Council Meeting – Regular Minutes
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A Regular Meeting of the Town of Basin Council was held in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall in Basin,
WY on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Council Members present: Mayor Amy Kania, Heath Hopkin, Deb Rathbun, and Lyle King. Absent: Dave
Cooper. Also present were: Jim Durbin, Karla Pomeroy, Brandon Ohman (TCTWest), Sherman Allred, Public
Works Director Jeff McFrederick, Chief of Police Chris Kampbell, City Attorney Kent Richens, and
Clerk/Treasurer Danielle Chapman.
The Meeting was called to Order at 7:00 p.m. The Agenda was reviewed and approved.
Lyle King moved and Deb Rathbun seconded to accept all items on the Consent Agenda. 1) All minutes were
approved, contingent on some typographic errors being corrected; 2) Municipal Court Report 3) Delinquent
Accounts-July 6th three shutoff notices were delivered by the Basin PD
No Public Comments were heard.
Public hearing: Resolution #71211, Discussion Mayor Kania updated council on Internal Services Budget for
FY 10/11 with Budget Amendment to be adjusted to move $38,187.12 from Capital Projects Fund. Lyle King
moved and Heath Hopkin seconded to accept this resolution Vote was unanimous.
Vouchers and payroll in the amount of $260,338.31. Discussion: NONE. Heath Hopkin moved excluding TCT
West, the check will not be delivered until the work has been completed, Deb Rathbun seconded, Vote was
One Voucher for July (FY 11/12), Town Insurance in the amount of $18109.00. Lyle King moved and Heath
Hopkin seconded, Vote was unanimous.
The Council heard committee reports from the Planning & Zoning Commission, an update from the Master
Plan Steering Committee, the Animal Control Ad-Hoc Committee, and the Cemetery District Ad-Hoc
Committee. Cemetery District Committee waiting on figures from County Assessor before scheduling first
3rd Reading Ordinance 604: AN ORDINANCE CONCERING GARBAGE RATES. This ordinance was tabled from
6/14/11. Mayor Kania suggested the Town franchise garbage, limiting it to the commercial district, Heath
Hopkin made a motion to table it again until the next council meeting on 8/9/11 in order to research this
option. It was also discussed to have Heath Hopkin and Mayor Kania attend Landfill Board Meeting to discuss
mil levy option. Lyle King seconded that motion, Vote was unanimous.
Discussion: Ordinance was read and included recommendations from the Council and Kent Richens. It was
determined that 6-6-1 B. Height needs to be increased to 15 feet. 6-6-1 C needs to have language covering
the immediate hazards, 6-6-2, 6-6-4, 6-6-5, 6-6-7 will have some of the language removed and
recommendations have been sought from Kent Richens and Lyle King. Heath made a motion to amend and
approve on the2nd reading, Deb Rathbun seconded, Vote was unanimous.
The Council reviewed a proposed agreement for accounting services submitted by Don Russell. Don Russell
has requested to be withdrawn from retainer and that he just bill at an hourly rate versus retainer plus
hourly. Lyle King made a motion to approve and Heath Hopkin seconded the motion, Vote was unanimous.
Sherman Allred gave an update on the Cemetery Expansion. It was determined that no development work
would be planned or completed until the FY 12/13 budget. It was also determined that the cemetery records
may be compiled into Excel or Access by volunteers as the records are being maintained manually at this
Mayor Kania discussed removing a tap from a customer that had stated he never has used it and he will never
need to use it. Charlene Anderson had researched this issue and determined that the land owner had not
been billed for the tap until the tap was found on the mainline in 2010 but had been in place since the original
build or the raw water system.
Mayor Kania gave an update on the Recreation District. Proposed bylaws to be presented to the Council in
August for preliminary approval.
Attorney Kent Richens gave update to the Council on the potential impacts of SF144 that went into effect July
1. Mr. Richens also presented an outline on construction/hazardous waste for the Council to review.
Discussion planned on 8/2/11 workshop session.
The Council reviewed the financial report of Revenues and Expense per fund through 6/30/2011.
Building Permits: Children’s Resource Center, Interior, Chris Bolken Interior, Brent Godfrey, 401 South 7th,
Fence. Discussion: Eric will be communicating with the CRC for proof of electrical inspection. Heath Hopkin
made a motion to approve all with conditional approval of Brent Godfrey fence based on final review by Jeff
McFrederick, Lyle King seconded the motion, Vote was unanimous.
The Council discussed Landfill Gas Power Offering from MEAN. Heath Hopkin made a motion to decline offer,
Deb Rathbun seconded. Discussion: Mayor Kania presented proposal to make offer to all power consumers to
individual commit to renewable energy much like the Rocky Mountain Power Blue Sky Initiative. Vote: Heath
Hopkin and Deb Rathbun approved motion to decline, Lyle King voted against motion. Motion passed.
Monthly status reports were reviewed for each department. A trade agreement was presented by Chris
Kampbell to trade Rhino to Big Horn County Search and Rescue in exchange for 4 wheeler with snow blade
that could be used more universally around town by law enforcement and public works. Deb Rathbun made a
motion to approve trade, Heath Hopkin seconded. Vote was unanimous.
Council Member Lyle King discussed Mosquito Spraying and asked that the Public Works begin doing more
targeted spraying near standing water.
Lyle King made a motion to go into Executive Session at 8:50 pm to discuss personnel, Deb Rathbun seconded
the motion. Executive session adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Upon adjournment the Council discussed accepting Jeff
McFrederick’s recommendation to promote Steve Vanderploeg to the Crew Foreman position created with
the FY 11/12 budget. Promotion will be effective 7/13/11. Heath Hopkin made a motion to accept
appointment, Lyle seconded. Vote was unanimous.
They’re being no more business Heath Hopkin made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lyle King. Vote was
unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Amy Kania, Mayor
Danielle Chapman, Clerk/Treasurer