GPHY 314 – The “Greenhouse Effect” and the role of methane (CH4) Morgan MacKay 5833788 Adam Collingwood Friday, April 8, 2011 GPHY 314 – The “Greenhouse Effect” and the role of methane (CH4) The notion that many of the Earth’s systems are being influenced by global climate change is no longer a proposed idea but a scientific fact with many serious short- and long-term implications. For millions of years the Earth’s climate remained relatively stable, undergoing natural climatic shifts and changes over large time scales of thousands even millions of years (Zachos et al. 2001). However, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution a few hundred years ago allowed for anthropogenic advancements that overuse and misuse the environment and have undoubtedly resulted in significant, and dramatic changes to the Earth’s climate and systems (Vitousek et al. 1997). Scientific evidence of global warming, increased frequency and duration of extreme events such as hurricanes and droughts, as well as changes in sea level and salinity, are only a few of the many real examples that confirm the actions of global climate change (Easterling et al. 2000). Many scientists contribute these activities to the anthropogenic overloading of radiatively active gases (RAG’s) into the atmosphere, such as methane (CH4), which have lead to increased global warming and an amplified “greenhouse effect” (GHE) (Mitchell 1989). The GHE is hardly a new phenomenon having eternally been an essential process in the moderation of global temperatures that has allowed for the existence and sustainment of life on Earth. Fundamentally, the GHE refers to the 2 reflectance and absorption of infrared radiation by RAGs in the atmosphere. This trapping of solar energy ultimately produces a warming effect and influences the Earth’s climate and temperature regimes (Solomon et al. 2007). The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of four main layers: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere; with scientists dominate focus on changes in tropospheric composition, and to a lesser extent the stratosphere, where the GHE mainly occurs (Dickenson and Cicerone 1986). The atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (N2, 78.1%), oxygen (O2, 20.9%), and argon (Ar, 0.93%), however, trace gases (0.1%) such as water vapour (H2Og) carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (O3), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), are the greatest determinants of global climate (Hansen et al. 2007). Collectively, these trace gases are known as greenhouse gases (GHGs) for their role in the GHE and radiative forcing of Earth’s climate. Although these GHGs have always been present in the Earth’s atmosphere, occurring, emitted and removed naturally, recent increases in their atmospheric concentrations appear wholly anthropogenic in origin (Solomon et al. 2007). With the continuous addition of GHGs into the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources, the GHE is dramatically amplified, leading to increased radiative forcing of the climate as well as a potentially detrimental warming of the Earth. Although shadowed by the attention of carbon dioxide (CO2) and it’s dominating influence in the GHE and climate change in general, the contribution of methane (CH4) to these processes is becoming more widely discussed and of 3 equal importance. Methane (CH4) is both a naturally occurring atmospheric gas as well as a by-product of anthropogenic activities. An important component of the chemistry of both the troposphere and stratosphere, methane plays an active role in tropospheric ozone and hydroxyl-radical budgets, as well as providing one half of the stratosphere’s hydrogen and water budget through methane oxidation (Badr et al. 1992b). Before the Industrial Era, atmospheric concentrations of methane remained relatively stable but have since steadily increased allowing it become a significant contributor in amplifying the GHE. There are essentially three characteristics that allow methane to be classified as a significant contributor to the GHE as well as to global warming: it’s present concentration in the atmosphere, it’s atmospheric lifetime, and it’s ability to absorb infrared radiation (Khalil 1999). Concentrations of atmospheric methane have increased an astounding 1000 ppb over the last two centuries from preIndustrial concentrations (low of 400ppb, high of 770 ppb), reaching 1775 ppb by 2005 (Spahni et al. 2005). Although a dramatic increase, it is still the second most abundant trace gas in the atmosphere, preceded only by carbon dioxide. Methane can also classified as a long-lived greenhouse gas (LLGHG), meaning that it is chemically stable and able to persist in the atmosphere over relatively long time scales (Lelieveld et al. 1998). Because methane is able to persist in the atmosphere for approximately 8-12 years after emission, its climatic implications also persist for this period of time (Khalil and Rasmussen 1990). Although most methane molecules are destroyed or removed within ten years of being emitted, 4 the continual increase of atmospheric methane concentrations may overwhelm the