UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD Faculty of Social Sciences Division of Sociology and Criminology Programme title: BSc (Hons) Psychology and Crime Awarding and teaching institution: University of Bradford Final and interim award(s): BSc (Honours) [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 6] BSc (Ordinary) [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 6] Diploma of Higher Education [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 5] Certificate of Higher Education [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 4] Programme title: Psychology and Crime Programme approved / accredited by: N/A Duration: UCAS code: 3 years full-time, 4 years with placement or study abroad CL83 Subject benchmark statement(s): FHEQ Level: Psychology, Sociology, Law, History, English, Philosophy 4-6 Date produced: December 2003 Last updated : May 2015 Introduction The programme in Psychology and Crime builds on Faculty success in its existing provision of Psychology and Applied Criminal Justice Studies. The programme combines two subjects with obvious organic ties. Each discipline is present in modules such as 'Psychological Profiling' and ’Offenders, Punishment and Change’. You will be exposed to the © University of Bradford 1 different methodologies, different learning styles and different learning practices appropriate to each of the discipline areas covered. In the third year dissertation, you will have the opportunity to bring your developing expertise to bear in a sustained research project of your own choosing. Future careers may include educational psychology, probation, the prison service, the police, youth work and victim support. Although such careers may require an additional postgraduate or professional qualification, this programme aims to provide a stimulating and thorough framework for future specialisation Programme Aims The programme is intended to: A1. Provide you with theoretical and empirical knowledge appropriate to understanding both Psychology and Crime A2. Develop an appreciation of how the two academic areas fuse together; A3. Render an understanding of Psychology and Crime within contemporary society (in terms of both explanation and suitability for your future employment) A4. Provide a step on the way for those who want to work in related fields Programme Learning Outcomes Certificate in Higher Education When you have successfully completed Level 4 of the programme you will be able to:LO1 Recognise and discuss major features in the study of criminology and the criminal justice system LO2 Recognise and discuss major theoretical approaches to psychology LO3 Demonstrate foundation learning and study skills in critical and analytical thinking, information searching and collection, group work, IT, written and aural communication, and time planning and management. Diploma in Higher Education When you have successfully completed Level 5 of the programme you will be able to LO4 Recognise key themes related to crime and the criminal justice system LO5 Critically appraise some core practice developments in the fields of social psychology and crime LO6 Undertake and present scholarly work, including evaluating current research in the criminal justice field. LO7 Demonstrate independent learning and research skills; © University of Bradford 2 Bachelor of Science Honours Degree* When you have successfully completed Level 6 of the programme you will be able to: LO8 Think critically and display knowledge about issues related to crime and psychology. LO9 Demonstrate effective and critical use of research strategies: use evidence effectively to support argument. LO10 Articulate viewpoints and analyses across the range of disciplines covered by the programme in both written and oral form; *Students attaining a Bachelor of Science (Ordinary) degree will meet the same learning outcomes, but on the basis of a smaller number of credits. Curriculum The programme consists of 360 credits, made up of core and optional modules. You will take 120 credits at each stage. Stage 1 (Level 4) In Stage 1 you will develop knowledge and understanding of the learning strategies necessary for the successful completion of academic study in higher education. Introduction to Sociology, psychology and crime together with Social Divisions and Power will provide you with an overview of key concepts and approaches within the subject area. This provides you with the skills needed for a successful educational career and provides some flexibility for optional study in areas which will support and extend the main pillars of the programme. Module Code Module Title Type Credits Leve l Study period SJ-4002D Learning Strategies Core 20 4 1 SJ-4003D Social Divisions and Power: Outsiders, Aliens and Outlaws Core 20 4 1 SJ-4007L Introduction to Crime and Criminal Justice Core 20 4 Introduction to Psychology Core SJ-4005D State and Society Core 20 4 2 SJ-4006D Introduction to Sociology Core 20 4 2 SJ-4008L 1 and 2 20 4 1 and 2 Students who have achieved at least 120 credit points at Level 4 may exit the programme and are eligible for the award of Certificate of Higher Education. © University of Bradford 3 Stage 2 [Level 5] In Stage 2, you will undertake more detailed investigation of central areas of psychology and crime, including a focus on media, social psychology, policing and profiling. Knowledge and understanding of the central subject areas are extended by reference to philosophical examination of justice and punishment. It also involves critical knowledge and understanding of