Conference programme (FINAL VERSION)

Early Modern Studies Conference
University of Reading
6-8th July 2015
Monday 6th July
Arrivals and lunch: Henley Business School (HB) Foyer
SESSION A: 1.45PM – 3.15PM
1. Politics and Patronage in Tudor England (Chair: Dave Postles) HB G04
Hannah Coates - ‘To govern and bridle’: Exploring Sir Francis Walsingham’s Political Thought
Through his Scottish Embassy (1583)
Jessica Crown – ‘I don’t much wonder if they are bursting with jealousy of your excellent
school’: John Colet and the foundation of St Paul’s.
2. Masking and morality (Chair: Rachel Foxley) HB 102
Boyd Brogan - The Masque and the Matrix: Suffocation of the Mother in Milton’s Comus
Thomasin Bailey - Pembroke’s Patronage: the Mask of Morality in Early Modern Studies
Tea & Coffee 3.15 – 3.45pm HB Foyer
SESSION B: 3.45PM – 5.15PM
1. Players and audiences (Chair: Michelle O’Callaghan) HB 102
Morwenna Carr - The Knight of the Burning Pestle and the Doubled Audience
I-Fan Ho - Stardom and Shakespeare’s Textual Problems
Oscar Seip - Theatres of knowledge: looking beyond the metaphor
2. The study of Nature (Chair: Helen Parish) HB G04
Maria de Jesus Crespo Candeias Velez Relvas - “We have seen strange things to day.” The
Perception of the New World in the 16th Century
Jessica Monteith – “Such Wolues are called VVarwolues, bicause a man had neede to
beware of them”: defining the natural and monstrous in early modern England
Sophie Ruppel – “We who study nature...”: Botanizing in German-speaking Bourgeois
Culture of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries
6pm: DINNER, Eat at the Square
7pm: Wine reception and poetry reading: Adrian Blamires (Eliza’s Entertainments) and Lesley
Saunders (The Walls Have Angels) HUMSS G74
Tuesday 7th July
SESSION C: 9.15AM – 10.45AM
1. Early modern ballads (Chair: Michelle O’Callaghan) HB G11
Richard Hoyle - The ‘King and Northern Man’: Stereotypes and Popular Ideas of Monarchy in
a Seventeenth-century Ballad
Jenni Hyde - Ballads and the Public Sphere in Sixteenth-century England
Jonathan Arnold - Music, Morality and Meaning: Humanist critiques of musical performance
in Early Modern Europe
2. Islam and Judaism (Chair: Chloe Houston) HB G04
Alex Mallett - Christian-Muslim Relations on Hospitaller Malta: Evidence from an Inquisition
Magic Trial
Isaac Hui - “Meddle not with the Turks” – The Presence of Turks and Jews and their
Relationship to Castration in Early Modern Comedy and Tragicomedy
Tyler Fisher – ‘Memories of a Marvellous Loss’. A comparative study of Oral Traditions of
Islamic Conquest in Early Modern Spain and Iraq
Tea and Coffee: 10.45-11.15am, HB Foyer
SESSION D: 11.15AM – 12.45PM
1. Metaphors of Making: the Composition of Books (Chair: Michelle O’Callaghan) HB 102
Rachel Stenner – ‘The Typographic Imaginary in Early Modern Literature’
Harriet Archer – ‘Golden Letters: Alchemy, Numismatics and the late Elizabethan Poetic
Michelle O’Callaghan – ‘”Joyned together and builded up”: Joinery and an Artisanal Poetics’
2. Theatre and performances (Chair: Morwenna Carr) HB G11
Susan Simpson – Placing performance in early modern Britain and Europe
Gasper Jakovac - Provincial Household as a Locus of Theatre Production in Post-Reformation
Northern England
Erick Ramalho - ‘At lower end of the hall’: Shakespeare and the Spatialising Modes of AngloLatin Drama
3. Reading and representing faces (Chair: Dave Postles) HB G04
Misa Nikolic - “On Physiognomy: Fronti nulla fides”
Lindsey Cox - 'Now every Citizen's wife that wears a taffeta kirtle and a velvet hatt...must
have her picture in the parlour': portrait miniatures and the widening of access to personal
12.45pm – 1.45pm : LUNCH, HB Foyer
SESSION E: 1.45PM – 3.15PM
1. Preaching, Persuasion and pastoral care (Chair: Ralph Houlbrooke) HB G11
Daniel Derrin - Humour, Rhetoric, and the Early Modern Sermon: Preaching and the serious
fun of jesting
Lucy Busfield - Authority, oversight and pastoral networks: Protestant epistolary counselling
in post-Reformation England
Hannah Newton - ‘“Pluckt from the Pit”: Escaping Death in Early Modern England’
