19. Classifying Biomolecules Handout

Name: ________________________________
Date: ___________
Period: ______
Classifying Biomolecules
Activity: You are a biologist assigned to the task of identifying and creating a way to classify (group)
different biomolecules.
1. Use the cards given to you by your teacher. These are different biomolecules.
2. Create a way to group these biomolecules by their characteristics. You can make two, three,
four, five or six categories. You do not have to use all five categories if you do not feel it is
# of different
Categories you
Biomolecule numbers
Defining characteristics (describe why you
put all of these together)
3. Explain your reasoning as to why you grouped the biomolecules the way you did.
4. Research each biomolecule and summarize their main function in the biomolecules chart.
Name: ________________________________
Date: ___________
Period: ______
The cell contains many organelles. Each organelle has a different function. The main function of
mitochondria is to produce energy for the cell so it is often referred to as the “powerhouse” of the cell.
Different types of cells have different numbers of mitochondria. Some simple cells contain only one or
two mitochondria. However, complex animal cells that need a lot of energy, like muscle cells, can
have thousands of mitochondria.
Cells use a special molecule for energy called ATP. ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate. The ATP
for the cell is made within the mitochondria. You can think of the mitochondria as the energy factory
or power plant of the cell. Mitochondria produce energy through the process of cellular respiration.
The mitochondria take food molecules in the form of carbohydrates and combine them with oxygen to
produce the ATP. They use proteins called enzymes to produce the correct chemical reaction.
Name: ________________________________
Date: ___________
Period: ______
5. Examine the following images of adenosine triphosphate molecules (ATP).
How would you classify this molecule? Justify your choice with claim, evidence, and reasoning