Sturman, ED, Mongrain, M., & Kohn, P. (2006). Attributional style as

Edward Sturman
York University (Oct. 2006 – Aug. 2007)
Postdoctoral Fellow under Dr. Gordon Flett - Psychology
York University (June, 2006)
Social/Personality Psychology
Dissertation: The Role of Self-Criticism in Defeat:
A Test of Social Rank Theory and a New Model
York University (June, 2003)
Clinical Psychology
Thesis: Personality and Evolutionary Models of Depression
York University (June, 1998)
Psychology (Specialized Honours)
2007 – Present
State University of New York, Plattsburgh
Associate Professor, Psychology
Co-coordinator of the Psychology Program
at the Queensbury Branch Campus
2006 – 2007
York University
Lecturer – Psychology
2006 – 2007
York University
Postdoctoral Fellow – Psychology Program
2005 - 2006
Self-Management Group
Research Consultant
Humber College
Lecturer – Psychology
Cohen, R.J., Swerdlik, M.E., & Sturman, E.D. (2013). Psychological testing and
assessment: An introduction to tests & measurement, 8th ed. New York: McGrawHill.
Shanmugasegaram, S., Flett, G. L., Madan, M., Oh, P., Marzolini, S., Reitav, J., Hewitt,
P. L., & Sturman, E. D. (In Press). Perfectionism, Type D personality, and illnessrelated coping styles in cardiac rehabilitation patients. Journal of Health
Sloman, L., & Sturman, E.D. (2012). The impact of winning and losing on family
interactions: A biological approach to family therapy. Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry, 57 (10), 643-648.
Flett, G.L., Hewitt, P.L., Demerjian, A., Sturman, E.D., Sherry, S.B., & Cheng, W.
(2012). Perfectionistic automatic thoughts and psychological distress in
adolescents: An analysis of the Perfectionism Cognitions Inventory. Journal of
Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 30 (2), 91-104.
Sturman, E.D. (2011). Involuntary subordination and its relation to personality, mood,
and submissive behavior. Psychological Assessment, 23, 262-276.
Sloman, L., Sturman, E.D., & Price, J.S. (2011). The Matthew effect and the
involuntary winning strategy. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 56, 324-332.
Sturman, E. D., Flett, G. L., Hewitt, P. L., & Rudolph, S.G. (2009). Dimensions of
perfectionism and self-worth contingencies in depression. Journal of RationalEmotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 27 (4), 213-231.
Sturman, E.D., Cribbie, R.A., & Flett, G.L. (2009). The average distance between item
values: A novel approach for estimating internal consistency. Journal of
Psychoeducational Assessment, 27, 409-420.
Sturman, E.D., & Mongrain, M. (2008). The role of personality in defeat: A revised
social rank model. European Journal of Personality, 22, 55-79.
Sturman, E.D., & Mongrain, M. (2008). Entrapment and perceived status in
graduate students experiencing a recurrence of major depression. Canadian
Journal of Behavioural Science, 40, 185-188.
Sturman, E.D., Mongrain, M., & Kohn, P. (2006). Attributional style as a predictor of
hopelessness depression. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 20, 447-458.
Sturman, E.D. (2005). The capacity to consent to treatment and research: A
review of standardized assessment tools and potentially impaired populations.
Clinical Psychology Review, 25, 954-974.
Sturman, E.D., & Mongrain, M. (2005). Self-criticism and major depression: An
evolutionary perspective. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 44, 505-519.
Sturman, E.D., & Sproule, B.A. (2003). Toward the development of a Mood
Disorders Insight Scale: Modification of Birchwood's Psychosis Insight Scale.
Journal of Affective Disorders, 77, 21-30.
Sturman. E.D. (2012). The Evolution of the sexless, loveless, action hero in modern
film. The Evolutionary Review, 3 (1).
Sturman, E.D. (2012). Dehumanizing just makes you feel better: The role of cognitive
disssonance in dehumanization. Book review of Less than Human by David
Livingstone Smith. Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Clinical Psychology, 6
(4), 527-531.
Sturman, E.D., Rose, S, Burch, J. & Evanico, K. (2012). Personality and the generation
of defeat, involuntary subordination, and depression.
Sloman, L. & Sturman, E.D. (September 2012). The impact of winning and losing on
family interactions: A biological approach to family therapy. Paper presented at
the Canadian Psychiatric Association, 62nd Annual Conference, Montreal.
