Badakhshan Operational Coordination Team (OCT) /IDP coordination meeting Date; 25 August 2015 /0 2; 00pm Participants; WHO, UNICEF,WFP, IOM,GIZ,NPO,ACTED, Mission East, NAC ,Concern , ARCs and UNOCHA. # 1 Agenda Welcome and introduction Discussions 2 UNHCR updates on conflict IDP assessment and relief distribution/IDP Task Force. NPO/UNHCR updated the team by recent Conflict displacement registration and responses, from first of May 2015 up to 07th July 2017 the assessment team which was consist of NPO/UNHCR, AREA, DoRR and District representative has registered 1117 families, out of mentioned number 910 of them received NFI and 753 of them received food items. 179 families who have registered by the team and subsequently the team found that the case was fake therefore decided to re-assess the 179 families who have been displaced from Warduj district to Dashti-Farakh area of Baharak district, NPO added that UNHCR will respond the rest 157 families by its next distribution. 3 Humanitarian situation updates (Protection, NFI/Shelter, Health and Nutrition, Food Security and Agriculture, WASH & Education) and Winter planning; a general overview on gap analyze, caseloads, prepositioning and stock inventory. OCHA warmly welcomed the team and the team introduced themselves to each other. IOM updates; In regards to the last natural disaster case was in Kawek village of Warduj district that we provide them with nonfood items for 85 flood affected families on 29th July 2015 while WFP and ARCS has also distribute food and nonfood items to these affected families, Also we are in contact with our head office in Kabul for providing the remaining NFI which we were supposed to take for Jerow landslide affected families upon their road opening, and hopefully we will be delivering their assistance in the coming days as they are still in need of assistance, And at the beginning of 2014 we have dispatched 900 NFI kits for the remote district with their way is closing during winter and signed an agreement that they will distribute our NFIs base on our mandate, The last one is our stock update that we have 565 winter module, 278 family module, 312 emergency shelter module, 894 blanket module, 140 solar module, and 115 tent and in case of need we can request our HQ office for sending more NFI kits, 900 NFI kits were delivered to FOCUS stokes for remote districts at the beginning of 2014, Action points WFP updates; Below is our activities in the current month and the next four months, EMG: 150 flood affected families has been assisted for the duration of 2 months. 82 flood affected families of Warduj (Kawik) has been assisted for 2 months ration. 82 flood affected families of Chawid (Sheghnan) has been assisted with 2 months food ration. 706 CAP-IDPs (IDPs of Takhar and Kundoz) has been assisted with one month food ration. School feeding: 19726 students 2 districts in Takhar and 2 districts in Badakhshan receiving oil incentive (Take home ration) from grade 1-6 G&B and 7-9 only girls. each month every student receive 4.5 Kg oil. WFP started a pilot High energy biscuit in Warduj district and totally 8138 students will receive daily 100 gr HEB for the duration of four months. FFA: 1800 MT mixed will be distributed during Aug- till Oct for FFA (food for asset ) project in 16 district of Badakhshan province ( border and winterization districts). 570 MT another will be distributed during sept in Eshkashim,Zebak,Wakhan and Sheghnan districts for asset creation project. FFW: 2332 MT food will be channelled to 18 districts of Badakhshan through FFW and food will be utilized for communities worked under food for work project. TSFP: Nutrition project is ongoing in 36 districts of Takhar and Badakhshan province and food already has been pump to clinic for malnourished women. Cash and voucher: The project is started in Takhar and Badakhshan provinces and the beneficiaries will receive their favourite food through selected shops. GIZ; Badakhshan Natural Disaster Prevention Project (BNDP) activities which we discussed in OCT meeting. 1. The district Consultation Workshop on Disaster-Risk Mapping is ongoing Koofab,Sukhi and Khahan districts . 2. 8 construction projects and 3 reforestation projects is ongoing in Khahan ,Koofab ,shuki and Shri-eBuzurg districts all these projects are under local subsidy contract with CDS just reforestation projects also implanted by CDS and NAC has the roll of advisory including the trainings . 3. Capacity building training on natural disaster prevention is ongoing at villages level for men and women 4. Our team is busy with Baseline Survey in Khahan, Koofab and Shukai Districts 5. The Provincial Disaster Management Plan (BDMP) for Badakhshan province revised with partnership Of NAC hopefully the print copy will be submitted by first week of September 6. For development of Risk map we will arrange for development of the booklet and also will train for trainers of districts representatives ANDMA, DRRD and PGO to use the maps. 7. Risk analyze report for BNDP project prepared and share with management team UNICEF updates; 1. Health and Nutrition program Support to routine EPI by maintain provincial cold chain system in provincial VSF(Vaccine Storage Facility) .