March 8th

Lake Ann United Methodist Church
March 2015 Church Life and News
A Moment with Pastor Mike
As we continue on our Lenten journey or introspection we should take a moment to take a look at
something that occupies much of our lives; Work. For many people work is drudgery something
that is terrible but necessary. I am continually surprised by how many people feel trapped in their
occupation, hating the work they do; and consequently they seek relief in what are unfortunately,
very often harmful pursuits. I think we need to re-examine how we look at what we do for a
living. Christians know that Jesus calls us to service. How many of us consider our occupation as
a part of that service? If Christianity is going to be relevant in our world; then it must be relevant
in every aspect, including our jobs. Consider this advice taken from 1 Peter 4: “Each one should
use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various
forms…If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God
may be praised through Jesus Christ.” We utilize the gifts God has given us as we work to support
our families; and for the Christian this is one of the ways we honor our God. I believe an attitude
adjustment is in order for many people. Our secular jobs are not outside our Christian walk; they
are, or should be, an integral part of that walk. “May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us,-- yes, establish the work of our hands.”(Psalm 90:17) Perhaps
an attitude adjustment is in order. If we view our occupation as one of the ways we honor and
serve our Lord, it brings a new perspective and energy to what we do. It is a wonderful and
liberating feeling to know that our efforts in the workplace are not just about feeding, clothing,
and housing ourselves and our families; but are also an act of praise, honor, and worship given to
our God. The question I invite you to answer for yourself this month is this: Is every part of my
life an offering of praise to God? We can dignify our labors by doing ordinary things as redeemed
persons. This can make all the difference in our work lives--drudgery dissipates when God is in it.
No matter what your workbench may be; make it an altar for praising God.
Pastor Mike
March Sermons
March 1st
Message: Building Materials of a Disciple!
Scripture: Mark 8:31-38
Focus: No matter how you build a Christian life the framework is the cross.
March 8th
Message: Building Disciples or Building Church?
Scripture: John 2:13-22
Focus: Are we following the right blueprint in our work to build the church?
March 15th
Message: Mortar of Christianity-Decisions
Scripture: John 3:14-21 and Numbers 21:4-9
Focus: Seeing Jesus is not enough, Christianity is about making decisions to really follow
the King.
March 22nd
Message: Are We Built by the System?
Scripture: John 12:20-33
Focus: Systems perpetuate themselves-even when the system is wrong. Do we make sure
our system of religion honors Jesus and not itself?
March 29th (Palm Sunday)
Message: Proclaim a King
Scripture: Mark 14:1-15:47
Focus: Two sides of one issue…we want…Is Jesus the King we want?
++Volunteers are needed for providing cookies for Fellowship after Sunday worships. There is a
calendar located on the welcome desk to sign up. Please contact Bev Felkey with any questions.++
On Sunday, March 8th our youth is hosting a soup and salad luncheon following worship. Free will
donations accepted.
March 29th at 10:30 am: Palm Sunday
April 2nd at 5:30 pm: Sedar Meal
April 3rd at 7 pm: Good Friday Service
April 5th at 7 am: Easter Sunrise Service
April 5th at 9 am: Easter Brunch
April 5th at 10:30 am: Traditional Easter Service
We will have invitations to our Holy Week services at our Welcome Desk. Consider inviting one
person or several whom you may think woul appriceate the service. Invite a neighbor, family
member, your server when dinning out, a cashier…the options are endless!
Easter Flower Orders
As we celebrate the risen Lord, we also give God thanks for the promise of new birth!
Help us decorate the altar to make our Easter celebrations even more special by ordering
a flower in memory or honor of someone who has made a difference in your life! The
flowers (daffodils, hyacinth, lilies and tulips) are $8 each. You may contact the church
office at 275-7236 or place your order form and check in the offering plate by March 29th.
