Women`s Rights Organizations

Women’s Rights
Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may
have bias. Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.
Online Sites and Articles
Not all article links may work; if you experience problems with a link, please contact the library for
1. Feminism on In Our Time at the BBC. (listen now)
2. Early Video on the Emancipation of Women, documentary filmed ca. 1930, which includes footage
from the 1890s
3. Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement, Special Collections Library, Duke University
4. Andrea Dworkin Web Site - The official site for the noted radical feminist. Includes an extensive
online library of her writings.
5. Atypical Feminists - Mailing list for those who identify as feminist but have slightly skewed ethics
that relate back to their style of feminism. This list exists to honestly explore "unusual" or "politically
incorrect" feminism.
6. Being Jane: Redefining Feminism - A community to help redefine the idea of feminism to symbolize
women coming together so that they may lead fulfilling lives with self-assurance and passion.
7. Ecofeminism.org - Movement that views the oppression of women and nature as interconnected.
Introduction, news, online journal, bibliography, and links.
8. Feminism Online - Promoting the continued development and protection of women's rights.
9. Feminism and Nonviolence Studies Association - Articles from an academic, interdisciplinary journal
which explores prolife feminism and related life and death issues.
10. Feminism/Feminist Theory - Bibliographies, links, and information for feminist theory in the US and
around the world. Profiles of prominent feminists.
11. Feminist Blogs - A community of weblogs by self-identified feminists, women’s liberationists,
womanists, and pro-feminist men. To raise awareness, bring together feminist voices, and promote
cross-linking and discussion between feminist bloggers.
12. Feminist Economics - A printed journal meant as an open forum for dialogue and debate about
feminist economic perspectives.
13. Feminist Jurisprudence - An overview, text of key documents, and links to related references from
the Legal Information Institute.
14. Feminist Majority Foundation: Global Feminism - Includes newswire and online actions.
15. Feminist Net - Goals, contact information, and links.
16. Feminist Studies Home Page - Encourage analytic responses to feminist issues and meant to open
new areas of research, criticism, and speculation.
17. Feministing - Young women are rarely given the opportunity to speak on their own behalf on issues
that affect their lives and futures. This provides a platform for them to comment, analyze and
18. Jo Freeman: Feminist Scholar and Author - Archive of articles, personal profile, protest photos, links,
contact information, and images of and history behind political buttons.
19. Media Girl - An online community weblog by and for women (and men, too) to discuss, rant, weblog,
analyze, and/or laugh about media, politics and culture, all within the general context of progressive
politics and feminism.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
20. Off Our Backs - Provides news and information about women's lives, feminist activism, ideas, and
theory, the status of women around the world, and women and lesbian culture. Features archived
21. Offshoots of Liberalism - Feminism - A Marxist analysis of feminism as an offshoot of Liberalism.
22. Quiet Mountain: New Feminist Essays - Monthly essays and links. Writer's guidelines onsite.
23. Said It - Magazine with media analysis, international news, essays, activist alerts, forum, how to
subscribe, back issues, letters, calendar, and links.
24. Shameless Magazine - Canadian progressive publication for teenage girls. How to subscribe, mailing
list, advertising rates, submission guidelines, press, message board, editor's weblog, photos, and
25. The 3rd WWWave - Feminism for the new millennium. Reflects women's issues and feminism in the
generation of women who came of age in the 80's.
26. The Amazon Connection - Discusses the image of the female hero in fiction and in fact, as it is
expressed in art and literature, in the physiques and feats of female athletes, and in sexual values
and practices.
27. Trivia - Voices of Feminism - Online journal that publishes feminist writing in the form of literary
essays, experimental prose, poetry, translations, and reviews.
28. UK Radical Feminist Mailing List - An email mailing and discussion list for radical feminists in the UK
29. Vandergrift's Feminist Page - Analysis of feminism, and feminist literary criticism.
30. Women's Web - Participatory social history site based on the stories of four Australian activists now
and over the last fifty years. Sorted by author, subject, and campaign.
31. World March of Women - Web site of the World March of Women: founding documents, demands,
newsletters, archives.
32. ifeminists.com - A central gathering place and information center for individualist feminists, focusing
on ifeminism, a new approach to feminism that emphasizes freedom and the individual.
33. soc.feminism Terminologies - Definitions and descriptions of various feminist movements archived
from Usenet.
34. Redstockings of the Women's Liberation Movement
35. National Women's Liberation
36. "Title X: Three Decades of Accomplishment". Guttmacher.org. 2001-02-01.
http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/tgr/04/1/gr040105.html. Retrieved 2012-10-31.
37. "The Supreme Court Historical Society - Learning Center - Women's Rights".
Supremecourthistory.org. http://www.supremecourthistory.org/learning-center/womensrights/breaking-new-ground/. Retrieved 2012-10-31.
38. "Eisenstadt v. Baird | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law". Oyez.org. 1972-03-22.
http://www.oyez.org/cases/1970-1979/1971/1971_70_17. Retrieved 2012-10-31.
39. "Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972". Justice.gov.
http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/cor/coord/titleix.php. Retrieved 2012-10-31.
40. "History | National Women's Political Caucus". Nwpc.org. 2012-09-02.
http://www.nwpc.org/history. Retrieved 2012-10-31.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
Gloria Steinem
Official website
Profile at Feminist.com
Works by or about Gloria Steinem in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
Gloria Steinem Video produced by Makers: Women Who Make America
"Ms magazine website". About Ms.. http://www.msmagazine.com/about.asp. Retrieved August 15,
6. Steinem, Gloria. "Who is Gloria?". Gloria Steinem Official Website.
http://www.gloriasteinem.com/who-is-gloria/. Retrieved August 15, 2011.
7. “Gloria Steinem Addresses the Women of America — History.com Audio". History.com.
http://www.history.com/speeches/gloria-steinem-addresses-the-nwpc#gloria-steinem-addressesthe-nwpc. Retrieved 2012-10-31.
Shirley Chisholm
1. American Rhetoric: Shirley Chisholm - Full text of speech for the Equal Rights Amendment.
2. Biographical Directory of the United States Congress - Shirley Anita Chisholm - Short biography along
with political party, years of service in Congress and bibliography.
3. National Leadership Visionary Project: Shirley Chisholm - Includes biography and oral history
4. PBS - Chisholm '72 - Offers video highlight of her presidential run of 1972.
5. Shirley Chisholm - A biography of black Congresswoman from New York, who worked for women's
and minority rights.
6. Shirley Chisholm Commemoration Day - Brooklyn College event information.
7. Shirley Chisholm, 'Unbossed' Pioneer in Congress, Is Dead at 80 - New York Times obituary. (January
03, 2005)
8. The Ticket That Might Have Been - International Museum of Women article by Gloria Steinem
describing run for president. (January 01, 1973)
Bella Abzug
Bella Abzug at the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
BALI, The Bella Abzug Leadership Institute
Blanche Wiesen Cook, an entry about Bella Abzug from the Jewish Women's Archive
"Bella Abzug". Find a Grave. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=8939.
Retrieved August 10, 2010.
Betty Friedan
National Women's Hall of Fame: Betty Friedan
Betty Friedan at C-SPAN's American Writers: A Journey Through History
Betty Friedan's Biography from The Encyclopaedia Judaica
The Sexual Solipsism of Sigmund Freud (chapter 5 of The Feminine Mystique)
Booknotes interview with Friedan on Fountain of Age, November 28, 1993.
First Measured Century: Interview: Betty Friedan
Betty Friedan: Late Bloomer.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
8. Cheerless Fantasies, A Corrective Catalogue of Errors in Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique
9. Anything you can do, Icon do better — Germaine Greer remembers Betty Friedan
10. After a Life of Telling It Like It Is: Betty Friedan Dies at Age 85, Lys Anzia, Moondance magazine
Spring 2006
11. Papers of Betty Friedan, 1933-1985: A Finding Aid.Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard
12. Video collection of Betty Friedan, ca.1970-2006: A Finding Aid.Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute,
Harvard University.
13. Audio collection of Betty Friedan, 1963-2007: A Finding Aid.Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute,
Harvard University.
14. The Feminine Mystique at 50, Gail Collins essay in the New York Times
15. Video: MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry discusses The Feminine Mystique on its 50th anniversary
16. C-SPAN American Writers profile on the book.
17. This Week in History - Publication of "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan
18. Women's Equity Resource Center: Betty Friedan - Profile, list of awards and honors, and
19. Salon: When Feminists were Divas - An article by Laura Miller about the strong personalities of the
early feminists, the books about them and their responses. (June 09, 2000)
20. The Region: Interview with Betty Friedan - An interview by Kathleen Erickson about economic
equality. (September 01, 1994)
21. Rambles: Betty Friedan: Issues without Gender - A interview by Tom Knapp about the state of the
women's movement. (March 01, 1993)
Women’s Rights Organizations
1. Guerrilla Girls - A group of women artists, writers, performers, film makers and arts professionals
who fight discrimination. Schedule of appearances, art archive, profile and interview.
2. ARZU Studio Hope - Social entrepreneurship helping Afghan families with steady income and access
to education and healthcare by sourcing and selling handmade area rugs Afghan women weave.
3. Bernice Sandler - A veteran of women's rights struggles offers resources on topics such as sexual
harassment, sexual assault, and discrimination against women faculty and students on college
4. Bora Laskin Law Library: Women's Human Rights Resources - Extensive reference library on women's
5. CLADEM - The Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women's Rights
6. Cedaw – Iwraw Asia Pacific - The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination
against Women
7. Center for Reproductive Rights - The Center for Reproductive Rights is a nonprofit, legal advocacy
organization that promotes and defends the reproductive rights of women worldwide.
8. Equal Rights Advocates - A public interest, nonprofit women's law center in San Francisco that fights
for the economic, social and political equality of women and girls.
9. Equality Now - An international human rights organization dedicated to action for the civil, political,
economic and social rights of girls and women.
10. Face to Face International - An international campaign for women's rights, improved health care,
and legal abortion and birth control. Issue links, celebrity profiles, current projects and news, and
photo exhibition.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
11. Feminist Net - A network created by Roula Scoutari of intercommunication and solidarity among
women. Aims and views. [Greek and English].
12. Feminists For Free Expression - A group of diverse feminists working to preserve the individual's
right and responsibility to read, listen, view and produce materials of her choice
13. Guerrilla Girls Broadband - Formed in 1999 to address discrimination in our technologized world.
Sponsors interactive activism through online feminist quizzes, streaming video, and other projects
which take advantage of digital media.
14. IIAV: Archives For The Women's Movement - The international information centre and archives for
the women's movement.
15. International Justice for Women: The ICC Marks a New Era - International Criminal Court offers a
long-awaited improvement in how international crimes against women are treated. It increases the
possibility for redress and provides witness protection and other measures to afford women the
greatest level of protection.
16. MADRE - An international women's human rights group
17. National Association of Women Lawyers (NAWL) - Women's rights in the profession of law and
18. Saathi - A Nepali NGO working to eliminate injustice and violence against women and children in
Nepal and providing support to victims.
19. Safe World for Women - International non-governmental organization specializing in women's rights
and advocacy.
20. Shan Women's Action Network (SWAN) - A feminist organization dedicated to gender equality and
justice for Shan women in Burma
21. Tennessee Guerilla Women - Challenging the conservative politics of sexism, homophobia, racism
and classism.
22. Treaty for the Rights of Women - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women (CEDAW).
23. TrustLaw - Women's Rights - Global hub providing free legal assistance, news, resources, national
legislation and international conventions about women's rights. Run by Thomson Reuters
24. Washington Post - Woman's World - Multimedia reports on the struggle for gender equality around
the globe.
25. Women 2000 - Resources and dialogue to promote advocacy, networking, collaboration, collectives
and women's power around the globe.
26. Women and Rights - The objective of this website is to share facts on women and other social
problems which the world is facing.
27. Women's Environment & Development Organization - WEDO is an international organization that
advocates for women’s equality in global policy.
28. Women's Global Strike - Stop the world and change it - for a new millennium which values all
women's work and all women's lives. Visit the site and add your reasons for going on strike.
29. Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development and Peace - Wlp's goal is to empower
women and girls in the Global South through leadership training and capacity building. Wlp is an
international non-governmental organization.
30. Women, Education & Economic Participation by Hilary Lips - Hilary Lips' Distinguished American
Scholar Lecture on feminization poverty, glass ceilings, pay equity, work-family balance and women
in a learning society.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
31. WomenAction 2000 - A global gateway to alternative reports, campaign material, events listings,
multi-media coverage, press releases, and other resources that deal with the UN's Beijing +5 review
process on the empowerment of women.
32. WomenWatch - Learn about the work of the United Nations entities and inter-governmental and
treaty bodies that deal with the advancement and empowerment of women and about international
instruments on women's rights.
Equal Rights Amendment
1. Equal Rights Amendment - Help the ERA Summit and National Woman's Party promote ratification
of the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing equal rights for women and men.
2. HerStory - Interdisciplinary, activity-oriented curriculum captures the 150-year struggle of American
women for the vote; includes awareness activities, cooperative learning, writing, art, music and
3. The Liz Library - Articles, editorials, and research links on women's rights. Includes sections on
women's history, women and religion, women and the law, the father's rights movement, the
suffrage movement, and related material.
4. Women and Rights - Links to website concerning women's rights.
5. Alice Paul Institute
6. United4Equality
7. Eagle Forum
8. Equal Rights Amendment, White House Petition
Equal Pay Studies and legislation
Pay Equity Survey
CNN report
Read Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports regarding Pay Equity
"Whatever Happened to Equal Pay?" Marxist Essay
Pay Equity Group
"Is The Wage Gap Women's Choice", Rachel Bondi
Corey Dade (August 31, 2008). "Obama’s First Shot at Palin Focuses on Equal Pay". The Wall Street
Journal. http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/08/31/obamas-first-shot-at-palin-focuses-on-equalpay/.
Grossman, Joanna (February 13, 2009). "The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009: President Obama's
First Signed Bill Restores Essential Protection Against Pay Discrimination". Writ.
http://writ.news.findlaw.com/grossman/20090213.html. Retrieved March 15, 2009.
Pear, Robert (January 5, 2009). "Justices' Ruling in Discrimination Case May Draw Quick Action by
Obama". New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/05/us/politics/05rights.html.
Retrieved March 21, 2009.
Barnes, Robert (September 5, 2007). "Over Ginsburg's Dissent, Court Limits Bias Suits". Washington
Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2007/05/29/AR2007052900740.html. Retrieved March 15, 2009.
^ http://edlabor.house.gov/lilly-ledbetter-fair-pay-act/index.shtml
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
12. Hulse, Carl (April 24, 2008). "Republican Senators Block Pay Discrimination Measure". New York
Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/24/washington/24cong.html?_r=2&sq=&oref=slogin.
Retrieved May 7, 2010.
13. Montgomery, Lori (April 24, 2008). "Senate Republicans Block Pay Disparity Measure". Washington
Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2008/04/23/AR2008042301553.html. Retrieved May 7, 2010.
14. Pear, Robert (January 10, 2009). "House Passes 2 Measures on Job Bias". New York Times.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/10/us/10rights.html?hp. Retrieved May 7, 2010.
15. Senate roll call vote 4, 111th Congress, 1st Session
16. U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 111th Congress - 1st Session
17. "Now Comes Lilly Ledbetter". Whitehouse.gov blog. January 25, 2009.
Academic Search Premiere Articles
How to open articles. Click on the BLUE link under the citation information for each article.
Articles are already in MLA format. Then enter the username and password for the article
1. INTEMANN, KRISTEN. "25 Years Of Feminist Empiricism And Standpoint Theory: Where Are We
Now?." Hypatia 25.4 (2010): 778-796. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
2. Eisenstein, Hester. "Feminism Seduced." Australian Feminist Studies 25.66 (2010): 413-431.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
3. Gay, Roxane. "Bad Feminist." Virginia Quarterly Review 88.4 (2012): 88-95. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
4. GENZ, STÉPHANIE. "Singled Out: Postfeminism's “New Woman” And The Dilemma Of Having It All."
Journal Of Popular Culture 43.1 (2010): 97-119. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
5. Brewer, Rose M. "On Twenty-First Century Social Transformation: Class, Nation, Gender And Race In
A Period Of Revolution And Capitalist Crisis." Perspectives On Global Development & Technology
11.1 (2012): 11-26. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
6. Lattas, Judy. "21St Century Feminism, Armed And Ready?." Social Alternatives 24.2 (2005): 55-60.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
7. Broadbridge, Adelina, and Deborah Kerfoot. "Editorial: Women and Men in Management: Issues for
the 21st Century." Gender, Work & Organization Sept. 2010: 475+. Academic Search Premier. Web.
12 Feb. 2013.
8. Snyder, R. Claire. "What Is Third-Wave Feminism? A New Directions Essay." Signs: Journal Of Women
In Culture & Society 34.1 (2008): 175-196. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
9. Bernard, April. "The 21St Century Caribbean Woman's Question: What Is The Meaning Of
Freedom?." Journal Of Eastern Caribbean Studies 33.3 (2008): 1-23. Academic Search Premier. Web.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
12 Feb. 2013.
Heilmann, Ann. "Gender And Essentialism: Feminist Debates In The Twenty-First Century." Critical
Quarterly 53.4 (2011): 78-89. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Boyd, Elizabeth Reid. "Lady: Still A Feminist Four-Letter Word?." Women & Language 35.2 (2012):
35-52. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Wrye, Harriet Kimble. "The Fourth Wave Of Feminism: Psychoanalytic Perspectives Introductory
Remarks." Studies In Gender & Sexuality 10.4 (2009): 185-189. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12
Feb. 2013.
Coontz, Stephanie. "Feminism, Plus 50." American Scholar 80.3 (2011): 16-17. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Norander, Stephanie. "Complicating Empowerment And Privilege." Women & Language 34.2 (2011):
121-124. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Phillips, Lynne, and Sally Cole. "Feminist Flows, Feminist Fault Lines: Women's Machineries And
Women's Movements In Latin America." Signs: Journal Of Women In Culture & Society 35.1 (2009):
185-211. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Roberts, Celia. "Relating Simply? Feminist Encounters With Technoscience In The Early Twenty-First
Century." Australian Feminist Studies 23.55 (2008): 75-86. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb.
2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=28865191&site=ehost-live
Feminism and Clothing
1. Biggs, Stephen. "Liberalism, Feminism, And Group Rights." Monist 95.1 (2012): 72-85. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
2. Scanlon, Jennifer. "Sexy From The Start: Anticipatory Elements Of Second Wave Feminism."
Women's Studies 38.2 (2009): 127-150. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
3. Groeneveld, Elizabeth. "'Be A Feminist Or Just Dress Like One': BUST, Fashion And Feminism As
Lifestyle." Journal Of Gender Studies 18.2 (2009): 179-190. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb.
2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=43211326&site=ehost-live
4. El Guindi, Fadwa. "Gendered Resistance, Feminist Veiling, Islamic Feminism." Ahfad Journal 22.1
(2005): 53-78. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
5. Atkinson, Becky. "Apple Jumper, Teacher Babe, And Bland Uniformer Teachers: Fashioning Feminine
Teacher Bodies." Educational Studies 44.2 (2008): 98-121. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb.
2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=34783319&site=ehost-live
6. Pollet, Alison, and Page Hurwitz. "Strip Till You Drop." Nation 278.2 (2004): 20-25. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
7. Paulsell, Stephanie. "Veiled Voices." Christian Century 128.14 (2011): 33. Academic Search Premier.
Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
8. Ruwanpura, Kanchana N. "Women Workers In The Apparel Sector." Progress In Development Studies
11.3 (2011): 197-209. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
9. SILOS-ROONEY, JILL. "Student Bodies." Chronicle Of Higher Education 57.12 (2010): B24. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