2. Masculinity, morality, and male friendships (Chair: Chloe Houston) HB G04
Harry Cocks - Histories of Sodomy in 17th and 18th Century England
Aurora Martinez - Examining the Capacity for Aesthetic Sensibility and Sympathy in Ann
Radcliffe’s Romance of the Forest
3. Fabricating Identities (Chair: Rachel Foxley) HB 102
Dave Postles – Wittipol's cloak – and other cape(r)s and gowns
Michael Durrant - Henry Hills and the Tailor’s Wife: Printing and Pressing in the Early Modern
3.15pm – 3.45pm: Tea and Coffee, HB Foyer
SESSION F: 3.45PM – 5.15PM
1. Advice and morality (Chair: Helen Parish) HB G04
Arul Kumaran - Print, Power, and Peacham’s The Compleat Gentleman
Charles Cathcart - Leonard Becket and the Bachelor’s Marriage Manual
2. Negotiating censure & dangerous nostalgia in England 1646-1685 (Chair: Jason Peacey)
HB 102
Robbie Rudge - Challenging censure and preserving royalist community in England, 16461660
Ed Legon - “Those were good daies”: Nostalgia and the negotiation of censure in PostRevolutionary England
3. Theatre in early modern Europe: transitions and transformations (Chair: Michelle
O’Callaghan) HB G11
Lisa Sampson (University of Reading), ‘Religion on the secular stage in Counter-Reformation
Aaron M. Kahn (University of Sussex), ‘“El ínfimo estilo”: Cervantes’s Generic Indeterminacy
in a World of Literary Transition’
Rachel Watson (Brunel University) - The Gypsy on the Early modern stage from Spain to
Prof. Jennifer Richards, University of Newcastle, ‘Shared Reading in the English Renaissance’.
7pm: CONFERENCE DINNER: Blandfords
Wednesday 8th July
1. Representing early modern disabilities (Chair: Susan Anderson) HB G11
Kaye McLelland - “Representations of Lameness in Early Modern Sermons”
Adleen Crapo - “Disability, Humour and Rhetoric in the Early Modern Period: the Case of
Paul Scarron”
Chris Mounsey - “ ‘A Blind Woman Made to See’ is not a metaphor: Aphra Behn’s ‘The
Unfortunate Bride; Or, The Blind Lady a Beauty’, empiricism and variability”
Andreas Dimopoulos - “The Depiction of Disability in Early Modernity: Making Sense of
2. Friendship & cultural conversations in early modern Europe (Chair: Lisa Sampson) HB G04
Anna Stogova - “Worthy Friend”: social identity of French noblemen after the Fronde
Stefano Santosuosso - Isabella Andreini’s Rime and the French court: dedicatees, themes
and sources
Lorenzo Sacchini - From Academies to Dialoghi piacevoli. On the social nature of the late
Italian Renaissance
The power of the market?: consumers, commerce, and government control (Chair: Rachel
Foxley) HB 102
E.Rybczak - A Collection of the Best English Plays, ed. The Reading Public: Eighteenth century
theatrical publishing and the power of the consumer.
Djoeke van Netten - Secrets in Theory and Practice in Dutch Overseas Companies ca. 1600
Jean McBain - ‘Epistolary commerce’ and the evasion of government control: The case of the
English periodical press, 1695–1730
Andrew Wareham – Economist, diplomat, squire, king: who introduced the hearth tax into
Britain and Ireland at the Restoration?
Tea and Coffee: 11am – 11.30am, HB Foyer
SESSION H: 11.30AM – 1PM
1. Friendship in early modern England (Chair: Hannah Newton) HB G04
Ralph Houlbrooke - Friends as far as the altar? Kinship and friendship in the career of John
Jernegan (c. 1535-1597)
Janet Mullin - ‘After coffee and tea we all got to cards’: Card play and middling sociability in
eighteenth-century England
Peter Edwards - Socializing and Networking in London at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century:
the Visits of Lord and Lady Cavendish to the Capital between 1597 and 1625
2. Textual and religious space in early modern England (Chair: Mary Morrissey) HB 102
Maria Jesus Perez Jauregui - A young English Protestant: Henry Constable’s long-lost treatise
against Cardinal Allen
Somnath Basu - Dropping the Right Names: The Politics of Dedication in Anthony Munday’s
Anti-Campion Pamphlets
1pm: LUNCH, HB Foyer
Prof. Evelyn Welch, King’s College London, ‘Thinking through Things in Early Modern Europe’
3.30pm: Departures