Big Rock: RTI Fully Implemented Partially Implemented Not Implemented In 30 Days, we will know that we are successful when: We have identified which students will be pulled for RTI instruction. We have a working schedule for all RTI staff and identified students. We have created forms for documentation of RTI instruction and progress monitoring. Students are showing progress through progress monitoring. Teachers are noticing progress being made in classroom The MAP test will be given for the second time. The Measures/Evidence we will use are: Progress monitoring results, RTI data, Teacher input 30 Days Action Strategies The 2nd MAP test will be given to all students. We will use MAP data and teacher input to choose students for Tier 2 and Tier 3. We will create a schedule for students for RTI instruction during non-core instruction time. We will create a schedule for RTI staff for RTI instruction so that all needs will be met. Who is on point? By when? All staff RTI Staff Griffin/Noe Classroom teachers RTI Staff 12/19/14 12/19/14 RTI Staff 12/19/14 12/19/14 How communicated? Staff Meetings RTI PLC Staff Meetings RTI PLC Staff Meetings RTI PLC Staff Meetings We will create documentation forms for both Tier II and Tier III instruction. Students will be given Easy CBM tests on Fridays to monitor progress. The RTI staff will make new placement decisions with input from classroom teachers. Students will be given the BVSD Math screener for Fall. The data will be assessed from all screeners given. Noe/Griffin 12/19/14 RTI PLC Noe/Griffin 12/19/14 RTI PLC Noe/Griffin Classroom teachers RTI Staff 12/19/14 12/19/14 RTI PLC Staff meetings RTI PLC Noe/Griffin 12/19/14 RTI PLC Programs that are used to track data such as; Easy CBM, Reading Eggs, Moby Max, Math Seeds, LLI, etc. will continue to be used. They will show evidence of growth. We will use the data from all RTI programs to evaluate Tier II and Tier III instruction. Noe/Griffin 12/19/14 RTI PLC Noe/Griffin 12/19/14 RTI PLC Fully Implemented Partially Implemented In 60 Days, we will know that we are successful when: Students are showing progress through progress monitoring. Teachers are noticing progress being made in classroom The MAP test will be given for the second time. The Measures/Evidence we will use are: Progress monitoring results, RTI data, Teacher input Not Implemented 60 Days Action Strategies Who is on point? By when? How communicated? MAP test scores will be re-evaluated to see if changes need to be made in tier placement. We will have a school wide RTI training covering a complete overview of RTI. We will discuss how to use data based decision making in order to move students from Tier II to Tier III or Tier I. We will receive training on how to identify the specific skill a child needs to receive services for. We will also discuss the appropriate interventions for that skill. Students will be given the Winter BVSD Screener for math. Students will be given the PAST test for phonics. Students will be given the STAR reading assessment. The data will be assessed from all screeners given. Programs that are used to track data such as; Easy CBM, Reading Eggs, Moby Max, Math Seeds, LLI, etc. will continue to be used. They will show evidence of growth. Noe/Griffin 1/9/15 RTI PLC Tina Mason 2/13/15 Staff Meeting Tina Mason Amy Griffin 2/13/15 Staff Meeting Tina Mason 2/13/15 Staff Meeting Griffin/Perkins/Tudor 2/13/15 RTI PLC Griffin/Perkins/Tudor Griffin/Perkins/Tudor Noe/Griffin Noe/Griffin 2/13/15 2/13/15 2/13/15 2/13/15 RTI PLC RTI PLC RTI PLC RTI PLC We will use the data from all RTI programs to evaluate Tier II and Tier III instruction. Noe/Griffin 2/13/15 RTI PLC Fully Implemented Partially Implemented In 90 Days, we will know that we are successful when: Not Implemented Students are no longer needing RTI services. Measureable progress has been made. The third MAP test shows evidence of growth. The Measures/Evidence we will use are: Progress monitoring results, RTI data, Teacher input 90 Days Action Strategies Who is on point? By when? How communicated? Based on data we will be able to move children from Tier III or Tier II down to Tier I. Programs that are used to track data such as; Easy CBM, Reading Eggs, Moby Max, Math Seeds, LLI, etc. will continue to be used. They will show evidence of growth. Homeroom teachers will be able growth and progress in the regular classroom based on data. Students will be given the Spring BVSD Screener for math. Students will be given the PAST test for phonics. Students will be given the STAR reading assessment. The data will be assessed from all screeners given. Programs that are used to track data such as; Easy CBM, Reading Eggs, Moby Max, Math Seeds, LLI, etc. will continue to be used. They will show evidence of growth. Noe/Griffin 4/13/15 RTI PLC Staff meetings RTI PLC Noe/Griffin 4/13/15 Noe/Griffin Classroom teachers Griffin/Perkins/Tudor 4/13/15 4/13/15 RTI PLC Staff meetings RTI PLC Griffin/Perkins/Tudor Griffin/Perkins/Tudor Noe/Griffin Noe/Griffin 4/13/15 4/13/15 4/13/15 4/13/15 RTI PLC RTI PLC RTI PLC RTI PLC We will use the data from all RTI programs to evaluate Tier II and Tier III instruction. Noe/Griffin 4/13/15 RTI PLC