
NHS Continuing Health Care
and NHS-funded Nursing Care
Data Collections Team
Health and Social Care Information Centre
20th June 2013
Copyright © 2013, Health and Social Care Information Centre.
NHS Continuing Health Care and NHS-funded Nursing Care Activity
Section 1: NHS Continuing Healthcare
Section 2: NHS-funded Nursing Care
Copyright © 2013, Health and Social Care Information Centre.
NHS Continuing Health Care and NHS-funded Nursing Care Activity
The National Framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care was
published in October 2007 (revised July 2009 and November 2012) and introduced a single
set of eligibility criteria. It is vital that NHS England continue to be able to assess the impact
of the framework and monitor whether local variation has reduced.
The NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care data collection is being
carried out by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) on behalf of NHS
This document is intended to help you complete this collection using the Omnibus system.
However, if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us using the
details in the contacts section.
Copyright © 2013, Health and Social Care Information Centre.
NHS Continuing Health Care and NHS-funded Nursing Care Activity
Section 1: NHS Continuing Healthcare
Only patients aged 18 or over should be recorded.
Please only include number of people eligible for 100% NHS Continuing Healthcare
identified as having a primary health need as set out in the National Framework for NHS
Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care. This includes cases which have been
agreed eligible via fast track. Also include those deemed still eligible under the former
Strategic Health Authorities’ eligibility criteria.
Please also include people identified eligible for previously un-assessed periods of care, as
having a primary health need under the guidelines of the National Framework for NHS
Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care for periods from October 1st 2007
onwards. Do not include anyone who has been identified eligible for previously un-assessed
periods of care prior to October 1st 2007.
Include activity according to the date an eligibility decision is made not the date the funding
Patients who are eligible for either full or part NHS funding through other NHS funding
streams which are not NHS Continuing Healthcare as per the above definition should be
Also please exclude people who receive temporary 100% funding pending the completion of
the NHS Continuing Healthcare eligibility decision, even if locally the funding originates from
the identified continuing healthcare budget.
All patients aged 18 or over who are eligible for 100% NHS Continuing Healthcare from all
care groups irrespective of their conditions should be included.
For the purposes of consistent data collection, please exclude persons whose support is fully
funded under any section of the Mental Health Act 1983 , no matter how Clinical
Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Mental Health Trusts locally define their budgets or
even if locally the NHS Continuing Healthcare framework is used to define the NHS/LA split
under section 117 regulations.
The exception to this rule is when a person has (or develops) additional health needs that,
disregarding needs met under the Mental Health Act, makes them eligible for NHS
Continuing Healthcare under the national framework eligibility criteria (i.e. they have a DST
or Fast Track Tool completed that results in eligibility).
Copyright © 2013, Health and Social Care Information Centre.
NHS Continuing Health Care and NHS-funded Nursing Care Activity
Question 1
Line Descriptor: Total number of people currently eligible for 100% NHS Continuing
Healthcare (as defined above) at quarter end.
Collection Information:
Snapshot (last day of quarter)
Question 2
Line Descriptor: Total number of people newly meeting eligibility criteria for 100% NHS
Continuing Healthcare (as defined above) for any length of period during the quarter.
Please also include those people newly eligible who have also subsequently ceased to be
eligible during the quarter.
Collection Information:
'Activity' in quarter – not cumulative
Section 2: NHS-funded Nursing Care
Please note that this information is collected at Quarter 4 only
NHS-funded Nursing Care is the funding provided by the NHS to homes providing nursing to
support the provision of nursing care by a registered nurse. In all cases individuals should be
considered for eligibility for NHS Continuing Healthcare before a decision is reached about
the need for NHS-funded Nursing Care.
Please include all NHS-funded Nursing Care cases for which your organisation has funding
responsibility, this includes any cases placed out of area but for which your CCG still
receives invoices, either direct from Nursing Homes or via another CCG that is reimbursed.
Copyright © 2013, Health and Social Care Information Centre.
NHS Continuing Health Care and NHS-funded Nursing Care Activity
Question 3
Line Descriptor: Total number of people eligible for NHS-funded Nursing Care in care
homes providing nursing care at year end.
Detailed Definition: Total number of people eligible for NHS-funded Nursing Care that were
identified as not having a primary health need under the guidelines of the national framework
for NHS Continuing Healthcare.
Collection Information:
Snapshot at end of year
If you have any questions regarding this collection, please contact us using the details
For queries relating to the content of this collection (guidance, definitions), please contact
your CCG or NHS England Regional NHS Continuing Healthcare lead in the first instance. If
queries remain please email:
Please state clearly:
your CCG
in the email subject area “ NHS CHC data submission query”
For technical issues and queries relating to the Omnibus system, please refer to the
Omnibus User Guidance Manual, which can be accessed by clicking the following link:
If queries remain please contact:
Copyright © 2013, Health and Social Care Information Centre.
NHS Continuing Health Care and NHS-funded Nursing Care Activity
Or email:
Thank you for completing this collection
Copyright © 2013, Health and Social Care Information Centre.