Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Self Appraisal Report Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology Ghat Road, Partapur, Meerut (UP) Submitted to National Assessment and Accreditation Council (An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission) P.O. Box No. 1075, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560 072 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road, Meerut 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced, stored in the retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road, Meerut Report for submission in: NAAC, P.O. Box 1075, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, Karnataka and for Internal circulation only Typeset at: Atul Shukla Computer Section Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road, Meerut Date: 23.8.2014 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. DECLARATION BY THE HEAD OF THE INSTITUTION I certify that the data included in this Self-Appraisal Report (SAR) are true to the best of my knowledge. This SAR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer Team will validate the information provided in this SAR during the Peer Team visit. Signature of the Head of the Institute Dr Indu Singh Principal Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. SCENARIO OF TEACHER EDUCATION IN UTTAR PRADESH U.P. ranks among the lowest in the country in many of the HRD indicators although it is one of the most developed states in India. The slope of quality is not on ascending scale and cost of education is considerably high. Education has of late come to be considered as a means of human development. But a degree matters, the quality is compromised. Litigations between Institutes of Education and NCTE consume more energy diverting attention and resources from the real concern of both. U.P. has a number of (a) government managed (b) government aided and privately managed and (c) self-financed and privately managed institutes of teacher education. The State has a number of self-financed private teacher training institutions as well. Universities having institutes of education are located in the state. The state has more than five state run universities. Some of these also have affiliated institutes of education. In addition, there are other Elementary Teacher Education Institutes, government DIETs [Institutes conducting Elementary Teacher Education (ETE) Course] and recognised Institutes are conducting ETE/D.Ed courses, among others. U.P. has in place a mechanism for providing teacher education through regular and distance mode to both, pre-service and in-service candidates. The IGNOU provides training facility through distance mode. Many institutes of education beside private universities are also situated in the State. Almost all the required courses of education are being run by different Institutes/Centres of Education. These include Master of Education (M. Ed), Bachelor of Education, B.Ed. Nursery, B.El. Ed, Diploma in Elementary Teacher Training, Diploma in Primary Education (DPE), and Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training (NTT). Courses are also available in Diploma in Special Education (Mental Retardation), B. Ed. (Special Education), Master of Education (Special Education), Diploma in Early Childhood Education, Diploma in Nursery and Primary Teachers Training, Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology (PGDET) and B.P. Ed. The two state universities run M.Ed. programme. The Universities have affiliated self financed B.Ed. Institutes. There are in all 511 Government/Government aided and self financed Institutes and Institutes of Education in the State. There are in all 37 DIETs, and 27 institutes/institutes Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. offer B. Ed courses. U.P. has three Government Institutes of Education, besides IGNOU’s Centres of Distance Education. State-NCTE-affiliating University are three regulatory bodies. The institutes/institutes of education have to abide by the Policies, Rules and Regulations issued by the State, Affiliating University and the ones laid down by the NCTE. A new institute is started with the permission of the Government of the State. The Government imposes the condition of adhering to its rules and other authorities for establishing a institute. It regulates quality of teaching, and other related activities, availability of infrastructure, and monitors compliance. The affiliating University that enforces compliance to the provisions of Act 1998 and other provisions is the other regulatory body. Affiliation is conditional upon strict adherence to all the mandated conditions. It regulates admissions, curriculum, examination, selection of staff, ensures transparency and faculty development. It regulates appointment of adequate qualified staff, student related amenities and facilities and maintenance of prescribed infrastructure and augmentation of required learning resources. It demands status and progress report and can conduct inspection on its own volition. The NCTE is third authority. It regulates whole of infrastructure, physical and human. Its approval for starting and running the course is dependent upon creating, maintaining and augmenting the duly specified building, labs, library, workshops, games and sports facilities and amenities; appointing well-qualified faculty and other staff in the required strength, etc. it may be seen that the conditions governing human and physical resources as laid down by the NCTE for establishing a institute are similar to those of the state and the affiliating University which two bodies maintain watch with consistency, and ensure adherence to the comprehensive regulations almost on regular basis. The NCTE does it at the start and then by effecting incidental inspection that too on complaint. Like-wise, DIET is governed by the rules of NCTE and SCERT. The SCERT is an affiliating body of the DIETs in the State. The state bodies maintain a watch and ensure strict adherence to the norms. Violation of relevant rules invites intervention and might lead ton de-recognition/deaffiliation of the course/institute. We at Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Meerut always adhere to the guidelines, rules and regulations laid down by the University, the Government and the NCTE for smooth and flawless working. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CONTENTS PARTICULARS PAGE No(s). Declaration Teacher Education Scenario in U.P. Contents List of Enclosures PART-I (4 - 28) A. Profile of the Institution B. Criterion-wise inputs PART-II (29 – 192 ) A. Executive Summary B. Criterion-wise Analysis CRITERION-I: CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1.1 Curricular Design and Development 1.2 Academic Flexibility 1.3 Feed Back On Curriculum 1.4 Curriculum Update 1.5 Best Practices in Curricular Aspects. Measures Undertaken By the Institution during the Last Five Years in Curricular Aspects For Sustaining And Enhancing Quality 1.6 The Planned / Implemented Innovations / Best Practices in Curricular Aspects CRITERION – II: TEACHING, LEARN-ING AND EVALUATION 2.1 Admission Process and Student Profile 2.2 Catering To Diverse Needs 2.3 Teaching Learning Process Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 2.4 Teacher Quality 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms 2.6 Best Practice in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation Process CRITERION – III: RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 3.1 Promotion of Research 3.2 Research and Publication Output 3.3 Consultancy 3.4 Extension Activities 3.5 Collaborations 3.6. Best Practices In Research, Consultancy and Extension CRITERION – IV: INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 4.1 Physical Facilities 4.2 Maintenance Of Infrastructure 4.3 Library as a Learning Source 4.4 ICT As Learning Resources 4.5 Other Facilities 4.6 Best Practices In Infrastructure And Learning Resources CRITERION - V: STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 5.1 Student Progression 5.2 Student Support 5.3 Student Activities 5.4 Best Practices in Student Support And Progression CRITERION - VI: GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership 6.2 Organization of Arrangements 6.3 Strategy Development and Deployment 6.4 Human Resource Management 6.5 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 6.6 Best Practices in Governance and Leadership CRITERION - VII: INNOVATIVE PRACTICES 7.1 Internal Quality Assurance System Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 7.2 Inclusive Practices 7.3 Stakeholder Relationships 7.4 Other Features of Significance PART-III Mapping of Academic Activities Enclosures 1. A brief note on teacher education scenario in the state, 2. Master Plan of The Institution 3. Sample of Student Feedback on Curriculum 4. Sample of Student Feedback on Faculty 5. Audited Income-Expenditure Statement For The Previous Three Financial Years 6. Copy of the Latest Recognition Order Issued by NCTE 7. Copy of the Latest Recognition Order Issued by University 8. University Results For Previous Three Academic Years 9. Teacher Appraisal Reports 10. Major decisions of the Management Board 11. Statement of Income of the institute for the last three years 12. Budget for the past five years, 13. Budget for the Current Financial Year Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. SELF APPRAISAL REPORT PART-I PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTION Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. A. Profile of the Institution !. Name and address of the institution: PANCHVATI INSTITUTE OFEDUCATION and TECHNOLOGY 2. Website URL 3. For communication: GHAT ROAD, PARTAPUR, MEERUT (U.P) Office Name Head/Principal DR INDU SINGH Telephone Number with STD Code Fax No E-Mail Address 01213277732 01213277732 01213277732 01213277732 Vice-Principal Self - appraisal Co-ordinator Ms Evita -- -- -- Residence Name Telephone Number Mobile Number with STD Code Head/Principal 01213277732 918191801818 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Dr PRAMOD KUMAR Vice-Principal Ms Evita 09811911956 01213277732 4. Location of the Institution: Urban Semi-urban Rural Tribal Any other (specify and indicate) 5857 sq.mts 5. Campus area in acres: 6. Is it a recognized minority institution? Yes No 7. Date of establishment of the institution: Month and Year MM YYYY 08 2009 8. University/Board to which the institution is affiliated: Choudhary Charan Singh UNI, MEERUT 9. Details of UGC recognition under sections 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act. Month and Year -- N A---MM YYYY 2f Month and Year MM 12B YYYY Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 10. Type of Institution a. By funding i. Government ii. Grant-in-aid iii. Constituent iv. Self-financed v. Any other (specify and indicate) b. By Gender i. Only for Men ii. Only for Women iii. Co-education c. By Nature i. University Dept. ii. IASE iii. Autonomous Institute iv. Affiliated Institute v. Constituent Institute vi. Dept. of Education of Composite Institute vii. CTE Viii. Any other (specify and indicate) 11. Does the University / State Education Act have provision for autonomy? Yes No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. If yes, has the institution applied for autonomy? Yes No 12. Details of Teacher Education programmes offered by the institution: Sl. Level No. Programme / Course Entry Qualificati on Nature of Award Duration Medium of instruction Certificate i) Pre-primary Degree ii) Certificate Primary/ Elementary Degree Certificate iii) iv. v. Secondary/ Sr. secondary B.Ed Post Graduate Other (specify) Graduatio n with 50% Diploma Degree Diploma Degree Certificate Diploma Degree (Additional rows may be inserted as per requirement) One Year Hindi and English Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 13. Give details of NCTE recognition (for each programme mentioned in Q.12 above) Level Programme Order No. and Date Valid upto Sanctioned Intake Pre-primary Primary/Elementary B.Ed Secondary/ Sr.secondary F.NRC/NCTE/F.7/UPPermtt 3072/143 MEETING/2009/9651 dated 31.08.2009 Post Graduate Other (specify) (Additional rows may be inserted as per requirement) B) Criterion-wise inputs Criterion I: Curricular Aspects 1. Does the Institution have a stated Vision Mission Values Objectives 2. a) Does the institution offer self-financed programme(s)? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes If yes, How many programmes? ONE No 100 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. a) Fee charged per programme Rs. Rs.51250.00 51250.00 3. Are there programmes with semester system NIL 4. Is the institution representing/participating in the curriculum development/ revision processes of the regulatory bodies? Yes No If yes, how many faculty are on the various curriculum development/vision committees/boards of universities/regulating authority. 01 5. Number of methods/elective options (programme wise) D.Ed. B.Ed. M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) Any other (Specify and indicate) 03 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 6. Are there Programmes offered in modular form NO Number 7. Are there Programmes where assessment of teachers by the students has been introduced Yes No Number 8. Are there Programmes with faculty exchange/visiting faculty Yes No Number 9. Is there any mechanism to obtain feedback on the curricular aspects from the Heads of practice teaching schools Academic peers YES Yes No Alumni YES Yes No Students YES Yes No Employers YES Yes No YES 10. How long does it take for the institution to introduce a new programme within the existing system? Three Years 11. Has the institution introduced any new courses in teacher education years? Yes No during the last three Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Number 12. Are there courses in which major syllabus revision was done during the last five years? YES Paper- School Management added as a compulsory paper Paper- Value Education (optional) Nine new crafts are added Number 03 13. Does the institution develop and deploy action plans for effective implementation of the curriculum? Yes No 14. Does the institution encourage the faculty to prepare course outlines? Yes No Criterion II: Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 1.How are students selected for admission into various courses? a) Through an entrance test developed by the institution b) Common entrance test conducted by the University/Government c) Through an interview d) Entrance test and interview e) Merit at the qualifying examination f) Any other (specify and indicate) (If more than one method is followed, kindly specify the weightages) Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 2. Furnish the following information (for the previous academic year): a) b) c) d) e) Date of start of the academic year Date of last admission Date of closing of the academic year Total teaching days Total working days 01/08/2013 29/09/2013 30/06/2014 180 210 3. Total number of students admitted (2013-14) Number of students Programme M F Total Reserved M F Open Total M F 04 14 Total D.Ed. B.Ed. 42 58 100 38 44 82 18 M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) 4. Are there any overseas students? Yes No If yes, how many? 5. What is the ‘unit cost’ of teacher education programme? (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure divided by the number of students/ trainees enrolled). a) Unit cost excluding salary component 20500.00 51250.00 b) Unit cost including salary component 6. Highest and Lowest percentage of marks at the qualifying examination considered for admission during the previous academic session Programmes Open Reserved Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Highest Lowest Highest Lowest (%) (%) (%) (%) D.Ed. 75.85% B.Ed. 51% 65.33 41% M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) 7. Is there a provision for assessing students’ knowledge and skills for the programme (after admission)? Yes No 8. Does the institution develop its academic calendar? Yes No Time allotted (in percentage) Programmes Theory Practice Teaching Practicum D.Ed. B.Ed. (210 days) M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) 69 21 10 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 9. Pre-practice teaching at the institution a) Number of pre-practice teaching days b) Minimum number of pre-practice teaching 1 0 1 0 1 1 4 5 4 5 lessons given by each student 10. Practice Teaching at School a) Number of schools identified for practice teaching b) Total number of practice teaching days c) Minimum number of practice teaching lessons given by each student 11. How many lessons are given by the student teachers in simulation and pre-practice teaching in classroom situations? No. of Lessons In simulation No. 10 No. of Lessons Pre-practice teaching No. 04 12. Is the scheme of evaluation made known to students at the beginning of the academic session? Yes No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 13. Does the institution provide for continuous evaluation? Yes No 14. Weightage (in percentage) given to internal and external evaluation Programmes Internal External D.Ed. Th. -NIL B.Ed. Practical 100 16.66 83.33% M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) 15. Examinations a) Number of sessional tests held for each paper = b) Number of assignments for each paper = 0 00 0 2 2 16. Access to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and technology. Yes Computers 30 Intranet -- Internet Yes Software / courseware (CDs) 16 Audio resources 24 Video resources -- Teaching Aids and other related materials (models) 12 Any other (specify and indicate) OHP,TV, Camera, No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Photo Copier,Transp arencies, Slides, Models, Public Address System 18. Are there courses with ICT enabled teaching-learning process? Yes No Number 19. Does the institution offer computer science as a subject? Yes No If yes, is it offered as a compulsory or optional paper? Compulsory Optional Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and Extension 1. Number of teachers with Ph. D and their percentage to the total faculty strength 2. 50 % % Does the Institution have ongoing research projects? Number 4 Yes No If yes, provide the following details on the ongoing research projects Funding agency Institute Amount (Rs) 12000.00 Duration (years) One year Collaboration, if any B.Ed institutes Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 3. Number of completed research projects during last three years. one 4. How does the institution motivate its teachers to take up research in education? (Mark for positive response and X for negative response) Teachers are given study leave Teachers are provided with seed money Adjustment in teaching schedule Providing secretarial support and other facilities Any other specify and indicate 5. Does the institution provide financial support to research scholars? Yes 6. No Number of research degrees awarded during the last 5 years. NIL a. Ph.D. b. 7. M.Phil. Does the institution support student research projects (UG and PG)? Yes 8. No Details of the Publications by the faculty (Last five years) Yes International journals No Number --- National journals – referred papers Non referred papers Academic articles in reputed magazines/news papers Yes 07 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Books Any other (specify and indicate) 9. Are there awards, recognition, patents etc received by the faculty? Yes No Number 10. Number of papers presented by the faculty and students (during last five years): Faculty National seminars 25 International seminars 02 Students Any other academic forum 11. What types of instructional materials have been developed by the institution? (Mark `’ for yes and `X’ for No.) Self-instructional materials Print materials Non-print materials (e.g. Teaching Aids/audio-visual, multimedia, etc.) Digitalized (Computer aided instructional materials) Question bank Any other (specify and indicate) 12. Does the institution have a designated person for extension activities? Yes No If yes, indicate the nature of the post. Full-time Part-time Additional charge 13. Are there NSS and NCC programmes in the institution? Yes No (SCOUT GUIDE) Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 14. Are there any other outreach programmes provided by the institution? Yes No 15. Number of other curricular/co-curricular meets organized by other academic agencies/NGOs on Campus six 16. Does the institution provide consultancy services? Yes No In case of paid consultancy what is the net amount generated during last three years. Consultancy is provided without charging fee No fee 17. Does the institution have networking/linkage with other institutions/ organizations? Local level Yes Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. State level Yes National level Yes International level Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 1. Built-up Area (in sq. mts.) 2591.22 Sq.mts 2. 3. Are the following laboratories been established as per NCTE Norms? a) Methods lab Yes No b) Psychology lab Yes No c) Science Lab(s) Yes No d) Education Technology lab Yes No e) f) Computer lab Workshop for preparing teaching aids Yes No Yes No How many Computer terminals are available with the institution? 30 4. What is the Budget allotted for computers (purchase and maintenance) during the previous academic year? 105000.00 5. What is the Amount spent on maintenance of computer facilities during the previous academic year? 30000.00 6. What is the Amount spent on maintenance and upgrading of laboratory facilities during the previous academic year 216000.00 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 7. What is the Budget allocated for campus expansion (building) and upkeep for the current academic session/financial year? 112800.00 8. Has the institution developed computer-aided learning packages? Yes 9. No Total number of posts sanctioned 10. Total number of posts vacant Open Reserved M F M Teaching 3 25 2 1 Non-teaching 2 1 6 - Nil Open Teaching Non-teaching M F Reserved F M -- -- -- - F - 11. a. Number of regular and permanent teachers Open Reserved (Gender-wise) (Gender-wise) Lecturers Reader M F M F 4 1 M F M F F M F 1 Professors M b. Number of temporary/ad-hoc/part-time teachers (Gender-wise) - NIL Open Reserved M F M F 1 2 -- -- Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Lecturers M F M F Readers Professors M F M F -- c. Number of teachers from Same state 7 Other states 2 12. Teacher student ratio (program-wise) Programme D.Ed. B.Ed. Teacher student ratio 1:12 M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) 13. a. Non-teaching staff Open Permanent Reserved M F M F 2 1 6 M F M F M F M F 1 1 M F M F 3 Temporary b. Technical Assistants Permanents Temporary Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 14. Ratio of Teaching – non-teaching staff 1:1 15. Amount spent on the salaries of teaching faculty during the previous academic session (% of total expenditure) 58.20 % 16. Is there an advisory committee for the library? Yes No 17. Working hours of the Library 9.30 am -3.30pm On working days On holidays --------no------ During examinations 9.30 am -4.30pm 18. Does the library have an Open access facility Yes No 19. Total collection of the following in the library a. Books 4481 - Textbooks 1025 - Reference books 1082 b. Magazines 05 e. Journals subscribed - Indian journals 14 - Foreign journals nil f. Peer reviewed journals g. Back volumes of journals nil nil h. E-information resources - Online journals/e-journals 04 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. - CDs/ DVDs - Databases - Video Cassettes 05 05 - Audio Cassettes 20 20. Mention the Total carpet area of the Library (in sq. mts.) Seating capacity of the Reading room 40 21. Status of automation of Library Yet to intimate Partially automated Fully automated 22. Which of the following services/facilities are provided in the library? Circulation Clipping Bibliographic compilation Reference Information display and notification Book Bank Photocopying Computer and Printer Internet Online access facility Inter-library borrowing Power back up User orientation /information literacy Any other (please specify and indicate) 23. Are students allowed to retain books for examinations? Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Yes No 24. Furnish information on the following Average number of books issued/returned per day 40 Maximum numbers of day’s books are permitted to be retained 15 By students By faculty 15 Maximum number of books permitted for issue for students 04 for faculty 06 Average number of users who visited/consulted per month 950 Ratio of library books (excluding textbooks and book bank 1:38 Facility) to the number of students enrolled 25. What is the percentage of library budget in relation to total budget of the institution 1.15% 26. Provide the number of books/ journals/ periodicals that have been added to the library during the last three years and their cost. I No. II Total cost Number (in Rs.) III Total cost Number (in Rs.) Total cost (in Rs.) Text books 131 20559.00 143 22213.00 128 20256.00 Other books 67 1460.00 73 2560.00 52 4256.00 Journals/ 12 5430.00 14 5620.00 14 5880.00 Periodicals Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. -- Any others -- -- -- -- specify and indicate (Additional rows/columns may be inserted as per requirement) Criterion V: Student Support and Progression 1. Programme wise “dropout rate” for the last three batches Programmes D.Ed. B.Ed. Year 1 Year 2 -- 3 Year 3 2 M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) 2. Does the Institution have the tutor-ward/or any similar mentoring system? Yes No If yes, how many students are under the care of a mentor/tutor? 1:12 3. Does the institution offer Remedial instruction? Yes 4. No Does the institution offer Bridge courses? Yes 5. No Examination Results during past three years (provide year wise data) UG PG I II III Pass percentage 100% 100% 97% Number of first 86 76 71 I II III M. Phil I II III -- Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. classes Number of distinctions 04 09 12 Exemplary performances (Gold Medal and university ranks) 6. Number of students who have passed competitive examinations during the last three years (provide year wise data) NIL NET I -NIL III II SLET/SET -NIL Any other (specify and indicate) 7. Mention the number of students who have received financial aid during the past three years. Financial Aid I II III 3 04 04 2 4 3 Merit Scholarship Merit-cum-means scholarship Fee concession (10-20) Loan facilities Any other specify and indicate (Additional rows may be inserted as per requirement) 8. Is there a Health Centre available in the campus of the institution? Yes No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 9. Does the institution provide Residential accommodation for: Faculty -- No Non-teaching staff -- 10. No Does the institution provide Hostel facility for its students? NO If yes, number of students residing in hostels Men Women 11. Does the institution provide indoor and outdoor sports facilities? Sports fields Yes No Indoor sports facilities Yes No Gymnasium Yes No 12. Availability of rest rooms for Women Yes No 13. Availability of rest rooms for men Yes No 14. Is there transport facility available? Yes YES No 15. Does the Institution obtain feedback from students on their campus experience? Yes No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 16. Give information on the Cultural Events (Last year data) in which the institution participated/organised. Organised Yes Inter-collegiate No Participated Yes Number -- yes No Number - 12 Inter-university National Any other (specify and indicate) (Excluding institute day celebration) 17. Give details of the participation of students during the past year at the university, state, regional, national and international sports meets. Participation of students Outcome (Numbers) (Medal achievers) State nil Nil Regional nil Nil National nil Nil International nil Nil 18. Does the institution have an active Alumni Association? Yes No If yes, give the year of establishment 2012 19. Does the institution have a Student Association/Council? Yes No 20. Does the institution regularly publish a institute magazine? Yes No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 21. Does the institution publish its updated prospectus annually? Yes No 21. Give the details on the progression of the students to employment/further study (Give percentage) for last three years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 (%) (%) (%) Higher studies 5 4 7 Employment (Total) 45 59 63 Teaching 31 37 41 Non teaching 14 22 21 23. Is there a placement cell in the institution? Yes No If yes, how many students were employed through placement cell during the past three years. 1 -- 2 3 16 13 24. Does the institution provide the following guidance and counselling services to students? Yes Academic guidance and Counseling Personal Counseling Career Counseling Criterion VI: Governance and Leadership No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 1. Does the institution have a functional Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) or any other similar body/committee Yes 2. No Frequency of meetings of Academic and Administrative Bodies: (last year) Governing Body/management Two Staff council Four IQAC/or any other similar body/committee Three Internal Administrative Bodies contributing to quality improvement of -Advisory the institutional processes. (mention only for three most important Committee bodies) -Library Committee Examination Committee 3. What are the Welfare Schemes available for the teaching and non-teaching staff of the institution? 4. Yes No Medical assistance Yes No Insurance Yes No Other (specify and indicate) Yes No Number of career development programmes made available for non-teaching staff during the last three years -- 5. Loan facility 1 1 Furnish the following details for the past three years a. Number of teachers who have availed the Faculty Improvement Program of the UGC/NCTE or any other recognized Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. organisation nil b. Number of teachers who were sponsored for professional development programmes by the institution National 05 6 6 International -- -- -- c. Number of faculty development programmes organized by the Institution: -- 4 6 d. Number of Seminars/ workshops/symposia on Curricular development, - Teaching- learning, Assessment, etc. organised by the institution -- 4 8 e. Research development programmes attended by the faculty 1 1 f. Invited/endowment lectures at the institution 6 6 Any other area (specify the programme and indicate) 6. How does the institution monitor the performance of the teaching and non-teaching staff? 7. a. Self-appraisal Yes No b. Student assessment of faculty performance Yes No c. Expert assessment of faculty performance Yes No d. Combination of one or more of the above Yes No e. Any other (specify and indicate) Yes No Are the faculty assigned additional administrative work? Yes No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. If yes, give the number of hours spent by the faculty per week 03 hrs 8. Provide the income received under various heads of the account by the institution for previous academic session Grant-in-aid Fees Donation Self-funded courses 51,25,000.00 Any other (specify and indicate) 9. Expenditure statement (for last two years) Year 1 Year2 Total sanctioned Budget 5125000.00 5125000.00 % spent on the salary of faculty 49.53% 50.25% % spent on the salary of non-teaching employees 10.15% 10.65% % spent on books and journals 1.13% 1.45% % spent on developmental activities (expansion of building) 9.28% 8.34% % spent on telephone, electricity and water 4.25% 3.85% % spent on maintenance of building, sports facilities, hostels, residential complex and student amenities, etc. 18.54% 16.95% % spent on maintenance of equipment, teaching aids, contingency etc. 7.65% 8.24% % spent on research and scholarship (seminars, 2.06% 2.30% Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. conferences, faculty development programs, faculty Exchange, etc.) % spent on travel 1.36 2.1% Any other (specify and indicate)Misc.Postage,advertisements,office stationary, legal expenses etc. 2.3% 1.85% Total expenditure incurred 107.42 106.98 Expenditure over income 7.42 6.98 10. Specify the institutions surplus/deficit budget during the last three years? (specify the amount in the applicable boxes given below) Surplus in Rs. Deficit in Rs. 380275.00 357725.00 11. Is there an internal financial audit mechanism? Yes No 12. Is there an external financial audit mechanism? Yes No 13. ICT/Technology supported activities/units of the institution: Administration Yes No Finance Yes No Yes No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Student Records Career Counselling Yes No Aptitude Testing Yes No Examinations/Evaluation/ Yes No Yes No Yes No Assessment Any other (specify and indicate) 14. Does the institution have an efficient internal co-ordinating and monitoring mechanism? Yes No 15. Does the institution have an inbuilt mechanism to check the work efficiency of the non-teaching staff? Yes No 16. Are all the decisions taken by the institution during the last three years approved by a competent authority? Yes No 17. Does the institution have the freedom and the resources to appoint and pay temporary/ ad hoc / guest teaching staff? Yes No 18. Is a grievance redressal mechanism in vogue in the institution? a) for teachers b) for students c) for non - teaching staff 19. Are there any ongoing legal disputes pertaining to the institution? Yes No Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 20. Has the institution adopted any mechanism/process for internal academic audit/quality checks? Yes No 21. Is the institution sensitised to modern managerial concepts such as strategic planning, teamwork, decision-making, computerisation and TQM? Yes No Criterion VII: Innovative Practices 1. Does the institution has an established Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms ? Yes 2. No Do students participate in the Quality Enhancement of the Institution? Yes 3. No What is the percentage of the following student categories in the institution? Category Men % Women % a SC 08 8% 15 15% b ST -- c OBC 26 26% 23 23% d Physically challenged e General Category 16 16% 12 12% f Rural g Urban Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. h Total ( specify) 4. What is the percentage of the staff in the following category ? Category Teaching staff % Non-teaching staff % a SC -- -- b ST c OBC 2 25% 6 66.66% d Women 3 37.5% 2 11.11% e Physically challenged f General Category 3 37.5% 2 22.22% g Any other ( specify) 5. What is the percentage incremental academic growth of the students for the last two batches? Category SC ST At Admission On completion of the course Batch I Batch II Batch I Batch II (2012-2013) (2013-14) (2012-2013) (2013-14) 32% 23% 31% 23% Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. OBC Physically challenged General Category Rural Urban Any other ( specify) 22% 49% 22% 49% 46% 28% 46% 28% Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Self Appraisal Report Section B, Part – II Part A: Executive Summary and Part B: Criterion-wise Analysis Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road, Partapur, Meerut, District Meerut U.P. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Panchvati Education and Social Welfare Trust established the Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road, Partapur, Meerut with 100 seats of B.Ed. (vide NCTE letter NRC/NCTE/F7/UP-3072/143 Meeting/2009/9651 dt 31 Aug2 009 followed by Ref No. Affil./3143 Dated 30.12.2013 ) to meet its purpose of imparting quality education to all without discrimination. The Trust enjoys a reasonably satisfactory financial position to sustain infrastructure and provide required facilities to fulfil its stated vision. The Environment: Located in the rural environ of Meerut district of U.P, the Self Financed the Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road, Partapur, affiliated to CCS University, Meerut. The Institute has a well-developed and well-maintained campus and is equipped with required infrastructure. The environment is so safe, secure, moderately rural centric and learner friendly that the girls and rural folk prefer to be enrolled here, making it a predominantly female-cum-rural institution of learning. Regulatory Bodies: The U.P. Government (state authority), CCS University, (affiliating body) and the NCTE (recognizing body) are the state/statutory regulating bodies. The State permits to start the course and superintends it’s over all working, the university in main controls academic part: admissions, curriculum, examinations and appointments. The NCTE regulates infrastructure, etc. The Institute is fully equipped to meet the relevant norms of the state/statutory regulating bodies. Institute and the Practice Teaching Schools: The Institute maintains excellent rapport with the practice teaching schools. Based on healthy understanding the two play supplementary roles and honour each other’s sensitivities and needs. The (private) schools find our product worth inducting and so prefer to absorb our product as teachers. Institute and the Community: The Institute addresses needs of the Trust, students, school sector, and education institution’s traditions and provides value orientations. It undertakes community and nation centric activities and programmes The institute ensures involvement of community in its extension activities which include, Anganwadis as Community Resource Centres, Learn with Me, Caring for Senior Citizens, Total Literacy Drive, Health-hygiene, AIDS Awareness, Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. awareness programme on girl foeticide, etc. Other national concerns are likewise addressed. The community is essentially in focus of all major programmes of the institute. The Challenges in Building a Quality Institution: The Institute confronts problems, which emanate from its the rural situation. In terms of literacy rate, U.P. (2011) is at not that satisfactory. Literacy amongst women is all the more low in rural part in particular. It is because education is not considered well as a means of self-development. This attitude is more prominent among women and the backward classes of Trust. Attracting and retaining faculty and persuading experts from outside is another insurmountable obstacle. Otherwise the Management, its functionaries and the faculty members work as a team, perceive/visualize the problems in advance and take preventive/reformative action. Hindrances in achieving the goals are addressed and corrective actions taken on priority. An appraisal of the institute may be had from the criterion wise description given below: The Institute’s plans, actions and strategy of implementation are in tune with its duly stated purpose, vision, mission and values. The Institute modifies strategy to meet the emerging needs. It reformulates and deploys action plans to achieve the objectives and ensure effective implementation of the curriculum. Genuine feedback from stakeholders is used in curriculum development and planning. Teaching–Learning-Evaluation processes are interlinked/interdependent and as per current trends The admission process is based on law and executed by statutory bodies. It is transparent. The rules are applied equitably. Students get clear information about admission including financial aspects and student support services, all beforehand. The students are engaged in active learning, given comprehensive learning experiences, enabled to managing diverse learning needs and challenges. The practice teaching is like a joint venture of the school, institute and the teachers. The (pre-known) assessment and evaluation scheme is comprehensive, reliable, objective, and transparent, outcomes of which are utilized in improving the performance. Use of new technologies is at its best in teaching –learning. Research and Extension are assigned adequate importance. Our Institute provides for professional development and engages its teachers in research, encourages them to publish in academic forums. Its teachers are actively engaged in training and developing instructional and other teaching-learning materials. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Strong institute-school-community networking and linkages with research and academic organizations is a marked feature. The institute reaches community and conducts many extension programmes, and encourages its faculty to provide consultancy services. Infrastructure and Learning Resources and institutional environment are in ship shape. The institute has appropriate physical and instructional infrastructure facilities to meet the required ends. Continuous augmentation enables it to keep pace with its academic growth. Mechanisms for maintenance and optimal use of infrastructure are in place. Well qualified faculty and staff share workload equitably and collectively. Whole of staff is involved in institutional activities. The partly computerized library is rich in learning resources with IT based easy access for all its constituencies. Adequate learning resources, mechanism to review the library related services and decisionmaking are marked features. The campus environment, practice of mentoring and monitoring progress of the students regularly support and enhance effectiveness of the faculty and students. Developing leadership qualities among the students is another feature. The institute has a well established functional internal quality management system that collects, aligns, integrates and communicates information on academic and administrative aspects of the institute. Participation in a democratic way and transparency are norms of governance. Academic and administrative planning is inter-tuned. Every individual employee contributes towards institutional development and goal attainment. Required information is given on demand. Resource management practices support and encourage performance improvement, planning and implementation strategies. The financial resources are judiciously allocated and effectively utilized. Budgeting and auditing procedures are regular and standardized. The Institute maintains functional internal quality management systems, inclusive practices and excellent relationship with stakeholders and this creates real institutional culture. The Institute is sensitivity to changing educational, social and market demands and is geared to promote an ambience of creativity, innovation and improving quality. Value-based education, social justice, social responsibilities and good citizenry are some on the top of agenda of the Institute. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITETERION-I CURRICULAR ASPECTS Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITERION I CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1.1 Curricular Design and Development The Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Meerut has clearly laid down policies, regulations and committees for implementation of the programme. There exists a policy, which is evolved and owned by the staff, students and management. The Policy is realistic and reflects the local and school contexts. The Institute has a clearly stated and duly communicated purpose, vision, mission and values. 1.1.1. State the objectives of the institute and the major considerations addressed by them? (Intellectual, Academic, Training, Access to the Disadvantaged, Equity, Self development, Community and National Development, Issue of ecology and environment, Value Orientation, Employment, Global trends and demands, etc.) The academic programmes of the institute are in accordance with the state policy that is based on the NEP-POA, and subscribe straight away to the curriculum mandated by the CCS University, the affiliating body, in letter and spirit. With the vision of the Panchvati Education and Welfare Trust and National Policy of Education 1986 in view, we focus on educational processes and base it on the normative guidelines of National Curriculum Framework. Objectives of the institute and considerations as enumerated in the Memorandum of Association of the parent body are in tune with the national level aims and objectives. At its own level the institute tries to cater to the emerging needs of the Trust, both urban and rural by introducing the games and concept of computer learning. Objectives The most immediate objective of the institute is to provide skilled and trained teachers for secondary and higher secondary schools. The wider objectives of the institute and considerations are enumerated in the Memorandum of Association of the Panchvati Education and Social Welfare Trust and elaborated further in its decisions, indicated hereunder: Social Service, and Promoting the cause of education By a. Establishing institutes and schools for promoting education in its academic, professional and vocational forms and making all out efforts for the purpose b. Providing and managing financial assistance for the needy, SC/ST and OBC candidates. c. Preparing effective secondary school teachers, who are capable of responding to the changing needs of the modern Indian Society. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The Trust is committed to further following causes in particular To awaken and provide suitable educational environment for all the rural and urban youth, particularly women who desire to be good teachers. To foster and nurture good character and high moral persona of the trainees teachers To inculcate humane values for serving the community, national integrity, religious tolerance, and aesthetic sense for earth’s environment. To provide quality education to the teacher trainees for their intellectual development. To provide knowledge of latest technological advancements for teaching To prepare the student teachers to meet the emerging issues needs and problems of the school education system in global context with the help of available resources and information communication technology. To make awaken and enable the student teachers to integrate the ICT with ancient Indian educational philosophy for a quality academic environment The above mentioned objectives and goals contain the following: Intellectual and Academics Providing and sustaining high quality education. Nurturing intellectual quest among the student teachers Promoting education among the rural and urban people Providing employable and responsible citizens embedded with humane values. Ensuring intellectual growth of the student teachers hailing from deprived segments of Trust by extending them preferential treatment within the framework of the law of the land. Nurture academic quest among the student teachers Promote the culture of life long learning among the would be teachers Training The Institute is committed the task of Running professional course by providing required facilities and infrastructure Developing trained manpower in education for making constructive contribution in the process of nation building. Equity Disadvantaged Running professional coursefor both the genders of the Trust and serving the people at large. Empowering the female strata of the Trust through professional education at this Institute Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Promoting the educational interest of the lower strata of communities by providing them quality education Exploring the employment opportunities for disadvantaged students through the Placement Cell established by the Institute The Institute has scholarship for the needy-cum-meritorious students. It is granted by taking into consideration fitness and merit. It is in addition to what the state grants. Providing education to all irrespective of considerations of caste creed, religion or place of origin Providing quality education for overall growth and development of its students Arranging scholarships to the students belonging to the SC/ST sections of Trust Self Development, Community and National Development Facilitate self development and ensure harmonious growth of its students Make the youth self reliant Improve democratic-communication skills Inculcate a sense of social responsibility and social service Contribute to the social and national cause Issue of Ecology, Environment and Value Orientation The institute seeks to Spread awareness about environmental issues and promote culture of saving natural resources Use and promote eco-friendly items/products Value education is offered through a character building movement. It helps in inculcating desired values in students. The mission and goals of the Institute are also communicated to the students through orientation days. Hidden Curriculum for instilling values of respect to elders, honesty loyalty, and patriotism equality of opportunity to all citizens. Regular lectures by faculties, guests and other visitors Inter house competitions like music, short plays related to value system in Trust, family and individual life. Global Trends and Demands Endeavour to establish a notable presence in the market, through well conceived instructional strategies, meticulous planning and execution of projects. Intensively utilize the communication skills with the help of advanced technological skills. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Use of ICT in the teaching-learning process which enhances effective communication on the part of teacher and understanding on the part of students Follow well conceived instructional strategies, meticulous planning and execution of projects as in demand in the competitive world market Intensively utilize advanced IT skills to develop world class communication skills, in the teaching learning process The objectives are in tune with the aims and objectives formulated in the NEP, PoA and other policy Government-documents of the country. 1.1.2. Specify the various steps in the curricular development processes (Need assessment, development of information database pertaining to the feedback from faculty, students, alumni, employers and academic experts and formalizing the decisions in statutory academic bodies). The institute is mandated to follow the curriculum prescribed by the CCS University, which enjoys the right to develop and revise it. It modifies the curriculum by taking into consideration the suggestions received from various stakeholders and global trends. The institute seeks modifications in the existing courses to meet the emerging needs. It obtains and uses feedback from the stakeholders for curriculum development and planning. Need assessment The institute makes efforts to identify and make suggestions to the university. It assesses the existing curriculum for (i) removing the deadwood (ii) bringing in modifications (iii) updating the existing curriculum, and so as to make it more effective and efficient from student teacher’s point of view. The institute takes feedback from stakeholders, academic expert opinion. Institution invites eminent educationist as a source person to monitor, review and suggest the modification in the existing curriculums of the academic program me. The feedback so obtained is analyzed and conclusions are drawn. Development of information database i) Database from faculty: Faculties furnish feedbacks by filling in the questionnaire that comprehends aspects like relevance of the topics, projects, activities, etc i.e. quantum and details, and quality. ii. Database from students: The students are given a questionnaire to answer questions on the relevance of the curriculum, time allotted, learning, applicability, extent of coverage and the inclusion of projects, and assessments, etc. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Informal interaction on curriculum with the students is done every month. This provides feedback on aspects like clarity, difficulty, complexity of topics dealt in the class/felt by the students during conduct of practice teaching and simulated teaching. Curriculum appraisals are distributed to the students and their responses/feedbacks are collected. iii) Data base from Alumni Questionnaire is distributed to the passed out students. Their response is studied for suggesting/making modifications. iii. Data base from Academic experts Views of academics are gathered about curriculum with reference to the needs of Trust, Psychology of students, Practical aspects, and Development of vocational skills. Besides, Workshops are conducted on curriculum development and changes to be made in making lesson plans. Suggestions made by them are incorporated and necessary actions. Institution invites eminent educationist as a source person to monitor, review and suggest the modification in the existing curriculums of the academic program me. After compiling, analyzing and getting and evaluating the feedback, the suggestions are placed before the CCS University, Meerut, the statutory academic body, for seeking amendments/modification in the curriculum. 1.1.3 How are the global trends in teacher education reflected in the curriculum and existing courses modified to meet the emerging needs? The curriculum that the institute has to follow is prescribed by the CCS University. The University modifies the curriculum from time to time to meet the emerging needs. Minor modifications are made every year by the Board of Studies (B o S) of the University. At the local level the institute strives to include the recent emerging trends and technology within the prescribed framework. First, ‘globalization’ is a multi-faceted set of processes which imply that ‘shrinking space, shrinking time and disappearing borders are linking people’s lives more deeply, more intensely and more immediately than ever before.’ These global processes have not only made our societies increasingly multicultural and ever more intercultural, but also they have forced shifts in our educational and development priorities as we assume multiple cultural identities. Education has come to be geared to promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial and religious groups. Second point is that the destinies of individuals, cultures and nations are being increasingly shaped by the decisions and actions of global players. Standards for educational performance are getting increasingly ‘internationalised.’ Competitions, Compensatory measures, Intervention are suggested. But the roots of improvement lie in the school effectiveness. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Hence global education is one of the current trends in teacher education. Different global trends in education are reflected in the curriculum. With the thrust on IT, the curriculum for B.Ed has been evaluated, modified and reframed by the university to meet the demands of the present day Trust. The University has also introduced computer education as a subject. The curriculum provides for international understanding as one of the topics. In the institute, our teachers reflect upon: (1) what they valued in their program's content and experiences; (2) their processes of applying what they had learned to their own classroom instruction; and (3) the constraints that hindered their abilities to use what they gain in the teacher education program. Overall, the teachers value the content related to the topics of culture, global interconnections, and the environment. They are exposed to working with new instructional materials and interacting with other teachers, teams, and people from other cultures which forms the most useful experiences. The teachers applied what they learned by extending or revising what they already were teaching, adding a comparative dimension or multiple perspectives, or initiating interdisciplinary approaches to mandated topics. Major constraints on the teachers' abilities to apply their new knowledge in their own classroom instruction included their students' abilities (such as reading level or developmental age), the conservatism of the community, and their own personal experiences. Since there is need for greater knowledge and understanding of the major religions and other cultures and nations, their languages, history and values, we increasingly employ staff from diverse ethnic backgrounds. At the level of institute students are regularly exposed to multiculturalism, ICT particularly the computer aided Instruction. Likewise, class lectures are supplemented by slide presentations. 1.1.4. How does the institute ensure that the curriculum bears some thrust on national issues like environment, value education and ICT? The University curriculum followed by the institute lays emphasis on the environmental, ICT issues, and value education. The curriculum bears thrust on national issues which include value education, gender equality, Human Rights, Equality, Secularism, National integration, population explosion, Women Education, Education of disabled children and ICT. It tries to inculcate core values such as fostering global competencies, national integration, quest for excellence and personality development, etc. For this purpose, thematic co-curricular and extra curricular activities are organized. Ecology and Environment Pollution: Environment pollution is taken up as per the indications given below: The University curriculum includes an optional paper (III-B) on ‘Environmental Education. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Activities on environmental issues are incorporated in the curriculum. Besides, the institute organizes different environment awareness programmes, such as (i) planting saplings (ii) organizing competitions (Poster making, Collage etc.), (iii) Celebrating Eco-Day, etc. Inter-house competitions are conducted on environment related issues The students are encouraged to exhibit their creativity in making items which are least expensive and very useful. This also provides the students the concept of making Teaching Aids out of waste and locally available material. Value Education: Particular stress is laid on humane, constitutional and democratic values Lectures are organized and educational CDs based on values and peace educations are screened for students. Students compile philosophers’ quotations, prepare and display photo frames at a prominent place in the institute. Students are motivated to follow values system in their personal life and practice them with family members and friends. Difficulties felt by them in implementation are taken up as classroom project discussion. ICT The prescribed syllabus has a paper (Paper III: Essentials of Educational Technology and Management) that covers the ICT related topic; with sufficient emphasis on the understanding of technological challenges introduce the students to hardware and software. The University curriculum includes Paper III on ‘Essentials of Educational Technology’ and Paper V (B) on ‘Computer Education’ lays emphasis on the ICT On its part, the institute organizes computer learning classes to enable students handle computer individually. Talks are arranged on the use of audio-visual aids, project based learning in labs and efforts made to ensure increasingly use of ICT in teaching –learning. Computer application in teaching fosters global competencies among the students. 1.1.5 Does the institute make use of ICT for curricular planning? If yes, give details. Institute teachers and student teachers have to use internet and ICT in teaching and learning processes. Most of the times, the teachers make use of power point presentation in value-aided lecture delivery. To equip the students to compete in the global employment market multimedia facilities are made available for the students along with the provision of well-equipped technology and computer lab facility (with appropriate working hours as provided in the time table). Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The ICT components are taken care of and inbuilt into all the B. Ed papers. Operation of Audio-Visual Equipment is part of field experience. Besides, students are also encouraged to use electronic teachingaids during their teaching practice to make their lessons more effective. Teaching skills are taught through LCD presentations. Project based learning is encouraged through the use of computers. The students are trained in the skills of accessing internet; playing CDs, using OHP, and borrowing the latest practices of developed countries. The students are encouraged to prepare lessons using ICT in teaching learning processes. 1.2 Academic Flexibility 1.2.1 How does the institution attempt to provide experiences to the students so that teaching becomes a reflective practice? The Institute follows the curriculum with flexibility. The chief objective is to provide varied experiences. In order to achieve this aim students are given professional training in teaching by the following measures: The institute practices student-centred learning, thus shifting the focus of activity to the learners by following and promoting the teaching methods such as active learning, cooperative learning, and inductive teaching and learning: inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, project-based learning, discovery learning, etc. It seeks to promote Collaborative group learning, both inside and outside the classroom; Individual student research and discovery; Research and discovery by students and faculty together In one program, prospective teachers are asked to look at their own cultural experiences and history, think about the match between their family, community culture and their school culture, and then discuss ways in which some children’s home and school cultures differ. In addition to above Teaching skills are taught through simulation and micro teaching. Experts are invited to deliver lectures on micro and macro teaching before commencement of practice teaching. Student teachers visit school, observe daily routine, and also interact with the permanent teaching staff of the of practice teaching schools. In the course of practice teaching, the student teachers participate in all the curricular and extra curricular activities of the school and assist the school teachers in decorations, conducting morning assembly arranging sport events, annual day celebration etc. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 1.2.2. How does the institution provide for adequate flexibility and scope in the operational curriculum for providing varied learning experiences to the students both in the campus and in the field? The institute provides for adequate flexibility and scope in the operational curriculum for providing varied learning experiences to the student teachers, both on the campus and in the field. It deploys action plans to achieve the objectives. The institute offers off-campus opportunities. The classroom teaching is supplemented with seminars, projects and study tours. Our institute faculty organizes study tours to enrich the knowledge of our faculty as well as our students. The institute provides a platform for students teachers to participate in various literary, cultural and community service practices. Students go to serve the community and participate in various activities like vaccination, eye camp, blood donation camp, literacy mission and awareness programme, etc. Extra curricular activities are held to develop aesthetic potential and team spirit of the students. Each year is dedicated for theme based activities like Environment, National Integration, IT, Career options, etc. The institute encourages its students to take responsibility of their learning and create dynamic partnership with peers, teachers and researchers. Students contribute to the creation and maintenance of an effective learning experience by: i. Collaborating with other students in learning; ii. Contributing to the institute-university community and participating in life beyond the classroom; iii. Actively participating in discussion and debate and respecting the others’ viewpoints; iv. Providing feedback to the institute and its staff on the quality of teaching and institute services Constructivism in the classroom also provides hands on learning, where children learn by doing. The various laboratories are well equipped to foster experimenting and scientific temper in students. One period each is allotted for Practical Work and CCA every week. Students’ assessment is done in the above activities. 1.2.3. What value added courses have been introduced by the Institution during the last three years which would for example: Develop communication skills (verbal and written), ICT skills, Life skills, Community orientation, Social responsibility, etc. UGC-NCTE and the affiliating university do not provide for value added courses for the B.Ed. institutes. But yes, value added parts have been introduced at the institute level. The institute strives to develop Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. communication skills, both verbal and written among its students. The communication skills in teacher education institutes require illustrations, explanations, concepts, probing, and simulation variation viewed in terms of communication. This includes verbal as well as written communication skills. The institute organized programme on Effective Communication in Classroom Process. The student teachers are grouped into five or six and oriented and given practice for development of the communication skills. During the free discussion session on the subject, the group teacher provides selected lesson plan and modules, etc. to the student teachers to discuss issues related to theory and practice and other thematic points. The student teachers carry out assigned work with the help of computers. They are trained in the art of using charts, pictures, models and slides. Community orientation is carried out. The student teachers visit local village panchayat officials, social workers, and leaders of the area. Visits are undertaken with a defined purpose. 1.2.4 How does the institution ensure the inclusion of the following aspects in the curriculum? i. Interdisciplinary/ Multidisciplinary ii. Multi-skill development iii. Inclusive education iv. Practice teaching experience/ internship v. Work experience/ SUPW vi. Any other (specify, and give details) The institute ensures the inclusion of the above-mentioned aspects as per details given below: a. Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary The subjects of B. Ed have interdisciplinary nature combining psychology, philosophy and sociology to understand the complex reality of education as a social task. No subject is taught in isolation. Approach is interdisciplinary wherein concepts of psychology are used in teaching skills and classroom management evaluation. Principles of Philosophy which are included in ‘Teacher in Emerging Indian Society’ are applied in curricular transaction. In addition to above The institute arranges lectures of personalities from diverse fields. Symposia are also organized on diverse aspects. The approach of teaching is critical in nature combining developmental aspects in knowledge generation i.e. recent trends in the area are generally introduced to the students b) Multi skill development: Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The student teachers take part compulsorily in the multi-skill activities of the institute. Along with the prescribed curriculum extra-curricular and co-curricular activities are conducted for multi skill development. Internal submission is compulsory for all. Each student teacher has to do a Case Study, Action Research, etc. Some skills of presentation like pictorial explanation, sequential development of concepts and associated aspects are given importance. Students prepare their teaching plans by using ICT. Demonstration is an important activity in the multi-skill development. This is the regular practice of the institute. c. Inclusive Education: Inclusion in the context of education is the practice, in which students with special educational needs spend most or all of their time with non-disabled students. It is also a process of removing barriers and enabling all students, including previously excluded groups, to learn and participate effectively within general school systems. The institute articulates that all students learn and benefit from education. The institute adapts to the needs of students, rather than students adapting to the needs of the institute. Individual differences between students are treated as a source of richness and diversity, The diversity of needs and pace of development of students are addressed through a wide and flexible range of responses. The norms are applied the following way: The teachers treat their students as their most important multicultural resources. Teachers bring the perspective and experiences of the students themselves to the fore in the learning experience. They make it a point to make content and delivery relevant for the students - facilitate experiences in which they connect it with their everyday lives Student teachers are engaged in the teaching and learning process, which transcend the banking method and facilitate experiences in which students learn from each others experiences and perspectives. Teachers use well-constructed plans and identify specific accommodation, modifications, and goals for each student The faculty encourages students to ask critical questions about all information they receive and curricular materials, and model this type of critical thinking for them. The institute works for promoting family-school partnership Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Student teachers participate in the co curricular and other interactive activities. Special attention is paid for the inclusion of the physically challenged students through the following: Visually impaired student if any is taught along with regular students. At the same time special help is extended to the needy. Allowed to deliver lessons through laptop and bring ‘writer’ at the time of examination. d. Practice teaching/Internship: Internship of students is arranged in various private and government aided schools every year. The student teachers i. Practise teaching for 20 working days to deliver 40 lessons i.e. 20 in each subject. ii. Involve themselves in all the school activities like conducting the assembly, arranging sports events, school day, Festivals, evaluation, etc. iii. Conduct case study, psycho-practicum on school children in the practicing schools. The Practice teaching is thus carried out for more than mandated working days to deliver more than the number of lessons (i.e. 20 in each subject) required by the NCTE The student teachers involve themselves in all school activities like conducting the assembly, arranging sports events, school day, Festivals, evaluation, etc. e) They develop files, prepare models and charts. Work experience: Practical Works is an integral part of the process. Provision is made by allocating one period per week for Socially Useful Productive Work in the teaching schedule. Separate room for Socially Useful Productive Work activities with sufficient materials is provided. Preparation of 5 items by each student has been made compulsory. The practical work activities are assessed internally but marks are reflected in the statement of final examination mark issued by the CCS University. f. Any other The curriculum mandates participation of student teachers in community service, co-curricular activities and Sports Activities. Requisite time is allocated for co-curricular activities. Student teachers undertake activities such as AIDS awareness, illiteracy eradication drive, etc. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Inter house competitions are frequently organized and prizes are awarded to the winners to provide motivation. 1.3 Feedback on curriculum 1.3.1. How does the institute encourage feedback and communication from Students, Alumni, Employers, Community, Academic Peers and other Stakeholders with reference to the curriculum? The institute has well oriented mechanism of getting feedback and exchange of information. The sources of feedback and methods of its procurement have been reported above, under 1.1.2.Development of Information Database. The teachers furnish certain information as part of their duties. They evaluative their students for corrective actions, at a macro level by the University and at a micro level by the Institute. Then, formative evaluation is carried out at process level and at product level. Process evaluation is done by assessing the variety of methods and media used and their appropriateness. Product evaluation is done by evaluating the students continuously during implementation. Every year, the students fill feedback form before they leave, after the completion of the programme. The feedback process is bilateral in nature that requires understanding at both ends-the trainees and the teacher educator. Students are free to express their views. Thus the democratic values promote genuine feedback under motivation or in mutual interests. Meetings of the alumni association are organized and its members are motivated to provide feedback. Some good teachers share their healthy practices of the respective schools where they work. Employers too are requested to provide feedback in their own interests. Community and academic peers are invited for formal/informal exchange of views/ talks with teaching and non teaching staff. The institute has established cordial linkages with the community. The Institute and community come together, during extension programmes, Campaign, Arrangement of community lunches, formal meeting with members of community and principles and Head teachers of District. At the time of every meeting formal and informal feedback is received from the community regarding the curriculum. The Institute invites heads practice teaching schools and community members in various activities, functions, exhibitions and competitions of the institute. Input from parents and interaction with neighbourhood provide general feedback about the course and the related curricular/co-curricular activities. Thus most of the feedback is constricted on curriculum related academic and training aspects and as a result, it is observed that it helps all concerned in achieving collegial goals in the creation of a professional teacher. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 1.3.2. Is there a mechanism for analysis and use of the outcome from the feedback to review and indentify areas for improvement and the changes to be brought in the curriculum? If yes, give details on the same. There is a mechanism for analysis and use of the outcome to indentify areas for improvement. The feedback-based report is placed before the relevant committees, which examine them and make suggestions and recommendations. IQAC and the relevant committee(s) are in place to analyse the feedback critically. The outcomes and suggestions that can be implemented at the collegial level are followed. For example, suggestions regarding allotment of time, preparation of files, simulation and micro teaching were worked upon and adequate changes were made. If any suggestion is to be passed on to the university, it is done accordingly. Various areas have been identified by the institute where certain changes and improvement need to be made at the level of University. The Major areas are ICT as compulsory subject, adequate provision of Inclusive Education in the curriculum, more emphasis on developing more skills among the student teachers and duration of the course. 1.3.3 What are the contributions of the institution to curriculum development? (Member of BoS sending timely suggestions, feedback, etc) Since the curriculum regulatory body of the B.Ed course is CCS University, Meerut so there is hardly any scope for us in the development of the curriculum. Yet, active though indirect participation of our faculty in curricular design and implementation at the university level is worth taking note of. Our faculty members have played an important role in syllabus formation and curriculum construction in terms of forwarding useful suggestions to the university as worked out at institute level. 1.4 Curriculum Update 1.4.1. Which courses have undergone a major curriculum revision during the last five years? How did these changes contribute to quality improvement and student satisfaction? (Provide details of only the major changes in the content that have been made). At the University level, curriculum evaluation and modification is done periodically for the courses to make it more efficient and effective. Revisions have been done in the past. Details of the major curriculum revision during the last five years are given below:The syllabus was revised and revised one was enforced during 2008-2009. Thus, Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Paper V (a) School Management (which was, earlier a part of Paper IV) carrying 40 marks, was added as a compulsory paper. Likewise Paper V (b) on Value Education was added as optional paper with 40 marks. New (9) crafts were added. These included modern crafts as well as the ones preferred by girls. Out of these students were to study one. The syllabus was remodelled on the pattern of NCTE’s proposed model curriculum in 2010-2011. The students feel rather satisfied on the inclusion of ICT which has been found absorbing and useful. Division of Teaching Practice into sub-parts is likewise found quite satisfactory. The inclusion of practical programmes having domestic utility is equally appreciated. The changes were made by the university on the recommendations of the BoS. Besides, the powers to effect changes in teaching subjects have been vested. The BoS can include units directly from the syllabus of standard VIII to XII in the Paper V and VI of the B.Ed course that is the Content cum Methodology. Accordingly, Papers V and VI that are related to the syllabus of the school were modified to bring them in tune with the changes in the subjects at the school level. The students feel rather satisfied on the inclusion of ICT which has been found absorbing and useful. Division of Teaching Practice into sub-parts is likewise found quite satisfactory. The inclusion of practical programmes having domestic utility is equally appreciated. 1.4. 2. What are the strategies adopted by the institute for curriculum revision and update (Need assessment, student input, feedback from practicing schools etc)? Strategy necessitates action in two forms: straight action at the level of institute wherever possible and feasible. Or else, the institute approaches the authorities like affiliating university and the NCTE to familiarize them with the need and suggestion for change. The institute assesses need and communicates suggestions based on the feedback from stakeholders pertaining to the curriculum to the university. It has already been submitted that the institute has a system in place for seeking inputs from various stakeholders. Students share their views on the relevance/irrelevance of the topics/items prescribed. Difficulties faced by students in understanding particular concepts/contents are also discussed at appropriate platforms in the institute. The principals and teachers of practicing schools come forward with their views on the suitability of aspect like time budgeting, type of aids used, teaching skills and lesson plan, effectiveness, etc. The institute approaches the CCS University for seeking any change in the curriculum. As stated above, the principal of the institute is in touch with the BoS and the institute staff members also communicate their suggestions directly to the university. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 1.5 Best Practices in Curricular Aspects 1.5.1 What are the quality sustenance and quality enhancement measures undertaken by the institution during the last five years in curricular aspects? The institute follows the curriculum as prescribed and updated by the university. The best practices adopted by the institute in this regard are: Statutory Academic Bodies provide guidance which the institute introduces without delay. The Institute follows sustainable curricular practices which lead to academic effectiveness and excellence. It correlates the curricular practices with the milieu of the students. Innovative practices of teaching are adopted for transacting curriculum. Feedback is obtained about the curriculum design from different resources as described under 1.3.1.and modifications/changes are suggested/enforced, as the case may be. Teachers evaluate the curriculum through the classroom interaction, internal assessment, checking of files, projects, assignments etc The institute took actions for sustaining and enhancing quality. B) Quality enhancement The institute undertook following actions/steps for quality enhancement The institute undertakes performance appraisal through internal assessment and assignments, formally and informally, and effects/initiates changes for providing reinforcements Faculty empowerment through participation in seminars Organizing workshops with the help of educationists for faculty empowerment: workshops are conducted by academic experts to provide guidance and quality input Promoting ICT in Lesson planning and in preparation of teaching-learning materials: The Institute is on the verge of introducing IT in the delivery of lectures and knowledge flow at a large scale. In recent time, the institute procured various electronic devices for the up gradation of its resources. The Institute has also undertaken the following quality substance and quality enhancement measures during the last three years. ii. Use of ICT iii. Need Based Education, Remedial Teaching iv. Socially Relevant Programme, Community Participation v. Academic Skills, Learning by doing, Co-operative learning vi. Value Education vii. Student Advisory Services, Guidance and Counselling Services Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. viii. Environmental Education 1.5.2. What innovations/ best practices in ‘Curricular Aspects’ have been planned/ implemented by the institute? The institute develops and deploys action plans to achieve the objectives and effective implementation of the curriculum. The institute ensures that some of the lectures are delivered by Power Point Technology. The students are also encouraged to take their teaching lessons using different types of teaching materials, PPT and ICT. The institute has started to make this practice operative for the students; therefore students are motivated to join the primary courses of computers which are run on the same campus under the guidance of resource persons. In almost all the teaching classes before the end of period, ten minutes are given for doubts to be expressed by the students, and for addressing critical aspects of the contents and discussion. High quality lesson plans are given publicity among the students. Students are guided to organize seminar, group discussion, peer teaching, team teaching, etc. Teacher educators generally use information published in educational journals and it is introduced well to the students. Students are also motivated for further reading in their own subject. The institute has tentatively introduced multicultural education and it has decided to give it final shape. The institute has also visualized a project based study/teaching of civics, history, geography, social issues, etc. by teaching the same through past relics, artefacts, etc. It will be a multidimensional approach in learning/teaching through cultural resources/sites/objects. Application of constructivist approach is on the active agenda of the institute. Exploring our own classroom practice is yet another innovation that we propose to introduce soon. Its details are as under: The first step is to gather information about what happens in the class. It is to be done as under: Teacher diary: After each lesson teachers are to write in a notebook about what happened, describe their own reactions to what they observed on the part of the students. They would pose questions about what they have observed. Peer observation: Student-teacher would invite a colleague to come into their class to collect information about their lesson. This may be through note taking. This relates back to the area the teachers have identified to reflect upon. For example, the colleague is to be asked to focus on which students contribute most in the lesson, what different patterns of interaction occur or how the teacher deals with errors. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Student feedback: Besides, students are to be asked what they think about what goes on in the classroom. Their opinions and perceptions would add a different and valuable perspective. This may be done with simple questionnaires. The teachers are to collect more information from websites to find useful teaching ideas, or more academic articles. They consult magazines for teachers in the institute library. This is the way the teachers get enriched. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITERION II TEACHING-LEARNING and EVALUATION Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITERION II TEACHING-LEARNING AND EVALUATION 2.1. Admission Process and Student profile The institute follows a transparent admission process. It tries to ensure that the defined admission criteria are equitably applied. 