science fair experiment

Dear Parents and Students in the 6th Grade,
That time of year is here again! The Science Fair is rapidly approaching and you
are probably wondering what is expected of your FRMS student. We are now
offering 2 options for this year’s Science Fair:
Option 1-Students may complete a “classic” science fair experiment and follow
the guidelines set forth in the packets to be picked up in class from their Science
teacher. This option allows you to compete for awards at the school level, as well
as possibly being chosen to represent Flat Rock for the County. Students choosing
this option will turn in their work on the dates listed in the Science Fair packets to
receive feedback from their teachers.
Option 2-a concept poster on any science topic from the 6th grade curriculum.
Students will research a chosen topic of interest and display their findings on a
poster. If students need a poster board, they will need to request one from their
Science teacher. They will follow the instructions set forth in the Science Fair
Option 2 guidelines that they will receive once they return this letter. Here are
some frequently asked questions:
 Can we work together on a project? No, we want each individual child to
research a topic of interest or conduct an experiment of their own choosing.
 Can we do our poster digitally? No, students are encouraged to use the
Web and type and print their material, but it has to be on a poster so that it
can be displayed and judged.
 Do I have to do a project? Yes, if students do not do either Option 1 or 2,
they will receive an “F” for a project grade in the 2nd quarter.
 When is this project due? Both Option 1 and Option 2 are due on
December 15th. I will not accept any late projects. Projects can be turned
in early.
Thank you,
The 6th Grade science teachers:
Audrena Garland
Please sign and return the bottom portion to your child’s science teacher
_______Option 1-my child will complete a Science Experiment
_______Option 2-my child will research a science topic and display their concept
on a poster board
Students name:
Parent Signature:
Option 2-Science Concept Poster
Choose a topic from the 6th grade curriculum such as: soil, tectonic plates,
weathering and erosion, the rock cycle, phases of the moon, gravity, earth’s
cycles, the solar system, planets, forces and motion, states of matter, sound
waves, energy, ecosystems. Your teacher can give you a list of possible
projects if you are get stuck for an idea.
Get you teacher approval on your research topic by November 25th.
My topic (briefly describe what you will be researching)
2. Conduct your research. Read and find out as much as you can about your topic
using online resources, the library, interviewing knowledgeable adults and using
any resource that helps you understand your topic. Make a list of your sources
and be sure to turn in a copy with your final project. Do this over Thanksgiving
3. Plan your poster design-before you begin your poster, PLAN IT! Create a
sketch of how you will display your research on your board. Will you use maps,
charts, diagrams, tables, photos, illustrations? Be specific about what information
you will include.
4. Create your poster- Attractively and neatly display your research on your
board using your planning sheet and your information from your Graphic
Organizer. Typing and printing the information is highly encouraged or use your
neatest handwriting. Have an adult help you make sure everything is spelled
correctly and that your information is correct.
Final Poster due December 15th