Doctoral Programme “AGRICHAINS – from fork to farm” http://www

Doctoral Programme “AGRICHAINS – from fork to farm”
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please prepare your CV strictly following the items stated below. Note
that CVs not in conformity with this template may be rejected.
Please indicate empty fields with a “Not Applicable” statement.
1. Other relevant personal data (IN ADDITION TO INFORMATION
Indicate full name and, whenever possible, please also provide your “ResearcherID”
and/or “OrcID” numbers.
2. Academic Training
2.1. Boulogne Bachelor Degrees
2.2. Boulogne Master Degrees
2.3. Pre-Boulogne Bachelor Degrees
2.4. Pre-Boulogne Master Degrees
2.5. PhD Degrees
2.6. Other graduations/courses/extra-curricular units with ECTS equivalence
For each degree, please indicate: range of years; degree; scientific area (fields of study,
minors and others, if applicable); institution; city; country; total ECTS and final mark (020 values scale).
(Example: 2012-2014; Master in Biochemistry, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto
Douro, Vila Real, Portugal. 120 ECTS. Final mark 18 values).
Official diplomas/documents attesting the required academic degrees must be
provided in attachment to this CV.
Final marks must be indicated in the 0-20 scale. If this is not the scale used by the
University/country where the degree was obtained, please indicate the original mark
plus its conversion to the 0-20 scale. An official document with this conversion is
compulsory. Failure to submit these documents implies the exclusion of the application.
The ECTS equivalence must be provided, otherwise, 60 ECTS will be considered for each
curricular year.
3. Scientific Training
3.1. Relevant indexed publications
Please provide complete references, including, whenever possible, the DOI, according
to the following format:
Authors: Surname, Name (year of publication) – Title of article. Journal name, Volume,
issue, pages. DOI, IF (2013); Quartile in the most relevant scientific field for the programme.
Only publications indexed in the Web of ScienceTM core collection will be considered in
this item.
Indexed proceedings and conference papers will not be taken into account in this item.
Please note that publications in fields/topics not relevant for this PhD will not be
3.2. Books and Book Chapters with referee
Please provide full reference with International Standard Book Number (ISBN), as
Authors: Surname, Name (year of publication) – Book title. Edition. Place: Editor. ISBN.
Authors: Surname, Name (year of publication) – Title of chapter. In Book title. Edition.
Place: Editor. ISBN: Pages of chapter.
Only publications with referee will be considered in this item. Otherwise, they can be
included as “Technical Publications”.
Reports, dissertations and thesis developed within the framework of academic degrees
will not be taken into account.
3.3. Publications in non-indexed journals with referee
Please provide full reference with International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), as
Authors: Surname, Name (year of publication) – Title of article. Journal name, Volume,
issue, pages. ISSN, Web link (if applicable)
3.4. Publications in Minutes/Proceedings with referee
Only full publications. Abstracts must be included in the item “Communications in
scientific events/technology transfer”.
Authors: Surname, Name (year of publication) – Title of communication. In Title of
proceeding, City, Country, year of meeting. Local: Editor. Volume, pages.
3.5. Technical Publications
Annual/Final project reports can be considered in this item. Intermediate reports will
not be taken into account.
Reports, dissertations and thesis developed within the framework of academic degrees
will not be taken into account.
3.6. Communications in scientific events/technology transfer
Authors: Surname, Name (year of publication) – Title of communication. In Title of
meeting/congress, City, Country, Year. Local: Editor. Volume, pages. Type of presentation
(Oral or Poster)
No distinction will be made between communication with or without ISI indexation.
Oral communications & poster presentations will not be distinguished.
International & national meetings will not be distinguished.
Participations in scientific meetings without communication(s) will not be considered.
3.7. Member of editorial boards of scientific journals
Peer reviews are considered as “Other relevant scientific activities”.
3.8. Organization of Scientific events
Please clearly identify the event and state your role(s) in each event.
3.9. Member of the scientific projects (national & international)
Full project title, reference number, leading researcher and funding institution(s) must
be provided.
Only fellowships with a duration equal to or higher than 6 months will be considered in
this item. Otherwise, they will be considered in the item “Other relevant scientific
A given project/fellowship cannot be simultaneously included in this item and in any
other item.
3.10. Patents or prototypes
Patents or prototypes will only be considered when its approval registration document
is provided. Submitted patents/prototypes will not be considered.
3.11. Relevant management activities and scientific associations
3.12. Monitor in courses and dissemination activities
These items must be accompanied by a letter of attendance/participation written by
the person responsible for each activity.
Lab or research experiments will not be considered.
3.13. Other relevant scientific activities
Any other relevant professional training/experience can be included in this item.