Sturman, E.D., Cohen, R.J., McKeighan, K., Perry, A., & Nolet, J. (August 2012). How
bright is the future of psychological assessment? Symposium paper at the
American Psychological Association 120th Annual Convention in Orlando.
Sturman, E.D., Barton, B., Tuomela, E., Candella, J., & Valentine, M. (April 2012). The
impact of life defeat and victory on mood and attachment patterns. Paper
presented at the Sixth Annual Meeting of the NorthEastern Evolutionary
Psychology Society, Plymouth State College, New Hampshire.
Sturman, E.D., Caffarel, J.A., Sullivan, K.M., Porter, N.L., Taylor, E.R. (April 2011).
The function of mood in reinforcing or punishing adaptive and maladaptive
behavior. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the NorthEastern
Evolutionary Psychology Society, SUNY Binghamton.
Sloman, L. & Sturman, E.D. (September 2010). ‘Success’ in the treatment of depression:
A psychobiological approach to psychotherapy. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, Toronto, Canada.
Sturman, E.D., Cohen, R.J., McLaughlin, S., & Powers, K. (May 2010). The role of
humor in test performance, anxiety, and perceptions of courses. Poster presented
at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Boston.
Sturman, E.D. (March 2010). An evolutionary perspective on personality, life events,
and mood. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the NorthEastern
Evolutionary Psychology Society, SUNY New Paltz.
Sturman, E.D., & Boersman, C. (August 2009). Involuntary subordination and its
relation to personality and mood. Poster presented at the American Psychological
Association, 117th Annual Convention, Toronto.
Sturman, E.D., Cribbie, R.A., & Flett, G.L. (August 2009). A novel measure of internal
consistency: The average distance. Poster presented at the American
Psychological Association, 117th Annual Convention, Toronto.
Sturman, E.D., Mongrain, M., & Boersman, C. (July 2009). Involuntary subordination
and its relation to personality, depression, and social anxiety. Paper presented at
the Third Annual Meeting of the NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society,
SUNY Oswego.
Kaldas, J., Flett, G.L., Hewitt, P.L., & Sturman, E.D. (June 2009). Dimensions of
perfectionism and forms of self-criticism in depression. Poster presented at the
Canadian Psychological Association, 70th Annual Convention.
Sloman, L., & Sturman, E.D. (April 2009). The evolutionary role of dysphoria and
happiness in agonistic encounters. Symposium presented at the World Psychiatric
Association, International Congress, Florence.
Sturman, E.D., Flett, G.L., & Hewitt, P.L. (November 2007). Trait perfectionism,
perfectionism cognitions, and depressive personality disorder. Poster presented at
the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 41st Annual Convention,
Flett, G.L., Goldstein, A., & Sturman, E.D. (November 2007). Childhood
maltreatment and dimensions of anxiety sensitivity. Poster at the Association for
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 41st Annual Convention, Philadelphia.
Shanmugasegaram, S., Flett, G.L., Oh, P., Marzolini, S., Reitav, J., Sturman, E.D.,
Hewitt, P.L., & Madan, M. (October 2007) Personality and coping in cardiac
rehabilitation patients. Poster presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress,
Quebec City.
Flett, G.L., Hewitt, P.L., Sturman, E.D., & Besser, A. (August 2007). Trait
perfectionism and perfectionistic self-presentation in shame and depression.
Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association, 115th Annual
Convention, San Francisco.
Sturman, E.D. & Mongrain, M. (June 2007). The role of personality in defeat: A
revised social rank model. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the
Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa.
Sturman, E.D., Flett, G.L., Hewitt, P.L., & Rudolph, S.G. (May 2007). Perfectionism
and self-worth contingencies in depression. Poster presented at the APS Annual
Convention, Washington.
Flett, G.L., Hewitt, P.L., Sturman, E.D., & Sherry, S.B. (May 2007). Perfectionistic
automatic thoughts and psychological distress in adolescents. Poster presented at
the APS Annual Convention, Washington.
Sturman, E.D., & Mongrain, M. (March 2005). Self-criticism, involuntary
subordination, and risk for MAD. Paper presented at Montreal Conference on
Evolution, Psychopathology, Social Behaviour, and Personality, McGill.
Sturman, E.D., & Mongrain, M. (May 2004). Involuntary submission and depression
in self-critics. Paper presented at Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society for
Interpersonal Theory and Research, Toronto.
Sturman, E.D., & Mongrain, M. (2003). Personality and major depression: An
evolutionary perspective. Paper presented at Eleventh Annual In-House
Conference, York University, Toronto.
