Checklist on introducing Implementation Committee’s cases Title: Referral by the secretariat concerning compliance by Country X with the XX Protocol (ref. number) 1. Background In case of a Follow up to EB Decision Short description of EB decision and previous EB decisions: In decision 20XX/XX the Committee was requested to review PARTY’s progress [and timetable] for achieving compliance with article X, paragraph X of the PROTOCOL. This is/is not first decision of the case. (Previous EB decisions are: 20XX/XX; 20XX/XX…….). In case of a secretariat referral Short overview of the correspondence between the PARTY and the SECRETARIAT: Date The secretariat informed PARTY about the deliberations of the Committee at its xxnd meeting and invited it to provide the requested information until 31 March. In the letter the secretariat requested…. Date PARTY submitted a respond/PARTY did not submit respond/PARTY will be present on the meeting; Date To be in particular stressed if the TFEIP submitted a response to the request by the IC regarding this case (email and report). 2. What are the reported emissions in the latest reported year compare to ceiling/base year? Comparable analysis between latest emission data, base year emissions/national ceiling/between last and previous year if necessary: According to the latest emission data, POLLUTANT emissions were XX tons/kilograms/grams in latest reported YEAR compared to the emissions of XX tons/kilograms/grams in BASEYEAR, the base year 1 for PARTY [or: which was above PARTY’s emission ceiling of XX tons/kilograms/grams], an exceedance of XX per cent. This information suggested that PARTY was in non-compliance with its obligation under article X, paragraph X of the PROTOCOL. Compare to the previous year emission data when POLLUTANT emissions were XX tons/kilograms/grams, PARTY show emissions reductions/increase of X% (if substantial increase or decrease is notable) or base year POLUTANT emissions were reported to be of XX tons/kilograms/grams in 2015 whereas they were reported to be of XX tons/kilograms/grams in 2014 (if substantial difference is notable). 3. Which are the emission sources of the particular pollutant? Present percentage of the key source in the national emissions of POLUTANT: According to the PARTY’s respond to the secretariat or/and IIR reported to EEA, the most significant sources of POLLUTANT emissions in 20XX were 'Road transport'” (XX%), 'Industrial production' (XX%), 'Commercial, institutional and households' (XX%)…… 4. Which measures were implemented to reduce emissions and which measures are defined for near future? Description of implemented and future measures: Specific measures that PARTY had undertaken to reduce emissions in the KEY SECTOR are as follows… The percentage of emission reduction of the implemented measures in the KEY SECTOR is XX%. PARTY intends to fulfil its emission reduction obligations under the PROTOCOL by defining following measures for the KEY sector……; PARTY have start initiatives for preparation or amending of particular legislation which will have influence on the emission reduction of particular POLLUTANT. PARTY has undertaken following activates for straightening the capacities for preparation of the emission inventories and be in compliance with reporting obligations with accordance to article X, paragraph X of the PROTOCOL (in case PARTY is in non-compliance with reporting obligations). (The members of the IC should present the most important activities according to which it becomes obvious if the PARTY is making efforts in achieving compliance with the particular PROTOCOL obligation). 5. What is timetable of predicted compliance? Present timetable of predicted compliance: The quantitative and projected effects of further and more effective measures should reduce POLLUTANT emissions up to XX% and the timetable of predicted compliance is 20XX. (In case timetable of predicted compliance is not reported: Deadline specified by the PARTY by which timetable of predicted compliance can be reported). 2 6. Propose possible conclusions by the Committee to be included into the considerations part a) If the conclusion is non-compliant The information provided to the Committee indicated that PARTY was in non-compliance with its obligation under article X, paragraph X, of the PROTOCOL with respect to POLLUTANT. I option - The case should be kept open without a recommendation to the Executive Body because…. The Committee requested the secretariat to invite PARTY to provide on more specific information (define needed information) on XXX, before 31 August. II option - Proposal to make a recommendation to the Executive Body at this time because… (Indicate reasons for choosing this option) b) IF the PARTY is in compliance, the case can be closed 3