research methods and evaluation, together with transferable knowledge of the collection, interpretation and presentation in a variety of formats. Module Code Module Title Type Credits Leve l Study period 1 SJ-5010D Psychological Profiling Core 20 5 SJ-5011K Research and Evaluation Core 40 5 SJ-5004D Offenders, Punishment and Change Core 20 5 2 SJ-5008D Critical Psychology and Mental Health Core 20 5 2 SJ-5007D Youth and Crime Option 20 5 1 SJ-5003D Crime and Media Option 20 5 1 1 and 2 Students who have achieved at least 120 credit points at Level 5 may exit the programme and are eligible for the award of Diploma of Higher Education. Stage 3 [Level 6] Further detailed study of the main subject areas is undertaken in Stage 3, but here you must transfer your ideas into an extended dissertation study of an area of your choosing. The possibility exists here for you to unify the two sides of your programme and explore psychological themes relating to crime. Module Code Module Title Type Credits Leve l Study period SJ-6004W Dissertation Core 60 6 SJ-6005D International Perspectives on Crime Core 20 6 2 SJ-6001D Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations Option 20 6 1 SJ-6007D Models of Forensic Psychology Option 20 6 1 SJ-6003D Contemporary Criminal Justice Option 20 6 1 © University of Bradford 1 and 2 4 The curriculum may change, subject to the University's programme approval, monitoring and review procedures. Placement and/or Study Abroad This programme provides the option for you to undertake a work placement or period of study abroad between Stages 2 and 3. If you wish to take this option you will be registered for the 4 year programme. You will then complete module SIS5001P Study Abroad Experience or SIS5000P Placement. Alternatively, you may complete 60 credits of agreed level 5 study at a study abroad partner institution approved by your programme leader and the University of Bradford International Office. For further information about study abroad opportunities, please refer to Teaching and Assessment Strategies These take into account the learning outcomes, progression through the levels of study, the nature of the subject and the need for you to take ever greater responsibility for your own independent learning across the duration of the programme. The Division has a strong and innovative track record of supporting the learning of all its students. You will have a personal development file in which we can record the acquisition of educational skills and identify how best to strengthen the individual’s portfolio. This file is supported by the matrix of key educational skills which is used in the Learning Strategies module taken by you in Stage 1. The Division also has a vibrant programme of academic and professional speakers. These help motivate you in your study and enhance your access to ‘cutting-edge’ ideas. Throughout the programme you will acquire skills that will be useful not only in your chosen subject area, but in whatever profession you choose to follow. Assessment Regulations This Programme conforms to the standard University Regulations which are available at the following link: Admission Requirements The University welcomes applications from all potential students regardless of their previous academic experience; offers are made following detailed consideration of each individual application. Most important in the decision to offer a place is our assessment of a candidate’s potential to benefit from their studies and of their ability to succeed on this particular programme. Entrance requirements for each programme will vary but consideration of your application will be based on a combination of your formal academic qualifications and other relevant experience. © University of Bradford 5 If you have prior certificated learning or professional experience which may be equivalent to parts of this programme, the University has procedures to evaluate this learning in order to provide you with exemptions from specified modules contained within the curriculum. Please talk to us if you do not fit the standard pattern of entry qualifications. The University of Bradford has always welcomed applications from disabled students, and these will be considered on the same academic grounds as are applied to all applicants. We are continually reviewing and developing our practices and policies to make the University more inclusive, but if you are disabled we may need to make some adjustments to make sure that you are not disadvantaged. We would advise you to contact the programme leader before you apply to discuss these. A typical offer to someone seeking entry through the UCAS scheme would be 240 points to include two full A-levels. However, applications are welcome from mature students (those over 21 years of age on entry) and candidates with non-standard qualifications or who, lacking academic qualifications, have significant relevant experience. On completion of a UCAS form you will be invited to the Faculty for an Open Day when you will have the opportunity to meet staff, view the facilities and discuss “the Bradford experience” with current students. Learning Resources The JB Priestley Library on the city campus and our specialist library in the Faculty of Management and Law provide a wide range of printed and electronic resources to support your studies. We offer quiet study space if you want to work on your own, and group study areas for the times when you need to discuss work with fellow students. Subject librarians for each Faculty provide training sessions and