terms
and concepts.
Uses some historical terms and
Uses minimal or no historical
terms or concepts.
Accurately presents logical and
detailed facts and information in
a range of communication forms
relevant to the historical
Presents detailed facts and
information in a range of
communication forms relevant
to the historical context.
Presents facts and information
in a range of communication
forms relevant to the historical
Presents some facts and/or
information relevant to the
historical context.
Presents some facts and/or
information, with little or no
relevance to the historical
Constructs a well-reasoned and
accurate text to explain facts
and information, and draws
Develops a text to explain facts
and information, and draws
Develops a text to explain facts
and information, with some
Develops a simple text to state
facts and/or information, with
minimal elaboration.
Develops a simple text to state
facts and/or information;
however, includes irrelevant
historical information.