2.1.1. Give details of the admission processes and admission policy (criteria for admission, adherence to the decisions of the regulatory bodies, equity, access, transparency, etc.) of the institution? Admissions: policy and processes Admissions to all the institutes of education in U.P. are done strictly in accordance with the instructions/guidelines issued by State Government/University/Designated University-Coordinator of the year within the policy framework enunciated by the NCTE. The Govt. of U.P. authorizes one of the universities of the state for central counselling. The admissions in institutes of education, irrespective of their affiliating universities, were done on the basis of merit in the entrance test. The entire admission is controlled by the Designated Body. Now the candidates are selected on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination (followed by counselling). The institute is under the mandatory obligation to admit the candidates thus selected on merit basis by the designated body that remains functional until the conclusion of admission process. Procedural Transparency: To nip injustice in the bud and control human errors, checks and balance have been built into the system. Thus, a pre-checklist is published specifying subject--reservation wise cut-off marks for the information of admission-seekers. All candidates are thus given a chance to approach the designated body within stipulated period for rectification of grievance/mistakes, if any. The pre-checklist is followed by an announcement intimating the date of counselling, inviting individual candidates for appearing for counselling and admission confirmation at the University, or at designated centre. After the personal counselling (interaction) and verification of relevant documents at the designated centre, the university assigns candidates and then confirms admission for the respective institutes. Subsequent to depositing fee, no transfer whether mutual or otherwise is allowed. Admission Cards stating the last date to appear at the respective institute are issued to the candidates. The institute also gets the list of candidates to be admitted. The assigned candidates approach the concerned institutes with Admission Cards and fill up the institute admission form. The candidates submit the filled up form along Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. with necessary attested documents at the institute. On completion of the formality the candidate’s admission is confirmed. After the last date set by the designated body is over, no admission is granted. After the deadline, the institutes inform the designated body and/or university about status of the admitted candidates. Vacant seats are filled by issuing the advertisement in national and local news papers both in English as well as vernacular paper clearly mentioning the number of seats available. Based on the input, the designated body issues Admission Cards to the wait-listed candidates against vacancies. Notice is put up on the notice board of the institute as well as circulated to staff to ensure that admission criteria are complied strictly. Thus, the institute has to adhere to the directives of the designated body, which along with the affiliating University follow the rules and regulations regarding minimum qualification and reservation as per the Government and NCTE norms. The complete details of the process of admission starting from advertisement to the display of merit list and final admission is available on the website. The whole process is transparent and thus made flawless. The admission criteria, fee structure and detailed prospectus are put on the website of the institute. Fee structure andinstalment are in accordance with the state govt. Instruction and deposited through Bank Challans. Access: Admissions are made on the basis of merit. Everyone who fulfils the mandatory criterion can seek and is granted admission in the institute/state. Eligibility: The eligibility for admission in the B.Ed programme (one year regular programme) is at least 50 per cent Marks in aggregate for all general candidates in their qualifying examination whereas it is 45 percent aggregate Marks for SC/ST and disabled candidates. Successful placement on merit is mandatory. Equity: This is ensured by implementing the reservation policy of Govt. of U.P. as applicable to selffinanced affiliated institutes. Category-wise List of Students admitted during Three Years SESSION GEN OBC SC/ST TOTAL Male Female Male Female Male Female 2011-12 20 26 10 12 23 9 100 2012-13 16 12 26 23 8 15 100 2013-14 4 14 8 16 30 28 100 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 2.1.2. How are the programmes advertised? What information is provided to prospective students about the programs through the advertisement and prospectus or other similar material of the institution? The affiliating/designated University provide clear information to the aspiring candidates about admission and completion of requirements for the programmes, including the fee-structure, refund policies, financial aid and student support services. University level advertisement: The affiliating/designated university which is responsible for the task advertises the admission programme centrally in the form of advertisements in leading newspapers of the state. The information provided through central advertisement to the prospective students consists of the minimum qualifications, last date of submitting of the filled form, and cost of the blank form, etc. The advertisement also specifies duration, nature and mode of programme besides about the reservation for the SC/ST candidates. Fee of the programme is mentioned in the prospectus issued by the University. The newspaper advertisement does not contain the names of the affiliated institutes offering the course. The individual institute details are given in the general prospectus provided by the university. Institute level information/advertisement/publicity: The Institute has a website and publishes an informative prospectus every year. It ensures wide publicity to the admission process through (a) Website which gives complete information about the institute, number of courses running in it, management, faculty and staff (their qualifications and experience details). Any interested individual can check all the admission details on the website. The Institute strives and makes extra efforts to attract the best among the available candidates through (b) Advertisements: To ensure wide publicity to the admission process the institute occasionally issues advertisements in newspapers. (c) Publicity is also made by displaying the name of the Institute locally. Institute Information Brochure : The Institute issues a information brochure that contains required information regarding the infrastructural facilities. The institute prospectus also provides a brief profile of the institute, names of the teaching faculty with their qualifications, the course structure, institute rules, photographs of major activities, etc. It is so designed that it gives a view of the rules and regulations, and discipline, to be observed in the Institute. The prospective students get all essential information in the advertisement. The Institute’s Information brochure specifies the vision, ambition of the management and administration. It specifies the course Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. structure, methodology adopted, cultural and social activities. Training in skills schedule of all academic and curricular parts of the Institute are shared with prospective students in the prospectus. It helps them to comprehend the vision, methodology, all teaching learning activities and academic environment of the Institute and facilitate them to make their decision. 2.1.3. How does the institution monitor admission decisions to ensure that the determined admission criteria are equitably applied to all applicants? On this count the institute has to follow what the affiliating University decides and directs. Strict adherence to eligibility and other admission related criteria determined by the affiliating University/designated body as well as the regulatory authorities are mandatory and fully met by the institute. The counselling is also done centrally. The institute participates in the counselling for the programme of admission. Our faculty members are always present during the counselling to ensure fairness in admission as well as to provide any information to the candidate prior to the counselling. The Institute has an admission committee to monitor decisions. The committee members and remain vigilant on handbook of information or Prospectus. The Committee maintains record of relevant decision and orders of competent authorities’ i.e. NCTE, SCERT, CCS Meerut, State Govt, and Hon’ble Allahabad High Court. Relevant information and decisions are placed on the institute notice board, and likewise on the boards of information centre and counselling hall for admission. The students Information centre remains active from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. during the admission process. The merit list is generally prepared centrally. The reservation category is a policy matter and therefore it is implemented well by the University. The institute also examines all the documents. The designated body follows the rules and regulations. The technology and RTE have made the whole process effective and transparent. 2.1.4 Specify the strategies if any, adopted by the institution to retain the diverse student population admitted to the institution. (e.g. individuals of diverse economic, cultural, religious, gender, linguistic, backgrounds and physically challenged) The Institute ensures that the student once admitted does not leave the course midway. The institute builds relationships retain students and enhance performance and meet their expectations of learning. To achieve it, strategies are as follows: Quality teaching, research support, financial assistance, security, discipline. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Calendar of events. Learner centric approaches and internal evaluation. Teachers’ personnel care of students, their problems and issues. Good results, transparent examination system, availability of certificates on time. Good learning resources and student support, career guidance, ICT enabled learning. Encouragement to capacity building, communication skills, soft skills, self esteem, team building and becoming employable. Transparent administration Students at liberty to meet the authorities based on need. Effective grievance redressal cell Continuous attachment - alumni forum To ensure retention of diverse student population, the following measures are also adopted. At the initial stage a detailed orientation programme is organized. In this, each faculty member interacts with students in small groups. Economically weaker students are given concession in that they can deposit fees in easy instalments. Provision of granting fee concession is in place. Scholarships are provided to the below poverty line candidates, if applied for, with proper supporting documents. The institute granted merit cum-need-based scholarship as per details given below: Number of students who have received financial aid/assistance during the past three years Financial Aid 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Merit-cum-means scholarship 3 4 4 Fee concession 2 4 3 Students found to be academically weak are provided with extra coaching. Besides, regular class assessments, and home examination on University Examination pattern are also conducted. Simulation teaching is organized before the commencement of teaching practices for all with the provision of additional opportunities to week students. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Differently-abled candidates are given preference in admission, by the university. Cultural Input Multicultural education is a prominent feature of the Institute. It is pursued through the following ways: The Institute takes care to ensure that every student must have an equal opportunity to achieve to her or his full potential. The teachers effectively facilitate learning for every individual student, no matter how culturally similar or different from the rest. Secondly, the Institute acts to end oppression of all types, first by eliminating oppression within its own walls, then by producing socially and critically active and aware students. It keeps reviewing teaching approaches and providing counselling, educational materials and textbooks, etc. In order to accommodate students coming from diverse cultural background, the Institute orients them at the start of the session, so as to make them feel at home; and mix up . Cultural activities incorporate multicultural themes. Festivals of different religions and events are celebrated by the student teachers for integration of their faith and beliefs. Every student is encouraged to share and represent his/her culture in various cultural activities and morning assemblies. The educational tour to different places of historical and educational importance were successful ventures in this direction Gender care Majority of the students admitted are female candidates. Separate common rooms are provided for girls. The Institute follows the policy of zero tolerance for gender based and caste-community-regionlanguage based discrimination. The institute has a women cell. The female student teachers are ensured that they have their voice to share and raise the issues regarding any campus experience with girl students’ advisor, women cell in-charge and their concerned tutors. Institute has a conductive academic environment for the expression and joyful study and celebration of life for the female student-teachers through various cultural and co-curricular activities. Every 8th March the Institute s celebrates the International Women ‘s Day The female student teachers are encouraged to participate in the inter institute competitions organised by different institutes of education in U.P. The team of girl students is always Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. accompanied by female teacher in-charge and their T.A and D.A and registration fee is paid by the Institute. Linguistic Variety Students at the Institute hale from diverse linguistic backgrounds. As the medium of instruction here is in main Hindi, (with English as well) and the students do not find any problem in completing the programme. If there is any kind of language problems regarding the medium of expression, then the students are provided extra coaching to overcome the difficulties posed. Tutorial classes are held for interaction. It forms integral part of teaching time table. There is an equal respect and attitude towards various languages and dialects. The teacher educators take care of their emotional attachment to the languages and dialects so that students feel comfortable in a learning friendly environment. Physically Challenged Candidates Physically challenged candidates are provided extra care during teaching-learning process (TLP) by catering to their special needs, whenever required. The institute assists the economically weak student teacher by facilitating them to avail state scholarship. The additional numbers of library books are issued especially to them. Physically challenged students are provided with the wheelchair facility. They get a supportive environment in every curricular and co-curricular activity. They are engaged in cultural events to boost their morale. 2.1.5 Is there a provision for assessing student’s knowledge/ needs and skills before the commencement of teaching programmes? If yes give details on the same. The institute has a provision for assessing students’ knowledge and skills before the commencement of the teaching programme. Every academic session begins with the orientation programme. In this an intimate and cordial relationship develops between student teachers and teachers. The orientation programme provides them with an opportunity to present curricular and co-curricular talent and potential. Every year the Institute organizes the talent search competition. It has various segments like dance, poetry, speech, singing, Painting, Rangoli, Cooking best out of waste, Mono acting and mimicry. Then, they are divided into different clubs/houses and assigned responsibilities as per their ability, taste and Institute al requirements. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Soon after the admission, the students are given test in each of the teaching subject. Outcome of the test facilitates their grouping into advanced and weak learners. Simulation and micro teaching provide yet another opportunity for testing-developing skills in a particular subject before the commencement of practice teaching. 2.2 Catering To Diverse Needs 2.2.1 Describe how the institution works towards creating an over all environment conducive to learning and development of the students? The institute builds and sustains a learning community. The Institute ensures conducive-productive teacher student relationships to enhance student understanding. The faculty members use various teaching methods according to the needs of the students. The Institute aims at overall development of the students irrespective of their socio-economic backgrounds. Since the institute does not categorize students on the basis of their cultural, social or economic background it helps in creating a homogeneous environment Approaches of instruction and learning experiences being provided are enough to cater to diverse needs besides being in tune with the stated objectives of the programme. The orientation of students and exploration through wider and intensive interaction between the students and the teachers pulls down barriers. Also, it facilitates in understanding each other, identification of talent among the students and its utilization for building constructive and productive learner friendly environment. Teacher educators remain available even after the scheduled time. Excellent teacher taught relationship is our asset. Healthy relations are developed through various means which include personal rapport and the collective activities organized by the Institute. The Institute takes care of academic needs of the students. If any problem comes up during the course, top priority is given to resolve the same. Students are encouraged to participate in various Curricular, CCA and sports activities. The Institute organizes various cultural programmes. Various inter-house competitions are also organized. All students are encouraged to actively participate in these activities as a result of which they feel relaxed and valuable part of the institute Trust. The institute has the facility of well-equipped educational technology Lab, Computer lab and updated library. Faculty is self motivated to use various kinds of teaching aids. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Student teachers are also given firsthand experience in preparation and handling of various kinds of audio visual aids. Each student teacher prepares teaching aids and does power point presentations in each subject. All the student teachers are trained well enough to handle the modern technological aids in their classroom teaching. Regular, morning assembly is also organized .The morning assembly is organized. Through morning assembly the Institute tries its best to inculcate the moral and constitutional values among the student teachers. It is compulsory for every student teacher to participate in the morning assembly and to perform an activity according to their interest .The common activities of the morning assembly are thought of the day, news, Saraswati Vandana, National Anthem, etc. All these activities are included to foster some moral, social spiritual and national values among the students teacher 2.2.2. How does the institution cater to the diverse learning needs of the students? In this, the institute has identified four key outcomes that have a direct impact on student outcomes: The institution has a highly qualified having exposure to different streams. Thus: Sl.No Name Designation Qualification 1. Dr. Indu Singh Principal MA(Eco),M.Ed., Ph.D(Edu.07), NET (Jun12) 2. Mr. Satendra Kumar Lecturer M.Sc.(Math), B.Ed.,M.Ed., NET (Jun12) 3. Mr. Sandeep Yadav Lecturer M.A.(Eng.), B.Ed., M.Ed. 4. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Lecturer M.A.(Socio,Hindi,Edu.), B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D.(Pursuing) 5. Ms Evita Counsellor M.A (Psy), Counselling 6. Dr. Anil Kumar Pandey Lecturer M.A.(Hist.), B.Ed., M.Ed.,Ph.D 7. Dr. Ratan Kumar Das Lecturer M.A.(Hist.), B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Phil(Edu.09),Ph.D 8. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Singh Lecturer M.A.(Hist.), B.Ed., M.Ed. 9. Dr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Lecturer MA(Hist.), B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Hist.) NET-JRF (Jun12) 10. Ms. Aruna Gupta Lecturer M.Com., MA(Eco, Edu.) B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. (Edu. Pursuing) Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Making connections to the students’ lives. For example, it is done by using their own experience as a point of comparison to learning about others’ experiences. Aligning experiences to important outcomes. It identifies prior knowledge which is important to current and future learning. Designing experiences that interest students. It follows the norm that learning needs to be as memorable as possible for enhancing understanding of ideas and processes in the social studies. Teachers monitor the academic performance and offer counselling to students. Most of the teachers supplement the lecture method of teaching with other, innovative methods of teaching such as seminars, class presentations, use of audio-visual aids, etc. Teachers also organize star batches for the advanced learners – wherein the students under guidance study on their own and present their findings. Importance is given to extra and co-curricular activities. Various activities organised help students to develop their talents as well as gain practical experience in organising and managing various events. The teachers encourage the students to raise questions in the class, to participate in seminars, to join study tours, to make use of reference books, journals, etc. They prepare teaching plans, unitize syllabi and try their level best to cover their portion in the stipulated time Students are given choice of medium. Based on the diagnostic tests and their achievement in the house examination remedial coaching is provided to the students. Internet Facility: Internet and computer facility is provided to the students. The institute has a rich library with books, titles Journals and newspapers which cater to the diverse learning needs of the students. 2.2.3 What are the activities envisioned in the curriculum for student teachers to understand the role of diversity and equity in teaching learning process? Besides regular classroom learning, field trips, visits to Institutes of higher learning, and working at the community level provide a taste of real life situation. Appropriate methodology of teaching is Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. adopted which is equally suitable to meet the requirements of all the students including the physical challenged Students understand, in the educational psychology paper, the individual differences. This is practiced during the course of teaching. During the teaching-learning process, teacher educators demonstrate how the norm of equity is applied and diversity honoured. This they do by observing the values of democracy: they play a proactive role and attend to the different view points in an academic way; appreciate individuality of students and take different view points as a rational and worth respecting. The awareness and sensitivity of the institute staff creates an atmosphere of exchange of ideas in a democratic way and in a way understandable to all. Reciting national song and anthem are routine practice of the institute which ultimately creates emotionally-toned humane atmosphere for all. The each day prayer session is planned in a way which caters to the sentiments of all segments of Trust. Generally, talks on eminent social personalities/reformers, freedom fighters, educationists, peace are followed by thought of the day and National Anthem. Institute maintains linkage with the local panchayat and the local community. 2.2.4 Institution ensuring that the teacher educators are knowledgeable and sensitive to cater to the diverse students needs. The institute has well qualified and experienced faculty. The faculty members are recruited not only for their academic skills but also for their social consciousness and the ability to communicate. Present faculty Teachers with Ph.D 4 Teachers with NET/SLET 3 In addition, for taking care of education of children with special needs in an inclusive environment teacher possess special skills, particularly, the ability of identifying the learning need of each child and selection of learning aids appropriate for that child. Community service is given due credit. Candidates selected without a doctoral degree are asked to complete their Ph.D. degree. A good number of faculties are upgrading their qualifications through research. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The Management encourages staff to do research. Duty leave is granted to staff to participate in seminars, workshops. Financial assistance is given if required. Faculty members are also encouraged to go outside state for seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. The Institute organises seminars related to wider concerns. Teachers are encouraged to have seminars in their subjects. Besides, seminars are also organised at the institute level. Every year a theme is selected and activities of that year is geared towards the theme. Feedback from the students is obtained about the teachers. The feedback by alumni are highly considered and implemented for student teachers. Orientation to staff members is given by the senior members so as to make them more knowledgeable and sensitive to the diverse needs of the students. In the future, the Institute is planning to send teachers to participate in the refresher course/orientation courses to provide them an effective exposure. 2.2.5 What are the various practices that help student teachers develop knowledge and skills related to diversity and inclusion and apply them effectively in classroom situations? Helping the student teachers to develop knowledge and skills related to diversity inclusion and applying them is a task that the well- qualified and equally devoted faculty performs and practices in day today working. The faculty develops among student-teaches a clear understanding of the psychology of their students with individual differences in focus It fosters creative thinking among students for the reconstruction of knowledge. It acquaints them with the educational needs of special groups of students. It motivates them for the utilization of community resources as educational inputs and there with establish contacts with different professionals and professions, castes and communities It acquaints them with the ill-effects of parochialism and frees them of all parochial views. It tries to inculcate and promote integrated value system among its students through a disciplined living as specified in the professional code of conduct of the institute The faculty works for empowering student teachers on components such as democratic values, effective classroom interactions, use of methods and techniques in classroom situation, on Inclusive Education, Effective Class-room Communication in Teaching Learning Process, etc. and trains them Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. in the art of identifying students in different need, etc. For these activities panel of experts are also invited to share their experience and guide the faculty and teacher trainees. The faculty provides encouragement to students for participation in various cultural and sports activities without being parochial Student teachers are encouraged to participate in various cultural, literary and sports activities. The faculty exposes students to experiences for acquiring the value of dignity of labour. They perform activities like making of play field, cleaning black board, their class room furniture, etc. and are compulsorily involved in gardening activities as part of socially useful productive work. Similarly, the faculty effects selection of students for various sports teams in a way as to provide representation to various regions, religions; languages, etc. The faculty creates among the student-teachers sound interpersonal relationship with all the characters involved in the process of teaching-learning. It develops quality of adaptability to the changing scenario in the Trust. The Institute provides a wide variety of such practices which enable student teachers to be innovative and skilful and adopt human values. Student teachers are also motivated by organizing extension lecture for them. Prominent educationists are invited at the institute to inculcate human and life values and to provide latest knowledge to the student-teachers. The student-teachers are given orientation in different types of disabilities, identification causes and prevention. The student-teachers are also given lesson on how to help disabled children in the classroom and at home. 2.3 Teaching Learning Process 2.3.1. How the institution is engaging students in “active learning” - use of learning resources such as library, website, focus group, individual projects, simulation, peer teaching, role-playing, internship, practicum, etc. For achieving this purpose of engaging its students in active learning following learning resources are used optimally. Case studies and the practices of the best/ideal/model are short listed by IQAC for detailed understanding. Suitability of the same is worked out based on its implementation – impact analysis. A few of such practices promoted during the preceding years are as follows: Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. a) Usage of ICT in TLE and e-governance. b) Feedback from Stakeholders. c) Pedagogy innovations – Learner Centric methods. d) Linkage with organizations e) Virtual Learning Resource Centre. Library Students are motivated to make effective use of library. In addition to the need based visits there is a provision of library period in the time table. Faculty members supervise the library periods. Comfortable sitting arrangements are made in the library. Sufficient number of latest texts, reference books and Book bank facilities are available. Students are encouraged in the computer laboratory to surf the internet to become self-seekers of knowledge. The student teachers browse the Journals/Magazines and International journals’ and download them. Books are added in every session according to the requirement of students. Individual Projects Student-teachers are provided projects to strengthen their learning while doing. They conduct Student-teachers undertake and complete projects in different subjects Students are divided into groups in each method subject and one project is allotted to each group. For such projects they work to make the project serve its purpose. Peer Teaching Student-teachers are encouraged to conduct peer-teaching. Peer teaching enables the student – teachers to teach their fellow student-teachers. This enables them to freely teach in a friendly environment. Peer observation and discussions are also conducted. Simulation Simulation classes precede the teaching practice to help students overcome stage fear and provide confidence to face an actual class of students. Simulation helps students-teachers in learning various skills required to be successful teachers and provides them confidence essential for the successful teaching practice which they do in live situation. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The student teachers are divided into various groups while organizing micro teaching, real teaching, morning assembly, and work experience and work education. Internship Internship helps students to practice the skills they learned in their theory papers. Successful completion of the internship in the teaching as well as non- teaching part is mandatory. Student – teachers teach not less than 20 lessons in each method subject (a total of 40 lessons) in the two teaching methods subjects put together. During the internship, students also help schools in other activities like organizing morning assembly, taking free periods, taking students to the play ground, etc. Students, therefore, help school authorities in their curricular as well as co-curricular activities. Practicum Practicum is part of the curriculum. 300 marks are assigned for practical work. Each student has to make files in five out of ten themes/topics/skills as listed in the syllabus. Each student teacher maintains files on (i) operation of audio-visual equipments, (ii) Educational Technology, (iii) Administration, Scoring and Interpretation of Psychology Test, (iv) Scouting and Guiding and (v) participation in Cultural Activities. 2.3.2 How ‘learning’ is made student-centred? Give a list of the participatory learning activities adopted by the Institution and those, which contributed to self-management of knowledge, and skill development by the students? Besides regular classroom learning, field trips, visits to Institutes of higher learning, and working at the community level provide a taste of real life situation The institute promotes the teaching methods such as active learning, cooperative learning, and inductive teaching and learning. It promotes: a) Collaborative group learning, both inside and outside the classroom; b) Individual student research and discovery; c) Research and discovery by students and faculty together; d) Project based learning; Computer aided Instruction, Tutorials, and Scrap Book as well as Counselling for the purpose. e) Students-teachers participation in various activities through the organization of morning assembly. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. f) Participation in Seminar, projects, and case studies are conducted by the student teachers themselves under the guidance of the respective teacher –educators. g) In the one paper (work experience) practical learning by doing or learning by experience approach is being followed by the Institute. h) Extension lecture and competitions are organized to cater the student teachers need. i) Training in handling hardware and software is also provided. 2.3.3. What are the instructional approaches (various models of teachings used) and experiences provided for ensuring effective learning? Detail any innovative approach/method developed and/used. The institute identifies average, below average and advanced learners, and teaching is done accordingly. Remedial Coaching, Entry-in-Services coaching further enable the students to branch out comprehensively The teachers make use of various methods such as experiments, projects, learning through internet, power-point presentations, seminars, workshops, study tours, exhibitions, quiz competitions etc. Each Science Institute has well-equipped and well-managed laboratories to carry out teaching and research; the technical and administrative staff of these institutes is also efficient and provides students with instruments, equipments, and chemicals immediately on their demand during their practical hours. Teachers make use of visual tools To clarify a point To emphasize a point To simplify a point To unify a point To impress learner The Management encourages making optimum use of infrastructure for the uplift of the rural students. Through the use of the Internet, our faculty keeps pace with the urban faculty about the recent developments in the subjects. Students’ feedback on faculty is used for faculty evaluation and necessary instructions are given to the faculty. The evaluation of the teachers’ performance (teaching, research and participation in extension activities) is done in terms of the ‘self-appraisal’ submitted to the Principal at the end of each academic year. A view of the methods/models used in the institute may be formed from the following facts Method used Subject/Lessons taught Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Inductive-Deductive Model One lesson in each Inductive-Deductive Model for subjects–Maths Concept Attainment Model Science Computer Aided Lesson Planning All Teaching Methods Problem-Solving Method Science, Commerce and Maths Debate and Discussion Method Social Studies, Science, Commerce and Language Story Telling Method Language and Social Studies Innovative Method Some important innovations introduced by the institute are as under: Dialogue Method: Students compose dialogues, based on their own experiences, on different aspects of classroom teaching which includes classroom interaction, anticipated behavioural changes cognitive aspects and affective aspects in the teaching learning process. Seminar: - The students present seminars in their respective subjects. They present seminars with the help of prepared material, O.H.P. and L. C. D. After the presentation, the whole group turns into an open forum for raising questions and adding their own experiences. This makes the seminar a good learning experience. Reflective Teaching: Exploring our own classroom practice is an innovative practice that is passing through the stage of experimentation. Its details are as under: The first step is to gather information about what happens in the class. By collecting information about what goes on in our classroom, and by analyzing and evaluating this information, we identify and explore our own practices and underlying beliefs. This leads to changes and improvements in our teaching. Here are some different ways which the institute adopts for doing this. Teacher Diary: After each lesson teachers write in a notebook about what happened. They also describe their own reactions and feelings and those they observed on the part of the students. They pose questions about what they have observed. In this regard teachers take help from internet to download diary suggestions. Peer observation: Teachers (and even student-teachers) invite a colleague to come into their class to collect information about their lesson. For example, the colleague is asked to focus on which students contribute most in the lesson, what different patterns of interaction occur or how the teacher deals with errors. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Student feedback: Besides, students are asked what they think about what goes on in the classroom. Their opinions and perceptions add a different and valuable perspective. This is done with simple questionnaires. The above mentioned information brings forth the patterns occurring in teaching through observation. All this provides food for thinking and ideas for changes to implement. The teachers collect more information from websites too. 2.3.4. Does the institution have a provision for additional training in models of teaching? If yes, provide details on the models of teaching and number of lessons given by each student. Training in Concept Attainment Model and Advanced Organizing Model are given tentatively and on experimental basis. One lesson based on concept attainment is delivered during Internship by each student. In a way, we are preparing for the lesson plans based on models of teaching and this training will be introduced from the next year. The difficult part is that that the schools are not receptive to innovative practices. We would like to survey some good schools for the implementation of models of teaching on experimental basis. 2.3.5 Do the student teachers use micro-teaching technique for developing teaching skills? If yes, list the skills practiced and number of lessons given by each student per skill. Micro-teaching technique is used in the institute for developing various skills essential for effective and efficient teaching–learning process. First, lectures by experts in this field are organized. Such lectures are followed by question and discussion sessions. The students apply relevant skills thus learnt for making their teaching effective. Each student has to teach five+20 (micro and mega) lessons before the practice teaching session. All the teacher educators (in pedagogy) perform a demonstration lesson before the student teachers. The student teachers practice following skills in their micro-teaching. Skill of chalk blackboard Skill of using teaching aid Skill of introducing the lesson Illustration with Examples skill Skill of questioning-(probing questioning, influencing questioning, and developmental questions) Skill of Stimulus variation Skills of reinforcement Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. All student teachers have to deliver one micro-teaching lesson on each teaching skill in the class room; before they take up teaching in the actual class room situation. Student teacher practices a particular skill till they achieve mastery over the skill. After getting mastery over the various skills student teachers integrate various skills and deliver lessons in each teaching subject in simulation conditions. 2.3.6. Detail the process of practice teaching in schools. (Lessons a student gives per day, lessons observed by the teacher educators, peers/school teachers, feedback mechanism, monitoring mechanisms of lesson plans, etc.) The process of practice teaching has to be, as it actually is in tune with the guidelines of the N.C.T.E. and the affiliating University. Practice Teaching: Under the existing provision, each student teacher has to give a total of 50 lessons during the entire course of practice teaching. Of these, 40 lessons are given in school, in the presence of subject expert and/or school teacher. Per day Lessons: In any case, the student teachers do not transact more than two lessons in a day. Monitoring-Mechanism: Teacher educators (preferably subject experts) from the institute are required to check and approve the lessons plans before hand. The teacher educators observe not less then three-fourths of the lessons which are delivered in schools and all the micro and simulated lessons which are delivered at the institute. However due to paucity of time, teacher-educators observe as much lessons as possible, delivered by the students. In all not less than four-fifths of the lessons are observed by the faculty. Feedback Mechanism: Teacher educators, student teachers and school teachers observe the lessons delivered by the student teachers. While observing lessons the teacher educators record their comments, which come as immediate feedback to the concerned student teacher. In between the student teachers are trained in the technique of observing lessons, which they actually do. It acts as a live source of feedback to and from the student teachers. Teachers of concerned schools are also encouraged to observe the lessons. This helps student teachers to know their weakness by independent and unbiased observation. They are also encouraged to give their suggestions to improve the lessons plans of the student-teachers. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. More feedback comes in the form of discussion with the observers which is done soon after the lesson is finished; the last period of the day is devoted to discussion on the feedback between the teacher educator and student teachers. Detailed feed back is also provided on subsequent days. Remarks on the notebook, subsequent discussion and observations based on self-reflection are taken into consideration for bringing about improvement. The process of observation and feedback is comprehensive and continuous. 2.3.7 Describe the process of Block teaching / Internship of students in vogue. Internship is an important integral part of our curriculum. It is described under 2.3.6 above For internship, the student teacher is allotted schools either in the close by localities. A request is sent to the selected schools for allowing the student-teachers of the department to practice their teaching. Usually 15-20 students are assigned for practice their teaching in a particular school. School-wise list of student-teachers is prepared in consultation with the student-teachers. School representatives selected from among the student teachers contact and coordinate with the Time-table coordinator of each school. School representatives accompanied by student teachers collect time table from the Time Table Coordinator. Once the time table is fixed, the student-teachers collect course content to be taught from the concerned teachers and commence teaching. In internship the student teachers work as staff member of the respective school and understand the workings of the school in academic aspects. They get real experience of the work being done by the teacher and principal of the School. The different activities the student teacher has to do during internship are: a. Taking classes on short notice and without prior preparation. b. Carrying out the instructions of the principal of the school and Counsellor, concerning different class room activities c. Selecting any one teaching technique and preparing models to demonstrate it during class room teaching. The prepared model is generally given to the school. d. Performing regular classroom related work and doing evaluation. e. Visiting the school Computer Centre, library, and Science laboratory and school playground with the group of students. f. Remaining present in prayer session and conducting allied activities. g. Perform the task of correcting essay note-books Map books, practical journals, and doing invigilation, if instructed to do so. h. Doing community awareness programmes like AIDS awareness, girl foeticide, health awareness and Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. yoga. i. Performing all school activities, administrative and academic as per the instructions of the principal or a concerned teacher. 2.3.8. Are the practice teaching sessions/plans developed in partnership, cooperatively involving the school staff and mentor teachers? If yes give details on the same. The serving teachers of the practice-teaching schools are effectively involved in the internship sessions right from developing the lessons plans down to delivery of the lessons. Firstly, the permission for performing practice teaching at the respective schools is obtained from the school authorities. Before the commencement of the school based activities, one day workshop is arranged with the Principal and one teacher of each associated school, at our institute. The aim of the orientation is to seek and provide guidance. In the one day workshop, the exact programmes to be taken at their schools are finalized. The Student teachers consult the school teachers for identifying/delineating the content area to be taught. The student-teacher starts preparing lessons plan only after this step. Similarly suggestions given by the serving teachers are welcomed and suggested changes are incorporated in the lesson plans. Particularly quantum of the content to be taught and the method suitable for the learners are decided with their help. 2.3.9 How do you prepare the student teachers for managing the diverse learning needs of students in schools? Student teachers are taught individual differences and trained in the way these may be handled. Student teachers are trained in the technique of presenting content from different perspectives and connect it with the students’ milieu. It is managed through training in teaching skills, training in lesson planning and formulating objectivities in behavioural terms. They are enabled to apply different methods of teaching during micro-teaching. Student teachers use different skills for introducing and presenting lessons plans. Students are provided knowledge about learning variations, cognition and individual differences. They take help of educational technology for improving efficiency and effectiveness of their teaching. They are provided training in the use of chalk board, use of teaching aids and modern technologies to make lesson more absorbing for all. OHP, computers and other audio-visual teaching aids are used for addressing diverse learning needs of the students in their respective schools by the student teachers. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Student teachers motivate students for asking questions on the contents being taught. Prior to the start of internship the teachers of the schools where internship is conducted are also contacted for tare king care of the diverse learning needs of the entire class. Enabling them to be familiar and well oriented with the process of conducting action research, case study psychological testing etc. enabling them to know the diverse needs of the students. Various social and life skills are developed through community participation and games and sports activities among student teachers which help them throughout the practice teaching period. 2.3.10. What are the major initiatives for encouraging student teachers to use / adopt technology in practice teaching? The institute puts ample emphasis on the use of modern technology in teaching-learning process. It has incorporated new technology into its programmes. The Institute has a Computer Centre that caters to the needs of the student community. The computer operator gives special assistance to students in basic computing skills and also in internet browsing. The Educational Technology Laboratory equipped with Power Point Projector, Computers, Video/Audio CDs, CD-ROMs on different school subjects are at the disposal of the Student teachers and faculty members. The staff members exemplify their use. Student-teachers are trained in the art and technique of giving lessons by using latest technology in education. The tutorial sessions provide opportunities to students for acquiring these skills. The students learnt about preparing transparencies and slides and also their use on OHP and slide projector. The teacher educators initiate the use of ICT with the lessons of micro-teaching through power point presentation. The teacher educators use the technology while presenting their lessons in classrooms. Student-teachers are required to use the computer and develop their own presentation. They are free to take equipments (OHP, Power Point Projector, etc) required for practical from the institute labs for effective presentation of their lesson. Student-teachers may opt to deliver at least one lesson-plan using computers (PowerPoint Presentation). Use of laptops in classrooms is encouraged. 2.4 Teacher Quality IQAC which is constituted during the previous session ensures the promotion of quality. The chosen “Best practice” is made known to stakeholders with an emphasis on its utility and as quality initiative. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. After creating the awareness, Quality is followed in its implementation and internalisation. A few of the best practices promoted during the last 5 years are as follows: Usage of ICT in TLE and e-governance. Feedback from Stakeholders. Programmes on competence development. Pedagogy innovations – Learner Centric methods. Linkage with organizations Virtual Learning Resource Centre. 2.4.1 What is the ratio of student teachers to identified practice teaching schools? Give the details on what basis the decision has been taken? The institute selects schools for internship programme. Availability of schools depends on the consent of the school concerned The strength of total admitted students of B Ed is 100. On an average the ratio of student teachers is about 11-13 Student teachers per school. The student teachers are divided into well composed groups in different schools. List of Practice Teaching Schools Sl No. Name of School 1. Jaswant Sugar Mill Inter Institute, Meerut 2. Gurukul Sarvodya Inter Institute, Meerut 3. Shri Ram Saraswati Sishu Mandir, Ram Lila Ground, Delhi Road, Meerut 4. Saraswati Sishu Mandir, Purva Mahaveer, Delhi Road, Meerut 5. Mahendra Singh Shemark Inter Institute, Rithani, Meerut 6. O.P. Verma Higher Secondary School, Ghat, Meerut 7. S. G. Inter Institute, Dinesh Vihar, Shekpura Road, Meerut 8. Nehru Shemark Inter Institute, Kurali, Meerut Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The basis for deciding this ratio is the requirement of the practice teaching schools and that of availability of Teachers/Faculty members for observing the lessons, as well as for smooth management of the process by teachers. Availability of the teaching subject (s) is taken into consideration. Strength of students on roll in standard 8th, 9th and 11th, which are the important standards for practice teaching programme and medium of instruction (s) are another criterion for making decision. Thus, ratio of student teachers to identified practice teaching schools may vary and thus could be at variance. We also take into consideration i. The total number of student or strength of the practice teaching school ii. The infrastructure, classroom chalkboard and other facilities iii. The attitude of head and school staff towards practice teaching iv. The distance of practice teaching school from institute and student teacher’s residence. v. Whether the school is girls school or co-educational vi. The transport facility available to the practice teaching school. 2.4.2 Describe the mechanism of getting feedback to the students and how it is used for performance improvement. The institute has in place a mechanism, reported under 1.1.2 of getting feedback to the students along with the process of using it for performance improvement. The mechanism of giving feedback to the students includes manual and mechanical. During micro teaching sessions conducted in simulations the teacher educator and the peer provide the feedback about the lesson presented by the student educator. During the practice teaching session mentor teacher involves head and teachers for observation and to give feedback. The teacher educators observe the lessons delivered by the student, and record their remarks/observations/suggestions on the lesson taught on that particular day on the lesson plan book itself. It is followed by discussion after the lesson is over. The Internship schedule is so prepared that all Student teachers come to the institute for providing/discussing the feed back on previously taught lessons in the practice teaching schools as well as getting their less plans approved for next week teaching schedule. Problems are discussed and clarifications provided. This helps the Student teachers to know their weakness as observed by Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. supervisors and also to incorporate the suggestions for improvement in their lesson-delivery subsequently. Feed back is provided to the Student teachers after the delivery of their lesson plan, each day. It covers all the areas affecting teaching-learning process i.e. the techniques used concerning previous knowledge, introducing the lesson, questioning technique, use of audio-visual aids, quality of audiovisual aids, cost of audio-visual aids, overall performance, etc The student-teachers go through the remarks given by the teacher-educators and incorporate the changes suggested by the teacher educators after discussion. Feedback is also received reciprocally by the student teacher, the teacher educator, the mentor and peers by holding a meeting for improvement and discussing the points raised by student teachers and which also includes observations of the teacher educator concerned. 2.4.3 How does the institution ensure that the student teachers are updated on the policy directions and educational needs of schools? Student-teachers are provided with the latest information about the class-subject-content area and school by the teacher educators and subject teachers of the school concerned. The institute principal facilitates the mentor teachers by arranging a prior meeting of heads and staff of the practice teaching school with student teacher. The Institute arranges meetings with heads of the practice teaching schools time to time. Heads of these schools are invited in different Institute al cultural events as guest of honour and judges. Besides, the institute has a good understanding with two of the schools, for transmitting different directives issued by the Board, Government and the Education Institute. Whatever and whenever a directive/order is issued by any of the school related authorities it is passed on to the institute by them. It is then circulated among the staff members and the relevant content is passed on to the student teachers. In addition to this, changes suggested by N.C.T.E. are also passed on to the student teachers. The policy updates and educational needs of the schools are the main focus of wall magazine, morning assemblies, debate and discussion in our Institute. The Institute ensures that its mentor teachers are updated themselves regarding educational polices like EDUSAT, mid day meal, SSA, recording of funds and documents on school education. The mentor teachers provide the updates to all student teachers. 2.4.4 How do the students and faculty keep pace with the recent developments in the school subjects and teaching methodologies? Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. In addition to what is stated under 2.4.3 the following ways are also adopted. The Institute has a separate Internet facility to provide the facility to the majority of the students. Through the use of the Internet, our faculty keeps pace with the urban faculty about the recent developments in the subjects. The institute teachers refer to the news letters relating to the school education and journals on education and some important journals of N.C.E.R.T. Teacher educators are also informed by the principal on the latest information regarding school education. The recent development in school education like grading system, concept of smart class and common entrance test have been discussed with students through magazine ,morning assembly and discussion The teacher educators and the principal of the institute keep themselves in touch with the latest information through channels of the principals of good schools. Teacher educators consult the books published by CBSE, U.P. Board of Secondary Education, N.C.T.E, and N.C.E.R.T. The faculty members attend and participate in seminar, conferences workshops and extensions lectures in institutes of Education, CCS University. They develop their own teaching methods module, teaching aids and make use of tools and techniques. In its turn the members of faculty and principal keep the students informed. The students are at the same time motivated to read related material. Special talks are also arranged to keep students posted with the latest developments that concern them. 2.4.5 What are the major initiatives of the institution for ensuring personal and professional/career development of the teaching staff of the institution (training, organizing and sponsoring professional development activities, promotional policies, etc?) All the staff members of the institute are always encouraged to participate and conduct different activities for professional development. The faculty can avail study leave for their research work Teachers are sponsored to attend the various seminars, workshops, conferences, etc. The registration fee, T.Aand D.A are paid by the Institute. Some of our teachers have participated in the seminars and conferences held at the state, and national levels. There is a provision for granting special casual leave [duty leave] with full pay and allowance to staff, if they want to attend any conference outside. Occasionally the institute also organizes a programme for personal and professional development. The management has made a standing provision for the above mentioned activities. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Teaching faculties are encouraged to go for higher studies like M.Phil, PhD, etc. Study leave is provided for doing Ph.D. The faculty is also encouraged to attempt various national level examinations. 2.4.6. Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members for good performance? If yes, give details. Institute has the mechanism to reward and motivate the staff members for excellent performance. Faculty members who show good performance are given appreciation letters and their achievements are publicized through local newspapers. On excellent performance in the curricular and co-curricular activities the faculties may be promoted if they meet the mandatory qualifications. There is a provision for the best faculty award in the Institute which is given to the faculty showing excellent performance in all the fields of knowledge. Feedbacks of the students are taken and analysis is done. If any particular staff member is to be augmented, then the same is done by the Principal on personal basis. Any other good work of the staff is always appreciated by the Principal and Management at different functions. Increments and incentives for better results in annual university examination in concerned subjects are given to the staff members The Institute has a provision for its good performing teachers for granting study leave, out of turn, for research and studies. The Institute recognizes the catalytic role of active and dedicated teachers and motivates them by conferring upon them the special roles as staff secretary, student advisor, and controller of examination and convener of different institute committee. 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms The assessment and evaluation scheme is transparent and communicated to the students well in advance. The assessment outcomes are used in improving the performance of the students and curriculum transaction. 2.5.1. How the barriers to student learning are identified, communicated and addressed? (Conducive environment, infrastructure, access to technology, teacher quality, etc) Students enjoy the facility of dropping in their suggestion/complaint in complaint box. Any stake holder can put his/her suggestions/complaints in the box. Individual grievances are addressed by the grievance cell and dealt accordingly. The suggestions are analyzed and worked upon. The provision Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. of suggestion Box also provides an extra space to student teachers to share their views on different learning barriers in the campus. Barriers in learning are also identified by faculty during their interaction in the class rooms. The evaluation of the teachers’ performance is done in terms of the ‘self-appraisal’ submitted to the Principal at the end of each academic year. Teacher evaluation by students at the end of the year is used as a feed back mechanism to enhance the teaching-learning process. Feedback from alumni is also entertained. The feedback is studied and used for faculty evaluation and necessary instructions are given to the faculty. During tutorial periods, group as well as individual problems are discussed and addressed. Teacher students’ classroom problems and campus experiences are invited by the tutors and all student teachers in-charge. Their requirements, suggestions, needs and problems are properly identified and addressed. The faculty members walk an extra mile for solving the learning problems of student teachers personal attention and care facilitate the student teachers to share their learning problems. Teachers provide remedial teaching, repeat or modify the instructions and make changes in their lesson plans, teaching aids and teaching methodology. Access to technology has been discussed above. 2.5.2 Provide details of various assessment/evaluation processes (internal assessment, mid-term assessment, term-end evaluations, external evaluation) used for assessing student learning. Students take up two tests during the session, before the annual exam. Besides, the students develop and maintain File. External Evaluation is done on each aspect of theory and practical at the year-end. Internal Assessment External Assessment Internal Assessment Weight of marks = 50 Marks = 250 Marks Practical part is assessed by a team of examiners appointed by the university. The term-end examination is also done at the level of and by the university, externally. The work education, work experience ,community participation are supervised and recorded by the respective teacher incharge in terms of skill and attitude of the student teachers in these areas for internal assessment. Weightage of Marks Theory Examination 7X100 Practicum and Sessional work = 700 Marks = 300 Marks Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Skill in teaching are observed and evaluated in appropriate environment in micro teaching session groups and real practice teaching group by the teacher in-charge. Papers IX and X have provision of internal assessment with 20 per cent weight. Students take up two tests during the session, before the annual exam. Besides, the students develop and maintain Project File. External Evaluation is done on each aspect of theory and practical at the year-end. 2.5.3. How are the assessment/evaluation outcomes communicated and used in improving the performance of the students and curriculum transaction? One of the purposes of evaluation is to bring improvement in the performance of the students and curricular transaction. The students found to be weak are particularly encouraged and extra care is taken and extra classes conducted to overcome their deficiencies. The evaluation outcomes automatically get communicated to the students who are instructed to implement these in their future learning. Besides, outcomes or results are continuously communicated using formal as well as non-formal methods of communication. For example, students’ evaluation outcomes are provided to them through the remarks given to them in their lesson plan file. The answer books of house tests are marked and shown to the students. Students are apprised of their shortcomings in their answer books and a report regarding their performance in their house test and regarding their attendance in the classroom. Information regarding their performance in the test is also provided to them through the display of marks on the notice board. Results are provided by the subject-teacher concerned to the respective students in the classroom itself where the answer-sheets are also shown to the students so that they may come to know the mistakes, if any, committed by them, during the assessment process. Teacher educators of the institute are also provided with information about the student performance in different subjects and the subjects taken by the concerned teacher educator. They find out the suitable way to improve the performance. Students are called by the teacher educator to discuss performance. 2.5.4. How the ICT is used in assessment and evaluation processes? ICT is part and parcel of the everyday life and therefore it is the same for the student-teachers and teacher-educators. ICTs use in the evaluation process include computer, over head projectors, etc. Marks are punched in the computers through which the total marks are calculated and the results prepared. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The institute proposes to develop students’ profile including the data on past achievements. 2.6 Best Practices in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation Process The institute welcomes innovations in teaching, learning and evaluation. 2.6.1. Detail on any significant innovations in teaching/learning/evaluation introduced by the institution? The Institute has introduced a mechanism to record the incremental academic growth of the students admitted from the disadvantaged sections. While preparing Annual Report every year, the institute reviews the overall performance of SC/ST, OBC, and Woman students in the examination. These are analysed under several heads Best Practices in Teaching and Learning The Institute encourages use of technology in its day-to-day functions including delivery of lessons. It encourages the faculty members to use computer assisted instructions, over head projectors, etc. in their teaching-learning process. For this purpose, all the material required to be used is provided to the faculty members before hand. Faculty members also use the computers for browsing the internet which immensely help them in preparing their instructions and in providing latest information. Sometimes lectures are delivered with a help of LCD. Evaluation process is closely linked with teaching-learning activity in that the former provides sustenance for the latter. Increasing focus on student learning as the central indicator of performance and excellence challenges many tacit assumptions about the respective roles of institute students and faculty. In student-cantered education, faculty takes on less responsibility for being sources of knowledge, and take on greater responsibility as facilitators of a broad range of learning experiences. For their part, students are called on to take on more responsibility for their own learning. The Best practices include Teaching Plans, Synopses, Internal Evaluation Scheme, Entry-in-Services Coaching, Students’ feedback on faculty and course, Institute Level Elocution competition, Remedial Coaching, Soft Skills Training for teachers, etc. following: a) Engage students in active learning experiences b) Set high, meaningful expectations Most important "best practices" include the Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. c) Provide, receive, and use regular, timely, and specific feedback d) Become aware of values, beliefs, preconceptions; unlearn if necessary and recognize and stretch student styles and developmental levels e) Understand and value criteria and methods for student assessment f) Create opportunities for student-faculty interactions g) Create opportunities for student-student interactions Evaluation linked improvement Evaluation process is closely linked with Teaching-learning activity in that the former is used for sustaining the latter Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITERION III RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY and EXTENSION Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITERION III RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 3.1 Promotion of Research 3.1.1 How does the institution motivate its teachers to take up research in education? Research is an integral part of educational process. The Institute emphasizes on the concept of promotion of research and on Action Research amongst the faculty (and student teachers). The Institute motivates teachers obtain higher degree of M. Phil and Ph. D, to do action research, and get their research work published in the reputed journals. Any research progress of faculty is always appreciated at the institute functions and at different platforms. Duty leave is granted for attending seminars and conferences for which delegate fee and T.A. is also given. Adjustment in time-table is allowed to do action research. The institute deputes them to attend seminars and workshops. Lectures are also arranged on the aspects related to research As per the decision of the Managing Committee, the management will promote the faculty, who has served the institute for more than three years to undertake research work and support them in form of leave and other facilities. These include the expenditure incurred by faculty members is to be born by the institute and the faculty member treated on duty leave; Special casual/study is granted; flexibility in the daily workload is given on doing research work. The faculty members are encouraged to undertake short–term research or investigatory projects with all supports and guidance from the Professor-Principal and management. Institute authorities watch emerging trends and needs in teacher education. In house discussions, debate amongst the faculty are arranged to locate research themes, find answers to emerging questions and solutions for resolving issues in the field of teacher education. Journals and magazines related to research are procured in the library for reference. Computer and internet facilities are available in the institute to facilitate research. 3.1.2 What are the thrust areas of research prioritized by the institution? The thrust areas of research prioritized by the institute, in main, comprise the Social Research Survey Research and aspects related to creativity, teacher’s effectiveness and educational management, teacher’s behaviour, class-room teaching, environmental and adolescent education, etc. More areas of research may be identified in the ensuing academic sessions. Besides, the following research themes have also been identified for undertaking research studies by the faculty. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Study on Teacher’s role in promotion of Family Life Education amongst the students. Role of Literacy and illiteracy in the domestic violence on women An investigation into the reading habits amongst the teacher trainees Study on the mental health of rural teacher trainees. Study on the impact of media on the professionalism of teacher education Understanding changing nature of indiscipline 3.1.3. Does the institution encourage Action Research? Specify details on some of the major outcomes and the impact Yes, the institute encourages Action Research. The work is done at the school level during the internship programme of student teachers. The action research is actively carried out by the faculty members and the students. The main emphasis of the research is on improving the system of the institute administration and making it student centred. The student teachers select a topic that attracts their attention and, in the ultimate analysis, findings of which lead to improvement in the classroom teachings. The Student teachers took up certain problem areas during teaching practice and try to find out the cause of discipline problem, Attendance Problem, Mal adjustment problems and other similar problems in the schools. The student teachers collect data on related aspects of learning and participation of the school students in various activities conducted in the schools, all under the guidance of their mentor/subject-expert. Self constructed tools are used for data collection. The analysis and results of the study are discussed with faculty members, Institute Principal and school authorities- teachers. The inferences and findings are discussed some times with the students of the school. Finally an analytical but short report is prepared and submitted to the institute. The institute collects and disseminates information about the Action Research reports of the previous years among the new batch- students. The findings have also led to improvement in the quality of teaching and discipline at the level of practice teaching schools. An Instance of Outcome and Impact An action research project on improving the skill of stimulus variation was conducted last year. All the students were given the project of using gestural movement for improving the teaching learning. As Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. a second step, their gestural movements were analyzed and they were told the ways of improving their gestural movements. It was found that most of student teachers do not use gestural movement as a technique for and sustaining the attention of the students. All of those who use gestural movement either don’t use it very actively or sometime use it at wrong time or in a wrong way. As a third step, certain improvements were told as a result of which their gestures improved considerably and came to a satisfactory level. 3.1.4 Give details of the Conference / Seminar / Workshop attended and/organized by the faculty members in last five years. The faculty members are active in taking part at the different Conferences/Seminars/Workshops. Following are details of the conferences/seminars/workshop attended by the faculty members in last five years. List of Paper Presented in Seminar/Conference/Workshop/Symposium Faculty’s Name Title of the Conference/Seminar Organized by 1. Dr. Indu Singh Envolving Curriculum for Teacher Education in New Millennium R.N. Institute Meeerut 2. Dr. Indu Singh Quality in Teacher Education: Present Status and Prospects Sanjay Gandhi Institute, Sarurpur Khurd, Meerut 3. Dr. Indu Singh Professional Education: Dimensions, Promises and Challenges Kishan Group of Educational Institutions, Mee 4. Dr. Indu Singh Emotional Intelligence R.G. Institute Meerut 5. Dr. Indu Singh Today’s Teacher Education is Tomorrow’s Future IIMT Institute of Teacher Education, Meerut Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 6. Dr. Indu Singh Designs of class room teaching in present scenario Translam Institute of Education, Meerut 7. Dr. Indu Singh Impact of Globalization on Higher Education in India: Opportunities and Challenges Institute of teacher Education Modinagar, Ghz 8. Dr. Indu Singh Lesson Planning: A Complete View (Traditional and Modern) Subharti Institute of Management and Information Tech, Meerut 9. Dr. Indu Singh Youth in Rural India: Dept. of Edu Challenges and Prospects SG Institute, Sarurpur Khurd, Meerut Human Rights Education in Present Era: Needs and Importance Ambrish Sharma Institute of Education and Technology 10. Dr. Indu Singh Meerut 11. 12. 13. Dr. Indu Singh Dr. Indu Singh Dr. Indu Singh Challenges in Indian Education: In Present Era Faculty of Education Preparation Objective Based Utilitarian Lesson Plan Astron Institute of Education Recent Trends in Assessment Suryansh Institute of Higher Education for Gir Subharti Univ, Meerut Meerut Meerut 14. Dr. Indu Singh The Art of Teaching: The Best Practices from the Master Educators Suryansh Institute of Higher Education for Gir Meerut 15. Dr. Indu Singh Impact of Globalization Gandhi Inst. Of Professional and Technical Stu 16. Dr. Indu Singh Research: New Trends in Present Scenario Faculty of Education India-20: An Educational Vision of New Millennium Dept. of Education 17. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Subharti Univ, Meerut CCS Univ, Meerut Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 18. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot The Revolt of 1857: Dept. of History Nature and Scope Meerut Institute Meerut 19. 20. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Discourses in Public Policy and Governance in India Dept. of Pol. Sci. Minorities in Indian Democracy: Contemporary Dept. of Pol. Sci. CCS Univ, Meerut CCS Univ, Meerut Issues 21. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Grameen Vikas Evam Panchayati Raj Vyavastha Dept. of Pol. Sci. SSV (PG) Institute Hapur, Ghaziabad 22. 23. 24. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Historiography of Indian History: Problems and Perspectives Dept. of History Caste, Religion and Status of Women in Erstwhile Oudh and Agra Regions: A Historical Analysis Dept. of History. Buddhism: Its Origin and Development Sakyamuni Buddha National Institute for Rudmatech CCS Univ, Meerut Ginni Devi Modi Girls PG Institute, Modinagar Dehradun 25. 26. 27. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Youth in Rural India: Dept. of Edu Challenges and Prospects SG Institute, Sarurpur Khurd, Meerut Challenges in Indian Education: In Present Era Faculty of Education Recent Trends in Assessment Suryansh Institute of Higher Education for Gir Subharti Univ, Meerut Meerut Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 28. 29. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Religious and Moral Education in India YSSSR The Art of Teaching: The Best Practices from the Master Educators Suryansh Institute of Higher Education for Gir Hapur Meerut 30. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Impact of Globalization on Higher Education Gandhi Inst. Of Professional and Technical Stu 31. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot U.P. History Congress XXIV Session Dept. of History, M.G. Kashi Vidyapith, Varana U.P. 32. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Research: New Trends in Present Scenario Faculty of Education Subharti University, Meerut 33. Ms. Aruna Gupta Impact of Globalization on Higher Education Gandhi Inst. Of Professional and Technical Stu 34. Ms. Aruna Gupta Research: New Trends in Present Scenario Faculty of Education Subharti University, Meerut 35. Mr. Sandeep Yadav Impact of Globalization on Higher Education Gandhi Inst. Of Professional and Technical Stu 36. Mr. Sandeep Yadav Youth in Rural India: Dept. of Edu Challenges and Prospects SG Institute, Sarurpur Khurd, Meerut 37. Mr. Satendra Kumar Role playing of Vocational Education in National Building Process MCAT, Shatabdi Nagar,Meerut 38. Dr. Indu Singh Practical Dimensions of Teacher Training Programme Faculty of EducationSwami Vivekanand 3.2 Research and Publication Output Subharti University, Meerut Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 3.2.1 Give details of instructional and other materials developed including teaching aids and/or used by the institution for enhancing the quality of teaching during the last three years The institute has endeavoured to acquire latest technology to put its teaching on modern pattern. It acquired Power Point Projector, developed Video-graphic facility, different educational CDs, etc. as teaching aids. Workshop activity is compulsory for preparing materials to be used by the student teachers. In addition, Student teachers made transparencies in their concerned subjects for use in classroom. Power Points presentations are prepared. Computer Lesson Plans are developed by the teachers. Students prepared charts, models, etc., as teaching aids for each of their two teaching subjects. These are used to make the teaching learning process more effective and result oriented. 3.2.2 Give details on facilities available with the institution for developing instructional materials The institute has Science Laboratory, a Workshop and Educational Technology Laboratory for developing teaching aid materials. Different models required as teaching support have been prepared in the Teaching Aid Workshop. The Educational Technology Laboratory has ICT enabled tools for preparing teaching materials in e-form. A computer lab with 30 computers and internet. Video camera for recording the lessons. 3.2.3 Did the institution develop any ICT/technology related instructional materials during the last five years? Give details. The Faculty members have developed certain instructional materials. They are given below. 1. Power Point Presentations 2. OHP transparencies 3. Instructional materials like transparencies and slides. To be honest, the progress in this direction is relatively slow. But we are optimistic that in near future the whole of the institute will change over to such technology. The faculty members deliver lectures by PPT method. Also efforts are afoot to encourage the student teachers to use PPT method for teaching. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. At. Presently the institute has educational CDs which are regularly screened for the benefit of the students. The students can watch these CDs in the institute. For details, please refer to 3.1.4. 3.2.4 Give details on various training programs and/or workshops on material development (both instructional and other materials) a. Organised by the institution b. Attended by the staff c. Training provided to the staff The programme focuses on the use of computer for developing material, either through down loading or through the use of guidelines as available on different websites for developing such material. Workshop on Audio visual aids was organized on No cost Low cost teaching aids Human Rights Education IEDC in Teacher Education RTE and Teacher Education Gender Equity and Teacher Education NCF-2005 and NTEFW 3.2.5 List the journals in which the faculty members have published papers in the last five years. Details are not available as those teachers have left the institute. 3.2.6 Give details of the awards, honours and patents received by the faculty members of the institution in last five years. No teacher has as yet been awarded. 3.2.7 Give details of the Minor/Major research projects completed by staff members of the institution. Regret. 3.3 Consultancy 3.3.1. Did the institution provide consultancy services in last five years? If yes, give details. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. A few staff members are involved in consultancy, which is done cost free. The individual faculty members have collaborative arrangements and facilities to work with good researchers. Consultancy is provided through Guest Lectures in different schools and institutes on important issues and in different villages and towns at educational programmes. The faculty works as members on different social, economic, cultural, political and educational bodies. Besides, the Institute provides consultancy service to the students for taking Teacher Eligibility Test, and Entrance Test of M.Ed. 3.3.2 Are faculty/staff members of the institute competent to undertake consultancy? If yes, list the areas of competency of staff members and the steps initiated by the institution to publicise the available expertise. This being a institute of education, the area of competence of the faculty is education and/or the subject of their post graduation. No formal consultancy service is provided by the Institute as revenue generation source. 3.3.3 Revenue generated through consultancy in the last five years Nil. The consultancy service is provided to the stakeholders is free of cost. 3.3.4.How does the institution use the revenue generated through consultancy? N.A 3.4. Extension Activities The institute is responsive to community needs and conducts relevant extension programmes. 3.4.1. How has the local community benefited from the institution? (Contribution of the institution through various extension activities, outreach programmes, partnering with NGO’s and GO’s) The local community is certainly benefited from the extension activities and outreach programmes. The institute engages community. The institute has a remarkable record of such Activities. The faculty have on-going projects which are note-worthy. The institute has developed Social Labs for the benefit of the community as per details given below. So the local community has been benefited through Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Caring for Senior Citizens Programme brought about awakening the sense of responsibility amongst students towards their parents and grandparents; and helped in understanding the psychology of the aged and helps them lessen their pain and emotional stress. Learn with Me programme aimed at initiating a programme on Adult literacy for illiterate and neoliterate females in rural Trust, the success of which could serve as a small indicator of progress and development of a community and the Trust as a whole. The rural young girls and women who are underprivileged needed to be empowered with at least the minimum level of literacy. It contributed to the cause of Total Literacy Campaign through participation of students in their own localities; and empowered the domestic workers and underprivileged sections of the Trust through literacy. Service-learning through blood donation combined the community-based learning with traditional classroom instruction and community-service to enhance the learning of the students and civic participation. It engaged community to create closer ties between the institute and communities with the result to deepen the quality of learning and discovery. ‘Total Literacy Drive’ was another project. The Impact of the practice was significant. The Total Literacy Drive has made it possible to prevent dropouts; created environment conducive for studying; improved the performance in examinations; empowered students to go for higher education; ensured that the rights of the children are taken care of; and promoted volunteerism and community-based work in the field of education and child empowerment. The outreach programmes are arranged every year and a number of activities such as tree plantation, health check up, digging of pits for toilet, the evils of female foeticide, drug addiction, and gambling, smoking, use of alcohol. Rallies are held from time to time against these evils. The villagers whole heartedly co-operate the students in such programmes and join the students to make the programme a success. The purpose of organizing such programmes is making the rural folk aware about the damage being caused by the different social evils. The Institute collaboratively works with NGOs and GOs, Clubs, etc. 3.4.2. How has the institution benefited from the community? (Community participation in institutional development, institution-community networking, institution-school networking, etc) The community interacts with institute through alumni and the students who undertake projects mentioned above. Besides, the community members are invited as guests on occasions and events. Their observations and interest have been found beneficial for the institute. The community lends active support while students carry on their extension activities in the surrounding localities. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Participation of community in programmes encouraged spirit of competence and enthusiasm towards life. Local Panchayat celebrates the U.P. Heroes and freedom fighters, every year in the institute pays homage to the Heroes of U.P.. School networking is in place. It helps in providing teaching practice for students. The institute’s school networking definitely helps in placement of the students. Students have, in the past, been offered jobs through school networking. The placement cell of the institute got its students appointed in the last two years in the schools run by the community. The forest department gave hundred saplings of different plants free of cost to the institute. 3.4.3 What are the future plans and major activities the institution would like to take up for providing community orientation to students? The Institute proposes to develop a pool of community members who have expertise or special skills in any area of work experience. The Institute has also a plan to organizing activities in collaboration with different social bodies like NGOs and GOs. It plans to organize blood donation camps in association with Rotary Club. Organize blood donation camp in the village with the cooperation of village community and the local Gram Panchayat. Celebrate days of national heroes and patriots in collaboration with the local community. Help the weaker sections of the Trust to learn. It has devised a plan to encourage every student to make one person literate person during their course duration. Involve students in awareness programme on contemporary issues. Awaken further on socially relevant issues like female foeticide, global warming, wild life protection 3.4.4 Is there any project completed by the institution relating to the community development in the last five years? If yes, give details. Yes, the Institute completed projects related to community development as per details given below: The Institute through its faculty and the students planted approximately 200 plants in the village and also looked these after. In fact each one adopted one plant each. This method ensured the proper watering and care of each plant that is why the survived rate is approximately 90 per cent. Motivated the villagers for pledging Eye donation, a noble cause appreciated by all. 3.4.5 How does the institution develop social and citizenship values and skills among its students? Social and citizenship values are developed through various ways, which include Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Social values taught through hidden curriculum managed through talks by invitees Showing CD’s related to discrimination and women empowerment, Child labour, etc. Celebrating festivals like Science Day, International Women’s Day, World Health Day, Teachers day, Independence Day, Republic Day, New Year’s day, Deepawali, Eid, etc. There is inbuilt emphasis on democratic values, responsible citizenship, and awareness of human rights for inculcating these values. Through extension programmes as reported under 3.4.1. Inviting the social activists to Institute to present epitomes of social values to the students. Inviting the prominent citizens to the institute to explain to the students the values and ideals to be imbibed by them to become a good citizen. Arranging visits of students and faculty to blind school remind them the duty towards blinds. 