SREDNJA ŠOLA ZA GOSTINSTVO IN TURIZEM V LJUBLJANI Preglov trg 9, 1000 LJUBLJANA Tel.: 01/540 92 07 e-mail: Teacher: Christian Johnston Endangered Species Single Lesson Objective: For students to understand the reasons why animals are becoming endangered, to learn new vocabulary associated with endangerment and extinction. Partner students and have them brainstorm a list of everything they need to survive. These responses will be sorted into wants and needs. Discuss the difference between “wants” (extras in life, not necessary for survival) and “needs” (necessary for survival). This applies to animals too. basic needs: food water, and shelter; habitat: the environment that best suits an animal or plant because it provides their basic needs). Ask the learners what could happen if a plant or animal was moved out of its habitat Explain todays topic – Endangered animals. Go through the renowned categories of endangerment Extinct Extinct (EX) (list) Extinct in the Wild (EW) (list) Threatened Critically Endangered (CR) (list) Endangered (EN) (list) Vulnerable (VU) (list) Lower Risk Near Threatened (NT) Conservation Dependent Least Concern (LC) Explain the differences EXTINCT - Species that no longer exist across their former range. Extinct in the wild ENDANGERED – Species that are in serious danger of extinction and have already been reduced to critically low numbers or have experienced drastic habitat THREATENED – Species that may become endangered within a foreseeable future throughout their range unless the steps are taken to prevent decreasing Ask students to brainstorm: What are some reasons animal species become extinct? Draw up three columns on the board and write all suggestions in the middle column. Watch video and students take note on why these certain species are endangered: Get students to tell why these species in the video are endangered. Give reasons they have missed, see what extra ones there are now that weren't on the board. On the board in the left column write some of the animals names from the video. Go through these reasons in more detail: • Outer Space Collision (asteroid) – which animals became extinct? Where did all the new animals come from? • Habitat Loss/Pollution • Hunting, overhunting and poaching – what are the differences? • Global Climate Change • Invasive Species Create a third column on the board which targets the preservation of animals- Get students to write down their ideas that could protect these animals from extinction. If there is time: What measures are taken here in Slovenia to protect endangered animals?