1. Ask questions and make observations and perform investigations

1. Ask questions and make observations and perform investigations, use scientific method: State
the Problem, Gather Information, Form a Hypothesis, Test the Hypothesis, Analyze data,
Draw Conclusions
2. To test hypotheses and use as a comparison
3. 5 ft/1 = 12 inches/1ft = 60/1 = 60 inches
4. A law is a statement that seems to be true all the time and a theory is an explanation based on
observations and investigations; used to explain a law
5. Adv. = multiples of ten to make easy conversions, most other countries use metrics Disadv. =
many people in US are not familiar with metrics, it would be costly to convert everything to metrics
6. Kilo = 1000, Hecto = 100, Deka = 10, Bae = 1, Deci = .1, Centi = .01, Milli = .001
7. They provide consistent, known, and accepted values.
8. All display data visually; line - shows relationship and change; bar - used for comparison; circle =
broken into parts to represent the whole
9. mass - amount of matter in object; weight - force of gravity on object; volume - amount of space
object occupies; density = amount of mass per unit of volume
10. Increase in mass = increase in density; Increase in volume = decrease in density; increase in
mass = increase in density; weight = mass X gravity = increase in mass = increase in weight
11. Weight is the measure of the force of gravity on an object and mass is the amount of matter in
an object.
12. m=vd; d=m/v; d = m/v
13. physical: color, mass; Chemical: flammability and reactivity; general: mass, weight, volume,
density; specific: color, shape, size, and texture; characteristic: density of pure water and hardness
of a diamond
14. 1. 0 g/mL - above 1 g/mL object will sink, below it will float
15. 1.0 g/mL
16. W = m X g; M = W/g; g = w/m
17. Similarities - heterogeneous, mixtures, have large particles, and scatter light; differences colloid particles do not settle out and suspensions do
18. A physical change does not produce new substances but may change form or appearance, and a
chemical change does produce new substances
19. Physical - erosion, wind, freezing and thawing; chemical - acid rain (corrosion)
20. Physical property can be observed without changing identity and chemical must undergo a
chemical change. Physical - color Chemical – flammability
21. Both made of more than one element and appear the same throughout; compounds are chemically
mixed and have specific proportions and a homogeneous mixture is physically mixed and does not
have exact proportions
22. A substance is an element or compound and a mixture can be a combination of substances and
other materials.
23. Homogeneous mixtures are evenly mixed and heterogeneous mixtures are unevenly mixed.
Homogeneous - saltwater Heterogeneous - salad
24. The amount of matter before a chemical reaction is the same as the amount of matter after
the chemical reaction.
25. It creates a new substance in order to observe the property.
26. Shiny, metallic, strong, malleable, ductile
27. It raises the boiling point and lowers the freezing point.
28. Ionization - electrolytes form ions in water; dissociation - ionic compounds separate into ions
29. An increase in concentration will increase the boiling point of a solution.
30. Increasing the temperature will increase the particle movement which will come into contact
faster with the solute to dissolve the particles.
31. solid/solid;solid/liquid;liquid/liquid;gas/gas;gas/liquid
32. Solids are melted, mixed, and cooled.
33. Increase in pressure when sealed with a cap and cooling allows more CO 2 to dissolve.
34. The negative end of the polar sovent dissolves in the positive end of a polar solute and
the positive of the solvent will surround negative of the solute; Nonpolar slips past each other
allowing dissolving.
35. Polar dissolves polar and nonpolar dissolves nonpolar. Ex.sugar in water and oils in soap.
36. Dries it out since soap has a nonpolar end and skin has natural oils that it needs.
37. No specific melting point, no crystalline structure or definite form
38. solids - close together and vibrate in place; liquids - close but able to slide past each other; gas
- spread apart; plasma - spread apart
39. Energy is either lost or gained
40. matter is composed of small particles which are in constant motion and constantly collide with
each other
41. The positively and negatively charged regions on a water molecule interact to create empty
spaces in the crystal lattice. These interactions cause water to expand when in the solid phase.
42. Boyle's Law - pressure increases and volume decreases when temperature is constant; Charles'
Law - as temperature increases volume increases when pressure is constant
43. Gas has pressure because the particles collide with the walls of the container. The higher you
go the lower the pressure and the lower the elevation the higher the pressure.
