
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Taxonomy is the ____.
a. science of studying new species
b. study of how modern organisms are related
c. science of classification
d. study of plants
e. study of interrelationships of organisms
2. Systematics is the ____.
a. effort to find out how modern organisms are related
b. science of classification
c. science of discovering new species
d. study of plant names
e. study of interrelationships of organisms
3. A population consists of ____.
a. a few individuals that may or may not be capable of breeding
b. two different mating types
c. all organisms in a given geographic area belonging to the same species
d. a phylogenetic array of dissimilar organisms
e. a collection of type specimens
4. A species is ____.
a. a group of type specimens
b. a collection of individuals, all of whom have different reproductive potentials
c. a group of organisms that share a combination of traits not found in other organisms
d. likely to share genes with another species
e. not reproductively isolated from another species
5. For organisms that reproduce sexually, which type of test helps to determine whether two species exist or one
species exists?
a. dihybrid cross test
b. back cross
c. monohybrid cross
d. mating test
e. sex-linked cross test
6. Which is the correct sequence of taxa?
a. order, class, species, kingdom, family
b. kingdom, phylum, family, domain
c. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family
d. class, order, species, phylum, domain
e. order, class, phylum, species, family
7. The correct way to write a species name is ____.
a. L. odoratus
b. Lathyrus odoratus
c. Lathyrus odoratus L.
d. Lathyrus odoratus L.
e. Lathyrus o. L.
8. Working over the course of a number of generations, Darwin's four tenets ____.
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
____ 16.
a. could not create new species
b. could gradually alter the genetic makeup of a population
c. could not alter the genetic makeup of a population
d. contradicted Wallace's theory
e. are not testable
Darwin believed that genetic changes: ____.
a. were directed by the species
b. were to benefit the species
c. occurred at random
d. could not be passed on to offspring
e. could be acquired during the lifetime of the species
Mutations, recombinations, and sexual reproduction serve to ____.
a. alter DNA to produce variations
b. alter DNA only for the benefit of the organism
c. not alter DNA in any way
d. change a species in one generation
e. promote sexual reproduction
An endosymbiotic association has been hypothesized for the origin of ____.
a. nucleus and ribosomes
b. chloroplast and nucleus
c. mitochondria and chloroplasts
d. cyanobacteria and nucleus
e. bacteria and cyanobacteria
Darwin's concept of natural selection saw the environment as ____.
a. playing no role in selection
b. a neutral player
c. the selecting agent for those with desirable traits
d. a ruthless ruler
e. not altering reproductive success
Altering an organism's reproductive success can be described as ____.
a. differential reproduction
b. hybridization
c. unnatural selection
d. acquiring a characteristic
e. recombination
What type of selection is demonstrated when fossil horsetails are compared to contemporary examples?
a. directional selection
b. diversifying selection
c. stabilizing selection
d. disruptive selection
e. temporary selection
To determine if a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium you would ____.
a. determine the allelic frequency for one generation
b. randomly check 100 organisms for the presence of the dominant allele
c. see if the recessive allele had been eliminated from the population
d. add a few individuals to the population that you liked
e. check the allelic frequencies for a few generations to see if they had changed or not
The best adapted individuals are not always the ones that reproduce most effectively. Which two choices
below best prove this point?
____ 17.
____ 18.
____ 19.
____ 20.
____ 21.
____ 22.
____ 23.
____ 24.
a. the founder effect and genetic drift
b. genetic drift and stabilizing selection
c. stabilizing selection and hybridization
d. hybridization and directional selection
e. directional selection and geographic isolation
If a polyploid with four sets of chromosomes tries to reproduce with a diploid species the resulting zygote will
have what "n" number of chromosomes?
a. haploid (n)
b. diploid (2n)
c. triploid (3n)
d. tetraploid (4n)
e. hexaploid (6n)
In which set of chromosomes is pairing of homologous chromosomes impossible?
a. polyploid
b. diploid (2n)
c. triploid (3n)
d. tetraploid (4n)
e. pairing of homologous chromosomes is possible in all sets
Fertility of a hybrid can be restored if they ____.
a. back cross to a parent
b. become a polyploid
c. hybridize again
d. asexually reproduce
e. spontaneously mutate to one-half the hybrid chromosome number
Which process played a major role in the adaptive radiation of the flowering plants?
a. geographic isolation
b. polyploidy
c. mutations be UV light
d. coevolution with insects
e. coevolution with mammals
Phenetic classification is based on ____.
a. genetic relationship
b. molecular comparisons of rRNA
c. DNA sequencing
d. morphology
e. common ancestry
Phylogenetic classification is based on ____.
a. common ancestry
b. appearance
c. hybridization
d. derivation of polyploids
e. color of pigments
Modern phylogenetic analysis is done with computer and statistical support. This method is called ____.
a. phylogenetic classification
b. phenetic classification
c. cladistics
d. genetic analysis
e. molecular synthesis
Which is not a type of characteristic used in developing a clade?
____ 25.
____ 26.
____ 27.
____ 28.
____ 29.
____ 30.
____ 31.
a. character states
b. molecular characters
c. morphologic characters
d. homologous characters
e. character matrix
When describing characters that evolved early, the proper choice would be to use the term ____.
a. derived
b. advanced
c. complex
d. intermediate
e. ancestral
The comparison of tracheids and vessels illustrates that because tracheids are present in ferns, conifers, and
flowering plants and vessels present almost exclusively in flowering plants, that ____.
a. tracheids are derived
b. tracheids are advanced
c. vessels are derived
d. vessels are advanced
e. tracheids are complex
A phylogenetic tree developed from shared derived characters is called a ____.
a. phenogram
b. cladistogram
c. hybridogram
d. cladogram
e. histogram
Evolutionary convergence occurs when ____.
a. two populations hybridize
b. two populations undergo polyploidy together
c. similar traits evolve in two different species when in similar environments
d. flowering plants are pollinated by insects
e. the flowering plants are adaptively radiated
The first five kingdom system of classification was developed by Whittaker; he used ____ and ____ to
categorize organisms.
a. reproductive cycle; cell wall type
b. structure; nutrition
c. type of motility; cell wall type
d. life cycle pattern; mode of reproduction
e. nutrition; cell respiration method
Using ____, the prokaryotes have been shown to form two distinct groups, the Archaea and Bacteria.
a. DNA sequences
b. transfer RNA amino acid sequences
c. mitochondria DNA short sequences
d. long, stable DNA segments
e. rRNA sequences
The Eukarya are ____.
a. as distinct from the Archaea and Bacteria as they are from each other
b. are all photosynthetic
c. have similar cell wall composition
d. lack motility
e. are all single celled
____ 32. The three Domains of life are ____.
a. Animalia, Fungi, Archaea
b. Eukarya, Fungi, Archaea
c. Archaea, Bacteria, Animalia
d. Plantae, Archaea, Fungi
e. Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
33. Explain briefly why systematics is important to us.
34. Summarize briefly the accomplishments of Carolus Linnaeus.
35. Describe how the main groups of organisms are defined.
36. Describe Darwin's model for the mechanism of evolution.
37. Explain how mutations and recombination events can alter heredity.
38. Name and describe briefly the main types of selection introduced in this chapter.
39. What is meant by the term endosymbiosis?
40. Illustrate the process of speciation.
41. What is the principle of parsimony?
42. Explain why all species should be monophyletic.