(Badakhshan, Kunduz, Takhar) Supplying Micronutrient to clinics included in CMAM/IMAM program a joint coordinated project with WFP. Supporting hygiene /health education for health emergencies in Yawan and Tashkan distrct Accelerated immunization campaigns for three rounds planned for Darwaz ha districts, Raghistan, Kohistan and Yawan districts. One district in Kunduz and two districts in Takhar. TT administration campaign for school girls of G9-G12 in all districts have two or more girls school. (Kunduz, Takhar, Badakhshan) Supported communication of Measles campaign. (Kunduz, Takhar, Badakhshan) Supporting communication of Polio campaigns. (Kunduz, Takhar, Badakhshan) 2. Education: CBS in Yawan, Raghistan and Kohistan districts. Teaching learning material distributed to all official schools G1-G3 students and teachers. .(Badakhshan, Kunduz, Takhar) 3. WASH: School WASH projects in Raghistan and Yawan , going on. Water scheme for Baghi Baleen IDPs in coordination with RRD. Water scheme for Shuhada flood affected population through RRD. 4. Protection: Monthly and quarter financial support to CPAN(Child protection Action network ) through DLSA.(Badakhshan, Kunduz, Takhar) Support Birth Registration in all districts through Vital statistic department .(Badakhshan, Kunduz, Takhar) Psycho social support to Khwahan flood affected children through DolSA. (cPAN) 5. Emergency: - Hygiene education to Yawan population village wise through relevant CHWs. (Financial support)(For future prevention of AWD). Health Education to Tashkan district in all villages through CHWs.(Financial support) for control of PF malaria (the most killer type) Proposition of emergency supplies with ARCS for possible future emergencies ( In Kunduz and Badakhshan). Concern WW update; 1- Construction of protection 93 m protection wall for protecting the river ben , Agricultural land, and the community houses against flooding in Yawan district the work progressed 40%. 2- Construction of a path bridge by 10 m length in Now-Abad area of Yawan district. 3- Construction of protection 93 m protection wall for protecting the river ben , Agricultural land, and the community houses against flooding in Raghistan district the work progressed 40%. 4- Construction of protection 93 m protection wall for protecting the river ben , Agricultural land, and the community houses against flooding in Eshtatok village of Kohistan strict the work progressed 40%. Livelihood; 1- Working of intake, check dam, reforestation with 280 formers. 2- Providing 10000 kg wheat seed for 6 villages of Raghistan district. Education; 1- Providing furniture ( shelf, disk , and carpet) for Raghistan high school 11th grades, book and stationary fro for local schools in Raghistan district. WASH; 1- Construction of 2 gabion protection wall in Yawan and Kohistan districts. 2- Construction of one water supply system in Iwar-Payan village of Yawan with 25 cubic meter capacity. 3- Construction of latrines in schools in Raghistan and Kohistan district. 4- Construction of latrines sets for boys and girls in 11 schools of Kohistan and Raghistan districts. 5- Construction of 200 latrines in 2 villages of Kohistan district. 6- Distribution of hygiene kits for 200 families in Raghistan, Kohistan and Yawan districts of Badakhshan province. 7- Hygiene education for students’ parents committee, school management committee, 11 villages will be covered in Kohistan, Yawan and Raghistan districts of Badakhshan province. NAC Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Project Goal: To reduce human, social, economic and environmental losses due to natural hazards in 60 atrisk villages in Badakhshan, Afghanistan Objectives: Objective 1: To increase the knowledge and strengthen the capacity of community members and schoolchildren in 60 high-risk communities in Badakhshan, Afghanistan, to enable them to better prepare for, mitigate, and respond to natural hazards and disasters Activities under Objective 1: Train community volunteers in all 60 communities in First Aid, Light Search and Rescue and Stockpile Management, through initial and repeat trainings Train volunteers in the 4 targeted districts in First Aid, Light Search and Rescue and Stockpile Management, through initial and repeat trainings Sensitization and training of schoolchildren Objective 2: To strengthen the capacity of local institutions, district and provincial authorities as well as national and international stakeholders in coordinated disaster risk management Activities under Objective 2: Hold DRR Working Group meetings regularly Arrange information-sharing workshops for DRR WG partners and government stakeholders