Mentoring Plan Example


UA Woodrow Wilson Year One Mentoring Plan

Mentoring Assignment Flow Chart:

1. Fellow notifies Pachnowski of job acceptance

1A. If math fellow, Pachnowski inquires if Collaborative Teacher, Zupke, or

Fulton are preferred in rank order.

1Aa If Collaborative Teacher is preferred, then notify Lori or Betty regarding Site Mentoring.

1Ab. Otherwise, notify Lori Zupke or Betty Fulton for both Virtual and


Fellow gets a call from Virtual Mentor/Site Mentor within the week of job placement.

1B if science fellow, Pachnowski inquires if Collaborative Teacher, Witmer, or

Bancroft are preferred in rank order.

1Ba If Collaborative Teacher if preferred, then notify Jerry or Senetta regarding Site Mentoring.

1Bb Otherwise, notify Jerry Witmer or Senetta Bancroft for both

Virtual and Site.

Fellow gets a call from Virtual Mentor/Site Mentor within the week of job placement.

Virtual Mentor Job Requirements:

Call/Skype with the Fellow within a week of job placement.

Call/Skype/email with Fellow at least every 2-3 weeks during first semester.

Log calls into Google doc. Indicate topics of interest/concern. Contact PD directly if there is any concern.

Call/Skype/email with Fellow at least every 2-3 weeks during second semester. Log calls into Google doc. Contact PD directly if there is any concern.

Receive calls from Fellows as needed.

Site Mentor Job Requirements and Compensation:

Make a site visit within first month of start of teaching placement to obtain culture of building, acclimation of Fellow. Meet with the principal and school-provided mentor (if applicable) to share mentoring plan. Fellow attendance is encouraged. Ascertain what the site-based mentoring program entails. Determine what is in place and how WW can supplement.

Conduct October and February Saturday Sessions on campus, if ten or more participant Fellows.

Communicate with virtual mentor (if different) by end of October and with building principal and/or school-based mentor. Schedule a visit if necessary based on recommendations of these conversations.

Make a mid-year (Jan/Feb) site visit.

Communicate with virtual mentor (if different) by end of March and with building principal and/or school-provided mentor. Schedule a visit if necessary based on recommendations of these conversations. Fellow attendance is encouraged.

Make end of year visit.

Log into Google doc after each visit or phone call Include topics of interest/concern. Contact PD directly if there is any concern.

Fellow Mentorship Requirements:

Notify Project Director within a week of acceptance of job placement.

Join NCTM or NSTA and submit receipt for reimbursement.

Determine the school-based mentoring plan and communicate it to the virtual/site mentors.

Participate in Fall and Spring Action Research/Portfolio course including submitting all action research and portfolio documentation.

Host site visits from Site Mentor and return phone calls/emails from Virtual


Attend October and February Saturday Sessions at the University of Akron.

(assuming ten or more Fellows). Complete a survey of potential topics prior to the session.

Notify Project Director or Clinical Faculty Member directly in case of any concerns that cannot be or are not addressed by the Virtual or Site Mentor.
