FREE State-Wide Constitution Presentations Lecture Series - “In the Constitution” Every American knows that The Constitution establishes the foundation of our government. We understand the principles of freedom our country was founded on and yet we feel uncomfortable when it comes to tying those principles in with the actual document that serves as the law of our land. Consequently, we get stuck wondering if we just have a different ideology than the other side and if maybe our ideas are just opinions not backed by hard fact. In this lecture series entitled, “In the Constitution”, we dive into the actual words of our United States Constitution and find that the modern-day issues we deal with today are resolved in the Constitution. The words of the Constitution come alive as we explore the Founding Fathers’ statements on the different topics and gain insight into how the Constitution embodies those foundational principles of freedom. Through studying the actual text of the Constitution we come to truly understand and appreciate the standard of truth this document offers and why looking to the Constitution - and not to modern-day political opinions - will provide us with the solutions to real and present problems. And, perhaps most importantly, we discuss specific things that can be done to help restore our Constitution to its proper place as the supreme law of our land. A short write-up on each of the presentations is provided below. Each presentation lasts about 1 ½ hours, is free of charge, and is presented in homes to groups as small as 5 or in public places to groups of up to 100. Discussion, comments, and questions from the audience are highly encouraged as we learn together. After the presentation the powerpoint slides are emailed out to everyone who attends with the intent that each individual will take time on their own to study out and understand more fully the power of what is written in the Constitution. Power in the Constitution Is our American form of government intended to be limited and narrowly defined in its scope or was it supposed to be unlimited and unrestrained in its reach? We explore the 5 clauses of the Constitution most often misinterpreted and abused: The General Welfare Clause, The Necessary and Proper Clause, The Interstate Commerce Clause, Treaty Law, and the Supremacy Clause. Then we look at modern day examples of this abuse and misinterpretation. Economics in the Constitution All are in agreement that our economy is suffering. But, why did this happen and how can we return it to stable ground? We explore 10+ clauses from the Constitution and quotes from the founding fathers that help us see that they understood very clearly the basic principles of economic freedom and enshrined them into our Constitution to ensure our economy, and therefore our nation, would remain strong and vibrant. Money in the Constitution With a national debt at over $16 trillion and unfunded liabilities over $100 trillion, the question begs being asked, “How did we get ourselves into such a mess?” It shouldn’t be surprising to learn that the founding fathers and the Constitution provided the solution and still have the solution to return us to solid financial ground and sound monetary policy. We will also explore in depth the Federal Reserve and the concept of inflation and what specific steps we can take to return sanity to our money in the United States. War in the Constitution We are aware that the welfare state is crippling to the welfare recipient and to those who are forced to uphold such a debilitating system through their tax dollars. But what about the warfare state? Does it also cause more problems than it solves? What can history teach us about our war, national defense, and foreign policy outlook? Better yet, what does the Constitution and what did our founding fathers warn us to avoid and did they put specific safeguards in place into the Constitution to avoid such a warfare state? There is much to learn as we explore the very current and important issue of war. Democracy in the Constitution Are we a democracy or a republic? And, what’s the difference? It may surprise you to know that the word “democracy” was never used in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution – and with good reason. Our founders deplored democracies and understood them for the danger that they are to freedom. In this presentation we will discover what the founders and the Constitution have to say about democracies and why the founders wisely set up a republic to guarantee and preserve our God-given rights. Checks and Balances in the Constitution One of the most unique and important elements of our Constitution is its system of checks and balances. We know the Constitution balances the strengths of each branch against each other but do we recognize the power the Constitution gives to the states to allow them the necessary check on Federal power? The intricate and precise checks and balances in the Constitution are incredibly interwoven into the structure of our government to allow the necessary powers for government to fulfill its proper role while at the same time checking the power of any one level or branch of government from usurping the Constitutionally-defined role of the others. In this presentation we’ll get a closer look at what the Constitution actually says about checks and balances and we will hopefully come to a deeper understanding of a subject we thought we already knew. Rights in the Constitution We correctly acknowledge that our country was founded on the principle that we have Godgiven, unalienable rights and that government’s proper role is constrained to protecting those rights. So, what are those rights? Do we have the “right” to have our government do certain things for us and does that “right” have anything to do with the moral code of right and wrong? As we study the Constitution and Declaration of Independence we will look more closely at some very fundamental principles contained in those two marvelous documents in order to see more clearly what is – and what is not – the proper role of government. For more information please contact Jeff at