3.4.6. How has the institution involved the community in its extension activities? (Community participation in institutional development, institution-community networking, etc) School networking is in place. It helps in providing teaching practice for students. Students are offered jobs through school networking. During teaching practice programmes exposure of school community is given to the students. They do share and acquire various helpful new ideas and field experience. The institute’s school networking definitely helps in future for the placement of it’s students after the completion of B.Ed. programme. Students have, in the past, been offered jobs through school networking. Participation of community in various institute programmes encourages spirit of competence and enthusiasm towards life. The Institute proposes to develop a pool of community members who have expertise or special skills in any area of work experience. The Institute has also a plan to organizing activities in collaboration with different social bodies like NGOs and GOs. It plans to organize blood donation camps in association with District Hospital. 3.4.7 Any awards or recognition received by the faculty/students/Institution for the extension activities? The students have received prizes and certificates for the extension activities at the level of institute. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 3.5 COLLABORATIONS 3.5.1 Name the national level organizations, with which the institution has established linkages in the last five years; detail of the benefits resulted out of such linkages The Institute is actively associated with the academic bodies of the affiliating University. Some programmes are arranged jointly for the benefit of our institute and other institutes on the campus of the Institute. Institute has developed linkages with state and national level institution such as NCERT, Bal Bhawan Society of India, National Museum of Natural History, ICSSR, and SCERT etc. Faculty and students are deputed to visit these institutes and interact with the faculty and organise mutual programmes, student teachers are sometimes sent on educational visits to NCERT. Workshops were conducted on Lesson Plan and on Environment and Educational Institutions. With such linkage the Student teachers are immensely benefited. Exposure and knowledge as to the contribution of these National level organizations to the cause of education in general and to the Educational Training in particular, are immense. The institute is also associated with national level organizations through its faculty members who are active in these bodies. 3.5.2 Name the International organizations with which the institution has established any linkage in the past five years; details of the benefits resulted out of such linkages The Institute is negotiating to establish Linkages with INTEL for conducting Annual Workshop at the institute campus to enable our teachers to participate and make projects related to computer based teaching. Resource personnel from Intel and NIIT are to be invited for talks. The Institute has been trying to establish comprehensive international linkages. 3.5.3 How did the linkages if any contribute to the following? Yes, indeed the institute has been benefited from the collaborations in the areas listed above. The contributions in the fields are indicated below: Curriculum development Proposals for modifying the existing curriculum were formulated and forwarded for action; Suggestions regarding lesson plans, writing of objectives teaching aids, etc were incorporated. Teaching Enhancement in quality of teaching is made possible by guidance from national organizations. The Institute took up constructivist approach mainly because of its collaboration with NCERT and Jamia. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Training Improvement in the quality of teaching by incorporating the suggestions given/methodology used and thus making teaching learning process interesting and effective. Practice teaching Linkages not only provided us with the schools for internship but also led to enhancement in quality level of the teaching by the use of latest teaching aids to which the Student teachers were exposed during such visits. Interaction with the staff of these national organizations helped the Student teachers to remove a number of doubts which existed in their mind about ‘How’ and ‘When’ to use the educational technology, as and when made available to them. Workshops on micro teaching by educationists improved efficiency of practice teaching, e.g. addition to basic knowledge by the use of screening various CDs on teaching of various subjects Research Review of related literature is rendered possible through books, journals and research papers available in NCERT, IGNOU, Jamia Millia Islamia etc. Consultancy Experienced faculties of different institution are often consulted for various academic and research activities. Extension Contacts with various NGOs during extension and out reach activities help in establishing good relationship with community and imparting social values Publication The linkages with the world beyond the four walls of the institute facilitated, motivated and inspired the faculty to publish their research out put in various journals. Student Placement The institute does effect the placement, directly as well as indirectly. Interaction with outside bodies/agencies/schools, etc. leads to communicating our credibility and absorption of our trainees. Besides, there is a well-placed mechanism that aims at placing students in suitable positions. The institute approaches Alumni who have been teaching at various educational organizations for help. Help of Alumni is sought regarding the vacancies available in their organization, etc. in this regard, personal contacts as given under 3.5.4 also facilitate placement of our product. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 3.5.4 What are the linkages of the institution with the school sector? (Institute-school-community networking) The Institute has excellent rapport with the schools where students are sent for internship. In addition, the institute remains in touch with other schools. Internship in schools provides students with adequate exposure to get jobs of their satisfaction. For effective implementation of Community Programmes the institute even gets help of the principals and the administrators of schools. For the purpose, the institute deputes some teachers for delivering lectures in nearby schools whenever there is a mass scale programme initiated by health, social welfare or programmes of social nature introduced by some international organizations working in the state of U.P. Besides, the institute invites various important persons having association with schools/school education. The schools intimate the requirement for the teacher which helps the institute in placement of its students. Many students have thus been placed. The institute has good association with nearly 25 schools of the district and the surrounding areas, for organizing different activities. The institute community and schools are thus creating/maintaining net working and serving each others’ interests in multiple ways. 3.5.5 Are the faculty actively engaged in schools and with teachers and other school personnel to design, evaluate and deliver practice teaching? If yes give details. Yes, all of our faculties are actively engaged in schools and with teachers and other school personnel for designing, evaluating and delivering practice teaching. Designing: Before the school based practice teaching, the faculty and the student teachers interact with the school personnel to chalk out the activities to be carried out during the course of practice teaching. Faculty members are actively engaged in schools in designing the time slots, conducting examinations, delivering lessons and also in counselling, organizing extra curricular activities and evaluation procedures. Remedial teaching for the needy is provided by the student trainees in consultation with school teachers and under the guidance of the faculties. Principals of schools are duly updated about the innovative practices adopted in teaching lessons. Delivery: The faculty remains in touch with the school for ensuring successful conduct of activities and conduct of teaching process. The area and quantum of content is decided with the active support and consultation of the school staff. Successful delivery depends considerably on the active support of the school. Therefore, the faculty has to ensure thorough involvement of the school teachers. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Evaluating: At the time of practice teaching our faculty remains present at the respective school to supervise and assess the performance of the student teachers. The practice teaching is evaluated by the teachers of the respective school and feedback is given on the performance. The feedback helps the student teachers for enhancing and evaluating the performance. 3.5.6. How does the faculty collaborate with school and other institute or university faculty? The institute faculty actively collaborates with various schools, other institutes and university faculty for augmenting teaching-learning activities. The collaboration with schools is in main related to conducting practice teaching programmes, eventorganization and procuring directives and policy decisions of the Board, Government of U.P. and Education Institute for enhancing our student teachers’ knowledge. The faculty and Institute principal contact the school personally and through phones or written word. The institute remains in touch with them for knowing things of common interest and such school specific needs as may be addressed with our help and cooperation. We have very cordial relations with the nearby institutes and especially with our sister institutions located within the state. We endeavour to work in coordination with them for some activities. Many events are organized together as also the sphere of interest related issues are raised collectively. Faculty members attend. Workshops, seminars organized by other institutes. Papers are presented at seminar by faculty members. We are having Tie up with other Institutes of Education for regular faculty exchange programme. The institute works in close association with the Institute of Education of the affiliating University. The institute also arranges lectures of faculty members from different institutes and university. University faculty is consulted for research purposes. The Institute thus secures collaborating with various schools, other institutes and university faculty for augmenting teaching-learning activities. 3.6 Best Practices in Research, Consultancy and Extension 3.6.1 What are the major measures adopted by the institution to enhance the Quality of Research, Consultancy and Extension activities during the last five years? The Institute has formed a Research Committee to promote research. The institute allows duty leave with T.A. for attending seminars and presenting papers in any conference relating to research. The institute also organizes seminars and workshops on research for Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. the faculty. The Institute has provision of 50 per cent grant for purchase of books and publication to teachers for research. The Institute has promoted extension programmes and developed Institute neighbourhood network. The Institute has involved community members with its activities. Besides, The institute encourages all faculty members to do research. It encouraged the non-Ph.D. faculty to get enrolled for the Ph D degree. It promotes its faculty members to participate in education-related Conferences / Seminars / Workshops by providing funds. Faculty members shared with each other the various innovative methods in teaching and activities included in their curricula. In addition to what has been placed under 3.4.1., it may be seen that the institute organizes some extension activities throughout the academic year. Some programmes are accomplished in collaboration with NGOs, GOs and other institutes. The institute is anxious to perform the extension activities and is working with some individuals and organisations. 3.6.2. What are significant innovations/good practices in Research, Consultancy and Extension activities of the institution? The institute has good practices in Research, Consultancy and extension activities. The best practices under Research, Consultancy and Extension are: The institute encourages all faculty members to undertake research. The institute provides flexibility in teaching schedule to the faculty doing research. The institute in association with NGOs and GOs organised blood donation camps, tree plantations, AIDS awareness programmes, and other programmes as listed under 3.4.1. The Faculty acts as Referees, Resource Persons, National publications, participation in National Conferences. Faculty and students are required to keep pace with modern day development in teaching and research. Capacity building among the students Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITERION IV INFRASTRUCTURE and LEARNING RESOURCES Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITERION IV INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 4.1 Physical Facilities 4.1.1 Does the institution have the physical infrastructure as per NCTE norms? If yes, specify the facilities and the amount invested for developing the infrastructure. Enclose the master plan of the building. Yes, the institute has infrastructure as per NCTE norms as per details specified here under. The institute campus is spread in an area of 5857 sq meter of land. Out of this 2591 sq meter is the built up, which is under exclusive use of the Institute of Education. The built up area includes Eight classrooms plus eight (=16) rooms, Principal’s Chamber with adequate space to conduct meetings with the faculty, and Clerk’s room, Computer Resource Centre with 30 computers and internet facility with each system., Science and Mathematics Resource Centre, equipped with required kits and material Resource Centre to develop Teaching Aid. A well-equipped Language Lab with a terminal and consoles and Lingua-phones Home Science and Work-experience Lab, Psychological Resource Centre with more than 25 Tests and Testing Equipments, Social Science Resource Centre, Library with a floor area of 115 sq meters with a seating capacity of 30 and a separate reference section. Library has a photocopier with the facility of photocopying An MPH. with a seating capacity of more than 200. Separate Boys’ and Girls’ Rest Rooms provided with bedding and first aid facility. Washroom facilities are separately available for men and women. The Play Ground, Sports, Institute Canteen, and Campus Store, Open space for conducting morning assemblies/special assemblies. A lawn is embedded with greenery and season’s flowers Expandability Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The infrastructure has been and remains sufficient enough to keep pace with the academic growth and accommodate more students/courses on the campus by making required additions to the existing building. Amount invested: The total investments done by the institute for developing the infrastructure is Rs 87, 15,000 as on 31/03/2014. 4.1.2. How does the institution plan to meet the need for augmenting the infrastructure to keep pace with the academic growth? If yes, specify the facilities and the amount spent during the last five years. The institute continuously augments its infrastructure to keep pace with its academic growth. It has provided additional infrastructure to match the revised (upgraded) norms of the NCTE. Funds are earmarked in the budget to meet the existing needs and for augmenting infrastructure, etc. The infrastructural facilities that have been added or improved, during the preceding years are as follows: 1. Addition to building 2. Renovation of Sc Laboratories 3. Renovation of Classrooms 4. Computer Centre 5. Augmentation of Drinking water facility 6. Building Renovation 7. On Electrical Installation Budgetary Provisions for augmentation (for the last three years)] ITEMS 2011-2012 Allocation 2012-2013 Allocatin Utilization Utilization Building 16,00,000 156835 2,40,000 in Rs Laboratories 200,000 183781 70,000 68681 2,50,000 2,15,000 100,000 95,000 230600 2013-2014 Allocation Utilisation 9, 45,000 9,46,00 70,000 0 63,000 andEquipment sComputers 100,000 85,000 4.1.3. List the infrastructure facilities available for co-curricular activities and extra curricular activities including games and sports. ime Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. A) For Co-curricular activities i) The Institute has a Multi Purpose Hall (Area 205.072 Sq mt) having seating capacity for more than 200 people, and is available for co-curricular activities like debates, quizzes, seminars, etc. ii) Co-curricular activities which involve larger gatherings utilise the Institute grounds. B) For Extra-curricular activities and sports): i) The Institute grounds are available for extracurricular activities and sports. The Institute provides students with equipment and facilities for Volleyball, Badminton, Shot Put, Discus, Carom, Chess, and other indoor games. C) For Sports and Games Outdoor sports facilities are adequate. There is a badminton, khokho and kabaddi. Students make use of every facility and have brought honours to the Institute by participating in the Inter University championships. 4.1.4. Give details on the physical infrastructure shared with other programmes of the institution or other institutions of the parent Trust or university. Some of the facilities are utilised by practice teaching schools, on request. Sharing of common facilities ensures optimal use of resources. 4.1.5 Give details on the facilities available with the institution to ensure the health and hygiene of the staff and students (rest rooms for women, wash room facilities for men and women, canteen, health centre, etc. Yes, the building has common room, wash/rest rooms separately for men/women, students and staff. In addition, spacious Cafeteria, could serve food/refreshments, with a suitable section for women and staff. The Institute has boys’ and girls’ rest rooms and also general toilets in the building. There is a staff room for the faculty members Washroom facilities are separately available for men and women as per requirement. Washrooms are properly maintained daily by the house keeping staff. The teacher-in-charge canteen ensures that the food articles available are fresh and hygienic. The incharge also ensures the hygienic environment in the canteen and its surroundings. The institute campus has a provision of first aid room which has all the basic facilities. The services of consultant doctors are always available in the hour of need, as some hospitals are available within a 2 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. km distance. The Institute organized medical check up camps where regular check-up of the student – teacher is done. Provisions are made of dustbins. Water coolers are fitted with good quality of water filter for providing clean drinking water. Appropriate hygiene system is in place. The institute has Maintenance Committee which looks after the cleanliness of the institute building and campus 4.1.6. Is there any hostel facility for students? If yes, give details on capacity, no of rooms, occupancy details, recreational facilities including sports and games, health and hygiene facilities, etc. A full fledged Hostel building on the campus is yet to come up. This is a rural based institute where the students are from nearby area and they stay at their homes. Institute plans to construct a hostel for girls in the first phase and for boys in the second phase. 4.1.7. How does the Institution ensure that the infrastructure facilities meet the requirements of differently-abled students? The institute follows the norms laid down by the NCTE and related bodies looking after the interests of such persons. In view of these, the institute has provided wheel chairs, and books in library. The Institute is instituting additional immediate steps to facilitate access of differently-abled students to the classrooms, library, canteen and drinking water facilities. 4.2. Maintenance of Infrastructure 4.2.1. What is the budget allocation and utilization in the last five years for the maintenance of the following? Give justification for the allocation and unspent balance if any. Building Laboratories Furniture Equipments Computers Transport/Vehicle The Institute does not have staff appointed for maintenance and repair. Maintenance and repair of buildings, electrical installations and furniture is outsourced to registered contractors. Equipment is repaired and serviced through respective vendors. Budget allocation is made in the beginning of the financial year. Annual maintenance contracts are arranged and for a few equipments, break-down call arrangements are made for optimal use of the resources. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Budget allocation and utilization for the maintenance (For three years) 2011-2012 ITEMS Allocation Building 55000 Laboratories andEquipments 2012-2013 Utilisation 2013-2014 Allocation Utilisation Allocation Utilisation 61000 in Rs 50000 45000 60000 61000 40000 37000 30000 29500 30000 30215 Furniture 23000 21500 25000 16000 20000 21260 Computers 45000 39000 40000 44500 45000 43750 Transport 40000 35000 35000 31000 25000 24545 12000 11500 12000 14500 15000 17400 ime Equipments nts There remained hardly any unspent balance during the last three financial years. Instead, the actual expenditure exceeded the budgetary allocation in a number of instances. The budgetary estimates are counted on the basis of the past spending and the emerging needs of the recent time. The principal and the management of the institute manage and supervise proper utilization of the allocated budget optimally. 4.2.2. How does the institution plan and ensure that the available infrastructure is optimally utilized? The infrastructure facilities are kept open for the students and faculty during working hours and extended hours whenever required. Library, Computer Centre, Sports facilities are kept open on holidays/extended hours for all the legitimate users. The management and overall milieu ensures smooth and regular functioning of the institute. Likewise the entire infrastructure of the Institute continues to remain in effective use. Above all, Maintenance Committee ensured that the budgetary allocations are used properly and optimally. The Institute also lent the following facilities for the benefit of the community/Trust: 1. Some teaching practice schools utilized the ground of the Institute for organizing sports. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 2. The Institute maintains a Generator for supplying electricity as per the need of the Institute. The Institute’s relevant committee plans the allocation of classes to ensure optimal utilization of the available classroom space. For instance: Language laboratory is used by different groups. Yoga and meditation room is also used for teaching of music classes. Psychology lab is utilised for activities of women cell also. The institute hall is used for holding morning assembly, institute functions, examinations, etc. Thus the institute ensures that the infrastructure of the institute is put to optimum use. 4.2.3 How does the institution consider the environmental issues associated with the infrastructure? The site of the institute has been chosen with freshness of air in mind: far off the polluted environment of industrial area, and railways. The students enjoy pollution free atmosphere: Trees and flowering plants are planted and maintained. Grassy lawns and seasonal flower beds have been developed. Landscaping within and around the campus have been developed. As many as two hundred plants, shrubs, trees etc. keep the campus beautiful, pollution free and noise free. The institute takes due care to consider the environmental issues associated with infrastructure as of prime importance. The Institute is having a functional Cultural Committee which organizes different programmes on environment. Some activities arei. Environment awareness programmers. ii. Planting saplings iii. Organizing Inter and Intra- Institute Competitions (Poster making, Collage etc.) The other environment friendly activities conducted by the Institute include: Inter house competitions are conducted regularly for awareness. Environment remains one of the themes. The Institute celebrates events having environmental tilt, almost every year wherein students participate in activities like poster making, collage making, extempore speeches, decorations, display of best from waste and free distribution of trees to the nearby villagers, etc. The students exhibit their creativity in making environment-friendly items. This also provides the students the concept of making Teaching Aids out of waste material. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The B. Ed section takes utmost care to see that no garbage or waste accumulates in any part of the campus. Our institute thus tries to protect and enrich the environment as well as operational curriculum to meet the global challenges of the present century. 4.3 Library as a Learning Resource 1. The library has separate premises of its own. It contains required infrastructure facilities. 2. The Generator facility is extended to the library. There are the measures for overall maintenance and cleanliness of the library. 3. The financial/funding sources of the library are met by making required budgetary allocations exclusively out of the institute resources. 4.3.1. Does the institution have a qualified librarian and sufficient technical staff to support the library (materials collection and media/computer services)? Yes, the institute has a qualified librarian (Ms Seema Yaduvanshi, Librarian, M.Lib,), and a support staff (Mr Prabhat Kumar B.Lib)to assist the librarian for material collection and computer services. There is a proper seating and drinking water arrangement. Besides, the Library Committee advises the librarian and looks after the working of the library. 4.3.2. What are the library resources available to the staff and students? (Number of books-volumes and titles, journals-national and international, magazines, audio visual teaching-learning resources, software, internet access, etc) The Institute has rich library resources available to the staff and students. Details of book, national and international journals, magazines, audio visual teaching learning resources etc., are given below: (i) Books 4481 (ii) Titles 1025 (iii) Text Books 2000 (iv) Reference Books 1082 (v) Current Journals 14 (vi) Magazines 06 (vii) E- Information Resources 03 CD’s /DVD’s 35 Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. (x) Book Bank 250 4.3.3. Does the institution have in place, a mechanism to systematically review the various library resources for adequate access, relevance, etc. and to make acquisition decisions? If yes, give details including the composition and functioning of library committee. The Institute has a Library Committee. Librarian is the Convener of this Committee. The Library Committee is composed of: S.No Name Position 1. Dr Indu Singh Chairperson- 2. Mr Sandeep Yadav Member 3. Mr Satinder Kumar Member 4. Ms Seema Yaduvanshi Member- convenor 5. Ms Rakhi Student Member 6. Mr Anil Kumar Student Member The major responsibilities of the Committee are to Guide all Library acquisitions. Monitor the students’ use of the library facilities and suggest measures to make the library services more user– friendly. Ensure proper maintenance of all library facilities. Discuss and place its view on any library-related matter that is referred to it by the management. The committee Selects the titles of different subjects related to syllabus from the lists of publishers. Forwards the list of selected titles (list of new titles) to the Head Arranges library period in the B.Ed. time table for the students. Suggests to the librarian for better utilization of library resources. Furnishes feed back on functioning of the library to President, through proper channel. The Library receives requisitions from Institutes for new and current titles. Faculty members also suggest required material and all these are discussed in meetings of the Library Committee which recommends acquisition Newly procured books are displayed for the users. 4.3.4. Is your library computerized? If yes, give details. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Yes, the library operations are yet to be computerized. 4.3.5. Does the institution library have Computer, Internet and Reprographic facilities? If yes, give details on the access to the staff and students and the frequency of use. The library system is yet to be computerized. One photocopy machine is available in the library. The Library follows Open Access system where the users of the library search for their required books. Books are classified according to DDC, and are placed on the stacks. Library Cards are issued to allow readers to draw books from the Library. Each student is allotted five cards whereas Faculty members are entitled to ten cards. A property counter is maintained in the Library to keep personal belongings of the library users. Frequency of use: The library is used almost on each working day. a. By Teaching staff : on as and when required basis. b. By students : on as and when required basis. 4.3.6. Does the institution make use of Inflibnet/Delnet/IUC facilities? If yes, give details. It is part of future plan; yet to be worked out. 4.3.7. Give details on the working days of the library? (Days the library is open in an academic year, hours the library remains open per day etc.) The library remains open and functional a. 285 days in an academic year b. 6 days in a weak. c. 6 hours in a day d. 36 hours in a week Approximately, it remains open for 1710 hours in an academic year Note: Working hours is extended during examination period. Performance evaluation of institute library is carried out at regular intervals in order to sustain and enhance their quality. The following parameters are used in assessing the extent of use of library and its services. a) Average number of books issued/returned per day. b) Number of reference enquiries (users) on an average per month c) Number of services delivered per capita per month Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. d) Average no. of users who consulted per month 4.3.8 How do the staff and students come to know of the new arrivals? The library staffs make appropriate display of new acquisitions. The information related to new arrivals in the library comes to the notice of staff and students through vertical communication process or through horizontal communication process in the campus. The jackets of all the new arrivals are displayed in the show case. Secondly, the librarian intimates about new arrivals to the faculty in-charge of library period. The librarian makes calls to the principal/teachers/heads to inform the arrival of book they ordered/selected. The information is put on the library notice board. 4.3.9. Does the institution’s library have a book bank? If yes, how is the book bank facility utilized by the students? Yes, the Institute library has Book Bank facility for the students. The books from the book bank are issued to the needy students for use throughout the academic year without imposing any terms and conditions. Additional books are being made available in Book Bank. Book bank is maintained with the active cooperation of students and faculty of the institute. They are encouraged to donate their personal books. 4.3.10. What are the special facilities offered by the library to the visually and physically challenged persons? To facilitate the physically challenged students some of the books are kept in the resource room. For the visually challenged students assistance is provided by the librarian. Additional books and reading materials are issued on long term basis. For the visually challenged persons, personalized services are provided. The library staffs assist such persons in obtaining specific documents and other material for reference. Ramp facilities are being established for physically challenged students and staff. Also, payment is made to the visually handicapped students to hire a reader. Thus, special facilities are offered by the institute to both the visually as well as physically challenged persons. Plans are on to establish special lab facilities for the physically challenged persons and Braille Lab for visually challenged persons. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The institute is committed to provide required facilities as and when the need arises in future as well. 4.4 ICT as learning Resource 4.4.1 Give details of ICT facilities available in the institution (Computer lab, hardware, software, internet connectivity, access, audio visual, other media and materials) and how the institutions ensures the optimum use of the facility. Yes. The following facilities are available with the Institute: 1. Details of the Electronic Information S. No. Items Quantity 1 Computers, in all 34 2. Colour Television 1 3. OHP 1 4. PA System Complete Set 5. Audio Cassettes 20 6. CDs 25 7. LCD projector 1 Educational Literature include i. Audio Programme Catalogue ii. Teachers Manual ‘Intel’ iii. Transparencies iv. Audio Cassettes v. CDs The computer student ratio of the Institute works out as 1:4 The computers are dual core along with accessories like UPS, printers and scanner etc. Internet facility through broad-band connection is available in the institute. LCD projector and two CD writers have also been added. 4.4.2. Is there a provision in the curriculum for imparting computer skills to all students? If yes give details on the major skills included Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Yes. Provision is made in curriculum for imparting computer skills to the students of B.Ed. There is a core paper “Information Communication and Educational Technology” of 100 marks and ICT Enabled Practical Projects of 50 marks. All the students are imparted instructions and prescribed basic skills needed for computer application in Education to enhance teaching - learning. Students learn word processors, spread sheets, multimedia power point presentation and projects to use in their class room. Students Teachers develop their skills to use computer peripherals like printers, scanners, LCD projectors, etc. Students learn such software skills to design instructional processes. Multimedia are important skills learnt by student teachers. Student-teachers use spread sheets to solve, analyze and represent data on charts. Students identify the problem. Then they tend to know how new/recently developed technology can be used to solve it. After assessing such new technologies, a rough work is carried out. It is verified by every student teachers and teacher educators. Thus, new information communication technology is utilized by our teacher educators and student teachers. 4.4.3. How and to what extent does the institution incorporate and make use of the new technologies/ICT in curriculum transactional processes? There is a central computing facility and the resources available with this facility to staff and students. Both students and staff use this facility to access the internet and also for other computer work. Further the central computer facility is also used for training purposes. ICT in use in the institute Multimedia PC, Laptop, Notebook. CDsand DVDs. digital video, Internet and its tools- e-mail, browsers, website, search engines, chat etc. Computer aided instruction and computer mediated conferencing, video/audio conferencing. Digital libraries, e-booksand electronic publications. Microsoft publishing--news letter, poster, brochure. Technology is used by teachers-student teachers to provide multiple representations of content (images, graphs, diagrams, tables) and multiple options for expression (multimedia, power point). The institute makes three major instructional uses of computer based technologies: a) Learning from the Technology b) Learning about the Technology c) Learning with the Technology. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The institute practices Technology integration in daily classroom practices, and in the management of the Institute. 4.4.4. What are major areas and initiatives for which student teachers use /adopt technology in practice teaching? (Developing lessons plans, classroom transactions, evaluation, preparation of teaching aids) The student teachers are motivated, encouraged and trained for making use of the modern technology for practice teaching. The student teachers use technology in practice teaching for the purpose of developing their lessons and also for preparing teaching aids. Teachers and student teachers are empowered through training modules in basic computer literacy and preparation of computer-aided presentations, and operation of LCD projectors. The Institute has required facilities. For Developing Lesson Plans: All the students’ teachers adopt information communication technology in their practice teaching. Before going to deliver actual lesson plan in the schools, student teachers prepare lesson plans in their respective teaching methodology during simulated teaching. Finally, they prepare at least two lesson plans on power point for teaching in the school. Some of the topics on which interesting lesson plans have been developed are (i) Solar Eclipse, (ii) Formation of day and night, (iii) Circle, (iv) Articles (v) Volcano, etc. The student teachers take help of the Educational Technology Lab for using ICT for preparing their practice teaching lessons. For Class Room Transaction: The student teachers prepare power point presentation of their lessons to be delivered during practice teaching. They can take the equipments to the practice teaching school, if required. For Preparing Teaching Aids: The student teachers prepare and use slides related to the curriculum, which is to be transacted in the classroom. They use technology of information communication in making different kinds of teaching aids. The student teachers prepare teaching models in the Workshop to include in the practice teaching. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Teachers make use of visual tools to clarify a point, to emphasize a point, to simplify a point, to unify a point and to impress learner. 4.5. Other Facilities 4.5.1. How is the instructional infrastructure optimally used? Does the institution share its facilities with others for e.g.: serve as information technology resource in education to the institution (beyond the program), to other institutions and to the community. It has been pointed out above that the infrastructure facilities established in the Institute are kept open for the students and faculty during working hours and extended hours whenever required. Library, Computer centre, Sports facilities are kept open on holidays/extended hours for all the registered users. The infrastructure is also made available to other academic agencies, such as practice teaching schools. The Institute shares its facilities with the community. The audio visuals aids as prepared by the student teachers are gifted to the practice teaching schools and schools situated in nearby locales. The improved apparatus prepared by the institute students is also gifted to the practice teaching schools. The service of institute teachers are extended for extension lectures. Thus the physical infrastructure is judiciously and optimally put to use. 4.5.2. What are the various audio-visual facilities/materials (CDs, audio and video cassettes and other materials related to the program) available with the institution? How are the student teachers encouraged to optimally use them for learning including practice teaching? The facilities/materials available in the institute have been listed under 4.4.1. The institute has very rich audio-video resources related to school subjects. These include i. Various audio–visuals aids facility and materials like CD, audio cassettes, video-cassettes, transparencies and slides based on content of various school subject areas. ii. Transparencies on content cum pedagogical analysis iii. Charts models and improved apparatus in science iv. CD’s and audio cassettes for language development v. Slides and transparencies made by student-teachers are also stored. The various audio-visual facilities available with the Institute include: CDS Audio Cassettes - Models Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Video Cassettes - Charts on methods of teaching subjects Any other- PPT, LCD, CD ROMS Student teachers are encouraged to use audio-visual materials to develop lesson plans, teaching aids, instructional strategies, etc. They use audio-video materials during practice teaching. They learn and try to adopt the expertise in teaching methods displayed in the C.Ds V.C.Ds. Teachers themselves use the audio visual aids while presenting the content in the classroom. 4.5.3. What are the various general and methods Laboratories available with the institution? How does the institution enhance the facilities and ensure maintenance of the equipment and other facilities? The institute has (1) Language Lab with necessary equipments, (2) ICT Resource Centre, (3) Computer Resource Centre, and (4) Psychology Resource Centre, (5) Integrated Science and Mathematic Resource Centre with necessary apparatus, equipment and materials. (6) Health and Physical Edn. Resource Centre (7) Language Lab (8) Social Sciences Resource Centre (9) Creative and Performing Art Resource Centre. The institute enhances the facilities in laboratories according to the requirement of the B.Ed. curriculum as per the norms prescribed by the NCTE. The institute also holds meetings with all the faculty members to discuss about maintenance and up-gradation of labs. Based on norm-need-quality and these reviews budgetary requirement is projected. The management makes allocations accordingly. Faculty-in-charge of concerned laboratory takes class in the laboratories. Regular maintenance in terms of infrastructural and equipment requirement are met on the basis of particular laboratory. The equipments are maintained with the help of campus electrician and technician. If the fault is major and out of our campus electrician/technician’s purview, the outside experts are called for executing repairs and maintenance. 4.5.4. Give details on the facilities like multipurpose hall, workshop, music and sports, transports, etc. available with the institution. Multipurpose hall: The Institute has a multipurpose which is suitable for holding large scale functions and other routine assemblies which are duly arranged in it. The institute has the latest public address system, recording facility, audio-video play/recording facility, etc. for cultural activities. Workshop: The workshop has been established on the lines of learning by doing philosophy in teacher education. The workshop is equipped with moulds of chalk making, candle making and essential material Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. of interior decoration, paper cutting and cardboard modelling, pot decoration, preparing best out of waste and materials for chart and model preparation. Workshops on paper cutting and card board modelling are organized from time and time. Sports: Indoor and outdoor sports facilities are well in place. The institute has big sports ground. Field for organizing games like football, basket ball, volleyball, handball and cricket is there. Materials for games like chess, skipping carom board is available. There is a sport room having kits of carom, cricket, volleyball, badminton, chess, etc. These are maintained for facilitating physical development of our student teachers. Music Room: The Institute has a Music Room which is equipped with all the related equipments/instruments for playing music and dancing activity. 