individual guidance in finding the information you need for your assignment, and will help you organise your references properly. Student PC clusters can be found in both our libraries and elsewhere on the campus. Many of these are open 24/7. You can also use the University's wireless network to access the internet from your own laptop. Most of our journals are available online (both on and off campus), and you can also access your University email account, personal information and programmerelated materials this way. Staff are on hand during the daytime to help you if you get stuck, and there is a 24/7 IT helpline available. Student Support and Guidance Programme Team Support for you personally and in your programme of study, will be provided both by the University and the Programme Team. You will be allocated a personal tutor who is someone with whom you will be able to talk about any academic or personal concerns. The Faculty will ensure that there is someone available with whom you feel comfortable to help and support you. © University of Bradford 6 You will be provided with a comprehensive series of handbooks that you can consult on a range of learning issues and your programme tutors will be available to consult on subject specific queries. Students’ Union We value the feedback provided by students and collaborate with the Students’ Union, through a system of Student representatives and formal staff student liaison committees, so that any issues you wish to raise are addressed rapidly. The Students Union provide professional academic representation and advice. The Students’ Union and the University of Bradford work in partnership to provide confidential counselling and welfare services where you can get help with any aspect of your personal or academic life. Student Financial and Information Services (based in the Hub) will provide you with information about a diverse range of issues such as council tax, personal safety and tourist information. International Students can access a range of additional advice and support services through the Student’s Union. Employability and Career Development The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance their employability profile and capabilities through learning opportunities embedded within the curriculum. Furthermore, the University is committed to supporting students to develop their commitment towards a career pathway(s) and to implementing a career plan. Professional career guidance and development support is available throughout your time as a student and as a graduate from Career Development Services. The support available from Career Development Services includes a wide range of information resources, one to one appointments, a weekly workshop programme, a mentoring programme, graduate recruitment and careers fairs, plus information and help to you find part time work, summer work placements, graduate internship programmes and graduate entry vacancies. In addition, some students as part of their programme of study may have the opportunity to complete a Career & Personal Development accredited module delivered by the Career Development Service. All students are encouraged to access Career Development Services at an early stage during their studies and to use the extensive resources available on their web site Career Development Services annually undertakes a survey of all graduates to find out their destination six months after graduation. The survey gathers data on the employment and further study routes graduates have entered and a range of other information including job roles, name and location of employers, salary details etc. The survey findings for each programme of study are presented on the programme information pages on the University website and via Career Development Services’ website © University of Bradford 7 Academic Skills Advice Service For undergraduate students who are looking to improve their marks during their time at university, study skills and maths advice is available to all regardless of degree discipline or level of study. Students can access a programme of interactive workshops and clinics which is delivered throughout the year. This is in addition to our extremely popular face-to-face guidance from our advisers, who also offer a wide range of online and paper based materials for self-study. Disability Disabled students will find a supportive environment at Bradford where we are committed to ensuring that all aspects of student life are accessible to everyone. The Disability Service can help by providing support, advice and equipment to help you get the most out of your time at Bradford. It is a place where you can discuss any concerns you may have about adjustments that you may need, whether these relate to study, personal care or other issues. For more information contact the Disability Service by phoning: 01274 233739 or via email: University policies and initiatives Learning and Teaching Our University approach to learning, teaching and assessment is encapsulated by an integrated set of themes and principles within our Curriculum Framework. All of our degree programmes have been designed to provide you with an inclusive and engaging learning environment which gives you the opportunity to thrive and develop in your area of study. Our research-informed programmes have a particular focus on developing your employability. We also place a strong emphasis on collaborative, real-world and enquiry-based learning, supported by appropriate learning technologies. Our assessment is designed not just to measure