PUBLICATIONS Refereed Journal Articles Berman, D.C., Crown, D.A., and Joseph, E.C.S., 2015, Formation and mantling ages of lobate debris aprons on Mars: Insights from categorized crater counts, Planetary and Space Science, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.03.013. Chuang, F.C., Crown, D.A., and Tornabene, L.L., 2015, Zumba crater, Daedalia Planum, Mars: Geologic investigation of a young, rayed impact crater and its secondary field, Icarus, in review. Crown, D.A., and Ramsey, M.S., 2015, Morphologic and thermophysical characteristics of lava flows southwest of Arsia Mons, Mars, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., Pattern to Process: Remotely Sensed Observations of Volcanic Deposits and Their Implications for Surface Processes, in review. Price, M.A., Ramsey, M.S., and Crown, D.A., 2015, Satellite-based thermophysical analysis of volcaniclastic deposits: A terrestrial analog for mantled lava flows on Mars, Remote Sensing, in review. Ramsey, M.S., Harris, A.J., and Crown, D.A., 2015, What can thermal infrared remote sensing of terrestrial volcanoes tell us about processes past and present on Mars, J. Volc. Geotherm. Res., in review. Baldridge, A., Buxner, S., Crown, D.A., Colodner, D., Orchard, A., King, B., Schwartz, K., Prescott, A., Prietto J., and Titcomb, A., 2014, Earth Camp: Exploring Earth change through the use of satellite images and scientific practices, in Ensuring STEM Literacy: A National Conference on STEM Education and Public Outreach, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Series, 483 (eds. J.G. Manning, M.K. Hemenway, J.B. Jensen, and M.G. Gibbs), p. 357360. Colodner, D., Buxner, S., Schwartz, K., Orchard, A., Titcomb, A., King, B., Baldridge, A., Thomas-Hilburn, H., and Crown, D.A., 2013, Laurel Clark Earth Camp: Building a framework for teacher and student understanding of Earth systems, in Communicating Science: A National Conference on Science Education and Public Outreach, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Series, 473 (eds. J. Barnes, C. Shupla, J.G. Manning, and M.G. Gibbs), p. 275-278. Buxner, S.R., Crown, D.A., Lebofsky, L.A., Croft, S.K., Canizo, T.L., Pierazzo, E., Kortenkamp, S., Baldridge, A., and Project WISER Team, 2012, Workshops in Science Education and Resources (Project WISER): A model for building content and pedagogical skills in space science for elementary and middle school teachers, in Connecting People to Science, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Series, 457 (eds. J.B. Jensen, J.G. Manning, M.G. Gibbs, and D. Daou), p. 221-224. Lebofsky, L.A., Anderson, S.W., Bleamaster, L.F., Buxner, S.R., Canizo, T.L., Croft, S.K., Crown, D.A., Kortenkamp, S., and Pierazzo, E., 2011, Professional development workshops for K-8 teachers at the Planetary Science Institute, in Earth and Space Science: Making Connections in Education and Public Outreach, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Series, 443 (eds. J.B. Jensen, J.G. Manning, and M.G. Gibbs), p. 269-272. Rodriguez, J.A.P., Kargel, J.S., Tanaka, K.L., Crown, D.A., Berman, D.C., Fairen, A.G., Baker, V.R., Furfaro, R., Candelaria, P., and Sasaki, S., 2011, Secondary chaotic terrain formation in the higher outflow channels of southern circum-Chryse, Mars, Icarus, 213, 150-194, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2010.09.027. Williams, D.A., Keszthelyi, L.P., Crown, D.A., Yff, J.A., Jaeger, W.L., Schenk, P.M., Geissler, P.E., and Becker, T.L., 2011, Volcanism on Io: New insights from global geologic mapping, Icarus, 214, 91-112, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2011.05.007. Mest, S.C., Crown, D.A., and Harbert, W., 2010, Watershed modeling in the Tyrrhena Terra region of Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 115, E09001, doi:10.1029/2009JE003429. Berman, D.C., Crown, D.A., and Bleamaster, L.F., 2009, Degradation of mid-latitude craters on Mars, Icarus, 200, 77-95, doi:10.1016/j.icarus2008.10.1026. Mandt, K.E., de Silva, S.L., Zimbelman, J.R., and Crown, D.A., 2008, Origin of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Mars: Insights from a synoptic approach, J. Geophys. Res., 113, E12011, doi:10.1029/2008JE003076. Williams, D.A., Greeley, R., Werner, S.C., Michael, G., Crown, D.A., Neukum, G., and Raitala, J., 2008, Tyrrhena Patera: Geologic history derived from Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera, J. Geophys. Res., 113, E11005, doi:10.1029/2008JE003104. Williams, D.A., Greeley, R., Zuschneid, W., Werner, S.C., Neukum, G., Crown, D.A., Gregg, T.K.P., Gwinner, K., and Raitala, J., 2007, Hadriaca Patera: Insights into its volcanic history from Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera, J. Geophys. Res., 112, E10004, doi:10.1029/2007JE002924. Chuang, F.C., and Crown, D.A., 2006, Corrigendum