Time to reflect

QuickStart Computing
Lesson plan: micro:bit string, number, animation
Show - Blinking LED
Year 7
Prior learning/place of lesson in scheme of work
Learn how to control a blinking LED. We will be learning how to create a blinking
apps using a while loop as well as simple commands, such as show string, show
number, and show animation.
What the teacher needs to know
Script: Script: A computer program typically executed one line at a time through an
interpreter, such as the instructions for a program for a blinking LED. **
Program: A stored set of instructions encoded in a language understood by the
computer that does some form of computation, processing input and/or stored data
to generate output.**
Creative Commons: A licensing scheme where the creator of an original work allows
others to use it without seeking further permission, subject to a number of agreed
conditions. This lesson plan is under creative commons **
Algorithm: An unambiguous set of rules or a precise step-by-step guide to solve a
problem or achieve a particular objective. The guided tutorial follows a algorithm
and is a precise step-by-step guide to solve a problem**
Loop: A block of code repeated automatically under the program’s control. ** The
blink program introduces a While Loop. While Loop is a while loop that will repeat
© Digital Schoolhouse 2014. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
QuickStart Computing
code forever while - true.
Command: An instruction for the computer to execute, written in a particular
programming language.**
Plot: Plot (x: Number, y: Number) -- Turn on the specific LED using x, y coordinates
(x is horizontal, y is vertical)
Pause: Pause (milliseconds: Number) -- Pause for the specified time in milliseconds
Clear Screen: Turn off all LEDs
String: show string (string : Number, speed : Number) -- shows a string on the LCD
screen, one character at a time.
Number: show number (value : Number, delay : Number) -- shows a number on the
LCD screen, one digit at a time.
Animation: show animation (leds: String, milliseconds: Number) -- create and show
a series of image frames on the LCD screen, pausing the specified time after each
**QuickStart Computing Glossory
Activity: Guided Tutorial: https://live.microbit.co.uk/td/tutorials/blink
Extended Activity: Worksheet: https://live.microbit.co.uk/td/guides/basic-LED-show
-Learn How to show a string on the LED display
-Learn How to show a number on the LED display
-Learn How to show a animation on the LED display
Links to the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Computing
Progression Pathways:
© Digital Schoolhouse 2014. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
QuickStart Computing
Computational Thinking Framework
 Uses logical reasoning to predict outputs, showing an awareness of inputs. (AL)
 Understands that iteration is the repetition of a process such as a loop. (AL)
 Shows an awareness of tasks best completed by humans or computers (EV)
 Understands that iteration is the repetition of a process such as a loop (AL)
Programming & Development
 Creates programs that implement algorithms to achieve given goals. (AL)
 Uses a variable and relational operators within a loop to govern termination.
(AL) (GE)
 Uses a range of operators and expressions e.g. Boolean, and applies them in the
context of program control. (AL)
Data & Data Representation
 Understands the difference between data and information. (AB)
 Defines data types: real numbers and Boolean. (AB)
Hardware & Processing
 Knows that computers collect data from various input devices, including
sensors and application software. (AB)
Communication & Networks
 Selects, combines and uses internet services. (EV)
 Recognizes what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour when using
technologies and online services
Information Technology
 Collects, organises and presents data and information in digital content. (AB)
 Makes appropriate improvements to solutions based on feedback received, and
can comment on the success of the solution. (EV)
Computational Thinking Concept: AB = Abstraction; DE = Decomposition; AL =
Algorithmic Thinking; EV = Evaluation; GE = Generalisation
© Digital Schoolhouse 2014. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
QuickStart Computing
different student
Activity: Guided Tutorial:
Vocabulary Review:
-While Loop
-Clear Screen
Extended Activity: Worksheet:
Vocabulary Review:
-While Loop
-Clear Screen
Extended Activity: Worksheet
Assessment opportunities
Intended follow on
Publish scripts to the group, micro:bit
© Digital Schoolhouse 2014. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.