44. acids - sour taste, donate H+ ions, corrosive, some react strongly w/metals; bases - feel
slippery, taste bitter, accepts H+ ions, produces OH- ions, and many are crystalline solids
45. acids - carbonic acid (soda) and acetic acid (vinegar); bases - ammonia (cleaning products) and
magnesium hydroxide (antacids)
46. acids - H+ and bases - OH47. How much they ionize in water - more ionization the stronger and less the weaker
48. The negative from an acid and the positive from a base as a result of neutralization.
49. Weak acid partially ionizes and a strong acid almost completely ionizes
50. Concentration = how much acid or base is in the solution and strength = how well it ionizes
51. Soaps = carboxylic acid group and made from natural fatty acids; detergents = have a sulfonic
acid group
52. HCl = 0, vinegar = 3, water = 7, blood = 7.2 - 7.4, oven cleaner = 14
53. nucleus - center; electron - negative charge outside nucleus; proton - positive charge inside
nucleus; neutron - neutral inside nucleus
54. Protons and neutrons most massive; electrons so low they are insignificant to total mass
55. Bohr – all electrons; Lewis – valence electrons
56. 2,8,18,32
57. atomic number, vertical column and valence electron number, horizontal and total electron
shells, nonmetals - note malleable or ductile or good conductors, brittle, located to right of table;
metals - malleable, ductile, good conductors, located to left of table; metalloids - share
characteristics of both, hug stair step
58. full outer energy shell, 8, Noble gases - group 18
59. Increasing atomic mass
60. Both aligned in columns based on similar physical and chemical properties; Moseley
61. An atom with a different number of neutrons.
62. Synthesis - simple to complex; decomposition - complex to simple; single displacement reaction one element replaces another in one compound; double - two elements replace in two compounds
63. Both are done to achieve stability and they bond chemically; ionic gains/loses electrons;
covalent shares electrons to form molecules
64. Achieve stability
65. Some elements have a full outer shell - noble gases, while others need to bond with other
elements in order to complete their shell
66. Nonpolar - shares electrons equally; both are covalent bonds; polar shares electrons unequally
67. exothermic and exergonic release heat - heat pack; endergonic and endothermic absorb heat cold pack
68. direction of the reaction
69. s - solid, aq - dissolved in water, g - gas, l – liquid
70. As wavelength increases, frequency decreases, as wavelength decreases, frequency increases.
Speed, Wavelength, and frequency are related by their mathematical formula. Speed has no
relationship to either.
71. Higher the amplitude, the more energy, the lower the amplitude, less energy.
72. Speed = m/s = wavelength times frequency; wavelength = m = speed/frequency; frequency = Hz
= Speed/wavelength
73. Both carry energy and require a medium to travel through. Transverse moves at right angles to
the movement of a wave and compressional moves parallel to the direction of the wave.(Refer to
venn diagram)
74. Waves change direction when they travel from one material to another because they change
75. Waves produce different frequencies when their wavelength changes.
76. Waves overlap when they interfere with each other. Constructive occurs when the same part of
each wave overlaps and creates a larger wave. Destructive occurs when the opposite part of each
wave overlaps and breaks down the wave or creates nodes which are points of no energy.
77. AM radio waves have longer wavelengths than FM radio waves; therefore they can diffract
around buildings and mountains, as a result, AM reception is often better than FM.
78. The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. See
diagram in your vocabulary section for words normal, angle of incidence, and angle of reflection.
79. Created by vibrations. Fastest in a solid and slowest in a gas. Cannot travel in a vacuum.
80. increase in temperature = increase in speed of sound; higher density = faster travel time; more
elastic = faster the sound waves will travel
81. Space has no medium for sound to travel.
82. Both use echoes to locate objects. Echolocation occurs in living things and sonar uses an
electrical device.
83. Pitch and frequency increase as wavelength decreases.
84. They feel the vibrations from their feet.
85. sonar systems, break up kidney stones, sonograms
86. soft seats, carpet on floors, padded walls, curtains
87. A vibrating electric current; transverse wave
88. Reflect; Refract; absorbed; transmitted
89. Regular - smooth surface; Diffuse - Rough surface
90. Refracts light twice which results in different amounts of bending into different colors.
91. The color of the object is reflected to our eyes and all other colors are absorbed.
92. Light are red, green, and blue which transmit color we see. When mixed they produce white
light. Pigment colors are magenta, cyan, and yellow. When mixed they produce black.
93. Depends on the damage to cones. Most common is to the red and green cones but they still are
able to see blue.
94. Use a system of satellites to determine an exact location.
95. They occur when the air at ground level is much warmer than the air above. On a hot day the
ground would be warmer compared to the ground on a cold day.
96. AM varies amplitude with lower frequencies and FM varies frequency with higher frequencies