to “Surface characteristics and degradational history of debris aprons in the Tempe Terra/Mareotis Fossae region of Mars,” Icarus, 181, 623-624, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2006.01.006. Miyamoto, H., and Crown, D.A., 2006, A simplified two-component model for the lateral growth of pahoehoe lobes, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 157, 331-342, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2006.04.006. Rodriguez, J.A.P., Kargel, J., Crown, D.A., Bleamaster, L.F., Tanaka, K.L., Baker, V., Miyamoto, H., Dohm, J.M., Sasaki, S., and Komatsu, G., 2006, Headward growth of chasmata by volatile outbursts, collapse, and drainage: Evidence from Ganges Chaos, Mars, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L18203, doi:10.1029/2006GL026275. Weitz, C.W., Irwin III, R.P., Chuang, F.C., Bourke, M.C., and Crown, D.A., 2006, Formation of a terraced fan deposit in Coprates Catena, Mars, Icarus, 184, 436-451, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2006.05.024. Williams, D.A., Keszthelyi, L.P., Crown, D.A., Jaeger, W.L., and Schenk, P.M., 2006, Geologic mapping of the Amirani-Gish Bar region of Io: Implications for the global geologic mapping of Io, Icarus, 186, 204217doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2006.08.023. Berman, D.C., Hartmann, W.K., Crown, D.A., and Baker, V.R., 2005, The role of arcuate ridges and gullies in the degradation of craters in the Newton Basin region of Mars, Icarus, 178, 465-486, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2005.05.011. Bleamaster, L.F., and Crown, D.A., 2005, Mantle and gully associations along the walls of Dao and Harmakhis Valles, Mars, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L20203, doi:10.1029/2005GL023548. Chuang, F.C., and Crown, D.A., 2005, Surface characteristics and degradational history of debris aprons in the Tempe Terra/Mareotis Fossae region of Mars, Icarus, 179, 24-42, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2005.05.014. Crown, D.A., Bleamaster, L.F., and Mest, S.C., 2005, Styles and timing of volatile-driven activity in the eastern Hellas region of Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 110, E12S22, doi:10.1029/2005JE002496. Mest, S.C., and Crown, D.A., 2005, Millochau crater, Mars: Infilling and erosion of an ancient highland impact crater, Icarus, 175, 335-359. Miyamoto, H., J. Haruyama, T. Kobayashi, K. Suzuki, T. Okada, T. Nishibori, A.P. Showman, R. Lorenz, K. Mogi, D.A. Crown, J.A.P. Rodriguez, S. Rokugawa, T. Tokunaga, and K. Masumoto, 2005, Mapping the structure and depth of lava tubes using the ground penetrating radar, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L21316, doi:10.1029/2005GL024159 Byrnes, J.M., Ramsey, M.S., and Crown, D.A., 2004, Surface unit characterization of the Mauna Ulu flow field, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i, using integrated field and remote sensing analyses, Jour. Volc. Geotherm Res., 135, Volcanic Observations from Space: New Results from the EOS Satellite Instruments, 169-193. Plaut, J.J., Anderson, S.W., Crown, D.A., Stofan, E.R., and van Zyl, J.J., 2004, The unique radar properties of silicic lava domes, J. Geophys. Res., 109, E03001, doi:10.1029/2002JE002017. Pierce, T.L., and Crown, D.A., 2003, Morphologic and topographic characteristics of debris aprons in the eastern Hellas region, Mars, Icarus, 163, 46-65, doi:10.1016/S0019-1035(03)00046-0. Byrnes, J.M., and Crown, D.A., 2002, Morphology, stratigraphy, and surface roughness properties of venusian lava flow fields, J. Geophys. Res., 107 (E10), 5079, doi:10.1029/2001JE001828. Byrnes, J.M., and Crown, D.A., 2001, Relationships between pahoehoe surface units, topography, and lava tubes at Mauna Ulu, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 2139-2151. Mest, S.C., and Crown, D.A., 2001, Geology of the Reull Vallis region, Mars, Icarus, 153, 89-110. Peitersen, M.N., and Crown, D.A., 2000, Correlations between topography and intraflow width behavior in martian and terrestrial lava flows, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 4123-4134. Piatek, J.L., McElfresh, S.B.Z., Byrnes, J.M., Snyder Hale, A., and Crown, D.A., 2000, Color and morphology of lava flows on Io, Icarus, 148, 407-418. Stofan, E.R., Anderson, S.W., Crown, D.A., and Plaut, J.J., 2000, Emplacement and composition of steep-sided domes on Venus, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 26,757-26,771. Crown, D.A., and Baloga, S.M., 1999, Pahoehoe toe dimensions, morphology, and branching relationships at Mauna Ulu, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai’i, Bull. Volcanol., 61, 288-305. Peitersen, M.N., and Crown, D.A., 1999, Downflow width behavior of martian and terrestrial lava flows, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 