Medical History Timeline Rubric Tasks Accomplished Proficient

Medical History Timeline Rubric
Needs Improvement
Grammar & spelling
Writer makes no errors in
grammar or spelling that
distracts the reader from
the content.
(5 points)
Writer makes 3-4 errors in
grammar or spelling that
distracts the reader from the
(3 points)
Writer makes more than 4 errors
in grammar or spelling that
distracts the reader from the
Events in Chronological order
Events show organization
and thought and all events
flow in a logical order
(10 points)
One or more graphics and
explanation is present for
each event
(20 points)
Timeline has two or more
events for each time period
and/or country
(20 points)
Project includes two or
more characteristics of
(4 points)
Timeline includes three or
more herbal medicines still
used today
(6 points)
Timeline includes one or
more traits of the Dark Ages
society and one or more
trait of the Renaissance
(5 points)
Ten or more “milestone”
people are included on
(10 points)
Student has one or more
medical symbols and the
story behind the symbols
(4 points)
Events show organization
and thought, but 1-2 events
are out of order
Graphics and explanation
Number of events for each time
period and/or country from
prehistoric time -Renaissance
Characteristics of Hippocrates
Herbal medicines used today
(excluding medical marijuana)
Dark Ages and Renaissance
“Milestone” people
Medical Symbol History
Health Care in modern times
(late 20th and 21st centuries)
Most, but not all events have
graphics and explanations
(10 points)
Timeline has less than two
events for each time period
and/or country
(10 points)
Project includes only one
characteristic of Hippocrates
( 0 points)
Events are laid out randomly and
without thought
( 0 points)
No graphics or explanations are
( 0 points)
Timeline has no events listed for
each time period and/or country
( 0 points)
Project includes no
characteristics of Hippocrates
(2 points)
Timeline includes less than
three herbal medicines still
used today
(3 points)
Timeline has one trait from
either the Dark Ages society
or from the Renaissance
society, but not both
( 0 points)
Timeline includes no herbal
medicines still used today
(3 points)
Four or more, but less than
ten “milestone” people are
included on timeline
(4 points)
Student has one medical
symbol or the story behind
the symbol, but not both
(2 points)
( 0 points)
Less than four “milestone”
people are included on timeline
Project demonstrates one
or more advances in health
care in modern times
Project demonstrates no
advances in health care in
modern times
Project demonstrates no
advances in health care in
modern times
(6 points)
(3 points)
( 0 points)
( 0 points)
Timeline includes no traits of the
Dark Ages society and of the
Renaissance society
( 0 points)
Student has no medical symbols
and the story behind the symbols
( 0 points)