Nursery and Sunday School Schedule for March:
March 8th: Amanda Deemer (Nursery) Sue Agge/Barb Keelan (SS)
March 15th: Katia Skarupinski (Nursery) Barb Keelan/ Millie Bean (SS)
March 22nd: Mae Crawford (Nursery) Sue Agge/Beth Simon (SS)
March 29th: Gina Schwartzkopf (Nursery) Beth Simon/Susie Harold (SS)
Ministry Groups
Activities/Upcoming Events:
Men’s Breakfast will meet on March 7th and again on March 21st at 8 am.
The Men’s Breakfast group/UMM will hold an organizational meeting for our Summer
Fishing Club on April 4th, right after Men’s Breakfast. Plans are in the works to meet on
the first Saturday of the month beginning in May through October. The non-competitive
events will be held from 7:00AM – 11:00AM & will move to a different location each
month. All are welcome! The full schedule & club regulations will be posted prior to the
starting date. If you have any questions or would like to participate please contact
Michael Carr at 231-463-6502 or .
There will be a day trip to Northwoods Fishing Wholesaler in Pinconning, MI.
This is a great opportunity to add to purchase quality fishing gear at inexpensive
prices. The group will leave directly following Men’s Breakfast on April 18th.
A Higher Call Men’s Conference in Gaylord on March 14th. Please see Chuck Cape or
contact Tara in the church office if you would like to attend with a group from our church.
There are scholarships available for the purchase of the events tickets. For more
information on the event please visit
Canadian fishing trip: This year’s fishing excursion to White River, Ontario will be the
week of June 14th – 20th. We will depart on Saturday the 13th and return on Saturday the
20th. See Chuck or Gary if you are interested in participating.
Freedom Builders mission week, July 21-25th. This is a great opportunity to help families
in need and be the hands and feet of Christ right here in our local community. Anyone
interested in helping in any way, please see Gary or Jean Perkins.
Hosted by our United Methodist Men
WHEN: SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH starting at 6pm
o The meal will be served between 6 and 7 pm. The skits will start at 7:15 and will last
about an hour.
WHAT ARE THE SKITS: These are to be humorous, not talented. They should be
designed to make people laugh. We need to laugh this time of the year.
SKIT RULES: 1 to 5 people may perform for a maximum of 5 minutes. This includes set
up time. You may use props of any size, shape or color. They must be respectful and
HOW WILL THEY BE JUDGED: They will be judged and the top 3 will be awarded
appropriate acknowledgments. The audience is encouraged to bring either canned food or
cash. At the end of the skits, everyone will vote for their favorite skit, using canned food
or money. Cans will be counted as $1.00 each. The skit raising the most cans or money
will be the winner. All proceeds will go to the food pantry.
WHAT IS THE MENU: It will be summer/picnic food to get us in the mood. There will
be a suggested donation of $5.00 a meal to cover the cost of the food.
WILL THERE BE ADVANCED TICKET SALES: No, but there will be signup sheets and
you are encouraged to sign up so we can plan the meal.
HOW CAN I HELP: Get with your friends and plan a skit. Sign up in the next 2 weeks
with a name for your skit and how many will be involved.
You can also help plan, set up/clean up and prepare the meal. There will be a sign up
sheet for this as well.
WHO CAN I CONTACT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS: Bill Agge, Mark Roper or Gary Perkins.
Traverse Area Church Women United holds a Lenten lunch each Thursday at 11:30 am at the
Presbyterian Church in Traverse City. Lunch is soup and sandwich and dessert. A local pastor
speaks each week. On March 19 Pastor Mike will be the guest speaker. We invite you to stop by
for lunch and support him and our UMW on this day.
M&M Quilting Group:
Quilters meet every Wednesday from 9am-4pm…come and join
the ladies for a day of fellowship and quilting. All skill levels welcome!
“For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and
you gave me something to drink . . .” - Matthew 25:35
We are in need of your help to keep our shelves stocked so no one in our local community has to
go hungry! For the month of March we are asking for donations of canned meats or toiletries. A
few suggestions for canned meat are: beef stew, chicken, tuna, salmon, chili and meatballs just to
name a few. As for toiletries, the following are a few suggestions: toothpaste, feminine products,
shampoo and soap. Donated items can be placed in the box that is located at the top of the stairs
in the Village Church. Your continued support of our pantry is greatly appreciated.
