Wells ID Model Report

Berge, Z. (1998). Guiding principles in web-based instructional design. Education Media
International, 35(2), 72-76.
In this article, Berge (1998) delineates several guidelines for instructional designers in a
web-based environment. He puts a lot of focus on the interaction between students and the
importance of including this element in web-based instructional units. Berge lists eight
principles that he separates into three categories: pedagogical, technical/support and
social. The pedagogical principles suggest that each activity should be purposeful with
interactivity and feedback planned, teacher- and student- control should be defined ahead
of time and the depth of content should be inversely related to the quantity of synchronous
communication offered in the learning environment. The technical/support principles
indicate that text and graphics are desirable over multi-media delivery, minimalism of
technology is best and appropriate support should be available to students and instructors.
The social principles denote that developing a community of inquiry (my words) is
important and that both asynchronous and synchronous components are important in
web-based instruction. This article was rich with information, some of which may be
outdated with new technology and research.
Berge (1998) presented the idea of student interaction several times throughout the
article, implying the importance of this interaction every time with statements such as “the
single most important element of successful on-line education is interaction” (Berge, 1998,
p. 72). As an instructor with very minimal influence on course design, I realize that this
component can be supported through my communication with students and support of our
growing community of inquiry. Whenever possible, I can incorporate opportunities for
synchronous discussion and make my own presence very well-known in my courses so that
students know I am available whenever they need me. Increases the interaction within my
courses is definitely a feasible practice that I can embrace with little to no training or
The idea of providing an inversely proportioned amount of synchronous communication to
the depth of the course content as presented by Berge (1998) is not always possible. Many
courses are created to be offered in a strictly asynchronous manner. In those cases,
students will receive no synchronous opportunities regardless of the depth of the content.
Some asynchronous courses are just as successful in my experience as others that include
synchronous components. This makes me question whether this inverse proportion is a
best practice or not necessary at all. I will definitely do some more research on this aspect
of instructional design before I make a decision, especially considering how many of my
own online courses have been asynchronous in the past.
Wilkinson, D.P. (2002). Restructuring developmental math courses to enhance emotional
intelligence. NADE Selected Conference Papers, 8, 21-24.
This article addresses developmental math students and their need for emotional
intelligence to be successful learners (Wilkinson, 2002). The author builds on the ideas
presented by Daniel Goleman (1995) that emotional intelligence is a major factor in a
person’s success. Emotional behavior can be separated into five areas: self-awareness,
emotional management, empathy, social competence and self-motivation (Goleman, 1995,
p. 43). Wilkinson (2002) suggests in this article that developing these areas will impact a
developmental student’s success. She makes several suggestions regarding practice
incorporating emotional intelligence training into developmental math courses.
Specifically, Wilkinson shares practices from her own classroom. She stresses the
importance of the instructor being a role model for emotional intelligence; that students
participate in journal writing to increase emotional management and self-awareness; that
empathy, self-motivation and social competence can be increased through group work; and
that including a grade component for effort increases self-efficacy. Details regarding
implementing these ideas in a math classroom are given. Wilkinson does not suggest that
emotional intelligence is the only factor in developmental math student success but she
makes a good case for it being a key, deciding component.
As a caring teacher, I know that I already do my best to be an emotionally intelligent role
model in my classroom. I promote all of the five areas of emotional intelligence by example
with my students. I have definitely seen the benefits of using journaling in my classroom
but tend to stray away from this idea due to time constraints. Group work is not a major
component of any of my classes on campus or online. This seems to be a common theme
across instructional design that warrants my attention. I could begin including this into my
courses; however, it would require quite a bit of preparation with lower level students,
since lack of motivation or participation can be an issue. Wilkinson (2002) also mentions
including an ‘effort’ grade component within the course. I do not have a specific percentage
set aside in all my classes for ‘effort’ but make this a main component of every rubric I use
for grading. My students are aware that they will get credit for trying their hardest.
Overall, emotional intelligence could easily become a focus within my classroom. I could
spend more time focusing on whether this component could truly alleviate math anxiety,
increase self-efficacy and/or increase performance.
Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.