Room 109 Miss Beese - Upper Darby School District

Room 109
Miss Beese
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to Stonehurst Hills Elementary! It is going to be a great
year filled with learning, playing and growing. My goal is to get your children
excited about school and to motivate them to do their best. We will sing,
play games, use logic and mathematics, talk, read, write and so much more.
In order for all of these good things to happen, I need you to review
the following information. Be sure to pay attention to the WEEKLY
come home with important District and Classroom information. Both folders
should be returned the next school day.
Home/School Connection: I am always available to answer any questions
and/ or concerns. Please contact me via the school office at
(610) 626-9111 and leave a message, or email me at
Wednesday Folder: Goes home EVERY Wednesday with DISTRICT and
other information and is to be returned on Thursday.
Homework folder: Goes home EVERY night and comes back the next
day. This will begin coming home the week of September 10.
 Book Bag
 Daily HEALTHY snack (granola bars, fruit, popcorn, crackers)
 Crayons, pencils, liquid glue, glue stick scissors
 Tissues – 2 boxes
 Smock (old T-shirt is fine.)
Special Subjects: Scheduled from 11:30-12:00
 Music (Monday)
 Gym (Tuesday)
 Art (Wednesday)
 Library (Thursday)
While we will have several classroom celebrations related to the curriculum
and working hard, most other parties are prohibited by the School District.
In the case of birthdays, we will acknowledge birthdays with singing. You
are free to send in a treat. Treats must be healthy, store bought, and
individually packaged. Please let me know ahead of time if you choose to
bring a treat in for the entire class.
Classroom Management:
Misbehaviors are going to happen. My goal is to address misbehaviors
quickly before they turn into bigger issues. You can expect a phone call
from me if there are recurring behavior issues. Consequences for
misbehavior will be applied fairly, consistently, and logically. Please review
the Behavior Plan Agreement that will be sent home for specifics of my
management plan. Read, sign, and return this document ASAP.
The children will have homework Monday through Thursday. Assignments
for the week will come home on Mondays in the Homework Folder.
Homework should not be painful, but a review. Please read, sign and return
the Homework Policy Contract as soon as possible.
Please let the office know if your child will be absent by calling (610) 6264573. Also, follow up with a note. (A doctor’s note is needed after 3 days
absent.) For early dismissals, send a note so that we can be sure that your
child is ready when you arrive.
Get to school on time (no later than 8:50 a.m.) Meet in the back of the
school. Dismissal is at 3:15 p.m. in the back of school as well. If there is
bad weather, dismissal will be done in the Gym. Once a month we will have an
early dismissal on a Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. You will know in advance about
early days.
Room 109 Behavior Plan Agreement
Directions: Please read and sign.
Misbehaviors occur in all classrooms. We have a variety of ways to address
misbehaviors. I make every effort to handle discipline issues within the
classroom. For minor misbehaviors, I will verbally redirect the student or
give a reminding “look” or action, like ringing a chime. I do not involve our
behavior chart-traffic light- for infrequent and minor things. Minor
behaviors include inattention, getting out of one’s seat, talking when it
should be silent, etc. If the minor behaviors become frequent, then I will
use the traffic light behavior chart.
The traffic light chart is designed to help students monitor their behavior.
The traffic light consists four lights – green, yellow, orange, and red. It is
created to give students the chance to see where they are in terms of
behavior and opportunities to get back on track. Each student has a marker
with his or her name on it. They can move up and down the chart. All
students begin the day at the top of the chart on the green light. When a
student repeatedly has trouble following a classroom rule, he or she moves
the marker down to the yellow light. If a student continues to show trouble
following a rule, then the student moves their marker down to the orange
light. The red light is a visual notification that the student has earned a
consequence for misbehavior. Consequences include loss of a privilege, such
as recess, free time, Time Out, etc. When a student continues to ignore a
rule, in spite of the consequence given, then the student may be given an
office referral and/ or detention. All students start over again on the green
light after lunch.
For misbehaviors more serious in nature, I will move beyond the traffic light.
There misbehaviors include isolated incidences of pushing or shoving, chronic
talking out of turn, chronic failure to complete work, disrespect, etc.
Strategies that I use in my classroom are providing a choice (do it now or do
it during recess), write an apology to a friend or draw a picture, a reflection
sheet, asking the student what the consequence should be, and creating an
Action Plan.
For major misbehaviors, students are sent to the office. Bullying,
uncontrolled outbursts, threats of violence, stealing, destruction of
property, and extreme defiance are examples of major misbehaviors.
I have read and agree to the behavior plan described above.
(parent/guardian signature)
Room 109
Home/School Homework Contract
I, ____________________________________________ understand
that my child is required to:
(parent/guardian name)
Complete Spelling, Math and Reading homework Monday through
Thursday nights.
Complete incomplete homework during snack or recess time.
Bring in a note from home if there is a valid reason why the homework
is incomplete. This includes absences in these cases, an extra night
for completion will be given.
(parent/guardian signature)
Room 109
Classroom Rules
Home/School contract
I, ____________________________________________ understand
that my child must
(parent/guardian name)
1. Be kind and respectful.
2. Follow the directions the first time they are given.
3. Listen to the speaker.
4. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
5. Raise a quiet hand.
6. Respect and share all our materials.
(parent/guardian signature)