Missions outreach will be Lane 3 for March and April, our “Adult Mission Trip”, both local and
overseas. The local mission trip destination will be determined within the next few months. If
you have photos available from past mission trips please let Char Hodges know. We would like to
place them on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hallway.
Thanks to everyone for their generous donation to “Buckets of Rain” missionaries Chris
and Sue Skellenger. We collected $406.00 for their ministry.
Mission Itinerary for 2015:
March and April, Lane 3: Adult Mission Trip, Local or Overseas
May and June, Lane 2: International, Hearth to Hearth Ministries
July and August, Lane 4: UMCOR/Hunger, CROP Walk and One Great Hour of Sharing
September and October, Lane 5: Native/Ethnic Churches, Greensky Hill/Northport Indian
November and December, Lane 6: Local, Summer Games/Wesley
Michigan Blood will be here on Tuesday, April 7th from 3:00-7:00 pm. All blood
types are needed! The gift of blood is the gift of life! We are also in need of two volunteers to
assist MIBlood from 3-5 and 5-7. Please call the office if you are able to help or to schedule your
Wednesday Night Community Dinner
Are you in need of a night off from cooking family dinner after a long day at work? How about a
simple and nutritious dinner out in the middle of your busy week? Come have dinner with your
friends, visit and share together. All are welcome, come and bring your family and friends.
March 4th: BBQ Pork Sandwich
March 11th: Tacos
March 18th: Mac and Cheese
March 25th: Chicken Pot Pie
April 2nd: Maundy Thursday Seder Meal
“The Table” Community Meal
Advent offers a free community meal providing food and fellowship the last Thursday of the
month from 5:30-7 pm at the Historic Town Hall in downtown Lake Ann. All are invited to come
and eat!
Every Monday morning from 10 am-Noon there is a bible study in the
fellowship hall. All are welcome!
Consider staying after dinner on Wednesday nights for a growth group/bible study at 6:30pm.
The group will be reflecting on Phillip Yancey’s, “The Jesus I never knew.” Book is not required
for this study.
Church Clean Up
An all church clean up has been scheduled for the Village Church and the CC. The Village Church
will take place on April 11th and the Community Center on the 18th. Hope to see you there!!
30 Hour Famine
The weekend of April 17th and 18th our youth group will go hungry to help hungry kids by
participating in the 30 Hour Famine.
Our youth will grow closer to Christ and each other as they fast together for 30 hours and raise
funds to fight hunger. The Famine challenge our youth to be part of something bigger than
themselves: to take action for God’s kingdom, to help save the lives of hungry kids, to
permanently change the way your students see the world.
- See more at:
The week of June 22, 2015……..Vacation Bible School is coming…….
VBS volunteers and parents of VBS children…Plan to be here the week of June 22nd.
Volunteer training date to be announced later
We can’t do VBS without YOU!!!
From our Care Team:
We are happy to report that Norma Munson is back at home and recuperating from the health
issues she struggled with while downstate.
Fran Swaney is at home as well and still trying to determine the best way to treat her heart issues.
James Sage (father of Carol Snyder and Georgia Sage) lives at Joy Givers Assisted Living on North
Long Lake Road, across the street and just west from Moomers. Mr. Sage is a World War II
veteran and enjoys sharing his stories with visitors. Stop and say hello to him sometime when you
are on your way home from Traverse.
Harold Clark (3rd), Jake Thirijung (3rd), Jared Brown (5th), Gabe Wright (7th), Linda Parrott (9th),
Mark Cape (11th), Jack Perry (18th), Caroline Clark (19th), Russ Kinnaman (20th), Bill Agge (22nd),
Elliott Clark (24th), Don Lint (27th), John Thompson (27th), Cindy Burns (28th), Sue White (28th)
Happy Anniversary!!