atmosphere’s reduction systems and effectively increase this lifetime up to 15 years (Reay 2006). Although the atmospheric concentration of methane is less than that of carbon dioxide, methane is a more effective absorber of infrared radiation. Methane has a global warming potential of 23, meaning that for every kilogram of methane that is emitted into the atmosphere, it has the equivalent radiative forcing effect of 23 kilograms of carbon dioxide (Reay 2006). In simpler terms, this means that over a one-hundred year period methane gas is approximately twenty times more effective at absorbing heat than carbon dioxide, as well as assuming twenty times the contribution to radiative forcing than carbon dioxide over this same time period. With its long atmospheric lifetime and high global warming potential, increases of atmospheric methane can be considered a significant threat to the global climate and the GHE. It is imperative that its implications be fully understood, as well as monitored, modeled and managed appropriately. In order to properly monitor, model and manage methane emissions, it is important to first understand where methane comes from. As previously mentioned, methane has both natural and anthropogenic sources. Annually, hundreds of millions of tonnes of natural methane are emitted through processes that include the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in waterlogged soils, swamps and marshes, as well from marine sediments, agricultural ruminants, and forest fires (Crutzen et al. 1986). Recent studies reveal, however, that more 5 than 70% of annual methane emissions are of anthropogenic origins. Perhaps the largest anthropogenic methane sources occur within the agricultural industry, specifically in Asia. The cultivation of rice provides approximately 29% of annual anthropogenic methane emissions, with the most significant emissions found over Asia, where populations are large and the cultivation of rice is greatest (Neue 1993). As rice is grown on wetland fields, the organic decomposition of wetland soils releases methane. With large populations to feed, and rice being relatively cheap there is an abundance of rice fields and therefore an abundance of methane emissions in these areas. Also, the manure of agricultural ruminants provides an excellent source of fertilizer to plants and crops (Neue 1993). As manure is composed of decomposing organic materials it also contributes to a large source of anthropogenic methane emissions. The coal and petroleum industries also provide relatively significant sources of methane. Methane is often released as a product from coal deposits during coal mining operations, as well as from petroleum sources of natural gas, of which methane is the dominant component (Ula 1991). Although the production and distribution of natural gas emits relative amounts of methane into the atmosphere, the leaking of natural gas pipes also contributes as an important source (Crutzen et al. 1986). The abundance of landfills around the globe also provides a large anthropogenic source of methane, as methane is released in the anaerobic process of decomposing organic wastes found within garbage mounds (Boeckx et al 1996). An often forgotten or neglected source of methane also occurs in the treatment of 6 wastewater. If wastewater is treated under anaerobic conditions, the organic material contained within can emit methane as it is removed (Boeckx et al. 1996). However, there still remains great uncertainty in the significance of methane emissions from each of the above sources, as emissions and their effects are difficult to quantify (Soloman et. al 2007). Figure 1: Present natural and anthropogenic sources and emissions of methane. Measurements are in teragrams/year. (Khalil 1999) It is evident from the numerous anthropogenic methane sources that humans have undoubtedly had a significant impact on the Earth’s atmospheric composition and have largely contributed to the amplification of the GHE, through the addition of GHGs, specifically methane, into the atmosphere. As natural methane sources are largely dependant on temperature and 7 precipitation, there is little that can be done to change the addition and effect of these sources into the atmosphere. However, the ability to control and monitor anthropogenic sources of methane exists and should be established with the necessary research and risk assessments. Although, we may not be able to control the natural emission of methane into the atmosphere, there are natural methane sinks that effectively remove both natural and anthropogenic methane from the atmosphere and influence atmospheric methane growth rates. Approximately 80-90% of annual methane removal can be associated with hydroxyl radicals (OH), an important oxidizing chemical, in the troposphere and on a smaller scale dry soils and interactions with chlorine radicals (Cl) at the marine boundary layer (Khalil 1999). In the atmosphere, hydroxyl radicals are formed when solar UV radiation splits ozone (O3) molecules to create an oxygen (O) atom and oxygen gas (O2). From here, O atoms may interact with water vapour (H20g) to form two hydroxyl (OH) radicals. These