4.5.5. Are the classrooms equipped for the use of latest technologies for teaching? If yes, give details. If no, indicate the institution’s future plans to modernize the classrooms. Yes, the classrooms are equipped with green boards. All classrooms have the facility for using equipments like mikes, projectors, OHP, screen board, etc. needed for use in teaching. These equipments are not fixed in the rooms as permanent fixtures. The institute has a plan to equip all the classrooms with permanent fixtures. It plans to equip half of the rooms with roof mounted LCD projectors, screen and computers. The MPH is equipped with LCD projector, over head projector, and slide projector, public address system, etc. 4.6 Best Practices in Infrastructure and Learning Resources 4.6.1. How does the faculty seek to model and reflect on the best practice in the diversity of instruction, including the use of technology? Faculty members are encouraged to use innovative methods to enhance teaching learning process. Classroom environment is made conducive through the use of teaching aids and activity based teaching incorporating technology. The faulty as well as Student teachers adopt different methods of teaching and deploy different techniques. The faculty uses different methods of instruction like, Discussion, Synthetic and Analytic, Problem Solving, Inductive-Deductive, etc. Further details of these are to be reported under criterion V. To make teaching more effective, the technologies like PPT, LCD, and Audio-Video are used. The institute wants e-teaching/ learning to be implemented with vigour and vitality. Use of ICT Inductive thinking strategies, problem solving methods are used for teaching with main emphasis being on shift in learning from the theoretical to practical aspects. Hence stress is laid on learning by doing practices. From Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. time to time teachers attend and participate in different seminars, conferences and workshops for getting empowered. 4.6.2. List innovative practices related to the use of ICT, which contributed to quality enhancement. Innovative practices related to the use of ICT, which contributed to quality enhancement are listed below: a) Use of alternate learning delivery mechanisms- e.g . video, internet b) Faculty IT access to electronic material-e.g. multimedia c) Active learning: enhanced learner interest. d) Co-operative learning: positive group/social interaction. e) Communication Skills: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many. f) Multicultural education: link students from across the country/around the world. g) Spread sheet programming-records, exam scores h) Using internet and e-mail facilities -to gain knowledge i) Games and simulations to improve quality of learning 4.6.3. What innovations/best practices in ‘Infrastructure and Learning Resources’ are in vogue or adopted/adapted by the institution? Listed below are some of the best practices that enhance the academic information environment and usability. 1. Inclusion of sufficient information about the library in the institute prospectus. 2. Displaying newspaper clippings on the notice board periodically. 3. Career/Employment Information/ Services. 4. Internet Facilities to different user groups. 5. Suggestion/Complaint box and timely response. 6. Displaying new arrivals and circulating a list of those to all. 7. Conducting book exhibitions on different occasions. 8. Organizing book talks. 9. Instituting Annual Best User award for students. 10. Organizing competitions annually. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 11. Conducting user surveys periodically 12. Ability to process numerical data published in the literature 13. Access information from anywhere in the world Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITERION -V STUDENT SUPPORT and PROGRESSION Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. CRITERION V STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 5.1 Student Progression 5.1.1. How does the institution assess the students’ preparedness for the programme and ensure that they receive appropriate academic and professional advice through the commencement of their professional education programme (students’ pre-requisite knowledge and skill to advance) to completion? The Institute has adequate learning resources and a well-established mechanism to systematically ensure that the students receive appropriate academic and professional advice through commencement of their professional education programme to completion. Students in the B. Ed program are admitted by the affiliating University. The University does it through merit followed by counselling. The department effects general test after admission. On the basis of the test and its outcome the students of varying description are identified and grouped accordingly for providing pre-requisite knowledge and skill (if required) to advance and completion The students are divided into groups and each group is placed under the care of a faculty member to look after their programme growth and other related problems. In order to ensure that the students receive appropriate academic and professional advice through the commencement of their professional education program up to its completion, the students are divided into groups and each group is placed under the care of a faculty member to look after their programme growth and other related problems. The Institute then arranges guidance and counselling session for briefing the candidates who could not qualify in the pre-requisite test, so as to help them enhance the knowledge required for pursuing studies for B.Ed. programme. Academic session begins with one week orientation Programme to explore the special and outstanding Achievements of the students to make effective use Of their talent during the entire session. The guidance and counselling session is followed by one-week orientation-cum-introductory programme for providing a wholesome initiation into the institute, including the tasks ahead. They get insight into infrastructural facilities available, and have personal interaction with the faculty. The Institute gets to know students’ preference for a particular section/group in regards to hobbies and games, for grouping them into different houses. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Students are provided information on the subjects available. Counselling is offered to the student before they opt for the subject (s). 5.1.2. How does the institution ensure that the campus environment promotes motivation, satisfaction, and development and performance improvement of the students? The campus environment is indeed student-friendly. It is such that it promotes motivation, satisfaction, and development and performance improvement of students. A number of facilities are available for their support and progression. Scholarships and awards are instituted for the deserving students. Last year scholarships awarded to the SC/ST/OBC students alone by the government were enough to support their studies. Free books are given to the financially weak students from the book bank. Orientation classes are held immediately after admission to guide the admitted students about the aptitude and options available in higher education. Informal academic counselling is provided by the subject teachers throughout the year. This year, the Institute plans to organize a mega event. The theme of this mega festival is “Career Options” in which several experts from placement services will take part. Actual drop out rate is extremely low/zero. The gap between students admitted and sent for examination, if any, is due to the fact that a few of students leave the Institute when they get admission in the institutes closer to their residence. There is a placement cell on the regular basis. Also, the teachers extend guidance to the needy. Presence of functional employment cell goes with the culture and tradition of the Institute. The Institute has an alumni association. Old teachers of the Institute have also lent support. Student support and progression activities also include Book Bank:- A sizable amount of books on relevant subjects are available. Extra curricular activities: - Cultural Programmes such as youth festivals, cultural fest, annual gatherings, etc are organized in the institute. Welcoming and farewell functions: - are organized at the Institute level. Sports Meet:-The sports and games activities are held regularly in the Institute. Sports facilities are available there. Films: - Films proved a significant mode of learning for the students. The Concepts and their application are taught through films. Field Assignments:- The application of concept can be learnt in field. Students are assigned field assignments for real life exposure. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Display Boards: - It is in house wall paper regarding specialization, general affairs, placement, etc. Alumni Association:- The alumni of the institute are widespread in the state both in public and private sector. Educational tours: - Educational tours are also organized at local level and out-side the town/State for educational exposure and interaction. Culture of inviting and accepting suggestion in a democratic way in democratic environment 5.1.3. Give gender-wise drop-out rate after admission in the last five years and list possible reasons for the drop out. Describe (if any) the mechanism adopted by the institution for controlling the drop out? The Dropout Rate which is calculated by taking into account the number of students who were admitted to the course but did not sit for year-end examination, is shown in the table given below. YEAR(SESSION) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Male 02 01 nil Female 01 01 nil The average drop out rate is nil. The zero drops out rate is despite the fact that many female students got married, still they kept up. Institute environment attracted them. Besides, persuasion too did work. The poor were provided financial assistance to ensure their continuity. Supportive and caring institute environment too did help a lot. Teachers offer counselling to the students through their interactions outside the class hours in the tutorial sessions. Economically backward students get the benefit of financial assistance of the Government in the form of Scholarships. Need-cum-Merit based scholarship is instituted in the institute. 5.1.4. What additional services are provided to students for enabling them to compete for the jobs and progress to higher education? How many students appeared/qualified in SLET, NET, Central/State services through competitive examination in the last two years? The institute does not have post graduate course so these students are not directly eligible for NET/SLET. Besides, the holders of the degree of B. Ed generally get jobs in government aided schools. Very few students go for further studies or attempt for competitive examinations. However, the institute supports students in preparing for TET examinations by conducting orientation classes.. Interactions of students with meritorious alumni being organized by the institutes also help students. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The institute library has reference material for SLET/NET. Very few students turn up to avail of even this facility. The information, motivation and guidelines are, however, provided. 5.1.5. What percentage of students on an average goes for further studies/ chooses teaching as a career? Give details for the last three years? The institute tries to keep trace of the students going for higher studies or opting for the teaching career. On the basis of available data it is maintainable that the students go overwhelmingly for the teaching career in schools. Session wise details of the students: Year Higher Studies No. Teaching Others % No. % No. % 2011-12 16 16 27 27 3 3 46 2012-13 5 5 78 78 4 4 87 5.1.6. Does the institution provide training and access to library and other education related electronic information, audio/ video resources, computer hardware and software related and other resources available to the student teachers after graduating from the institution? If yes give details on the same. Ex-graduates may utilize any of the infrastructural facility available with the institute, within the institute. But equipments may be issued only if the request comes from the institution where the ex-student is serving. Ex-students may utilise library services with permission of the Principal. 5.1.7. Does the institution provide placement services? If yes, give details on the services provided for the last two years and the number of students who have benefited. The student placement and guidance cell at the institute offers facilities for students to improve their job skills as well as to find suitable job placements. The placement cell, upon request from prospective employers, organizes campus recruitment programmes. The Cell has organized one such drive. Services provided for the last two years The Placement cell assisted student placement by arranging job interviews and examinations by the private and aided schools. The cell also supported students by giving counselling and through personality development programmes. Timely information about different job openings in different schools was provided to students through notices and circulars. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Number of students who have benefited Total number of students who were placed in different schools of U.P. and opted for higher studies during the last two years is shown below: Details of students who were benefited by the efforts of PC: Session Employed as Teachers Further Studies 2011-12 23 5 2012-13 41 3 5.1.8. What are the difficulties (if any) faced by placement cell? How does the institution over come these difficulties? Difficulties being faced There is no system of campus recruitment in educational courses. The schools prefer to appoint their own students/alumni. Some times, selection of teachers are made before declaration of result. Moreover, many students prefer schools which are close to their living place. This is particularly true in the case of female students. Many schools do not even advertise available vacancies in reputed newspapers. Overcoming the difficulties The Institute tries to establish personal rapport with the schools and their management bodies. It seeks to utilize services of its own alumni and make use of its personal contacts. We try our level best to get to know the status of vacancies already vacant or else likely to fall vacant in near future. 5.1.9. Does the institution have arrangements with practice teaching schools for placement of the student teachers? The institute has arrangement with practice teaching schools for placement of the student teacher. The institute has good relations with schools. In this regard, we are lucky in that our students are absorbed by these schools on their own volition: performance of our students during practice teaching attracts the attention of those who matter in the practicing schools. This is a two way arrangement: The heads of the schools shortlist the candidates during teaching practice and encourage the trainees to appear for interview before the board of governors for their final selection. In the same time the institute also keeps in touch with the school to know their requirements from time to time and get the students placed in these schools. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 5.1.10. What are the resources (financial, human and ICT) provided by the institution to the placement cell? The institute provides all the necessary human and material resources required for the smooth functioning of the placement cell. The services of the official machinery are freely utilized by the placement cell. The placement cell has been equipped with internet enabled computer system for proper and efficient functioning of the cell. All the expenditure incurred by the cell as well as other funds required by it are provided by the institute administration. 5.2 Student Support 5.2.1. How are the curricular (teaching- learning processes), co-curricular and extra curricular programmes planned, (developing academic calendar, communication across the institution, feedback) evaluated and revised to achieve the objectives and effective implementation of the curriculum? The affiliating University prescribes academic calendar and curriculum which the institute has to follow. The institute plans other supporting co-curricular and extra curricular activities at the start of the academic session within the framework of the university calendar. The extra curricular activities are also planned at the beginning of the session but these are generally organized on holidays. Similarly teaching-learning processes are also planned at the beginning of the academic session. Details are worked out in effective consultation with all the persons involved in the process of actual transaction. The institute plans practice teaching sessions after taking into account the availability and accessibility of the concerned practice teaching schools. Besides, practice teaching session starts only after the Student teachers have acquired footing in the theoretical aspects of teaching and matters related with the transaction of lessons in the classroom. The finalised time table is notified for the information of the student teachers by putting it on the notice board. Besides, faculty members keep the students informed about the time table while interacting with them. The institute depends on the feedback and its analysis relating to preceding years besides the personal observations and experiences of the faculty while planning and evaluating the events/performance. The institute remains in touch with all the lecturers-in-charge of events and conducts mid-term assessment. Unit tests, inter-house competitions and inter-institute competitions followed by annual day functions form the basis of assessment. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 5.2.2. How is the curricular planning done differently for physically challenged students? The curricular activities are planned differently for physically challenged students. The Institute follows various methods and activities which such candidates may perform with ease and which the education planners have devised. It is ensured that the physically handicapped students are allotted such groups whose classes are held on the ground floor. Ramp is being provided in the institute. During examination, physically challenged students are provided additional services like the facility of writer to a low vision students, provision of extra time to write examination at a place which suits them within the premises. 5.2.3. Does the institution have mentoring arrangements? If yes, how is it organised? Yes, the institute has mentoring arrangements for the students. Mentoring of the students is done more informally although formal arrangement does exist and is in operation. Institute mentor creates an informal environment in which the students feel encouraged to discuss their needs and circumstances openly and in confidence. Mentor teachers demonstrate flexibility based on the needs of the Student Teacher. Effective communication is established to strengthen relationship. Mentoring is also provided to students having difficulties. Some of the students feel home-sick and have problems of adjustment with the new colleagues/course/environment. Also, they need to know the ins and outs of job and what they are expected to do. The mentors provide expertise to individuals to help them advance their careers, and enhance their education besides helping students to complete their studies successfully. The students needing help regarding curricular or co-curricular programmes or activities are accordingly provided with. Every week, there is provision for tutorial period for the student teachers. Each Tutorial Groups has a mentor (teacher in charge) to solve the educational, social and personal problems of the students and provide help and support to them. Likewise each of the House headed by a teacher mentor remains in close contact with students to know their difficulties and provide requisite guidance and counselling. Similarly different cells, like Women Cell, Guidance Cell, etc provide appropriate guidance, career counselling and professional guidance besides mentoring. The cells also have mentor (teachers) to provide these services. Women cell provides mentoring on gender related issues. 5.2.4. What are the various provisions in the institution, which support and enhance the effectiveness of the faculty in teaching and mentoring of students? Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Provisions made in the institute support enhance effectiveness of the faculty in teaching and mentoring of students. The work culture and working environment of the institute is conducive for the overall development of the faculty as well as the student teachers. In view of the fact that being a Mentor Teacher is critical to the success of our practicum program, they are chosen for their ability to model quality teaching practices that honour diversity and create classroom environments that support personal, social and academic success. They are enriched further by arranging talks on the themes like multi-cultural approach, inclusiveness and on mentoring. Seminars are arranged in the institute and faculty is deputed to participate in various seminars outside the institute/state. The teachers are provided with additional space in the institute for establishing rapport with the needy students. They feel free to suggest any remedial/corrective/reformative steps which the institute tries its level best to translate into material success. Faculty members have been provided with the latest Audio-Visual aids. We have LCD projector, OHP, etc through which we can make our travelling effective. There is provision for attending faculty development programs. Senior faculty including the principal orients new faculty, and explain the institute specific requirements related to teaching skills and methods. The staff council discusses ways and means for improving effectiveness of the faculty in teaching and also mentoring of the students. 5.2.5. Does the institution have its website’? If yes, what is the information posted on the site and how often is it updated? The institute has its own website: The website contains all the mandatory information about the institute. Also it displays Institute related data, bio data of the faculty, vision, mission, objectives, and values, outlines of the curriculum, house tests, assignments, and the infrastructural and instructional facilities availability. It contains information considered useful for the candidates/student teachers. It is updated twice in a year and as and when there is any change in the faculty or change in rules and regulations of any sort whatsoever it may be. It is done immediately. 5.2.6. Does the institution have a remedial programme for academically low achievers? If yes, give details. Yes, the institute has remedial teaching programme available for academically low achievers. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. At the start of the academic session and after the students have got acquainted with the institute environment informal assessment is done. As mentioned under 5.1.1 a diagnostic test was held in the first/second week of the session to identify low achievers. A remedial programme is adopted for such low achievers. The institute Provides counselling to weak students Provides with teaching-learning materials, etc Gives extra time for clarifying the doubts faced by them. Gives extra home work in the form of Question answers and lesson plan preparation Asks students who lack confidence are going to schools for teaching to do certain experiment in lab and mock delivery of lesson plans. After the house exam the quality of content of answers, method of attempting the paper, overall performance is discussed and some remedies to improve their attempt are also discussed and remedial coaching is given. At the end of the classes, remedial coaching in the form of revision of syllabus is provided to the low achievers. 5.2.7. What specific teaching strategies are adopted for teaching? (a )Advanced learners and (b) Slow Learners The institute identifies the two types of learners during the first month of the academic session as per the method indicated above. The mentor takes up the task of helping them advance their careers, besides helping students to complete their studies successfully. The mentors also foster development of high performers. Mentoring is also provided to students having difficulties in learning. Advanced Learners The institute encourages advanced learners to perform better in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, often as team leaders. Advanced learners are given some challenging task in the form of initiating a dialogue in the seminar and leading it to logical end. They are assigned similar roles in Projects, Assignments, Delivery of Model lesson, Brain Storming sessions, Assigning extra work, etc. The advanced learners are provided with extra work relating to curricular and co-curricular activities thereby canalizing and using their talent and creativity in other constructive works relating to education. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The institute tries to keep advanced learners all the time pre-occupied with some or the other work that suits and enhances their talent. They are also assigned extra responsibilities of a group of students to help them in the area of their weakness. Slow Learners Remedial classes are arranged for the slow learners. A feedback on these remedial classes is obtained from the beneficiaries. One-to-one counselling is done for the slow learners. They are provided with extra help in studies. Extra classes are arranged and, if required, even personal teaching is done. Slow learners are provided extra time for clarifying any doubts faced by them. Students are also provided with hand outs of the teaching learning material so that they may easily learn the subject matter. Students are given simple material for augmenting their knowledge base. The faculty members follow progress throughout the academic year. Special teaching strategies are developed according to their needs and pace. Extra time is provided to these learners to finish off their class work. They are especially attended by experienced staffs. 5.2.8. What are the various guidance and counselling services available to the students? Give details. The institute provides various guidance and counselling services to the student teachers to solve academic and personal issues at the institute/unit level. The staff council of the institute discusses issues regarding student participation in academic activities and the need for support. The Grievance Cell at institute level is a platform for personal counselling for students. The parent meeting organized by the institutes last year was specially meant for addressing personal issues of students related to education. The services provided comprehend the following Guidance and counselling starts from the very day the students enter the Institute. On their first day in the Institute’s faculty members provide guidance about the matters concerning admission to the course. Guidance and counselling is provided about the selection of appropriate subjects. Student teachers are counselled about the practice teaching and internal submissions on the first day itself. Counselling is provided on emotional and domestic issues. It is also provided on inter personal relationship. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The student teachers are guided on maintenance of health, and on personal hygiene, etc. They are counselled and guided about the matters related to higher studies. Finally, student teachers get placement related services 5.2.9. What is the grievance redressal mechanism adopted by the institution for students? What are the major grievances redressed in last two years? Yes. The institute has a cell for redressing grievances of the stakeholders. The institute has both formal and informal complaint management process. Grievance/Complaint management process The institute ensures that the complaints are resolved, promptly and effectively. The complaints are aggregated and analyzed for use in the improvement of the organization, and for better stakeholderrelationship and satisfaction. Informal Process: Oral complaints received at the level of Head of Institute and teacher-in-charges are taken up for resolving the issue. The complainant could be a student, employee, parent, social worker, public representative, and letters to the editor, news items, also taken into cognizance. Formal Process Receipt of written complaint in complaint box or directly Administrative follow up based on precedents and case studies. Based on the nature of complaints, setting up of Enquiry Committee of officers of the institute or in case of any prima facia, referring the complaint to sub- committee, Good liaison, public relation exercises cordial relations, transparency and personal attentions ensure fewer complaints. Student complaints are addressed to the Head who then passes them on to the cell. The principal is always accessible to the students who meet him quite often. Principal enjoys the faith of the management and, therefore, quickly redresses the grievances without any delay. Serious issues are discussed in the staff meetings and the rest are sorted out in an informal manner. Student feed back about teachers and teaching is collected regularly and it forms the basis for quality improvement. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. However, under special circumstances the Institute Council sets up special bodies to resolve serious issues that affect students and institute. Grievances redressed during the last two years. Some of the grievances redressed during the last two years are enumerated below: The grievances of the students regarding smooth payment of their scholarships regularly in case of delay in release of funds by funding agencies Grievances of the students regarding frequency of the buses. Such grievances were addressed with the help of the State Transport Authorities. The student pointed out that there is a need to purchase certain books which are popular among students. The authorities were of the opinion that these books are not of good standard. Therefore, some books covering the content but written by good authors were purchased which made the students satisfied Thus grievances which are genuine are sorted out. In fact many grievances are sorted out simply through patient hearing. 5.2.10. How is the progress of the candidates at different stages of programs monitored and advised? The students are monitored throughout the academic year. Their progress at different stages is monitored and appropriate advices given using the following approaches. Informative Evaluation Approach: Students are assessed during classroom teaching learning process. They are assessed for their ability to answer the question posed by the teachers, ask questions from the teacher, ability to present any fact with or without examples. Diagnostics Evaluation: Students often face problems during teaching learning process. These problems pose hindrance in the progress at different stages of programme. The problems are solved with the help of students who are encouraged to solve their problems using cooperative learning technique. Summative Evaluation: The technique is also used to monitor the progress. The students take the test of the content cum methodology subject. Their weaknesses are overcome by assessing their performance in the test/assignments. The better performers are encouraged and assigned tasks to perform all the better. Any one lagging behind is given effective follow up and guided on how to answer in order to secure better marks in examination. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Monitoring the Performance: Performance of the students in the tests and assignments and in practice teaching is likewise monitored. At the school level, the teacher educator remains present to observe the performance, make suggestions and rectify their mistakes. The student teachers are equally encouraged (and sometimes, even compelled) to take part in cocurricular and extra-curricular activities. The student teachers lagging behind in these activities are provided with advice and guidance for improving their performance. 5.2.11. How does the institution ensure the students’ competency to begin practice teaching (Prepractice preparation details) and what is the follow-up support in the field (practice teaching) provided to the students during practice teaching in schools? The Student teachers are prepared well before they take up the task of practice teaching in real classroom situation. It is done as under. Demonstration Lesson: Students are shown/given demo lesson in teaching various subjects. This helps them as first step how to teach in a real class room situation. Teaching Skills: Students are familiarized with different teaching skills of teaching and techniques like Introduction Skill, Developing Lesson Skills, Questioning Skills, etc. Lesson Planning: Students are familiarized with the concept, purpose and ways of developing lesson plans. They are taught how to prepare a workable and effective lesson plan for effective teaching. Problems faced by the students while preparing lesson are solved by the teachers by discussing and explaining the weaknesses found in the plans. The students may be asked to rewrite the lesson plans. Micro teaching lessons, mega teaching lessons and teaching under simulated conditions: Students present their lessons in their peer groups in the presence of their subject teacher. All teacher trainees present their lesson plans in different subjects. Problems, if any, faced by the teacher trainees are solved by the teacher educators mostly on the spot, present in the simulation class. Students have to present at least five lessons in both the teaching subjects of their choice. The next step is the presentation of Mega Lesson, five in each subject. Final Stage After the successful completion of the simulation part, they are asked to present their lessons in real class room situation. Teacher trainees are required to present at least 20 planned lessons in each of their teaching subjects. Lastly, each student presents two final lessons in each subject for external examination in the presence of University Examiners. Thus, each student presents 40+4=44 lessons, all inclusive. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Student Teachers are assigned different schools for practicing teaching. The convenience of the Student teachers is kept in mind while allotting the schools, for examples, distance of the school from the residence of the student teacher, availability of the subjects of the student teacher in the schools, availability of medium of expression, etc. (English or Hindi). Student teachers present their lesson plans in front of the Teacher Educators who observe their lessons. Follow up support The subject teacher from the schools itself also observes the lessons delivered by the teacher trainees and can make suggestions for improving the quality of teaching learning process. Students are trained in the technique and encouraged to present their lesson using Audio Visual aids, as well as OHP, power point presentations, etc. Awareness to the role of ICT in education is also inculcated well in advance. Motivation is provided to the use of such technology in their day to day teaching. Faculty member present in the school ensures and facilitates use of these aids. During both the stages, teacher educator remains present to provide on the spot guidance and suggestions. Students are evaluated for their presentation skills, questioning skills, evaluation of the students in the classroom, using audio visual aids, handling of teaching aids, class management, etc. along with the spirit and approach marked by inclusiveness. Awareness to the role of ICT in education is also inculcated well in advance. Motivation is provided to Student teachers as well as faculty members to the use of ICT. A workshop is held under the guidance of concerned teachers regarding preparation of teaching aids. 5.3. Student Activities The institute develops the leadership qualities among the students through their participation and involvement in various institute activities. 5.3.1. Does the institution have an Alumni Association? If yes, i. List the current office bearers ii. Give the year of the last election iii. List Alumni Association activities of last two years. iv. Give details of the top ten alumni occupying prominent position. v. Give details on the contribution of alumni to the growth and development of the institution. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The Institute has an Alumni Association. The Alumni Association of the institute has been helping the institute in its growth and development process actively and efficiently, by providing positive feed back. vi. The Principal of the Institute, is the Patron of the Alumni Association. The list of current officebearers of the Alumni Association is give below: List of Current Office Bearers 1. President: Dr. Indu Singh 2. Vice President: Ms. Rashmi 3. Convener: Lecturer Mr Sunil Singh Gahlot 4. Treasurer: Ms. Neha (ii) Year of last election – 2014 (iii) The activities of the Alumni Association of the last two years are given below. Informal get together of the students of every preceding session’s passed out batch in institute campus. Felicitation of the students who get placements during the preceding academic year Election of the office bearers from the students of the preceding session. (iv) The top ten alumni occupying prominent position. List of the Top Ten Alumni 1. Ms. Rashmi 2. Mr. Santosh Kumar 3. Ms. Neha Verma 4. Mr. Visahl Tyagi 5. Ms. Shikha Ahlawat 6. Ms. Sarika Choudhary 7. Ms. Pooja Kauri 8. Mr. Jitendra Kumar 9. Ms. Nidhi Nagar 10. Mr. Ankur Swami All above named have been serving in private school located in and around distt. Meerut. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. (v) Contribution of Alumni to the Growth and Development of the Institute. The alumni’s contributions in the growth and development process are given below. The Alumni helps in establishing Networking with all students. It helps the institute in updating about the placements of pass out students. It furnishes information about job opportunities in schools Its feedback has helped in improving the existing curriculum, organizing new activities, etc. It has given many healthy suggestions for the augmentation of the institute. Helps in publicity 5.3.2 How does the institution encourage students to participate in extra curricular activities including sports and games? Give details on the achievements of students during the last two years. The institute emphasizes the overall and holistic development of the teacher trainees and not just the scholastic development. The Institute encourage students to participate in Co-curricular Activities like sports and games, debates, quiz, poem recitation, Rangoli, painting, sketch competition etc., and other International Days organized/celebrated by the institute, affiliating University and the sister institutions as well as the intra institute competitions. The institute has a qualified physical education instructor and provision of badminton court which is available to the students and staff even beyond the institute hours and also on holidays. There is a regular period in the time table for sports and health and physical education. All the facilities of sports like basket ball ground and table tennis room are available to facilitate participation of the staff and students in different activities. Each student in a batch or individually takes part in different activities of the institute. Different extracurricular activities are arranged at regular intervals in which students’ participation is compulsory. The students of the institute are sent to participate in programmes organized by other sister institutions. 5.3.3 How does the institution involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, institute magazine, and other material. List the major publications/materials brought out by the students during the previous academic session. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Institute encourages its students to practice creative writing and contribute to journals, etc. Book review is done and report preparation such as reports on educational tour are also prepared and submitted by the students to the concerned teacher in-charge. The Institute encourages its students to contribute in the form of articles, poems for the institute magazine. Student-teachers are encouraged to write essays which at times form part of competition. Students are free to expose their views and thoughts through different Wall Magazines. Display Board and Bulletin Board, which are placed in various places in the Institute. 5.3.4 Does the institution have a student council or any similar body? Give details on constitution, major activities and funding Yes. The institute has a representative body of the students in which students are elected every year at the start of the academic year. . The Council acts as a link between students and the faculty members, and the institute. The student representatives coordinate various activities and responsibilities entrusted by the faculties to them Besides, it plays leading role in the organization/conduct of a) Cultural activities. b) Extension lectures c) Sports and games. The council is part of administration to sort out the problems and grievances of the students. The representatives provide feedback about various activities undertaken by the faculties and the institute and on how the decisions of Institute authorities are received by the students. Meeting of the representative body and institute administration takes place regularly to work out different activities of the institute. Funding of various activities undertaken by the students’ representative body is done by the institute. 5.3.5 Give details of the various bodies and their activities (academic and administrative), having student representation on it. The following are some of the committees on which there are student representatives. The important committees in which the representation is given to the students are as under: a. Students Council, b. Institute Magazines Editorial Board, c. Grievance Committee (Grievance Redressal Cell), d. Sexual Harassment and Anti-Ragging Committee, e. Library Committee, f. Co- Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Curricular/cultural Activity Committee, g Sports Committee, h. .Students Welfare Committee, i. Programme Advisory Committee (alumni also), j. Women Cell [Constitution, compositions of these committees is given under criterion 6.1.3] Students Council The elected students act as a link between the student community and the faculties. They perform various responsibilities assigned to them by the faculties and the council Editorial Board Students representative on Editorial board are required to collect the articles written by the students, edit the collected articles before submitting to the editor who ultimately sees the worth of the article. Student editors contribute in improving the quality of articles with teacher guidance. Sexual Harassment and Anti-Ragging Committee Students play active roles in making suggestions and preventing harassment and ragging. Library Committee Student members make suggestions regarding the library and its assets. Grievance Committee The Grievances Committee consists of two students’ representative, one faculty member, and principal (President of the committee). The student representatives pass the grievance of students to the faculty-in-charge who passes the information to the principal and ultimately to the manager. Sports Committee Students on the committee help in the selection of sports and organizing the events. Co-Curricular/cultural Activity Committee: These activities are almost exclusively student activities. They select, decide and organize them. Teachers act as facilitators. For further information and committees, see 6.1.3 below. There are Houses having students as president, gen. secretary, treasurer and executive committee under the able guidance of a lecturer in-charge. 5.3.6 Does the institution have a mechanism to seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and from employers to improve the preparation of the programme and the growth and development of the institution? Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The institute has developed a mechanism for seeking and using data and feedback from the graduates and the employers for using it for collegial growth and development. To begin with, a. Feedback from each student is gathered at the end of each academic year in written form. b. The alumni association provides feedback every year during its meetings. c. The management of the student remains in touch with the schools having our product on their payroll. Such schools furnish information, straight away to the management. d. The placement cell of the institute seeks feedback from the employed students e. The feedback is also collected by the teacher in-charges of practice teaching schools. Many of the students of the institute are absorbed by such schools. Heads and management of such schools interact with the teacher in-charge and furnish relevant information. The feed back is duly analyzed by the institute and all relevant suggestions are taken into consideration while making preparation of the programme for the institute development. 5.4. Best Practices in Student Support and Progression 5.4.1 Give details of institutional best practices in student support and progression Some of the best practices that our institute has adopted for the students are given below. The management and the administration ensure that no student is deprived of any facility due to financial constraints. If any poor student approaches for help, it is arranged by the institute. Books are provided to the needy students free of charge/cost. Besides, instituting scholarship, studentships, and fee concessions is one of the stated aims and objectives of the institute. The provision is made to help and encourage deserving students and to provide monetary aid to the needy students. The institute has an effective mechanism in place for facilitating successful movement of students to the next higher stage of education or onward gainful employment. The institute arranges extra classes, guest lecturers, group discussion, seminars, workshop and conferences from time to time; with the express purpose of empowering the students and keeping abreast with what are latest and the best. The institute has introduced ICT on an appreciable scale. The faculty members and students make effective use of the IT in the process of learning and performing. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The institute maintains a well equipped library. It has textbooks, other books, reference material, journals, encyclopaedias, magazines, newspapers, research journals, and internet facilities. These facilities are available to the students on roll as well as to the alumni. Student teacher relationship is at its best in the institute. The two work together and closer as friends and team mates. Along with the above mentioned facilities, the institute ensures quality learning and effective training. This includes a. Counselling services b. Cooperative learning c. Promoting multi-cultural values, inclusive learning and democratic ways of thinking and living, d. In-house tutorials e. Reflective learning may be characterized as the crowning glory of the institute f. Inter-house competitions g. Guidance for Inter-institute competitions h. Placement Services Felicitating students: The Institute felicitates its students for all their achievements even if it is at Houses level, at association level or at institute level only. To cite a few instances, the institute rewards Impact of the practice: it brought forth the hidden and dormant talent 5.4.2 Hoe does the institution reflect on the best practice in the delivery instruction, including use of technology Self reflection has in part become operative although we wish to enforce it on full scale in near future. The opportunities for student teachers to engage in self reflection after field experience activities enabled them to construct their own mental model of teaching practices, based on their field experiences. The process of reflection includes reflective thinking and self-examination during or after teaching. It is being introduced to provide student teachers with opportunities to build up professional knowledge and skills and encourage reflection on appropriate attitude and strategies for classroom instruction. Self reflection is found beneficial for learners. Students are benefited by acquiring contextual knowledge about interpretation of classroom situations; and developing emergency responses for unexpected teaching challenges. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Even the faculty seeks to model and reflect on its practices in the curriculum transaction including the use of technology. At times the staff council evaluates and assesses its own performance for providing or getting additional quality input through mutual consultation and/or by acquiring the services of an expert through management. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Criterion – VI Governance and Leadership Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Criterion - VI Governance and Leadership 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership The leadership of Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology strives to create conducive environment ensuring involvement of the staff and students through a participatory process in achieving the vision/mission and goals of the Institute. 6.1.1 What are the institution’s stated purpose, vision, mission and values? How are they made known to the various stakeholders? Following are the institute’s stated purpose, vision, mission and values Vision The vision of the Institute is in tune with the national objectives of education. To emerge as a teacher education institution producing professionally committed and dedicated teachers with values and global teaching competencies. Institute’s vision is to grow quantitatively as well as qualitatively and bring out competent qualified teachers to serve our Trust and country with their talent and ability. Mission The mission is to impart quality education meeting global challenges and standards with use of latest technology. It keeps in view the values, traditions and customs to utilizing the energy of young generation to the correct way of Trust and country. Values Imbibing values in the personality of our student teachers is core value of the Institute. The institute is trying to retain traditional values by providing that kind of cultural environment in the organization. The institute emphasizes morally based education and education for peace. It seeks to inculcate self discipline and inner qualities like honesty, punctuality and co-operation and ensure national development. Purpose To promote the educational interests of the students and providing them quality education for their overall growth and development with the following in focus Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. a) To develop competence and core skills essentials to teaching learning process. b) To encourage the student teachers to derive an everlasting capacity of realizing and executing their roles and responsibilities in learner’s holistic development. c) To enable the students to understand the principles of pedagogy and their application in curriculum transaction and evaluation. d) To educate and make the student enable for the excellence in teaching learning and research. e) To make awaken and enable the student teachers to integrate the ICT with indigenous educational philosophy for a quality academic development Institutional purpose, vision, mission and values are made known to the various stakeholders by displaying: a) At important places in the Institute. b) During the function of the institute. c) During annual sports meet, annual function, programme orientation, extension lecture activities, seminars and convocation programme. 6.1.2 Does the mission include the institution’s goals and objectives in terms of addressing the needs of the Trust, the students it seeks to serve, the school sector, education institution’s traditions and value orientations? Yes, mission includes the institute’s goals and objectives. It is one of the stated aims and objectives. The institute aims at holistic development of its students and seeks to equip them with knowledge and potentialities to compete, meet the school-based societal requirements and serve the schools with determination and commitment. The Institute is committed to produces socially useful human resources. It is the primary aim of the institute and it functions for the same. Relatively financially poor and rural students are getting education at the institute and they are being supported materially as well as academically. Students of the Institute render community service as a part of curriculum by engaging themselves with some NGOs, and other local bodies. Expectations of schools, their needs and aspiration are in focus in preparing student teachers. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The institute aims at giving to Trust the broad minded teachers having deep roots in the soil of the land and yet having a global vision. The role expectations of a teacher remain in focus of the institute. 6.1.3. Enumerate the top management’s commitment, leadership role and involvement for effective and efficient transaction of teaching and learning processes (functioning and composition of various committees and board of management, BOG, etc.) For effective and efficient transaction of teaching and learning processes, a proper hierarchy of management has been designed so as to coordinate at each level of management. There exists an efficient decentralized system of administration in that various committees perform academic and administrative responsibilities. The management takes care of the over all governance of the institute. The Trust has a Governing Body, which, technically speaking is vested with all the powers that the Trust exercises. The Governing Body takes all the policy decisions and issues required for objectiveneed based directives. The Governing Body comprises as per below. The President is required to take appropriate steps to carry out all decisions of the Governing Body The present Governing Body of the Panchvati Education and Social Welfare Trust has the following persons as its office bearers: Sr.No Officer Bearer Designation 1. Sh. Pankaj Goel Chairman 2. Sh. Krishan Gopal Kansal Vice Chairman 3. Sh. Subash Chandra Secretary 4. Sh. Jagdish Kumar Treasurer 5. Sh. Neeraj Kansal Accountant Functioning: The Trust has provided infrastructure and seed money to the Institute for starting-carrying out teachinglearning process smoothly. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Governing Body of the Institute (Institute Management) 1 Sh. Pankaj Goel President 2 Sh. Krishan Gopal Kansal Secretary 3 Sh. Subash Chandra Treasurer 4 Sh. Jagdish Kumar Member 5 Prof Satendra Sharma Member 6 Sh. Vinod Kumar Baliyan Member 7 Dr. Indu Singh Member The Management exercises its powers through various committees and sub-committees. It formulates code of conduct for the functioning of the institute. The auditing of account is done by Chartered Accountant approved by it which approves the budget for the institute. The President President is the representative of the Management and it is he who is vested with all the managerial powers concerning the institute. The President runs the institute through the Principal of the institute. He acts as a connecting bridge between the institute and the Management He ensures that academic calendar is designed before the beginning of the session to put in force time and resource budgeting. He coordinates between top management and Head of the institute on regular basis. The Principal Plays the key leadership role. He provides required direction for institute development Interacts with students and the faculty so as to locate the trouble areas which may bother, and guide the teachers as to how to eliminate them. Ensures attendance and discipline of the Institute. Ensures coverage of course content and other activities of the course by being involved. Pays routine as also surprise visits to library, staff room and classes. It helps him keeping a close track of every situation and development. Does reporting of institute activities to the representative of governing body. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Composition and Functioning of various Committees 1. Faculty Development Programme and Research Cell: The Cell was established by the management to promote research and empower the faculty by extending required facilities for attending seminars, etc., organizing lectures for empowerment and promoting research. The functions of the Cell also include encouraging the faculty and students for research work in different dimension of education. It consists of the followingS. No. Names of Office bearers Designations 1 Dr Indu Singh Chairperson 2 Sh. Sandeep Yadav Convenor-Secretary 3 Sh. Sunil Singh Gahlot Member 4 Prof. Satendra Sharma Member-Expert 5 Prof. A. K. Sharma Member-Expert The cell meets twice a year. (2) Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC): IQAC is a Six-member forum that was established in 2013 to sensitize on quality aspect and respond to the changing educational, social and market demands. It consists of the following: S. No Name Designation 1. Dr. Indu Singh (Principal) Chairperson 2. (Faculty Member) Member-convenor 3. (Faculty Member) Member 4. (Prof I S Suri ) Member 6. (Prof Ednst from outside) Member 7. (Principal school) Member 8. (Senior adm official) Member Coordinator Its functions and other details are listed under Criterion 7.1 (3) Programme Advisory Committee (PAC): The PAC is composed of Principal, two faculty members, two experts from outside, one principal of the neighbourhood school, one student and two representatives of the Alumni. Principal of the institute heads the Cell. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. PAC meets thrice in a year. (i) First meeting is held prior to the commencement of the Academic Session to formulate the academic calendar. (ii) The second meeting known as mid-term appraisal meeting takes place in the middle of the academic session. (iii) The third meeting is held at the end of the session to take stock of all the developments that took place during the year. In 2013-14, the PAC met in the beginning of session, and in October and in April, 2014. (4) Sexual Harassment and Anti-Ragging Committee: It consists of the following S.No Name Designation 1 Dr. Indu Singh Chairperson 2 Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Convenor 3 Mr. Sandeep Yadav Member 4 Ms. Sarika Choudhary Student Member 5 Mr. Bhoopendra Gangwar Student Member In the history of the collage no incident of anti ragging or sexual harassment has ever surfaced. Vigil is tight and constant. The committee meets twice in a year. (i) First meeting is held prior to the commencement of the Academic Session to review rules and operational procedure regarding safety of the students. (ii) The second meeting is held at the end of the session to review the cases (if any) regarding the problems of the students. In between its patrolling unit does the work. (5) Discipline Committee: The Discipline Committee is assigned the task of ensuring smooth functioning and maintaining discipline in the institute. The existing committee consists of the following – S.No Name Designation 1. Dr. Indu Singh Convenor-chairperson 2. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member 3. Mr. Satendra Kumar Member The Committee meets thrice a year and as and when the situation demands. (i) First meeting is held prior to the commencement of the Academic Session to decide the distribution of duties and responsibilities to the faculty members for maintaining discipline. (ii) The second meeting takes place during mid-session to take actions, if so required. (iii) The third meeting is held at a suitable time to discuss and decide about the discipline during conduct of tests and examination. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. (6) Sports Committee: The committee plans and organizes sports activities and competition for physical development of the students. It consists of the following – S.No Name Designation 1. Dr Indu Singh Chairperson 2. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Convenor (Phy Edn) 3. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member 4. Mr. Sandeep Yadav Member 5. Ms. Meenu Sachdeva Student Member 6. Mr. Rohit Kumar Student Member Sports committee meets thrice in a year (i) first meeting of sports committee is held in the beginning of the session for reviewing status of sports facilities, (ii) second meeting is held during mid-session for the organization of inter-house competition, and (iii) third meeting is held before the year-end examinations for the organization of sports week. (7). Library Committee: The Committee is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty and two student members. The function of this committee is to take care of the needs and functioning of the library. It consists of the following S.No Name Designation 1. Dr Indu Singh Chairperson- 2. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member 3. Mr. Satendra Kumar Member 4. Ms. Seema Yaduvansi Member- convenor (Lib) 5. Ms. Varsha Choudhary Student Member It meets not less than twice in an academic year. (8) Grievance Redressal Committee: The function of the committee is to settle the grievances of the students. It consists of S.No Name Designation 1. Dr Indu Singh (Principal) Chairperson-convenor Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 2. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member 3. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Member 4. Ms. Munesh Rani Student Member 5. Ms. Anju Student Member The committee meets twice in a year and as and when required. (9) Magazine and Newsletter Committee: The Magazine and Newsletter Committee is composed of convenor and two members each from the faculty and student community. The function of this committee is to take decisions on the matters concerning publications by students. It consists of S.No Name Designation 1. Dr Indu Singh (Principal) Chairperson-convenor-chief editor 2. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member-editor 3. Mr. Sandeep Yadav Member-editor 4. Ms. Anju Student Member-editor 5. Ms. Rashmi Student Member-editor The committee meets once/twice in a year in the month of December/February. (10) Maintenance and Campus Development (Building) Committee: The function of the committee is to take decisions relating to the development of the campus and ensure proper maintenance of entire physical infrastructure of the institute. It consists of the followingS.No Name Designation 1. Dr Indu Singh Chairperson-convenor 2. Mr. Satendra Kumar Member 3. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member It meets not less than twice in a year. (11) Alumni Cell: The function of the Cell is to establish contacts with and maintain the records of alumni. It consists of the followingS.No Name Designation Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 1. Dr Indu Singh (Principal) Chairperson-convenor 2. Ms. Neha Treasurer 3. Mr. Vivek Rai Member 4. Ms. Anju Member Alumni Cell meets once in a year generally in the last month of the academic year for getting feedback from alumni and to creating fund for scholarship and for awarding meritorious students. (12) Placement Cell (committee): The function of this cell is to provide placement services through counselling and maintaining record. It consists of S.No Name Designation 1. Dr Indu Singh (Principal) Chairperson-convenor 2. Sh. Sunil Singh Gahlot Member 3. Mr. Satendra Kumar Member (13) Co-Curricular and Cultural Activity Committee: The CCA’s function is to plan, co-ordinate and organize co curricular activities. It consists of the followingS.No Name Designation 1. Dr Indu Singh (Principal) Chairperson-convenor 2. Mr. Sunil Singh Gahlot Member 3. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member 4. Mr. Santosh Kumar Student Member 5. Ms. Neha Student Member CCA meets thrice in a year. (i) First meeting is held prior to the commencement of the Academic Session, to select the convenor and members for committee. (ii) The second meeting takes place after the commencement of the session to decide about overall co-curricular activities to be held throughout the year. (iii) The third meeting is held to finalise matters concerning annual day. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. (14) Purchase Committee: The Purchase Committee is composed of convenor and two members from the faculty. The function of this committee is to decide the mode and manner of making purchases at competitive prices without compromising on quality, and ensuring that the supplied items meet the required specifications as ordered. The committee meets on as and when required basis. (15) Teacher Welfare Committee: The teacher welfare Committee’s function is to take decision related to the welfare of the faculty members. It consists of the followingS.No Name Designation 1. Dr Indu Singh Chairperson-convenor 2. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member 3. Mr. Sandeep Yadav Member (16) Students Council: Student Council consists of two elected student representatives and a faculty member who acts as adviser –convenor. The council meets at least twice a year. S.No Name Designation 1. Dr. Indu Singh Adviser-Convenor 2. Anita Member 3. Baljeet Member (17) Students Welfare Committee: The function of this committee is to work for the welfare of the students. It consists of the followingS.No Name Designation 1. Dr. Indu Singh (Principal) Chairperson-convenor 2. Mr. Sandeep Yadav Member 3. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member 4. Ms. Komal Student Member 5. Mr. Ghanendra Pal Gangwar Student Member Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Student welfare committee meets thrice in a year. (i) First meeting is held soon after the commencement of the Academic Session.(ii) The second meeting takes place two months after the first meeting for identifying the needy students for providing relevant help and for organizing blood camp to develop community sense among students. (iii) The third meeting is held in the month of February (18) Women Development Cell S.No Name Designation 1. Dr. Dr. Indu Singh Chairperson 2. Ms. Gunjan Rani Goel Member-convener 3. Ms. Aruna Gupta Member 4. Ms. Seema Yaduvansi Member 6.1.4 How does the management and head of the institution ensure that responsibilities are defined and communicated to the staff of the institution? The institute has a well established mechanism to clearly define and communicate responsibilities to the concerned person. The management looks after the working in totality and provides resources. The day to day functioning of the institute is looked after by the Principal. The principal, in consultation with the management distributes work load to each member of the staff keeping in view the individual’s strength/weaknesses, predilection and potentiality. Each faculty is involved in extra curricular activities according to its potential, taste and need. Each of them are assigned some ‘in-charge-ships’ to look into specific area of the institute like teacher- in-charge houses, teacher-in-charge discipline, teacher-in-charge assembly, teacher-in-charge examination, teacherin-charge work experience, etc. Communication with the staff which is crucial remains very clean and direct. It is established by conducting formal and informal meetings as and when needed. Whenever meetings are organized on daily basis, there is informal interaction between head of the institute and staff members. Such meetings are arranged to sort out day to day problems. 6.1.5 How does the management/head of the institution ensure that valid information (from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the management to review the activities of the institution? Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Management ensures receiving of information or feedback from students (old and current, both), teachers and also by their personal observation, to assess the activities of the institute. On the whole, the institute obtains information in oral as well as written form. The feedback is compiled, analyzed and a report is prepared for the perusal of the decision-making functionaries and bodies. The principal meets the management at the start of academic session and seeks policy directives in the light of the report based on feedback and his own perception. The management issues necessary directives and makes the required resource available for meeting the changed or changing needs. 6.1.6 How does the institution identify and address the barriers (if any) in achieving the vision/mission and goals? Problems are identified through formal and informal interactions, feed backs, observations and mutual discussions (please see also 6.1.7).. The management along with functionaries and faculty members try to perceive/visualize problems and suggest-provide preventive or reformative solutions. The more than often interaction between the Principal and Management serve as facilitator and catalyst. Proactive role played by various committees ensures smooth flow of actions. All the players that matter in achieving the vision/mission and goals remain well informed about and sensitive to the goals. But the institute faces one problem that emanates from its location, the rural area. Educationists from the cities like Delhi are not inclined to visiting such a place. Likewise, teachers do not prefer the area to serve. So we have to depend on locally available resourced and resource persons, though not invariably. Earlier the girls avoided the Institute because of the problem of transportation, which the institute resolved by providing the facility of transport to and fro, and by creating safe, secure and appropriate environment. 6.1.7 How does the management encourage and support involvement of the staff for improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional processes? Management encourages involvement of its staff for improvement of institute processes by providing the democratic environment to apply their innovative ideas and also seeking their ideas and suggestions time to time. The management is passionate to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the institute. i. The management meets staff members and interacts with them to ascertain the constructive ways to face any situation and effect improvement. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. ii. Teachers meet together to discuss and make activities more effective and efficient. As and when required they seek guidance from the management. The working is democratic that ensures personal involvement of the faculty and others. iii. The management and Principal establish personal rapport with all members of the staff and thereby motivate and inspire them to work collectively as a team and with dedication. iv. The management tries to increase the comfort level of the staff by offering terms and conditions which are conducive. A feeling is developed that it is their institute and that they are working partners. v. The in teachers-in-charge of different activities are honoured on different occasions and their performance report got published in the newspapers. vi. Besides, all the committees remain active in their relevant areas of operation. 6.1.8 Describe the leadership role of the head of the institution in governance and management of the curriculum, administration, allocation and utilization of resources for the preparation of students. Principal of the institute superintends the process of curricular by being fully involved in all activities besides administration. He ensures full utilization of resources. He is available for discussion on any issues. He provides suitable guidelines for conducting examinations, organizing extra curricular activities, covering syllabus and using of resources. The principal makes recommendations for the constitution of (or constitutes) committees. He works out details of academic calendar in consultation with the PAC and the faculty. He assigns academic and other responsibilities to the staff. The Principal works out strategies for implementation of planned programmes. He works out budgetary proposals for various activities and programmes for seeking approval. The Principal holds briefings with the management and updates it on the progress of programmes. He encourages and guides teacher educators in the process of implementation of various programmes and motivates them for higher goals to be achieved. The head of Institute and the management appreciate individuals’ performance, extend personal care and concern for the staff members, student-teachers and Institute The principal is always available for redressing grievances as also liaisons between the student teachers, faculty and the management. The employees and student teachers also have direct access to the management as and when required. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. In a way, principal provides academic leadership to faculty, acts as a facilitator between the institute and upper echelons of the Trust and affiliating university, with understanding and resourcefulness. 6.2 Organization of Arrangements 6.2.1 List the different committees constituted by the institution for management of different institutional activities? Give details of the meetings held and the decisions made, regarding academic management, finance, infrastructure, faculty, research, extension and linkages and examinations during the last year. The management-institute constituted various committees for ensuring smooth functioning of the institute and its activities. The composition and functioning of these have been given under 6.1.3. The meetings were held as per schedule as stated under 6.1.3. The major decisions made during the last two years are indicated below. Academic Management Decisions regarding academic management are taken by IQAC, PAC, Annual Calendar and Time Table Committee, Guidance and Counselling Committee, and Admission Committee. These committees meet at regular intervals. Thus, The IQAC took stock of the quality aspect and the ways quality is being created, sustained and enhanced. It directed to identify the areas/aspects/faculty members for suggesting ways and means for ensuring how the objectives might be achieved. At the year end, it reviewed the implementation of its decisions and sought clarifications on deficient part. Then, it suggested how best the quality aspect may be given prime significance in the over all working of the institute. The PAC discussed the status of syllabus, course contents, finalized academic calendar, time table and issued guidelines for further improvement to be ensured in the functioning of the institute. It took decision on the selection of the members of committees for the next session. Then, the committee took stock of the progress registered during the first half of the session; of the extent the objectives and goals were achieved. The last of the meetings was devoted to discussing the outcome of internal examination and different activities related to the academics and their drawbacks. It suggested improvements, asked to develop schedule for arranging workshops on pedagogy and methodology, assessment and evaluation. It decided about syllabus coverage, use of audio visual aids; maintaining students attendance record, Internal assessment, organization of year-end Celebrations, Laboratory work and use of ICT. The Admission Committee decided to remain active to ensure implementation of admission policy of the University in letter and spirit, at the level of institute. The Guidance and Counselling Committee distributed responsibilities and decided to ensure full help to the needy students. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The Annual Calendar and Time Table Committee developed time table, and worked out details for these to be followed in accordance with Annual Calendar in letter and spirit.. Finance The financial aspects remain a multi-committee affair. The relevant committees recommended for making standing provisions for the regular activities, both present and future. It was recommended that resources should be provided to meet each and every genuine requirement of the students, teachers, infrastructural and for empowerment of the faculty. It was in particular suggested to finance all the augmentation programmes and the activities for updating the institute. In this, specific amount was sanctioned for purchasing more books for library and creating a respectable book bank. Likewise the decision to get budgetary allocations for updating ICT facilities was taken. It was appreciated that the institute is capable of meeting its quality-quantity based requirements out of its own resources and that it is to manage required funds for introducing new programmes. Besides, it was suggested that the institute should continuously mark a portion of its net income for (i) augmentation, (ii) future expansion, particularly for starting-running M.Ed course as early as possible. Infrastructure Matters concerning infrastructural requirements were taken up by the Library Committee, Maintenance and Campus Development Committee and IQAC. The Library Committee met quarterly. Existing library resources were reviewed and decision was taken to procure new books and develop book bank well. It directed the librarian to ensure the library as a zerogrievance area and wholesome service place for its legitimate users. Proper maintenance of infrastructure was another concern that was given due thought and systemised. The Maintenance and Campus Development Committee asked its members to take round of the campus every week and ascertain needs and report back for taking actions. Recommendation for provision of required resources was likewise made. Decision was taken by IQAC to update the infrastructure and ensure achievement of quality-based targets. Faculty and Research Faculty Development Programme and Research Cell is the main committee that takes care of the matters concerning faculty members. The committee showed its concern about some faculty members leaving the institute so fast.. It wanted to understand the cause behind the faculty members leaving the institute. It decided to encourage faculty all the more to undertake research work and empower itself through different academic channels and forums. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. It was also decided that empowerment programmes and activities along with career advancement policies need to be re-examined. The committee identified the areas/aspects/faculty members that required focussed attention for improvement. It suggested that more workshops be organised and expert talks be arranged on the identified areas. It decided to involve the faculty more actively in the empowerment activities. It recommended for organizing workshop and seminars to widen the mental horizon of the faculty and asked the lecturers to get enrolled for M.Phil and Ph.D. The committee suggested the institute authorities to have links with national academic forums to encourage research activities The Cell took note of research based requirements. Decision was taken to promote research and provide financial resources. It requested to mark specific amount for research, workshops, seminars and orientation programmes, action research in particular. Extension and Linkages The relevant committees felt strong need to undertake more extension programmes, and establish new linkages and keep the old ones vibrant and expressed opinion to gear the Cultural Committee, Sports Committee, Alumni Cell and Placement Cell for the purpose. In this, the need for involving and activating students of the institute was felt with unanimity. Decisions were also taken to widen the academic network, utilise the existing resources and establish more contact with the community. Examinations The Exam Committee expressed satisfaction over the transparent and well managed process of conducting examinations. The committee expressed its commitment to keep up the spirit and encourage those who were responsible for the successful conduct of examinations and internal evaluation. Proper records of internal evaluation needed to be analysed on five year bases in addition to the existing practice of analysing them on annual basis. Miscellaneous decisions Strategies were finalized for implementing the orders of the Honourable High court of U.P. regarding the admission in B.Ed Institute. The discipline committee finalised Rules and regulation Library committee reviewed the library resources and decided to upgrade the library facilities. The student welfare committee recommended for improving the facilities of canteen services and finalising Rate list of various items available at the canteen. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 6.2.2 Give the organizational structure and the details of the academic and administrative bodies of the institution Decentralisation-downward devolution of power is built into the organizational structure. Details of the academic and administrative bodies of the institute are indicated below. The Trust The Trust (Regd) is the highest administrative body. It comprises all members of the Trust. Governing Body The Governing Body is the highest decision making executive body that carries on the agenda of the Trust. The Governing Body comprises a) President, b) Vice President, c) General Secretary d) Secretary, e) Treasurer and d) Executive Members Institute Management The Institute Management substitutes the Governing Body of the Trust in regards to superintendence of the Institute and its affairs. It is employer and responsible for providing- managing all resources, physical and a-physical. Committees The Institute Management exercises its powers through various committees and sub-committees and major functionaries consisting of the following. (Committees exercising various academic and administrative powers have been reported above under 6.1.3): Major Functionaries: Major functionaries that provide leadership and are among the decision makers are the (a) President and (b). Principal 6.2.3 To what extent is the administration decentralized? Give the structure and details of its functioning. Salient features of decentralisation-downward devolution of power are built into the organizational structure. The administration has a decentralized system in that every part of it enjoys the powers and functions as an autonomous unit within the delineated jurisdiction. There is, in a way, downward devolution of power, flowing from the top management down to the committees and functionaries. Details have already been provided under 6.1.3, 6.1.4 and 6.2.2 above. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 6.2.4 How does the institution collaborate with other sections/institutes and school personnel to improve and plan the quality of educational provisions? The THE Institute has one sister institute. The institute collaborates and interacts with other institutes and schools as per details given below: The Institute collaborates with neighbouring schools during teaching practice programme, and encourages them to make suggestions for quality improvement and suggestions on how to make teaching an all the more effective process. Institute does collaborate with sister institutions and other educational establishments for getting certain CD’s on micro teaching and advices on subjects related to education. Meeting of school personnel with institute authorities are held regularly. Feedback is taken from school personnel. School teachers are also consulted while developing the academic plan and their suggestions are considered during decision making. 6.2.5 Does the institution use the various data and information obtained from the feedback in decision-making and performance improvement? If yes, give details. The institute uses the data obtained from feedback to bring in improvement in performance. Corrective actions are taken to reform the existing system and bring in improvement and efficiency. The feedback is placed before the competent bodies and decision-making functionaries. On the basis of such feedback, the institute has enhanced budgetary provisions for meeting the requirements of sports, cultural activities, IT material, augmentation, etc. in the past. 6.2.6. What are the institution’s initiatives in promoting co-operation, sharing of knowledge, innovations and empowerment of the faculty? (Skill sharing across institutes’ creating/providing conducive environment) The institute promotes cooperation and sharing of knowledge across the institute/institutes. It is mentioned under 6.2.4 as to how the institute cooperates and shares knowledge. Every month one faculty does a presentation on general topic which is attended by all faculties. New and innovative methods of teaching are presented by faculty from each institute. The institute arranges orientation programme by the senior staff for the junior staff. Seminars are arranged on certain innovative, technology oriented topics and teaching skills, etc. The institute encourages its faculty to attain higher degrees in education, particularly in the field of research. It may be noted that six of the lecturers of the institute have completed their research for the award of Ph D and M.Phil degrees in Education and still other has been registered for Ph. D. It has Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. already been mentioned that the institute provides facilities and amenities to its faculty members who are involved in creative research work and in preparing presentations in the seminars. The articles related to pedagogy are circulated among members of the staff. 6.3. Strategy, Development and Deployment 6.3.1 Has the institution an MIS in place, to select, collect align and integrate data and information on academic and administrative aspects of the institution? The institute maintains an IQAC that functions on the basis of MIS. It maintains a system to collect, align and integrate information on academic and administrative aspects of the institute. (It has applied a simple form of MIS). The various teacher-in-charges report to the head. It is a well-planned and meticulously observed practice. Particularly, the following activities fall under the purview of the issue in hand: a. Syllabus coverage b. Use of audio visual aids. c. Students attendance record d. Internal assessment, e. Organization of CCA f. Laboratory work and g. Use of ICT and Educational Technology. The above aspects are handled by the concerned committees headed by the head of the institute. Data collected are then forwarded to Manager. Prospective plan is developed at the beginning of the academic session. Development of programmes work on the collective wisdom of the faculty 6.3.2 How does the institution allocate resources (human and financial) for accomplishment and sustaining the changes resulting from the action plans? The allocations are made on the basis of past experience, anticipated needs, proposals and suggestions received from different functionaries and committees in relation to curricular requirements. The management is considerate enough to honour such recommendations, proposals, etc and makes extra resources available as and when needed. 6.3.3 How are the resources needed (human and financial) to support the implementation of the mission and goals, planned and obtained? Need justifies support. Work is divided and each teacher-in-charge holds task specific responsibility. Various functionaries, head of the institute and president examine the need and make proposals for Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. supporting the implementation of the mission and goals as planned. The emergencies are met the same way. Mid-term evaluation is a common practice. Action plans are evaluated and necessary changes are made for accomplishment of objectives. Resources are accordingly allocated. Financial The management provides the staff (as per governing norms) as well as allocates required funds. Any further need for resources to accomplish the mission and goals is managed by the institute. The institute after taking the management into confidence recruits the staff. Financial burden is borne by the management that allocates required funds. 