Provide technical support and assistance to ANDMA and PDMC through the DRR Working Group Objective 3: To build and maintain the institutional capacity of disaster response teams to rapidly and effectively respond to disasters Activities under Objective 3: Provide training in Search and Rescue to SAR members, adapted to common hazards for the province Provide training in Disaster Assessment and Response Team members . Upgrading of stockpile at 4 targeted districts Objective 4:To reduce the impact of frequent summer drought events and increase the resilience of rural livelihood systems Activities under Objective 4: Provide trainings to DAIL officials and farmers on how to control and minimize land degradation Provide trainings to DAIL officials and farmers on appropriate livestock management and pre-drought and enduring drought phases Conduct trainings on introducing social water management to communities Pilot relevant interventions according to the outcome of the studies Assess and study the need for small-scale infrastructure mitigation efforts in drought-vulnerable communities Implement, where appropriate, according to study outcomes, small-scale infrastructure mitigation projects (such as water storages, irrigation canals) Establish drought monitoring systems that can detect the onset of summer drought at an early stage Conduct feasibility Study on reclamation of arable land from river beds in Argu and Darayem eroded by flash flood Partners: ANDMA, DRRD, DAIL, DoEd, PDMC Area of Operation: Yawan, Kohistan, Raghistan, and Arghanjkhwa Yawan district: 20 community members (male and female) and 14 schools (boys and girls) Kohistan district: 20 community members (male and female) and 14 schools (boys and girls) Raghistan district: 10 community members (male and female) and 13 schools (boys and girls) Arghanjkhwa district: 20 community members (male and female) and 12 schools (boys and girls) Disaster Risk Reduction and Management – Selected results form 2014 1 provincial stockpile constructed in Badakhshan 4 earthquake-proof district disaster response centers constructed in Arghanjkhwa, Kohistan, Raghistan and Yawan district (Badakhshan) 40 community-based disaster response management teams (CBDRMT) trained in first-aid, search and rescue, communication and effective coordination with district teams 20 village disaster management plans (VDMP) developed in disaster-communities in Badakhshan 50 permanent shelters constructed for victims of the Ab-e-Barik landslide disaster 1,000 children from Badakhshan trained in disaster awareness, basic first-aid and search and rescue. ACTED update; ACTED has constructed 298 shelters in Badakhshan province ; 73 shelters for Ajil of Yawan district landslide affected who have been resettled in Miana-Dasht area of Faizabad city, 124 shelters for Pernakham village, Faizabad city , landslide affected families who have been resettled in Kata-Kherman area of Faizabad city, and 101 shelters for Keshem district natural disaster affected families. The shelters handed over to the beneficiaries. ACTED mentioned that the 73 families of Miana-Dasht do not have access to drinking water and it’s a gap. ARCs updates; ARCs participates in natural disaster assessment and responses, have access in border districts especially to those districts which are in accessible to humanitarian partners. ARCs has trained its volunteers and has assessed and responded the Jerow-Bala landslide affected families of khwahan district, snow melt flooding affected families in Shukai, Warduj, and Shuhada districts. ARCs has 5 warehouses in Yawan, Shahri-Buzurg, Kofab, Arghanchkhow, and Kran-wa Menjan districts which was supplied by NFI and based on our recent inventory most of the items distributed and we will resupply the wheelhouses by NFI kits. Most of the NFI kits in ARCs warehouses supplied by UNICEF, ARCs has the following items available in its Faizabad stocks; 283 tents, 1518 tarpaulin sheet, 778 Blankets, Hygiene kits , Delivery kits, and 55 boxes of biscuits, shoes for the children, gas balloon ,family kits. In Districts’ stock; 50 NFI in Khwahan, Yawan is 0, Shuhada 28 NFI, Kran wa Menjan 14 NFI and 46 NFI kits in Arghanchkhow district stock. ARCS will re supply or preposition the mentioned warehouses by NFI kits. ARCs will implement four CFW projects in Shuhada district of Badakhshan province, the main activities of CFW projects includes canal cleaning. Mission East updates; Mission East works in three fields NRM, WASH, and Capacity Building for civil society. Mission is member of BDF; Badakhshan Development forum, the forum was activate in 2014, and Mission East will try to re-active the BDF. Seven agencies have membership of this group as; Mission East, NAC, AKDN, ACTED, Concern, Afghan Aid. In capacity building Mission East trained the local NGOs. The Mission East WASH projects activities are; Hygiene kits distribution, Hygiene education, and water supply.