Sproule, B.A., & Sturman, E.D. (June 2001). Assessment of Insight in Mood
Disorders: Development of a Rating Scale. Poster presented at Fourth
International Conference on Bipolar Disorder, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sturman E.D., & Sproule, B.A. (2000). Assessment of insight in mood disorders:
The development of a new scale. Paper presented at 26th Annual Harvey Stancer
Research Day, Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto.
Sturman, E.D., & Sproule, B.A. (2000) Insight in affective disorders: The
development of a new scale. Poster presented at Integrative Biomedical Sciences
Fourth Annual Research Half-Day, Sunnybrook & Women’s College Health
Sciences Centre, Toronto.
1. Classroom Teaching
August 2007 –
State University of New York, Plattsburgh
1. Evolutionary Psychology
2. Experimental Design
3. Statistics in Psychology
4. Social Psychology
5. Personality
6. Junior Psychology Seminar
Topics included personality vulnerability to mental disorder (20072008), evolutionary theories of mental disorder (2009-2010, 2012),
and psychological assessment (2011).
7. General Psychology Lab
8. Counseling Psychology
9. Online courses:
Personality (summer and winter 2008 - 2012)
Abnormal Psychology (summer 2008 - 2012, winter 2012)
10. Non-classroom courses:
Teaching Practicum
Research Apprenticeship
Fieldwork/ Internship
Independent Study
June - Aug. 2007
York University
Intermediate Research Methods (sections A and B)
Sept. 2006 –
April 2007
York University
Intermediate Research Methods
Introduction to Research Methods
Jan.- April 2006
York University
Intermediate Research Methods
Summer 2005
Humber College
Social Psychology
2. Teaching Assistantships
York University
Teaching assistant for the following courses: Introduction to
Psychology; Drugs and Behaviour; Motivation; Introduction to
Research Methods; and three times for Advanced Research in
Psychology (2002-2005)
Ad Hoc Reviewer for:
The American Journal of Bioethics
British Journal of Social Psychology
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Depression Research and Treatment
European Journal of Developmental Psychology
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology (2 papers)
Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology (2 papers)
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Personality and Individual Differences (6 papers)
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior
Membership in Professional Organizations
NorthEastern Evolutionary Psychology Society - Communications Officer
American Psychological Association
Served on the Middle-States Working Group for SUNY Plattsburgh to Enrich
Student, Faculty, and Staff Experiences.
Regular participation in the following events to promote the SUNY Plattsburgh
Branch Campus: New student orientation; Transfer Day (students choosing
universities and colleges); Pre-Advising meeting; Branch Campus Open-House.
Point of contact for potential psychology students.
Served as a Faculty Mentor for the use of Instructional Technology (2008-2010).
Created an ongoing web course for SUNY Plattsburgh that familiarizes students
with online courses – used for the Angel and Moodle course delivery systems.
Established and supervised ongoing internships with local agencies including the
Wait House homeless youth shelter, Catholic Charities (Domestic Violence
Project), and several other community organizations.
Presenter, along with Dr.’s Cohen and Swerdlik in a Webinar entitled “Teaching
Psychology: The Top 10 ‘Rules of Engagement’” on October 12, 2012 and again
Nov. 1, 2012.
Dec. 2005 Oct. 2006
Self-Management Group
Research Consultant
Conducted approximately 50 validation studies on various
instruments developed by the Self Management Group for
employee selection
Summer 2003
York University
Graduate Assistant - Human Resources (Executive Program)
2000 – 2004
Graduate Assistantships – Mood Assessment Project
Tasks included structured clinical interviews, phone assessments,
coding non-verbal behavior, and other research related to a longterm project on personality vulnerability to depression
1998 - 2000
Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre –
Psychopharmacology Research Program
Research Assistant for a study of mood stabilizer medications
Tasks included organization of the project and requisition of
materials and tests, recruitment of participants, tracking mood and
medication, blood draws, database creation, and administration of
various measures including clinical interviews
Ontario Graduate Scholarship ($15, 000)
Completed mini-course at York University on Structural Equation Modeling
Training on the use of Angel, Moodle, and E-portfolio at SUNY Plattsburgh
Attended weekly rounds for Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology over a two-year
period at Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre
Performed counseling and was supervised as part of Clinical Practicum and Advanced
Intervention courses at York University
Classroom training regarding the administration and interpretation of many widely
used neuropsychological, psychodynamic, and personality measures
Experience in administering the SCID and WAIS