Lee V. Pollard High School – Fall 2015 Integrated Mathematics 1A Teacher: Mr. Eidenmuller Email: geidenmuller@cnusd.k12.ca.us Phone number: (951) 736-3367 ext. 4652 Welcome to Integrated Mathematics 2A at Lee V. Pollard High School Textbook: Integrated CME Project Mathematics II, Copyright © 2013 by Educational Development Center, Inc. Course Description: Integrated CME Content includes Mathematics I, Mathematics II, and Mathematics III. Each course is focused on big ideas. Integrated CME Project is organized by coherent chapters. Chapters are comprised of investigation. Each Investigation is then composed of 3-6 lessons. The basic mathematics of each Investigation is accessible to all, and each Investigation can ultimately challenge the best students. The students work from a more informal to formal understanding of the mathematical topic explored in that particular chapter. The Investigation wrap-up, called Mathematical Reflections, provides an opportunity to review and summarize at the end of the chapter—good preparation for the Next-Generation assessments that will require students to justify their conclusions and mathematical understandings in writing. A Chapter Project extends student understanding by presenting challenges and highlighting connections to additional topics—projects are great preparation for performance tasks that will be on the upcoming Next-Generation assessments. Course Requirements: 70-page wide-ruled notebook Pencil (no pens allowed) Classwork: Graded daily. In order to receive full credit, classwork must be fully completed with 100% accuracy. Late work: On task, but needs a little more time: 100% of points if completed with accuracy and graded at the beginning of the next class period. Excused absences: you have one day for each absence to make up work without penalty. One class period late: 75% credit Two class period late: 50% credit. Three class periods: 0% credit. Quizzes, Tests, & Final: Quizzes – given after most sections. Tests – given after each chapter. Final – given during the last week of the semester. Make-up quizzes & tests – due within one week. Before or after school by appointment only. During lunch in E106. Quizzes & Tests not completed within one week, will receive a zero. Behavior during quizzes & tests: No talking – everyone must be finished prior to whispering/talking. No moving out of your seat - everyone must be finished prior to putting away your notebook or book. No copying. No cell phone use. DOING ANY OF THE ABOVE WILL RESULT IN ZERO ON THE QUIZ WITH NO CHANCE OF MAKE-UP– NO EXECPTIONS. You may use your cell phone quietly after I have collected your quiz. Discipline: Disrupting the classroom learning environment: the following sequence of events will happen, but some behavior may warrant skipping steps: Warning; private conversation. Change your assigned seat (not sitting in your assigned seat is viewed as defiance). Lunch detention. ACP plus 2 lunch detentions & phone call home. Repeated disruptive behavior – will result in a referral, parent conference, & class suspension. Using cell phone during class Warning/reminder. Lock up in drawer for the remainder of class. Lock up in drawer for the remainder of school day or phone could be placed in office for safe keeping until a parent can pick up the phone. Lunch detention. Referral. At any time you are disrespectful or defiant over the use of your cell phone, it will automatically result in you and your phone being escorted down to the office by security along with a referral.