Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Chicago Board of Trustees Scholarship Criteria and General Application Process The Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Chicago (LCB Chicago) Board of Trustees (Board) Scholarship Fund has been established by the Board to provide scholarships to LCB Chicago students who have achieved a high level of academic and professional excellence, a competency of culinary skills and have demonstrated leadership within the college or the community. Awarded through the Career Education Scholarship Fund (CESF), scholarship recipients are recommended by the Board and approved by CESF. General Scholarship Information: 1. The frequency, number and value of the scholarship is determined annually by the Board. 2. Disbursement for awarded scholarships will be forfeited should a student’s course load drop to less than full-time. 3. Students must meet the following criteria in order to apply: a. enrolled full-time in an associate degree at LCB Chicago b. completed at least 36 quarter credit hours at LCB Chicago c. have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher d. attended at least 80% of cumulative scheduled class hours e. be in compliance with the Code of Conduct published in the school catalog, and f. be current in their financial obligations to the College. 4. Applicants must have demonstrated a competency of culinary skills and be recommended to receive the scholarship by LCB Chicago Faculty. 5. Applicants must have demonstrated their service to or leadership of their fellow students through tutoring, mentoring and other activities within the college or their community. 6. Scholarship applicants will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees Scholarship Task Force and will be judged on the following criteria: a. Current Grade Point Average b. Competency of Culinary/Pastry skills. (Applicants must be recommended by Faculty validating the student's skill level.) c. Service and Leadership 7. Scholarship recipient will be selected by the full Board upon the recommendation of the Scholarship Task Force. 8. Scholarship funds will not be paid in cash. The scholarship funds will be credited to the recipient’s school account at the beginning of each term for one academic year. 9. Scholarship recipients must continue to satisfy the school’s stated Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) as defined in the school’s catalog to remain eligible for the scholarship. General Annual Procedures: Task Review and update scholarship criteria as necessary. Any changes must be approved by Board during January Annual Meeting and submitted to the CESF for approval before implementation. 8/25/2015 Timeline FY Q1 Develop a promotion/marketing plan for the scholarship(s) with the LCB Chicago eligible students. FY Q1 – Q2 Solicit scholarship applicants and select recipients. FY Q2 – Q3 Determine scholarship recipient and dollar amount. FY Q2 – Q3 Award Board Scholarship(s). FY Q3 – Q4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Chicago Board of Trustees Scholarship has been established to provide scholarships to students who have achieved a high level of academic and professional excellence, a competency of culinary skills, and have demonstrated leadership within the College community. Awarded through the Career Education Scholarship Fund (CESF), scholarship recipients are recommended by the Board and approved by the CESF. In 2016, the Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Chicago Board of Trustees will award two $4,000 scholarships based upon the criteria listed below. To be considered for selection, scholarship applications must be returned to the Director of Education by December 1, 2015. General Scholarship Rules: 1. Two (2) $4,000 scholarships will be awarded. 2. Students must meet the following criteria in order to apply: a. enrolled full-time in an associate degree at LCB Chicago b. completed at least 36 quarter credit hours at LCB Chicago c. have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher d. attended at least 80% of cumulative scheduled class hours e. be in compliance with the Code of Conduct published in the school catalog, and f. be current in their financial obligations to the College. 3. Applicants must have demonstrated a competency of culinary skills and be recommended to receive the scholarship by culinary instructors within LCB Chicago. 4. Applicants must have demonstrated their service to or leadership of their fellow students through tutoring, mentoring and other activities within the college or their community. 5. Scholarship applicants will be reviewed by the LCB Chicago Governing Board Scholarship Task Force and will be judged on the following criteria: a. Current Grade Point Average b. Competency of Culinary/Pastry skills (as recommended by LCB Chicago Faculty). c. Service and Leadership 6. Scholarship recipients will be selected for recommendation by the Board upon the recommendation of the Scholarship Task Force. 7. Scholarship funds will not be paid in cash. The scholarship funds will be credited to the recipient’s school account at the beginning of each term for one academic year. 8. Disbursement for awarded scholarships will be forfeited should a student’s course load drop to less than full-time. 9. Scholarship recipients must continue to satisfy the school’s stated Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) as defined in the school’s catalog to remain eligible for the scholarship. 8/25/2015 LCB Chicago Board of Trustees Scholarship Section 1- General Information: Name Student ID Number Address City, State, Zip Phone Number Email Address Program Start Date Cumulative G.P.A. Section II -Student Essay: Please provide a word processed essay, not to exceed 500 words, on one of the topics below. Be sure to include in the essay a discussion of how this scholarship will help meet the financial needs for completing this program. 1. "Completing my education will allow me to achieve my dream of........." 2. “Obtaining the knowledge from my program is important to me because......" Section III- Service and Leadership: Please provide a brief description of activities, both inside and outside of school, that demonstrate a personal commitment to service and leadership (add lines if needed). Section IV- Letters of Recommendation: Please obtain two letters of recommendation from a current or prior instructor and attach it to this Scholarship Application. The letter of recommendations should address how you meet the specific scholarship criteria listed on the prior page of this application. I hereby agree that CESF and/or the College have the right to use my name, voice, likeness, photograph and/or video, and biographical information, including my School affiliation, for advertising and promotional purposes in conjunction with this and similar promotions, without notice to me. Student Signature: Date: Please return completed applications to the Director of Education no later than December 1, 2015 8/25/2015 LCB Chicago Board of Trustees Scholarship FOR COLLEGE USE ONLY MERIT BASE DOCUMENTATION AND APPROVED CRITERIA ATTACHED Approved by Institutional Scholarship Committee and Campus President/Director Campus President/Director Signature: Printed Name: 8/25/2015 Date Approved: