List of Publications (Claire Maree) January, 2011 List of Publications Claire Maree Books Maree, Claire. Onee-kotoba Ron (The Language of Queens). Tokyo: Seido-sha. (Forthcoming 2011). Maree, Claire. Hatsuwasha no gengo sotoratejii toshite no negoshieeshon kooi (Negotiation as a Linguistic Strategy of Speakers). Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo, 2007. Book Chapters Maree, Claire. “Gengo to Jendaa no Sai-Kentoo (Re-examining Language and Gender)” Hituzi Imiron Kooza Nana-kan (Semantics Volume Seven). Tokyo: Hituzi Shobo (Forthcoming, 2011). Maree, Claire. “Gengo to Sekushuaritei (Language and Sexuality)” in Momoko Nakamura (ed.) Jendaa de Manabu Gengogaku (Learning Linguistics through Gender). Kyoto: Sekai Shisoo-sha, 2010. Maree, Claire. “Grrrl-Queens: Onee-kotoba and the Negotiation of Heterosexist Gender Norms and Lesbo (Homo) Phobic Stereotypes in Japanese.” Fran Martin, Peter A. Jackson, Mark McLelland and Audrey Yue (eds). AsiaPacifiQueer: Rethinking Genders and Sexualities. University of Illinois Press, 2008. Maree, Claire. “Ideorogii/aidenteitei/Dezaiyaa: Gengo to Sekushuaritei Kenkyuu o Tou (Ideology/Identity/Desire)” in Ryoko Kodama (ed.). Genzai to Sei o Meguru Kokonotsu no Shiron (9 Essays on Contemporary Society and Sex). Yokohama: Shumpusha, 2007: 233-56. Lunsing, Wim and Claire Maree. "Shifting Speakers - gender, sexuality and linguistic strategies" in Janet S. (Shibamoto) Smith, Shigeko Okamoto (eds). Japanese, Language, Gender, and Ideology: Cultural Models and Real People. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004: 92-113. Maree, Claire. “Sie(sa) no Gengotai: Kotoba <Jendaa><Sekushuaritei><Fukugoo-aidenteitei> no Kojinshi (“The kara Language yomitoru Ecology of Gender: Reading “Gender,” “Sexuality,” “Composite Identities” from Personal Histories of Language)” in Ishida Hideki, Yoichi Komori (eds). Shiriizu Gengotai Dai-go-kan Shakai no Gengotai (Language Ecology Series: No. 5 Sociology of Language Ecology). Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 2002: 117-35. Refereed Academic Journal Publications Maree, Claire. “Bakkurashu ni okeru samazama na fobia no kaidoku (Examining the Diverse Phobias in the Backlash)” Nihon Joseigakkai-shi (Journal of the Women’s 1 List of Publications (Claire Maree) January, 2011 Studies Association of Japan). No. 15, 35-45. Maree, Claire. “The Un/State of Lesbian Studies in Japan” Journal of Lesbian Studies (Simultaneously published as: Twenty-First Century Lesbian Studies Noreen Giffney, Kathleen O’Donnell. Binghamton, New York: Harrington Park Press, 2007) Maree, Claire. “Language Policies in Multicultural Australia: A review of government policy and reports into interpreter and translating services” Tsuda Review. Volume 49:2, 2004: 21-32. Maree, Claire. “Same-Sex Partnerships in Japan: Bypasses and Other Alternatives” Women's Studies. 33:4, 2004: 541- 49. Maree, Claire. “Ore wa ore dakara [‘Because I’m me’]: A study of gender and language in the documentary Shinjuku Boys” Intersections intersections 2003. Publications in Professional Journals Maree, Claire. “Kekkyoku, Hoka no Hito kara Nadukerareru koto ga, Torauma na no de aru (All in all to be named by another is traumatic)” Gendai Shisoo (Contemporary Thought). 34:12, 2006:188-93. Maree, Claire. “Nihongo to Jendaa oyobi Sekushuaritei (Gender and Sexuality in Japanese)” Keynote Address at Japanese Gender Association. Nihongo Jendaa Gakkai-shi (Conference Proceedings for the Japanese Gender Association). 4. 2003. Maree, Claire. “Kotoba no wana no negoshieeshon (Negotiating the Trap of Words)” Gendai Shisoo (Modern Thought). 28:14, 2000: 212-23. Maree, Claire. “Misoginii (Mysogyny)” Gendai Shisoo (Modern Thought). 28:3, 2000: 116-19. Maree, Claire. “Sei(sa) no aru Kotoba (Sex(y) Words)” Gendai Shisoo (Modern Thought). 26:10, 1998: 122-35. Maree, Claire.”Jendaa no Shihyoo to Jendaa no imi-sei no Henka: Eiga Shinjuku Booizu ni okeru Onabe no baai (“Gender indexicals and the shifting meanings of gender: The case of Shinjuku Boys)” Gendai Shisoo (Modern Thought. 25:13, 1997: 262-78. Maree, Claire."Gender Representation in Japanese-English Dictionaries Used by Japanese-as-a-Foreign Language (JFL) Learners: A Survey of Basic Verbs, Basic Adjectives and Illustrations" in Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies. 43, 1997: 83-101. Translations Cameron, Deborah, Don Kulick. Language and Sexuality. (Translated by Momoko Nakamura, Kyoko Satoh, Shigeko Kumagai, Claire Maree as Gengo to 2 List of Publications (Claire Maree) January, 2011 Sekushuaritei. 2009. Halberstam, Judith. “Boys Don’t Cry” (Translated by Claire Maree) in Izumo Marou (ed.) Niji no Kanata ni (Beyond the Rainbow). Tokyo: Gendai Shokan, 2005: 163-70. Jugaku, Akiko. "Nyôbô Kotoba: A Focus Point for Women's Language and Women's History" (arranged and translated by Claire Maree ) in Haruko Wakita, Anne Bouchey, Chizuko Ueno (eds). Gender and Japanese History: The Self and Expression / Work and Life (Vol.2). Osaka: Osaka University Press. 1999: 131- 61. Butler, Judith. “Critically Queer” (Translated by Claire Maree) Modern Thought. 25: 6, 1997: 159-77.) Conference Presentations (2005-present) Maree, Claire. “Chooetsu suru kotoba—J-TV nji okeru jendaa/sekushuariti” Presented at the Japan Association for Queer Studies Conference, Chuukyoo University, Nagoya, Japan, November 20-21, 2010. Maree, Claire. “Queer(y)ing J-TV” Sixth International Gender and Language Association Conference, Tsuda College, Japan, September 18-20, 2010. Maree, Claire. “OneeMANS: Queer(y)ing the Talk of Make Over J-TV” Presented at The World Outgames 2009 Human Rights Conference, IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-29 July, 2009. Maree, Claire. “Queer Eye for the Straight Girl?: Queer(y)ing Speech and the politics of consumption” Presented at International Pragmatics Association, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, July 13-17, 2009 . Maree, Claire. “Narrating Queer Time” Presented at Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, July 3-5, 2009. Maree, Claire. “The possible problematic of queer pedagogy and/or Gender, Sexuality and Japanese Language Education” Presented at Japan Association of Language Teaching Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 31- November 3, 2008. Maree, Claire. “Openings: the language of women’s spaces in 1990s Tokyo” Presented at Fifth International Gender and Language Conference, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, July 3-6, 2008. Maree, Claire. “Native Onê: Gender/sexuality in Japanese” Presented at Fifth International Gender and Language Conference, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, July 3-6, 2008. Maree, Claire. “Tabunka (Kyoosei) o Kuia suru (Queering Multiculturalism)” Presented at Japan Association of Women’s Studies Conference, Apio Aomori, Aomori, Japan, June 14-15, 2008. Maree, Claire. “Kuia na Jissen no Kyoodai ni okeru Gengo Katsudoo: Onee-kotoba o 3 List of Publications (Claire Maree) January, 2011 megutte (Linguistic Practices in a Queer Community: The Language of Queens)” Presented at The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences Conference Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan, September 15-16, 2007. Maree, Claire. “The language of queens and beyond: Linguistic negotiation of gender/sexuality/language in contemporary Japanese” Presented at International Pragmatics Association, Goteborg University, Goteborg, Sweden, July 8-13, 2007 Maree, Claire. “Bakkurasshu ni okeru samazama na fobia no kaidoku (Examining the Diverse Phobias in the Backlash)” Presented at The Women’s Studies Association of Japan Conference Symposium: Bakkurasshu o Kuia suru (Queering the Backlash), Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan, May 19, 2007. Maree, Claire. “Onê-kotoba: Like a different Language is the Language of Queens” Presented at Fourth International Gender and Language Association, Valencia University, Valencia, Spain, November 8-10, 2006. Maree, Claire. “Performances of queens: from onê-kyara to onê-kotoba and what’s in between” Presented at The Eighth Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society of Language Sciences Program, International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, June 10-11, 2006. Maree, Claire. “Suki nan ya: Onê kotoba or the language of queens” Presented at LA Queer Studies Conference, University of Southern California & University of California, Los Angeles, USA, November 18-19, 2005. Maree, Claire. “From bars to clubs: Women’s spaces in Japan” Presented at First International Conference of Asian Queer Studies, Bangkok, Thailand, July 7-9, 2005. Symposiums and Invited Lectures/Presentation (2005-Present) Maree, Claire. “Watashi ni nani ga katarareru no ka; Kotoba no manabi ni okeru fukugoo aidenteiti” Series Kenkyu-kai “Gengo Kyoiku to aidentiti keisei; Kotoba no manabi no renkei to saihen” Waseda University July 16, 2010. Maree, Claire. “Onee-kyara no kotoba” Institute for Gender and Women's Studies, Aichi Shukutoku University, June 19, 2010. Maree, Claire. “Daigaku ni okeru Kuia Sutadeiizu no Igi: Kyooikugaku meets Sutadeiizu—“Daigaku to Kuiaa” ni kansuru shokadai o kangaeru (The The Significance of Queer Studies in the University: Pedagogy meets Queer Studies—Examining Issues of “University and Queer”)” Presented at The Japan Society for the Study of Education, Kanto Region Meeting, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, December 8, 2007. 4 List of Publications (Claire Maree) January, 2011 Maree, Claire. “Negotiation of gender and sexuality norms in Japanese” Presented at “Gender: Sociolinguistic Approaches Symposium” sponsored by Tokyo Women’s University, Tokyo, Japan, November 2, 2006. Workshops “In the Field: Hopes, regrets, Suggestions” Sixth International Gender and Language Association Conference, Tsuda College, Japan, September 18-10, 2010. 5