Non-destructive approaches to complex archaeological sites in Europe: a round up Preliminary program 15 January 2013 8.30 – 9 AM Registration at the colloquium venue “Het Pand” 9 – 9.30 AM Welcome 9.30 – 11 AM Session 1A : Remote sensing and Aerial Photography (chair: Cristina Corsi, coord. of the project Radio-Past) - Giuseppe Ceraudo (Università del Salento, Lecce) - Aerial archaeology and ancient landscapes. Combining traditional methods and advanced technologies - Darja Grosman (University of Ljubljana) – The old fashioned way. AP interpretation between experience and technology. 11 – 11.30 AM Coffee break 11.30 AM – 1 PM Session 1B : Remote sensing and Aerial Photography (chair: Cristina Corsi, coord. of the project Radio-Past) - Jean Bourgeois (Universiteit Gent) – Aerial photography in Flanders: from research to cultural heritage management - Simon Crutchley (English Heritage) - Drawing on the future to preserve the past 1 - 2 PM Lunch 2 – 4 PM Session 2A : Geo-archaeological survey (chairs: Frank Vermeulen & Philippe De Mayer, Univ. Gent) - Eric Fouache (Université de Paris – Sorbonne, Abu Dhabi) - The geoarchaeological approach - Kosmas Pavlopoulos (University of Harokopeion, Athens ) - Paleoenvironmental reconstruction: Restricted indicators and processes- new approaches of "reading' the sedimentary phasies 4 – 4.30 PM Coffee break 4.30 – 6 PM Session 2B : Geo-archaeological survey (chairs: Frank Vermeulen & Philippe De Mayer, Univ. Gent) - Jose-Luis Peña-Monné (University of Zaragoza) – Methodological proposals for landscape evolution study around the archaeological sites in semiarid regions. The CaesaraugustaSaraqūsta-Zaragoza (Central Ebro valley, Spain) example. - Helmut Bruckner (Universität Köln) - Spatio-temporal changes of coastal cities - examples from the Aegean Sea and Black Sea 6 – 7 PM Tribute and reception Tribute to geo-archaeologist Prof. Morgan De Dapper (Department of Geography) by Luc Moens, deputy vice-chancellor of Ghent University ************ 16 January 2013 9 – 10.30 AM Session 3A: Geophysical survey (chair: Burkhart Ullrich, Eastern Atlas) - Stefan Groh (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut) - Methodological proposals for integrated surveys on site and landscape level - Bozidar Slapsak (University of Ljubljana) – Structuring systematic non-invasive research on complex sites 10.30 – 11 AM Coffee break 11 AM – 12.30 PM Session 3B: Geophysical survey (chair: Burkhart Ullrich, Eastern Atlas) - Stefano Campana (Unività di Siena) - Exploring the Archaeological continuum. New perspectives and actual limitations of very large scale geophysical prospections - Cornelius Meyer (Eastern Atlas, Berlin) – Fast, precise and flexible: Trends in large-scale geophysical prospection for geoarchaeology 12.30 – 1.30 PM Lunch 1.30 – 2 Poster session I 2 – 3.30 PM Session 4A : Digital technologies and visualisation (chair: Guenther Weinlinger, 7Reasons) - Anthony Corns (The Discovery Programme, Dublin) – 3D Digital Documentation of Cultural Heritage: What's the point(s)? - Chris Gaffney (University of Bradford) – Working at the Visualisation and Interpretation boundary 3.30 – 4 PM Coffee break 4 – 5.30 PM Session 4B : Digital technologies and visualisation (chair: Guenther Weinlinger, 7Reasons) - Sofia Pescarin (CNR Rome) – Virtual archaeological landscapes - Michael Klein (7Reasons) - Current Productions in Virtual Archaeology: Carnuntum, German Limes and Radio-Past ************** 17 January 2013 9 – 10.30 AM Session 5A: Site management and development (chair: Arjen Bosman, The Missing Link) - Almudena Oregas (CSIC Madrid) - A Roman mining landscape today. Successes and challenges in the Archaeological Zone of Las Médulas (León, Spain) - Sigrid Van Roode (The Missing Link) - title to be submitted 10.30 – 11 AM Coffee break 11 AM – 12.30 PM Session 5B: Site management and development (chair: Arjen Bosman, The Missing Link) - Dirk Callebaut (Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation) – The European valorisation of archaeological sites - Daniel Pletinckx (Visual Dimension) - Virtual Reality for monuments and sites: how to make it work 12.30 – 1.30 PM Lunch 1.30 – 2 Poster session II 2 – 4 PM Round table: Surveying Complex Archaeological Sites: between traditional and innovative approaches (chair: Frank Vermeulen, Universiteit Gent) Participants: - Simon Keay (University of Southampton/British School at Rome) Bozidar Slapsak (University of Ljubljana) John Bintliff (Leiden University) Martin Millett (Cambridge University) Jeroen Poblome (University of Leuven) Cristina Corsi (Università di Cassino, University of Évora) Frank Vermeulen (Universiteit Gent) 4 PM Closure of the colloquium