8473-8488. Anderson, S.W., Stofan, E.R., Plaut, J.J., and Crown, D.A., 1998, Block size distributions on silicic lava flow surfaces: Implications for emplacement conditions, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 110, 1258-1267. Crown, D.A., and Greeley, R., 1993, Volcanic geology of Hadriaca Patera and the eastern Hellas region of Mars, J. Geophys. Res, 98, 3431-3451. Crown, D.A., Price, K.H., and Greeley, R., 1992, Geologic evolution of the east rim of the Hellas basin, Mars, Icarus, 100, 1-25. Greeley, R., and Crown, D.A., 1990, Volcanic geology of Tyrrhena Patera, Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 7133-7149. Greeley, R., and Crown, D.A., 1990, Correction to "Volcanic Geology of Tyrrhena Patera, Mars", J. Geophys. Res., 95, 15657. Greeley, R., Lee, S.W., Crown, D.A., and Lancaster, N., 1990, Observations of industrial sulfur flows: Implications for Io, Icarus, 84, 374-402. Crown, D.A., and Pieters, C.M., 1987, Spectral properties of plagioclase and pyroxene mixtures and the interpretation of lunar soil spectra, Icarus, 72, 492-506. Crown, D.A., and Greeley, R., 1986, Sulphur and volcanism on Io, Nature, 322, 593-594. Refereed Book Chapters Zimbelman, J.R., Garry, W.B., Bleacher, J.E., and Crown, D.A., 2015, Volcanism on Mars, in H. Sigurdsson, B. Houghton, H. Rymer, J. Stix, and S. McNutt (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, New York, pp. 717-728. Greeley, R., Fagents, S.A., Bridges, N.T., Crown, D.A., Crumpler, L.S., Mouginis-Mark, P.J., and Zimbelman, J.R., 2000, Volcanism on the Red Planet: Mars, in J.R. Zimbelman and T.K.P. Gregg (eds.), Environmental Effects on Volcanic Eruptions: From Deep Oceans to Deep Space, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 266 pp. Refereed Geologic Maps Gregg, T.K.P., Crown, D.A., and Farley, M.A., 2015, Geologic Map of MTM -15257 and -20257 Quadrangles, Tyrrhenus Mons, Mars, U.S. Geological Survey, in review. Mest, S.C., and Crown, D.A., 2014, Geologic Map of MTM -30247, -35247, and -40247 Quadrangles, Reull Vallis Region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map 3245. Williams, D.A., Keszthelyi, L.P., Crown, D.A., Yff, J.A., Jaeger, W.L., Schenk, P.M., Geissler, P.E., and Becker, T.L., 2011, Geologic Map of Io, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map 3168, scale 1:15,000,000. Bleamaster, L.F., and Crown, D.A., 2010, Geologic Map of MTM -40277, -45277, -40272, and -45272 Quadrangles, Eastern Hellas Planitia Region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map 3096, scale 1:1,004,000. Chuang, F.C., and Crown, D.A., 2009, Geologic Map of MTM 35337, 40337, and 45337 Quadrangles, Deuteronilus Mensae Region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map 3079, scale 1:1,004,000. Crown, D.A., and Greeley, R., 2007, Geologic Map of MTM -30262 and -30267 Quadrangles, Hadriaca Patera Region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map 2936, scale 1:1,004,000. Mest, S.C., and Crown, D.A., 2006, Geologic Map of MTM -20272 and -25272 Quadrangles, Tyrrhena Terra Region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Series Map 2934, scale 1:1,004,000. Mest, S.C., and Crown, D.A., 2003, Geologic Map of MTM -45252 and -45257 Quadrangles, Reull Vallis Region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series Map I-2763, scale 1:1,004,000. Mest, S.C., and Crown, D.A., 2002, Geologic Map of MTM -40252 and -40257 Quadrangles, Reull Vallis Region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series Map I-2730, scale 1:1,004,000. Gregg, T.K.P., Crown, D.A., and Greeley, R., 1998, Geologic Map of Part of the Tyrrhena Patera Region of Mars (MTM Quadrangle -20252), U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2556, scale 1:500,000. Crown, D.A., Greeley, R., Craddock, R.A., and Schaber, G.G., 1992, Geologic Map of Io, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2209, scale 1:15,000,000. Geologic Maps - In Preparation Crown, D.A., Berman, D.C., and Chuang, F.C., 2015, Geologic Map of MTM -30137, -30132, -30127, -35137, -35132, and -35127 Quadrangles, Daedalia Planum region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey, in preparation. Crown, D.A., 2015, Geologic Map of MTM -25127 and -25122 Quadrangles, Daedalia Planum region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey, in preparation. Crown, D.A., Bleamaster, L.F., Mest, S.C., and Mustard, J.F., 2015, Geologic Map of the NW Hellas Region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey, in preparation. Crown, D.A., 2015, Geologic Map of MTM -35237, -40237, and -45237 Quadrangles, Southeast Hesperia Planum Region of Mars, U.S. Geological Survey, in preparation. Crown, D.A., Stofan, E.R., and Bleamaster, L.F., 2015, Geologic Map of the Guinevere Planitia Quadrangle of Venus, U.S. Geological Survey, in preparation.