your achievement, but also to shape and guide your learning through preparing you for the increasing level of challenge as you progress through your degree. Together, these lead to you developing a distinctive set of graduate attributes which will prepare you for life beyond university. Ecoversity Ecoversity is a strategic project of the University which aims to embed the principles of sustainable development into our decision-making, learning and teaching, research activities campus operations and lives of our staff and students. We do not claim to be a beacon for sustainable development but we aspire to become a leading University in this area. The facilities we create for teaching and learning, including teaching spaces, laboratories, IT labs and social spaces, will increasingly reflect our commitments to sustainable development. Staff and student participation in this initiative is crucial to its © University of Bradford 8 success and its inclusion in the programme specification is a clear signal that it is at the forefront of our thinking in programme development, delivery, monitoring and review. For more details see Further Information: For further information, please check the University prospectus or contact Admissions. The Admissions Office The University of Bradford Richmond Road Bradford, BD7 1DP UK Faculty of Social Sciences The University of Bradford Richmond Building Richmond Road Bradford, BD7 1DP +44 (0)1274 233054 The contents of this programme specification may change, subject to the University's regulations and programme approval, enhancement and review procedures. © University of Bradford 9 Appendices: BSc Psychology and Crime 1. Programme Learning Outcomes Level Code Title Type LO1 4 SJ-4002D Learning Strategies Core 4 SJ-4003D Social Divisions and Power: Outsiders, Aliens and Outlaws Core A 4 SJ-4005D State and Society Core A 4 SJ-4006D Introduction to Sociology Core 4 SJ-4007L Introduction to Crime and Criminal Justice 4 SJ-4008L 5 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10 S S S A A S S A A A S S Core A S A A S Introduction to Psychology Core S A S SJ-5003D Crime and Media Option S A S 5 SJ-5004D Offenders, Punishment and Mental Health Core A S 5 SJ-5007D Youth and Crime Option S 5 SJ-5008D Critical Psychology and Mental Health Core 5 SJ-5010D Psychological Profiling Core 5 SJ-5011K Research and Evaluation Core 6 SJ-6001D Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations Option S 6 SJ-6003D Contemporary Criminal Option A S S A A S S S A A S S S S A A A S S S S S S S S A A A A S S S A A S A S A S S S A S S S S S A S S S S S S S A A S A A S A S A S S A S S A S S S S A S S S S S S S © University of Bradford Justice 6 SJ-6004W Dissertation Core A A A A A A A A A A 6 SJ-6005D International Perspectives on Crime Core A S S A S S A A S A 6 SJ-6007D Models of Forensic Psychology Option S A S A S S S S S A Notes A = this outcome is formally assessed in the module S = this outcome is explicitly supported in the learning and teaching but is not formally assessed © University of Bradford 2. Teaching map Leve l Code Title Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 SJ-4002D Learning Strategies Core 4 SJ-4003D Social Divisions and Power: Outsiders, Aliens and Outlaws Core X X X 4 SJ-4005D State and Society Core X X X 4 SJ-4006D Introduction to Sociology Core X X X 4 SJ-4007L Introduction to Crime and Criminal Justice Core X X 4 SJ-4008L Introduction to Psychology Core X X 5 SJ-5003D Crime and Media Option X X 5 SJ-5004D Offenders, Punishment and Change Core X X 5 SJ-5007D Youth and Crime Option X X 5 SJ-5008D Critical Psychology and Mental Health Core X X 5 SJ-5010D Psychological Profiling Core X X 5 SJ-5011K Research and Evaluation Core X X 6 SJ-6001D Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations Option X X 6 SJ-6003D Contemporary Criminal Justice Option X X 6 SJ-6004W Dissertation Core X X 6 SJ-6005D International Perspectives on Crime Core X X X 7 8 9 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X © University of Bradford 6 SJ-6007D Models of Forensic Psychology Option X X Teaching and Learning Methods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lectures Seminars/Workshops Library/Computer Sessions Presentations Supervision/Tutorials Group Work/Discuss Online Ex. Weekly Reading Tasks Analysis/Case Study © University of Bradford 3. Assessment map Level Code 4 Title Type 1 2 3 4 SJ-4002D Learning Strategies Core X X 4 SJ-4003D Social Divisions and Power: Outsiders, Aliens and Outlaws Core X X 4 SJ-4005D State and Society Core 4 SJ-4006D Introduction to Sociology Core X 4 SJ-4007L Introduction to Crime and Criminal Justice Core X 4 SJ-4008L Introduction to Psychology Core X 5 SJ-5003D Crime and Media Option X 5 SJ-5004D Offenders, Punishment and Change Core X 5 SJ-5007D Youth and Crime Option X 5 SJ-5008D Critical Psychology and Mental Health Core 5 SJ-5010D Psychological Profiling Core 5 SJ-5011K Research and Evaluation Core X 6 SJ-6001D Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations Option X 6 SJ-6003D Contemporary Criminal Justice Option X 5 6 7 8 9 X X X X X X X X X X X © University of Bradford 6 SJ-6004W Dissertation Core X 6 SJ-6005D International Perspectives on Crime Core X 6 SJ-6007D Models of Forensic Psychology Option X X X Methods of Assessment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Coursework/Essay Exam MCQ Exam/Class Test Book/Journal/Literature Review Presentation Case Studies Research Critique Library Exercise Dissertation © University of Bradford 10. © University of Bradford