STRATEGIC PLAN 2012 – 2014 Systems: Provide sustainable facilities and resources to create an environment that motivates learning What I.C.T. Refurbished website When school 2012 School update Staff training in current 2012 and ongoing methodologies in ICT How Who website Employ Bridgehead ICT Bridgehead staff company to design Principal appropriate website. Training Office staff will be provided for staff involved. Evidence An online school website will be established where regular entries to maintain updates will be in enacted Employment of ICT specialists 2012 – Ms Selena Woodward Smart board folders established by to train staff onsite from Teacher Technologies teaching staff to store and develop best practice methodologies AISSA ICT staff Entries in Classroom teachers LSA ICT staff Programmes of both individually developed tools and recording and reflection of Australian Curriculum online tools. Sharing of tools and strategies at staff meetings ICT Networking 2012 and ongoing Ongoing training of current ICT staff. Funding to support implementation of current tools and technologies that promote engaged learning in the classrooms ICT staff Principal Business Manager Teaching staff Students will be accessing a variety of ICT tools that will effectively engage their learning across the whole school community Physical Environment School Hall Promotion 2012 and ongoing of its potential as a centre for community Word of mouth Advertising throughout the wider community School website and newsletter School flyer developed and distributed throughout the community OH&S compliance 2012 and ongoing Regular meetings of OH&S Principal team to ensure all Business Manager components are addressed OH&S Committee and current Procedures in place and practices are current where issues that arise are addressed appropriately Car park Development 2013 Investigations into the Principal development of car park area School Council through consultation with Business Manager local council and St Johns Church 2014 an efficient and effective car park has been developed to support dropping off and picking up of students and parking space for staff and visitors Funding budgeted for and designs approved Principal Promotions committee Business Manager All school staff Increase in bookings Articles in local papers about events that have taken place in the hall. System in place for the booking of and management of hall hire Processes Personnel and Systematic reviews of 2012 and ongoing all school policies Each year policies will be Principal reviewed and updated to Staff comply with legal School Council requirements, best educational practice and pedagogy All school policies to be current Staff accountability Each year staff will participate Principal in legally required training eg, Administration staff first aid and mandatory Teaching Staff notification Professional Development Folders will be regularly entered and updated Each year teaching staff will Principal develop , implement and act Administration Staff upon own Personal Leaning Teaching Staff Plans in accordance with AITSL standards All teaching staff will have evidence within their own Personal Learning Plans that will be reviewed regularly with the Principal At Council meetings aspects of Principal governance roles and School Council responsibilities will be reviewed and updated Policy framework developed for council members Governance 2012 and ongoing 2012 and ongoing STRATEGIC PLAN 2012 – 2014 Learning: We seek to provide a future focused curriculum which recognises the diverse needs and interest of our students. Through a passionate inquiring approach, our learners will become internationally minded in their pursuit of excellence. What PYP with Pedagogy a focus When on 2012 and ongoing Informed Pedagogy is the way learning is best facilitated thus the development of classroom teachers pedagogy will further address the needs of students who are at different developmental learning stages and have different learning styles. This pedagogical approach will be addressed through the implementation of the schools PYP action plan Introduction to focus and take action through PYP action plan being implemented and individual Professional Development Planning addressing this focus How Who Time allocation throughout PYP coordinator the year to review PYP action plan Evidence In individual teacher planning and programming Evaluation of UOI Staff involved in Principal implementing their own Teaching Staff Professional development plan each year with evidence of PYP, Pedagogy and Australian Curriculum imbedded in them Exposure to and opportunity for implementation of Principal different learning PYP Coordinator approaches to support PYP Management programmes and across the curriculum Principal Opportunity for appropriate Management PD and possible visits to Key Teachers other schools Teaching Staff Review of PYP action plan as areas are addressed Information sent out to wider community through class newsletters, school newsletters, discussions with parents and colleagues Pedagogical language at staff meetings and sharing of approaches will be evident Documentation from classroom observations showing PYP and pedagogical development Australian Curriculum This is the understanding of End of 2012 curriculum areas 2012 whole school PD on Principal and implementation of the of Mathematics and English Australian Curriculum Management new Australian curriculum will be evident in provided programmes End of 2012 Identification of Principal In school reports evidence of Australian Curriculum and uniform reporting criteria. Yearly teacher overviews Beginning of 2013 English Key Teachers in the areas of Management and Mathematics will be Maths, English, Science and Key Teachers reported to History and term planning. Review and updating on UOI three year cycle. End of 2013 History and 2012 Management Teaching Staff Science will be reported to. attending PD as part of the Principal AISSA leadership programme Management on Using the Australian Curriculum as a Vehicle for Change 2014 other curriculum areas are still to be confirmed and will be implemented and reported to. 2013-2014 PYP Coordinator Principal and Key Teachers facilitating PYP Coordinator and transition with staff through Teachers staff meetings and whole school PD days Confidence in staff sharing of knowledge across the curriculum areas Key Intervention Identification and implementation of appropriate tools and strategies of students with specific needs from Foundation to year 7 including students with high intellectual potential and indigenous students. End of 2012 an inventory of Access outside professionals Principal students with professional including Psychologists and Learning Support teacher assessments will be set up Speech Pathologists. Teaching Staff for staff to access. Semester meetings with parents of identified students to address, review and update support plans End of 2012 all identified Provision of observations students will have a support and strategies from plan in place and meetings specialists to support with parents to review will classroom teachers. occur Accessing funded programmes like ISSSP (In Schools specialist support Programmes) through AISSA Principal Learning Support Teacher An increase in confidence and understanding of the differing needs of students Principal Learning Support Teacher Teaching Staff Within teachers planning and programmes where specific learning need are being addressed and documented. 