radicals can then be removed from the atmosphere by chemically interacting with methane or carbon monoxide. Methane and carbon monoxide often compete with each other for available hydroxyl radicals. Removal of trace gases by hydroxyl radicals occurs approximately 90% in the troposphere and has been estimated to remove 3.7Gt of atmospheric trace gases, including methane (Solomon et al. 2007, Badr et al. 2002b). Methane sinks also occur within the stratosphere. When methane is emitted, approximately 10% makes it way through the troposphere and into the stratosphere where it undergoes oxidation 8 into carbon dioxide and water, contributing to a significant portion of the stratosphere’s water budget (Badr et al. 1992b). As previously mentioned, dry soils can also act as methane sinks, as soil dwelling methanotrophs consume methane in order to sustain life, similarly to how humans require oxygen. These dry soils act only as a small sink to methane, estimated at only 5%, but are nonetheless an important (Boeckx et al. 1996). It is interesting to note that although it appears that methane is being emitted into the atmosphere from sources faster than it is being removed by sinks, scientists have recorded a declining growth rate of atmospheric methane. This is interesting because it was thought that major sources of methane, such as rice fields, would increase with increasing populations (Khalil 1999). There are several hypotheses that have been proposed to account for this. One hypothesis proposes that increased uses of N-based soils instead of manure in rice producing countries has allowed for decreased methane emissions from agricultural sources, while another suggests rice fields are being managed with less water contributing to drier soils, instead acting as sinks not sources (Khalil 1999). Another hypothesis suggests that the concentration of free hydroxyl radicals in the atmosphere has increased as ozone continues to be destroyed by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). This suggests that more hydroxyl radicals would be available to interact with methane and carbon monoxide, ultimately removing methane (Khalil 1999). Other ideas associated with the decline of methane growth rate in the atmosphere include that increased global warming has 9 allowed for the drying out wetlands, minimizing its methane emissions, while another suggests the stabilization of methane emissions from human activities (Khalil 1999, Solomon et al. 2007). Regardless of the declining atmospheric growth rate of methane, atmospheric methane concentrations continue to rise, signifying the need for drastic intervention and mitigation of anthropogenic sources before their impacts become too great (Solomon et al. 2007). Determining future trends of methane, involves the consideration of a variety of scenarios and complicated modeling, however, these predictions may create awareness of the issues at hand. For example, the scenario referred to as “business as usual” entails the rapid and continual increase of GHGs and continued enhancement of the GHE. This scenario creates awareness as it presents and warns of the predicted future trends that could occur without the employment of appropriate mitigation techniques. There are several mitigation strategies that could be employed to reduce anthropogenic methane sources including intermittent irrigation of rice fields, proper management of natural gas pipelines, and the institution of financial incentives and governmental policies regarding the reduction of methane emissions, as at deterrence method (Hansen et al. 2002). Before any of these strategies are utilized, however, it is important to first perform a risk assessment, because it cannot be assumed that decreasing methane sources and increasing methane sinks is the proper solution. Weighing the costs and benefits of several solutions will be most beneficial action when searching for a solution. 10 Through the examination of the GHE and the role of methane, it is undeniably apparent that human’s have had a dramatic impact on the Earth’s climate and systems through the addition of GHGs into the atmosphere. Advancements in technology and industry, have allowed for the misuse and overuse of our environment with scientific evidence of its detrimental effects already apparent. Although it is the second greatest factor forcing the Earth’s climate, methane should be considered just as much as a threat to climate change as carbon dioxide, and in some cases even more so. The ability for increased atmospheric methane concentrations to significantly alter the global climate beyond that of carbon dioxide is real and must not be ignored. Although atmospheric growth rates have decreased, society must realize the harmful implications of the continued increase in methane concentrations and the associated significant threats of global warming and global climate change that are imminent without action. 11 Works Cited Badr, O., Probert, S.D., and P.W. O’Callaghan. “Methane: a greenhouse gas in the Earth’s atmosphere” Applied Energy. 41.2 (1992): 95-113 Badr, O., Probert, S.D., and P.W. 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