10. Nelson, Jennifer Ladd. "Dress Reform And The Bloomer." Journal Of American & Comparative
Cultures 23.1 (2000): 21. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
11. Kurtz, Stanely. "Veil Of Fears." National Review 54.1 (2002): 36-38. Academic Search Premier. Web.
12 Feb. 2013.
12. Pearson, Patricia. "Preteen Temptresses." Maclean's 117.10 (2004): 46. Academic Search Premier.
Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
13. Brabazon, Tara. "What Will You Wear To The Revolution? Thatcher's.." Hecate 22.3 (1996): 114.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
14. Maran, Meredith. "Beautiful Girl." Health (Time Inc. Health) 18.4 (2004): 124-131. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Perceptions of Feminism
1. Segell, Michael. "The second coming of the alpha male. (Cover story)." Esquire Oct. 1996: 74.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
2. Glanzer, Perry L. "Man Up, Lady Down." Touchstone: A Journal Of Mere Christianity 25.1 (2012): 1821. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
3. CROWE, JONATHAN. "Men And Feminism: Some Challenges And A Partial Response." Social
Alternatives 30.1 (2011): 49-53. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
4. Miller, Geoffrey. "What's In A Wedding?." New Scientist 210.2809 (2011): 36-39. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
5. Aiston, Sarah Jane. "‘A Woman’S Place ...’: Male Representations Of University Women In The
Student Press Of The University Of Liverpool, 1944–1979." Women's History Review 15.1 (2006): 334. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
6. Clingman, Joy Moore, and Robert Lushene. "Perceptions Of A Woman's Reasons For Supporting
Feminism As A Function Of Age, Attractiveness, And Occupation." Journal Of Psychology 110.2
(1982): 289. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
7. Houvouras, Shannon, and J. Scott Carter. "The F Word: College Students’ Definitions Of A Feminist."
Sociological Forum 23.2 (2008): 234-256. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
8. Knox, Bernard. "The Oldest Dead White European Males." New Republic 206.21 (1992): 27-36.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
9. Brooks, Gary R. "Masculinity And Men's Mental Health." Revision 25.4 (2003): 24-37. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
10. Gilbert, Lucia A., and James A. Waldroop. "Masculine And Feminine Stereotypes And Adjustment: A
Reanalysis." Psychology Of Women Quarterly 5.5 (1981): 790. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12
Feb. 2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=8646443&site=ehostlive
11. Wright, Robert. "FEMINISTS, MEET MR. DARWIN. (Cover Story)." New Republic 211.22 (1994): 34-46.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
12. Taleporos, Elizabeth. "Motivational Patterns In Attitudes Towards The Women's Liberation
Movement." Journal Of Personality 45.4 (1977): 484. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
13. Wright, Stephen. "Women Suffer When Men Deny Their Feminine Side." Nursing Standard 21.21
(2007): 26. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
14. Goldberg, Michelle. "Three A.M. for Feminism." New Republic 25 June 2008: 29+. Academic Search
Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
15. Leo, John. "Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall .." Time 111.10 (1978): 54. Academic Search Premier. Web.
12 Feb. 2013.
16. Rees, Charlotte E. "The Influence Of Gender On Student Willingness To Engage In Peer Physical
Examination: The Practical Implications Of Feminist Theory Of Body Image." Medical Education 41.8
(2007): 801-807. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
17. Jessica Groden, et al. "Changes In Students' Explanations For Gender Differences After Taking A
Psychology Of Women Class: More Constructionist And Less Essentialist." Psychology Of Women
Quarterly 31.4 (2007): 415-425. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
18. Talbot, Margaret. "A Stepford For Our Times." Atlantic Monthly (10727825) 292.5 (2003): 28-31.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
19. Brooks, David. "The Return Of The Pig." Atlantic Monthly (10727825) 291.3 (2003): 22. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
20. Rubin, Lisa R., Carol J. Nemeroff, and Nancy Felipe Russo. "Exploring Feminist Women's Body
Consciousness." Psychology Of Women Quarterly 28.1 (2004): 27-37. Academic Search Premier.
Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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Women’s Rights
21. Leaper, Campbell, and Christia Spears Brown. "Perceived Experiences With Sexism Among
Adolescent Girls." Child Development 79.3 (2008): 685-704. Academic Search Premier. Web. 12 Feb.
2013. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=32073159&site=ehost-live
Search engines include Open Directory, Wiki External, EBSCO, JSTOR and LAPL databases
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