6.3.4 Describe the procedure of developing academic plan. How are the practice teaching schoolteachers, faculty and administrators involved in the planning process? Academic Plans are developed by examining the requirements of curriculum. PAC approves the academic plan for the ensuing academic year. It is reviewed by IQAC. Various committees give initial shape to academic plan. Each committee makes recommendations in is area of operation. The teacher-in-charges submit their own proposals. Practice-teaching schools’ teachers are involved in the practice-teaching in their subjects areas. Input is sought from them. Their observations about the performance of student teachers during the preceding academic year are taken into consideration. The feedback is duly communicated. In the light of feedback and experiences of the institute and curricular needs selection of the schools is made for the ongoing academic year. The detailed school based activity is planned in consultation with the concerned school staff. Likewise, administration headed by the principal presents its analysis along with the proposals for their incorporation into the plan. In this the principal is assisted by the in-charge of the office. 6.3.5 How are the objectives communicated and deployed at all levels to assure individual employee’s contribution for institutional development? Objectives are communicated at all levels by conducting meetings and closely monitoring the level of implementation after the meetings. The involvement and contribution of the individual employee is assured through motivation, inspiration and by following a policy of presenting challenges and providing incentives. Some of the responsibilities are assigned on personal basis to individual staff member. It may be mentioned again that almost every Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. employee is involved in the process of planning because of which they get identified themselves with the task and the working itself. Besides, the employees are continuously monitored and reminded as and when required. Concerned functionary remains under the obligation of submitting a written progress report. 6.3.6 How and with what frequency are the visions, mission and implementation plans monitored, evaluated and revised? Details of activities aimed at realizing the vision, translating the mission into reality and implementation plans are monitored on day to day basis. The developments are reported to immediate superiors. Then, meetings of president with the principal, teacher-in-charges of activities and, if need be, with the coordinators of various committees are conducted quarterly. Revision is done on rolling basis seeing the delicacy and requirement of the situation. Every year the institute along with the management conducts a self-retrospection and takes into account the feedback and suggestions from all stakeholders. Any change in scenario and emerging needs are given due consideration. 6.3.7 How does the institution plan and deploy the new technology? Management gives emphasis to the deployment of new technology. Facilities are provided to the staff and students for using ICT in teaching learning process. In this regard, the institute consults experts for seeking guidance and quality inputs. The experts make suggestion for the deployment of new trends or else changes in the use of the ICT equipments. Plans are devised at the beginning of the academic session on the basis of input and suggestion from within the institute and expert advice. 6.4. Human Resource Management The Institute has human resource management system effective enough to lead to best decisions on manpower utilization and, therefore, to a more productive teacher education. In brief, the institute follows the manpower requirement criteria and procedures for appointment as mandated by the affiliating university and the NCTE, and provides periodical training and guidance to staff for their development. As teacher capacity building strategy, the institute encourages teachers to participate in professional development programmes for continuous learning. The institute also undertakes, analyse and use the assessment and evaluation, and the appraisal outcome of whole of the staff. The management provides sufficient resources to ensure that the institute needs to meet the standards of university-NCTE. 6.4.1 How do you identify the faculty development needs and career progression of the staff? Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. All faculty members fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria needed for the faculty. The further needs are identified through principal who does so in the light of he guidelines issued by statutory authorities. In main, the principal-i. Identifies the gap between what they have already been exposed to and what are the wider curricular requirements. ii. Ascertains if the teachers have had required exposure to each content unit of of the curriculum as a whole. For example, have they been exposed well to ‘Action Research’, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation’, etc. iii. Ascertained if the teachers are well conversant with the emerging trends, use of IT, etc. iv. Sees if the faculty is fully in tune with the vision-mission-values-objectives of the institute, and if yes, is it well-equipped to translate them into action. 6.4.2 What are the mechanisms in place for performance assessment (teaching, research, service) of faculty and staff (Self-appraisal method, comprehensive evaluations by students and peers)? Does the institution use the evaluations to improve teaching, research and service of the faculty and other staff? The Institute has mechanisms in place the purpose. It analyses and appropriately uses assessment and evaluation and the annual appraisal outcome of both teaching and non-teaching staff. (i) The institute has suggestion box for volunteering suggestions on the performance of the faculty from any stakeholder. (ii) Students’ feedback is a regular practice and they are free to communicate to the principal and the management. (iii) Students are given opportunity to express their views about different academic and co-curricular programmes organized by the institute, (iv) The institute procures written feedback from the students at the end of the academic year. (v) The faculty submits self-appraisal report. (vi) The relevant committees, Teacher-in-charges, event managers and the principal present their over all assessment. (vii) All the suggestions and feedback are analyzed and a report is prepared and placed before the Management , who decides on the action to be taken by the executives. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The analysis report is implemented for the betterment of the faculty and other staff, and with that the total working of the institute. Concerned decision-making bodies and committees and functionaries workout the mode of operation and provide necessary resources and issue directives for its implementation. If need be services of some expert are also requisitioned for seeking necessary guidance. 6.4.3. What are the welfare measures for the staff and faculty? (Mention only those which affect and improve staff well-being, satisfaction and motivation) A routine health check-up through diet consultants Incentives are given to staff to improve their educational qualification. Staff is given duty leave to attend seminars conferences, evaluation work and university examination duties etc. Achievements and progress of any staff members is appreciated and staff honoured. Faculty is promoted according to its qualification, performance and experience based on merit. Faculty is paid as per the norms of statutory authority to give a sense of job satisfaction. Whenever faculty faces any personal problem, Institute stands by them morally as well as financially. Their ideas are always welcomed and implemented. 6.4.4 Has the institution conducted any staff development programme for skill up-gradation and training of the teaching and non-teaching staff? If yes, give details. Institute does conduct staff development programmes and deputes faculty to various workshops conducted at university or institute level. Faculties are encouraged for paper presentation and publications too. Some of the workshops conducted this year are as under: a. Micro teaching by Prof I.S.Suri b. Innovative strategies by Prof S.U.Khan c. Problem solving method by Rahul Sirohi d. Low Cost No-Cost Teaching Aids Sudhir Kapur e. IEDC in Re Edu. Dr Anamika Singh g. Effective Communication Ms Evita Shekhar Sood h.Human Rights Edn Prof I.S.Suri i. Gender Equity Dr Kusum Bhatia Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The administrative staffs are provided with financial assistance to attend the relevant programmes. Various academic counsellors are also invited to have talks on these areas. 6.4.5 What are the strategies and implementation plans of the institution to recruit and retain diverse faculty and other staff who have the desired qualifications, knowledge and skills (Recruitment policy, salary structure, service conditions) and how does the institution align these with the requirements of the statutory and regulatory bodies (NCTE, UGC, University etc.)? The Institute ensures that the appointed faculty meets the criteria as determined by different statutory and regulatory bodies. The Institute encourages the appointment of faculty having research and teaching experience along with the minimum eligibility criteria set by the bodies. The recruitment is done by advertising in the leading dailies. All applications received are short-listed by a duly constituted Screening Committee and the short listed candidates are called for personal presentation for interview before a duly constituted Selection Committee as per norms of the affiliating university. Composition of the Selection Committee 1. Chairman Trust 2. Secretary Trust 3. V.C. Nominee 4. Subject Expert The selection made by the Selection Committee is approved by the CCS University before issuing the appointment letter. The appointee is informed who joins the duty at last. The salary structure is as per UGC pre-revised Scale. Service conditions of the employees are in accordance with the statutory provisions and in tune with the provisions of the Trust. The institute has introduced welfare schemes as well as providing Statutory service conditions Rules and regulation enunciated by NCTE, UGC, MDU on service conditions are followed. Keeping in view the long term development of the Institute the increments are provided. 6.4.6 What are the criteria for employing part-time/ Ad hoc faculty? How are the part-time/ad hoc faculty members different from the regular faculty? (e.g. salary structure, workload, specialisations). Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The Institute does not encourage employing part time or ad hoc faculty. But if any stop gap arrangement is unavoidable, then the ad hoc arrangement is made. The ad hoc provision is made for a limited duration that is required for making regular arrangement. If the number of students in a particular subject is very less like 4-5, we make an ad hoc arrangement of a part-time. The salary of such faculty is borne by the management. Salary is given as per norms fixed by the collector from time to time. The payment is done generally on hourly basis. 6.4.7 What are the policies, resources and practices of the institution that support and ensure the professional development of the faculty? (e.g. budget allocation for staff development, sponsoring for advanced study, research, participation in seminars, conferences, workshops, etc., and supporting membership and active involvement in local, state, national and international professional associations). The Institute has a policy and standing provision for ensuring professional development. The institute enables its faculty to attend seminar, symposia workshops. Faculty members are also encouraged to go for higher research studies. They are encouraged to work on their Ph. D/M. Phil in their particular area of interest. The institute subscribes to 06 educational journals. Internet service is available for all. As a matter of policy, the institute encourages its faculty members to do professional augmentation. That the faculty has been availing of these facilities and making contributions has already been reported. 6.4.8 What are the physical facilities provided to faculty? (Well-maintained and functional office, instructional and other space to carryout their work effectively). The Institute is well equipped with infrastructure facilities. The faculty members are provided with a well ventilated, neat and clean staff room with attached toilet facility, sofa table and admirals is available. Faculty enjoys proper sitting arrangement. Proper space is also provided to keep their belongings. Rooms are well ventilated. Provisions for coolers, etc is also made. Any faculty members can use space in the library for carrying out professional work. In addition, all laboratories and its equipments are at their disposal during their free time. The principal has spacious and well maintained office proper furniture and an attached toilet. The teacher in-charges (labs) have independent sitting arrangement with proper furniture. Internet service is available for all. 6.4.9 What are the major mechanisms in place for faculty and other stakeholders to seek information and / or make complaints? Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Any stakeholder can make verbal or written complaint to the Principal and, if so deemed, to the higher functionaries. The complaint can be dropped in the Suggestion/ Complaint Box. A stakeholder can seek information from the office of the principal on a written request. The faculties concerned are free to contact their superiors for lodging complaints and/or for seeking information. The other stake holders have easy access to staff and their complaints/ suggestions are conveyed to principal and to the management through the principal. The students and the parents can get the information from office, through telephone and website depending upon the nature of the information sought. The routine information is publicised on the notice board and in the morning assembly. The news of the different activities is got published in the news papers. The clippings of the news related to institute are pasted on the institute notice board. 6.4.10. Detail on the workload policies and practices that encourage faculty to be engaged in a wide range of professional and administrative activities including teaching, research, assessment, mentoring, working with schools and community engagement. Work load of teaching as well as non teaching activities is equitably distributed among the staff. The Institute follows the workload policy of the CCS University and the norms of NCTE as laid down in the notification of Gazette vide No. F.49-4/2006-NCTE (NandS) dated 21st July 2006 and norm 4.1a The institute’s workload policy is grounded in the principles of equity and judiciousness. In this, democratic approach is practiced. Each member bears and shares the workload. Choices are given preference. All the faculty members are involved in administrative work. They participate in institute functions, seminars, teaching practice in schools. They are also involved in preparing the students for competitions at institute level as well as inter institute competitions. 6.4.11 Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members? If yes, give details. Yes. Efficient and hardworking staff members are promoted after a specified period of time. Provision of increments is there to motivate the staff members. Besides, any achievement or progress of the staff member of the institute is appreciated at the functions. The achievement is also announced in the general assembly of the day and put on the notice board. Staff members are given timely incentives and honoured during functions. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Technical training is provided for up-gradation of their skills, involving ICT enabled methods. Good work done by the staff finds mention in the annual confidential report of the staff. 6.5 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization Budgeting and auditing procedures are regular and standardized. The sources of income are legitimate and known. Financial planning is done. The institute follows financial regulations based on the approved procedures of financial management. It budgets all items of expenditure which remain transparent. In the financial sphere it honours all the legal limits and maintains transparency in transactions. 6.5.1 Does the institution get financial support from the government? If yes, mention the grants received in the last three years under different heads. If no, give details of the source of revenue and income generated. No grant has been received by the Institute in last three years. The income details are reflected in the annual budget of the institute. 6.5.2 What is the quantum of resources mobilized through donations? Give information for the last three years. No finance has been mobilized through donations for the last three years. 6.5.3 Is the Operational Budget of the institution adequate to cover the day-to-day expenses? If no, how is the deficit met? Yes, the operational budget of the Institute is adequate enough to cover all the day-to-day expenses. If at all any deficit occurs, then the same may be fulfilled by the management. 6.5.4 What are the budgetary resources to fulfil the missions and offer quality programs? (Budget allocations over the past five years, depicted through Income expenditure statements, future planning, resources allocated during the current year, and excess/ deficit) The Income expenditure statements of the past five years and the resources allocated during the current financial year are placed on Enclosure. Future Planning Future planning depends on the availability of resources. The institute has been making some savings which it proposes, as part of growth and development, to invest as under: a. Starting a unit of M.Ed b. Enhancing the quality level of existing infrastructure and learning resources, and Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. c. Taking up faculty empowerment programmes more aggressively 6.5.5 Are the accounts audited regularly? If yes, give the details of internal and external audit procedures and information on the outcome of last two audits. (Major pending audit paras, objections raised and dropped). There is the practice of ensuring the audit of the accounts internally. The accounts are also regularly audited annually by the Chartered Accountants duly approved by the Governing Body. The account is audited at the end of every financial year. The outcome of the last two audits is enclosed. There has been no major audit objection. Optimal use of the budgetary provisions (from all resources) is salient feature of the institute. 6.5.6 Has the institution computerized its finance management systems? If yes, give details. Yes, the institute has computerized its finance management system and maintained in tally accounting. Even the administrative office has computerized many of its daily working. 6.6. Best Practices in Governance and Leadership The institute subscribes to such practices in governance and leadership that are sustainable and which lead to administrative and academic excellence. 6.6.1 What are the significant best practices in Governance and Leadership carried out by the institution? The appreciable features of the best practices are as follows: The management is committed to the vision-mission and supported by the teaching and nonteaching staff towards the attainment of self-objective. The stake holders nurture health and mutually promote relationship on the campus, and the faculty makes use of collective wisdom through democratic processes in a structure marked with decentralization/downward devolution of power Other significant practices are listed below: Adequate financial resources are allocated and made available. All decisions are taken on democratic pattern. Sufficient and spacious building is available to meet the present needs and for future development. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Sufficient standard electronic infrastructure is made available. Faculty and students have been using modern technology on an appreciable scale. Services and support of alumni are ensured. Making Tech-savvy: The management regularly arranges computer training courses for the staff members and also for the spouses of the staff members Administration maintains computerized salary and financial management system Planned Approach: The principal briefs the management with the blue print of the academic year. The budgetary requirements are discussed and given shape at the start of the year. Quality Improvement: The feedback is analyzed and utilized for furthering quality aspect of functioning and institutional output. The management wants the institute to be student friendly. To maintain and sustain this friendly circle, powers are delegated to the faculty and also to some selected and responsible students. In fact devolution of power means sharing responsibilities. The sole purpose of downward devolution of power is enhancing the quality of education and giving confidence to staff to shoulder responsibility for the development of the institute. Whole hearted involvement of the principal and the faculty in the governance of the institute resulted into an overall growth of the institute. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Criterion – VII Innovative Practices Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Criterion - VII Innovative Practices 7.1 Internal Quality Assurance System The THE Institute has adopted quality management strategies in all academic and administrative aspects. It is geared to promote an ambience of creativity, innovation and improving quality. 7.1.1 Has the institution established Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)? If yes, give its year of establishment, composition and major activities undertaken Yes, the institute formulated and established IQAC in 2013 so as to respond to the changing educational, social and market demands. Its composition is reported under criterion 6.1.3. The cell makes assessment of different aspects of the functioning of the institute, and superintends their functioning. It gives suggestions from time to time i.e. from beginning to the end of the course. This cell also examines and addresses the suggestions received through different modes such as verbal, communicated or through Suggestion Box and allied channels. Its major activities include Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the Institute; Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive for quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process; Arrangement for feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes; Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters; Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles; Documentation of the various programmes/activities of the Institute, leading to quality improvement; Development and maintenance of Institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality; Creating and sustaining Quality Culture 7.1.2 Describe the mechanism used by the institution to evaluate the achievement of goals and objectives Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. The institute has a mechanism to evaluate the achievement of goals and objectives. The implementation process is carried through feedbacks and other such data. It examines and evaluates the following to see the extent and degree of goal achievement: Data bank Faculty appraisal by principal Self appraisal by faculty members Student’s achievement record Participation and performance of students in Inter-Institute / University activities Appraisal of placement Feed back from students with regard to teaching and its method Tentatively in a period of 40-45days a meeting is held to review the maintenance and sustenance of quality and standards. The mechanism of feedback creates complete picture of accomplishments status of goals and objective. 7.1.3 How does the institution ensure the quality of its academic programmes? The institute is sensitive to the quality of education as well as to changing educational, social and market demands. The IQAC and Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) assess the performance of the approved programmes. The quality is reflected in the implementation of the academic programmes and quantum of target achieved. The institute takes utmost care in planning and implementation of the academic programmes. To sustain the quality of its academic programmes, the stakeholders’ feedback and the previous years’ results are the benchmark for further improvement. Since 2013-14 the IQAC has been proposing and executing preparation of the instructional material. The IQAC broadened its vision and decided to prepare instructional material based on ICT. The IQAC reviewed the effect of remedial classes and orientation on high achievers for better scores and decided to continue it. Rather it decided to hold orientation of the staff on different aspects of curriculum like improvement of teaching, improving skill in teaching programme, action research and practical. Besides, the institute-- Ensures adherence to academic calendar with the help of schedule for all activities Supervises content delivery by faculty, through Principal Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Ensures high performance of students in internal examination academic Monitors attendance of students and also keeps the students informed on quarterly basis. This helps students in not absenting from classes beyond a permissible period laid down by University due to unavoidable reasons. Maintains and ensures stock verification Watches frequency in the use of OHP T.V., Video, cassettes, and other IT based material etc. Makes sure the utilization of seminar organized for preparing OHP transparencies of teaching units in advance. 7.1.4 How does the institution ensure the quality of its administrative and financial management processes? The principal institute watches the working of the administrative staff rather meticulously. The office-incharge maintains daily and direct check on the working of the non-teaching staff. It is ensured through the sufficient staff and the consultant finance and accounts. The consultant ensures maintenance of relevant records in proper order. The following practices are in-built into the system to ensure the quality of its administrative and financial management processes. In addition to this, the principal/management gets Feedback from the faculty, and employees Transparency in the matters related to finance and administration University Auditing- quarterly report is submitted to the university Internal audit system Annual auditing through Chartered Accountant Feed back from students Grievance Cell/Complaint/Suggestion Box If any complaint regarding the non-teaching staff comes up, then it is discussed in the committee and the suggestion is passed on to the Principal for implementation. Over and above the specified institute functionaries, the management superintends the whole working and all functionaries. 7.1.5 How does the institution identify and share good practices with various constituents of the institution. The institute sustains some of the good practices in the day-to-day working and throughout the academic year. Some of such good practices followed are given below: Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Frequent mutual interaction facilitates identification of good practices The institute faculty are constantly interacting with the staff of other institutes and exchanging ideas. This interaction is done even for some academic programmes found beneficial for faculty members and students. Discussions are held formally during workshop / seminar sessions. Faculty development programme are organized wherein paper presentation is done on common topics; lectures are organized and outside resource persons invited. Such activities are attended by faculty of the institute. Students also identify and share good practices with the faculty and administration through suggestion box and through Houses and subject associations. They are also given opportunity to analyze their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. 7.2. Inclusive Practices The institute caters to inclusive practices and better stakeholder relationships. The institute promotes inclusive practices for social justice and better stakeholder relationships. It promotes value-based education for inculcating social responsibilities and good citizenry amongst its student community. 7.2.1 How does the Institution sensitize teachers to issues of inclusion and the focus given to these in the national policies and the school curriculum? The institute sensitizes teachers to issues of inclusion and the focus given to these in the policies and the school curriculum. The institute organized a workshop on Inclusive Education for the teacher trainees and teacher educators. Also, the institute organized orientation programme on “Peace Education” with the marginalized sections of Trust in focus. It organised Workshop on IEDC, Gender Equity, Human Right Education, etc for sensitisation and empowerment. The institute endeavours to remove barriers enabling all students, including previously excluded groups, to learn and participate effectively within general systems. Since the management’s main objective is to impart education to all, the disadvantaged as well as other teachers are sensitized to the same issues of inclusion. They are advised to focus on these issues. During the teaching learning process special attention is paid to the students hailing from different cultural milieu and the ones coming from deprived segments of Trust. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 7.2.2 What is the provision in the academic plan for students to learn about inclusion and exceptionalities as well as gender differences and their impact on learning? Provision is made for student to learn about inclusion and exceptionalities. The Institute relies upon following factors/activities through which the inclusion, exceptionalities as well as gender differences and their impact on learning are taken care of by promoting and determining the success of inclusive classrooms: Institute works for promoting Family-school partnerships Teachers use well-constructed plans that identify specific accommodations, modifications, and goals for each student It provides opportunities for ongoing training and staff development through special lectures and workshops on Learning Disabilities, etc; and Workshops on Communicative Skills, IEDC, Gender Equity, Human Right Education, and Folk Culture. It develops understanding through psychology of students, educational needs of groups, varied community resources as aids, interpersonal relations, adaptability, freeing of prejudices, humanist rules, integrated values, discipline and code of conduct through experts’ advices Students are sensitized on the issues relating to gender-based disparities and prevailing misconceptions and their over all impact on growth of humans and Trust. Counselling is provided. There is provision for counselling and discussion during tutorial period. Every year International Women Day is celebrated with great respect for the fair sex. Every year youth are exhorted to raise voice against the female foeticide and gender differences. 7.2.3 Detail on the various provisions made and activities envisioned in the curriculum to create learning environments that foster positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and selfmotivation. The institute strives to promote value-based education, social justice, social responsibilities and good citizenry amongst its student community. The following are undertaken for creating learning environment that may foster positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation in the student teachers: B. Ed curriculum pays good attention to social interaction, active engagement in learning and self motivation. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Internship period provides opportunity for interaction with school community. In such classes student teacher come in contact with students of all social strata. Seminars and workshops provide ample opportunities for self learning as well as self-expression. Assignment/problem based learning Computer Assisted Learning foster motivation. Participation in inter-institute/inter house competitions inculcates healthy competitive sportsman spirit amongst students of different social strata. Every activity is compulsory for every student. Students from the weaker section of Trust are given tuition in weak areas Projects are designed and surveys conducted relating to the interaction with the community. These include Role of education in women empowerment, Education and socio-economic status, Education and income pattern of the Trust. To identify and mobilize community resources for overall improvement of school and vice-versa. Joint ventures with the community in planning various school programmes and planning steps for preventing environmental degradation through village education committee To understand each child individually for providing personal attention in the learning process, especially to the children with special needs through case studies. The various course activities are provisioned in the curriculum such as community services, organizing various extensions activities, etc. 7.2.4 How does the institution ensure that student teachers develop proficiency for working with children from diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities? The institute has devised ways and practices for ensuring that the student teachers develop proficiency and competencies for working with children from diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities. The approach is based on teaching, preaching and practice. Student teachers are engaged in talks, debates and lectures on value education, equity, equality and social justice. They are engaged in thematic co-curricular activities that promote social values Equal opportunities for students in social activities provides exposure to them to the real Trust they are to face in future Students of diverse background are engaged in project work of multiple description Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Student teachers are trained in the dynamic of accepting challenges emanating from diversities in views and socio-economic status. Participation in cultural activities, debates and discussions provides the opportunity. Student teachers are required to participate in the trans-community festivals and in talks and discussions on prominent personalities hailing from different socio-economic-cultural backgrounds. During the course of simulated teaching and practice teaching they are required to practice competencies for creating cordial atmosphere between the peer groups. Since they have to deal with a composite populace of colleagues and students, they acquire grounding in the ways of working with children from diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities. Students are enabled to come down to the level of children in classroom interaction. Attempt is made to inculcate missionary attitude and zeal. They are prepared to adopt judicious approach. They are prepared to be free from all differences emanating from caste, class, creed and religion. Above all, students are made to understand that variety is rooted in and demonstrated by the nature of creation. This is an asset. Beauty lies in variety. Respect and protect it. Collectively, all the above mentioned competencies and skills are promoted amongst the Student teachers at different stages and through multiple activities. 7.2.5 How does the institution address to the special needs of the physically challenged and differently-abled students enrolled in the institution? Till date physically challenged students have taken admission only exceptionally. However, the Institute is in ship shape for such students. The Institute organised Workshop on IEDC Many audio cassettes and other relevant resource material for the visually disabled student have been procured in the library. Special sitting arrangement is made Provision of free health check up exists Permission for bringing “writer” during the time of examination for visually handicapped is provided To address to the needs of physically challenged ramp has been made. The library attendant provides help in the library to the physically challenged whenever needed. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. 7.2.6 How does the institution handle and respond to gender sensitive issues (activities of Women Cell and other similar bodies dealing with gender sensitive issues)? The Institute has constituted a Women Cell. The cell is headed by a senior female member of the faculty and contains female faculty and female students. There is no separate quota for women in the reservation policy for admission. However, the ongoing trend indicates that majority of students is composed of women students. As on today, the gender representation is as follows. Among the students 60 per cent are women in the institute. Among the teaching staff 25 per cent are women. Women teachers are represented in different Committees and Cells of the institute. Gender sensitisation: Gender sensitisation and empowerment workshops-seminars have been conducted. The Women Cell of the Institute organized an interactive session on gender issues for students and staff. Thrust is on women empowerment, their constitutional rights, protection and safety. It also ensures facilities and provisions to women for their functioning and overall development. The Cell initiated a Gender Sensitization programme for students in 200-2010 academic sessions to create awareness among women and their parents on the importance of education. Awareness training programme (social, economic, legal, political, health, commerce, management, leadership) are regularly held for students by women cell. 7.3 Stakeholder Relationships The Institute continues to have affiliation and interaction with the institutes, the alumni and such other persons who have an interest in the activities of the institute and the ability to contribute to the actions, decisions, policies, practices or goals of the organization 7.3.1 How does the institution ensure the access to the information on organizational performance (Academic and Administrative) to the stakeholders? The institute maintains Internal Assessment Record of student. Also, it maintains over all performance record and this may be accessed by the stakeholders. Information regarding academic achievements is placed on the notice board. The institute results of the university final examinations are put on the notice board and every student is informed individually. The Management and its members are duly informed of the results of the institute Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Any stakeholder can obtain information on academic and administrative performance from the administrative office by giving a written request. The students can have access to necessary information about admission procedure and details through the information broacher published by the University. The relevant information about the other details of the institute are made available to the students as well as parents on institute telephone as well as on website of the institute. The institute organizes many activities and the news of the activities is got published in the local as well as national news papers. 7.3.2 How does the institution share and use the information/ data on success and failures of various processes, satisfaction and dissatisfaction of students and stakeholders for bringing qualitative improvement? The management and staff members of the institute evaluate performance of the preceding year(s) of all the characters involved and the developments. The institute takes lesson from its past performance. While preparing the next year academic plans the preceding year’s suggestions, feedback analysis and results are taken into consideration. Attempt is made to sustain and reinforce the appreciable and take corrective/reformative steps in regards to not so good or poor performance. It is done in the following ways: Faculty members are briefed about weaker areas, corrective steps to be taken and about the reinforcements to be provided Successful acts and effects of the students are appreciated and rewarded. Incentives are given to faculties for successful endeavours. Trophies and merit certificates are given to meritorious students for the success of their qualitative efforts in curricular and co-curricular activities. Parents are always welcome to see the principal at any time during the office hours. Parent teacher meeting is held once a year. The Institute volunteers information and take note of their views and suggestions. 7.3.3 What are the feedback mechanisms in vogue to collect, collate data from students, professional community, Alumni and other stakeholders on program quality? How does the institution use the information for quality improvement? Counselling appraisal of faculty by principal Formative evaluation of students by faculty. The Institute undertakes regular assessment of the ICT tools, computer labs, science lab, etc. Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Grading of files, assignments at the end of academic session Record of participation / performance of students in Inter Institute activities Internal Assessment records of the students. Feed back from principal of schools where students teacher do their practice teaching programme. Confidential report of faculty members by the Principal and management. Quarterly report. Feedback from alumni and other stakeholders Complaints/suggestions as filed and dropped in the Suggestion/ Complaint Box The institute also provides the facility to the parents to be able to monitor their ward‘s progress, interact with teachers, provide suggestion and to give feedback on overall institutional operation. The feedback feedback-report is prepared and analyzed. The concerned committees prepare resolutions based on the suggestions/complaints received, and the same is passed on to the Principal and Management for appraisal and further action. The process has led to some improvement in the classroom environmentteaching, infrastructure, and in some cases, attitude of the faculty. The Institute enables students to collaborate with peer groups, review their marks and overall performance. 7.4. Other Features of Significance Value added courses on skill and personality development are in place. Efforts to enhance community skills add value to students’ behavioural learning System of institutional quality assessment is in place. The institute caters to the needs of disadvantaged groups of students by providing scholarship and fee concession. Women Cell addresses gender relative issues. The institute is predominantly a women institute. There is an increase in demand of women candidates. The Institute monitors the growth of disadvantaged students. It has excellent rapport with alumni and parents. Students have good relations with faculty. Environment is learner-friendly. : Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. PART-III MAPPING OF ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES (Aug. 2013 Onwards) Panchvati Institute of Education and Technology, Ghat Road,Meerut, (Meerut) U.P. Weeks 1 2 Admission and Orientation Theory Tutorials/ Seminars Sessional Work – Tests and Assignments Practical Work Preparation of Internship: Demonstration/ Observation of lessons/ micro teaching/ simulations Practice Teaching/ Internship Co-curricular Activities Working with community/ project work End-Term Examination 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ENCLOSURES 1. A brief note on teacher education scenario in the state, rules, regulations and policies on academic and administrative governance issued by the state and central Govt./regulatory bodies and affiliating University/board 2. Master Plan of The Institution 3. Sample of Student Feedback on Curriculum 4. Sample of Student Feedback on Faculty 5. Audited Income-Expenditure Statement For The Previous Three Financial Years 6. Copy of the Latest Recognition Order Issued by NCTE 7. Copy of the Latest Recognition Order Issued by University 8. University Results For Previous Three Academic Years 9. Teacher Appraisal Reports 10. Major decisions of the Management Board 11. Statement of Income of the institute for the last three years 12. Budget for the past five years, 13. Budget for the Current Financial Year