Gary and Jean Perkins (7th)
Bulletin Bits
10 Questions to Consider During Lent
Am I openly, honestly and enthusiastically sharing the message of Jesus Christ with
unsaved family members and those I encounter in everyday life?
Do I have a gracious and patient attitude with the people of my life?
Do I look for the best in others, or do I have a judgmental attitude?
Am I spending enough time studying His Word and praying?
Do I have a thankful heart, or am I constantly complaining about situations and people in
my life?
What are the lurking sin problems that still tempt me?
Do I speak up for the less fortunate, or do I remain silent and inactive?
Do I stand up for my Christian beliefs, or do I compromise my faith in order to be
politically correct?
What is God dealing with me about right now-exercising to improve my health? Spending
more time studying His Word? Going back to school to further my education? Answering
the call to go to the mission field?
10. When people look at me, do they see a reflection of Jesus?
Prayer: Father, help me to focus more on you YOU during this season, and help me to
hear from YOU more clearly than ever before. I want more of YOU in my life, Lord, and
less of me. Thank You for loving me and being patient with me as I grow up spiritually. In
the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.
Lenten Quiz
How many days are there in Lent?
What was the original meaning of the word "Lent"?
What is the first day of Lent called?
What do we call the day before Lent begins?
What color vestments does the priest wear during Lent?
What prayer of the Mass is omitted during Lent?
What word is never said or sung during Lent?
What snack originated during Lent because it contains only flour, water and salt?
What food was traditionally eaten the day before Lent begins?
What Irish saint's feast day takes place during Lent?
How do Italians celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph on March 19?
What important feast day occurs on March 25?
On what Sunday during Lent does the priest bless palms?
What event in the life of Jesus do the palms recall for us?
On what day during Lent does the Bishop bless holy oils for the year?
How many Stations of the Cross are there?
How many times does Jesus fall in the Stations?
Who helped Jesus carry His cross?
(Answers are below calendar on last page)
~ March 2015 ~
◄ February
10am Bible Study 8:45am Walkers 9am Quilters
5pm Alanon CC 7pm Trustee Mtg 5:30 Dinner
6pm BSA Church
6:30 Bible Study
7pm Rosa BBall
6:30 Cub Scouts 8:45 Walkers CC
@ CC
5:30-8pm Troop
27 Pinewood
Derby @ CC
8am Men’s
Troop 27 Derby
@ CC
9am Adult SS
10:20 Music
10:30 Worship
11:30 Youth
3pm Youth
10am Bible Study 8:45am Walkers
5pm Alanon CC
6pm BSA Church
7pm Rosa BBall
9am Quilters
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Bible Study
6:30 Cub Scouts 8:45 Walkers CC
@ CC
Community Play
Group @ CC
9am Adult SS
10:20 Music
10:30 Worship
11:30 Fellowship
4pm Youth
10am Bible Study 8:45am Walkers
5pm Alanon CC 7pm Ad Board
6pm BSA Church
7pm Rosa BBall
9am Quilters
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Bible Study
6:30 Cub Scouts 8:45 Walkers CC 8am Men’s
@ CC
9am Adult SS
10:20 Music
10:30 Worship
11:30 Fellowship
4pm Youth
10am Bible Study 8:45am Walkers
5pm Alanon CC 7pm SPRC
6pm BSA Church
7pm Rosa BBall
9am Quilters
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Bible Study
6:30 Cub Scouts 8:45 Walkers CC 9am UMW
@ CC
Community Play
Group @ CC
Palm Sunday
9am Adult SS
10:20 Music
10:30 Worship
11:30 Fellowship
4pm Youth
10am Bible Study 8:45am Walkers
5pm Alanon CC
6pm BSA Church
7pm Rosa BBall
Ash Wednesday
Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras
The Gloria
Hot cross buns
St. Patrick
St. Joseph's Table
The Feast of the Annunciation
Palm Sunday
The entrance into Jerusalem
Tuesday of Holy Week
18. Simon of Cyrene
9am Adult SS
10:20 Music
10:30 Worship
11:30 Fellowship
April ►