2013-2014 All student support plans including students with high intellectual potential and indigenous students will be reviewed and updated in collaboration with parents each semester Application of Special Ed funding through LNSLN and other possible projects that are officered throughout each year to support funding for teacher training and resources. Staff participating in PD appropriate to the needs of students in their classrooms and then sharing this with whole school Early identification processes in place to address the specific needs of students. Strategic implementation of best practice and pedagogy addressing the needs of students STRATEGIC PLAN 2012 – 2014 Spiritual: As a Lutheran School, Christ is central to all elements of our school community. Therefore all we say and do reflects our relationship with Christ, modelling what Christ means to us. This enables all members of our school community to further develop their God given talents in service to one another. What Classroom Daily classroom devotions When How Who Evidence 2012 and ongoing Daily classroom devotions with be planned and delivered by both teaching staff and students. School carer will coordinate access of resources like Koorong Kids for students and staff. Christian Studies coordinator support staff through resources Teaching staff Students Principal School Carer Christian Studies Teacher Christian studies programme 2012 and ongoing Planning and programming by trained teaching staff will develop Christian studies programmes that are relevant and engaging for students. Christian studies Key Teacher will access ongoing professional development to share with staff resources and best practice. LSA Christian Studies facilitator will provide support for training and resources for all teaching staff. Development of world view of faith Principal Teachers LSA Christian Studies Facilitator School Christian studies Key Teacher Local Pastor Through observations and visits to classrooms. A small cross and table is set up in each classroom for daily Key devotion. Students and staff accessing resources provided by School Carer and Christian Studies Coordinator Termly reviews of classroom programmes and feedback from Principal will ensure effective programmes are implemented. Documentation of visits from LSA facilitator and resources shared by Christian Studies Key Teacher will contribute to programmes that engage students in the growth of their own faith through ALWS involvement with other schools in the community supporting PYP Philosophy Chapel and Assemblies 2012 and ongoing Staff Staff devotions and weekly 2012 and ongoing Bible Studies Staff understanding and 2012 and ongoing commitment to being a Christian teacher in a Lutheran School Development of chapel and assemblies where staff and students are actively involved in each to both share their learning and their faith. Students actively serve through contributing financially towards the schools sponsored child through weekly offerings at Chapel Principal Pastor Staff Students Both students and staff will be actively involved in weekly Chapel services and term Assemblies. Staff are rostered on to Principal prepare weekly devotions to Pastor share with staff. Pastor and Staff Principal will develop weekly Bible Studies for staff to attend Pastor Principal & Staff preparations and presentation of daily devotions and Bible Studies School with provide professional development needed to support Lutheran Ethos at St Johns Staff are trained in areas required to uphold Lutheran ethos at St Johns. Through staff actions both within and throughout the wider community there is evidence Principal Pastor Christian Studies Coordinator School Carer Staff of staff upholding this ethos Community School Carer 2012 and ongoing Fellowship with the wider 2012 and ongoing community Through attracting Principal government funding the Business Manager school’s School Carer will School Carer continue to develop programmes that support all families from our school community. Parents and students actively involved in different events and activities coordinated by School Carer, eg class carers, games club, small group support, social/emotional support School community being actively involved in community events like: -Eudunda/Kapunda Show - Lutheran Community Care CD involvement - Visits to wider community like aged care - Senior primary students accessing opportunity to complete confirmation - Weekly school newsletter including articles from Taking Faith Home, front cover devotions and reflections from the Principal Active involvement community events Principal Class Carer Staff Students in Evidence in local papers of events the school was involved in Staff and Parental support with the involvement of each event STRATEGIC PLAN 2012 – 2014 Care: Working together, we strive to value and support all members of the school and wider community. Being in service to one another is a genuine and active shared vision. What School Community Supporting families students When How Who and Beginning of each year new Information sent home via Principal family/parent packs are sent child/ren at the beginning of Administration staff home with appropriate school year School Carer information relating to how the school community can best support the families Throughout the school year staff, students and parents are acknowledged for their contributions Formal and informal methods are coordinated through assemblies, newsletter acknowledgements, anecdotal notes and Chapel services Principal School Carer Class Carers Staff Throughout each school year, class carers work closely with school carer to provide ongoing support for classroom teacher, students and their families Regular meetings between School Carers class carers and school carer Class Carers in collaboration with Principal Principal to plan, discuss and implement supportive programmes throughout the year. Evidence Parents accessing support throughout the year when need arises Through school surveys and anecdotal feedback from different members of the school community, school community members are feeling valued and appreciated and students are developing genuine desire to serve others in a variety of ways. Regular meetings documented and events discussed and reviewed Ongoing employment of 2012 and ongoing School Carer to maintain and further provide service and outreach within school community Continue to attract Principal government funding to Business Manager provide this service School Carer Students and their families will continue to access this support and school surveys and anecdotal feedback will support the need for this service Principal regularly attending Principal executive meetings Staff School Carer Staff encouraged to be Church Pastor involved in Church community Open communication between both school and Church Wider Community Productive relationships with 2012 and ongoing St John’s Lutheran Church Accessible opportunities for students and families to attend Church events eg. Graduation, Confirmation and end of year services School involvement in wider 2012 and ongoing community Classes involved in Classroom community events students -Kapunda Fair -Street Parades -Kapunda and Eudunda Show teachers and Evidence in local papers of school involvement in community events and anecdotal feedback from community members Regular visits to local hostel Classroom by each class once a year students teachers and In school newsletters and local papers reporting on students visits to the hostel