Knights of columbus john f kennedy council 1257 newsletter

Officers and Directors 2015-2016
The collective biographies of these
men was most impressive as their
commitment to their parishes, the
Knights and their country was
beyond reproach. But, as the 369
years of marriage attests, their
roles as husbands and fathers was
probably even greater.
Father GeorgeThayilkuzhithottu Chaplain
Bill Chrostowski Grand Knight
Randy DeMars Deputy Grand Knight
Mark Aebly Financial Secretary
Bob Kortes Recorder 715.836.9248
Jerry Whalen Treasurer & Council
Dallas Short Chancellor 715.828.3836
John DeLestry Advocate 715.835.1992
Paul Heinzen Warden 715.482.2843
Mike Sheehan Inside Guard 715.338.9470
Scott Stagliano Outside Guard
James Stachura Field Agent 920.609.8615
Fran Koppa Bowling Secretary
Kevin Friederichs 3 Yr. Trustee
Bob Sieben 2 Yr. Trustee 715.829.3657
Tim Carroll 1 Yr. Trustee 715.834.5954
Knights of Columbus
John F. Kennedy Council #1257
P.O. Box 923
Eau Claire, WI 54702
Meetings & Socials at K of C Hall 2708 Thomas
Drive Eau Claire, WI
December 2,
Grand Knight’s Comments
"Avail yourself to these fraternal
Dear brothers, I hope you all had a
Happy Thanksgiving and
successful deer hunt. Our council
had another successful month as
we took in six new members at our
Nov. 10th 1st Degree
Exemplification. Please welcome
when you can new brothers Greg
Abbott and Steve Hofacker of St.
James and Dan Duchesneau,
Randy Brunner, Kurt Crotteau and
Scott Graham of Immaculate
We also commemorated the
passing of six departed brothers at
our Memorial Mass on the 24th
that was so beautifully celebrated
by our new chaplain, Father
George. The souls of Eugene
Aumann, Bill Berman, George
Garnett, Joe Orfe, John
Wagenknecht and Dr. Karl Walter
were recalled during a service that
also noted these six men had a
combined 341 years (57 yr.
average) of Knights membership
and 369 years (61 1/2 yr. average.)
of marriage respectively. Think
about that for a moment. It's
absolutely astounding!
Submit articles to Tim Carroll:
And that brings me to the phrase in
the headline, words that are uttered
well into the 1st Degree. To a
cynic or newcomer the words may
come across as a thinly-veiled plug
for our organization's insurance
products. But the welldocumented and time-tested reality
is that most likely all of us will
need/want one or more of the
products the Knights offers solely
to you as a member of this
magnificent fraternity. So, you
should soon avail yourself to these
fraternal benefits, or, at the very
least, look into them and see how
they can help you and your family.
On my honor as a Catholic
gentleman, I promise you will
never regret doing so. As a
multiple policyholder myself and
as a former field agent, I know of
none who has regretted obtaining
Knight's coverage. That's fact, not
So, as you gather with family for
the holidays and mull the state of
things as 2016 commences you
would be wise to review the
protection you have for them and
yourself and see what positive
financial offerings the Knights has
available for you. Call our field
agent Jim Stachura for a free
review. Make it a priority, you
simply will not regret it for the
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simple facts that you will learn
more about your financial options
and because the Knights has only
the VERY FINEST products
available as objectively rated for
I want you to know that as Grand
Knight I am absolutely under NO
pressure or obligation to promote
the insurance side of our
organization. I do so only because
I fully understand and believe in it.
I recommend this to you as a
Dues are out soon, please pay them
ASAP so they aren't forgotten,
being that so much is happening at
the holiday season. Please send no
cash. Send dues to the PO Box on
the bill not the hall. Do not send
raffle money with dues. If there is
a reason you can't pay dues contact
Grand Knight Bill or Financial
Secretary Mark as soon as you can.
If any of your contact data has
changed, please write it on the
dues payment stub when you send
it in.
Thank you, Mark Aebly.
I want to wish you all a blessed
and Merry Christmas and joyous
New Year. Hope to see you soon.
P.S. Please remember Arnie
Pichler in your prayers. He passed
away on Thanksgiving Day after a
long stint at Oakwood Villa. He
was one of a kind, I enjoyed
working many functions with him.
A free spirit who was always
upbeat and entertaining. RIP
Also, was good to see/hear that
Dick Porn's wife Carol and Scott
Stagliano were both on the mend
and doing well after their ongoing
bouts with cancer and bypass
surgery, respectively. Prayers are
being answered!
Vivat Jesus! Bill Chrostowki
From Financial Secretary: Don’t
forget to sell your raffle tickets. If
you want more let me know at our
meeting, next Tue. Dec. 8th. Hope
to see you there! If you aren't
there, you can call for more, 715874-5574.
Bolton House Thanksgiving
Dinner Report/ Randy DeMars
As in past years we again brought
food to the Bolton Refuge House
for a Thanksgiving meal.
Approximately 12 man hours were
involved in shopping, cooking,
deboning, making gravy and
delivery. Estimated value of the
meal is $75. Two 18 lb. turkeys
fully carved 10 lbs. mashed
potatoes 4 quarts gravy (plus 8
jars of turkey gravy) 6 cans cut
green beans 4 cans fruit cocktail.
Go to Joseph! Randy.
Our November Knight of the
Month is Mark Aebly! As many
as you know Mark is our Worthy
Financial Secretary, our Worthy
District Deputy and he also
recently volunteered to be our
State Raffle chairman for the
council again. Thank you for all
that you do Mark.
Friday Dec. 4 – First Friday
Mass 7am Immaculate
Submit articles to Tim Carroll:
December 2,
Saturday Dec 5 we will put the
nativity scene up at Regis High
School at 10am.
Tuesday Dec 8 – Regular
Business Meeting 7pm at the
Kennedy Hall.
Sunday Dec 13 the Knights of
Columbus St James Round
Table will be serving breakfast
from 8:30 am in the St James
parish hall. They will be serving
scrambled eggs, ham, hash
browns, biscuits & sausage gravy,
cinnamon rolls, coffee, orange
juice & milk. The cost is $6.00 for
adults, $2.50 for children.
St James Round Table Breakfast
Tuesday Dec 15 Bolton House
Christmas Party. We will meet at
the parking lot across from the
Sojourner House at 6pm and bring
Santa over to the Bolton House for
the children. Knights and family
are welcome to come help.
Tuesday Dec 29 – will be the
annual Tom & Jerry Party at
6:30pm at the Olson’s. Come
jingle in the New Year at Jerry and
Bonnie Olson’s house at E2257
Jaybee Drive. Please bring your
spouse and an appetizer to share. If
you need directions to the Olson’s
call 715 834 1320.
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