Creating Sustainable, Community-driven Economies Workshop Stevens Point/Amherst Junction, WI Central Wisconsin Environmental Station January 15-18, 2014 Working agenda – Updated January 14, 2014 Vision: We will all live in communities with thriving economies that support, enhance and regenerate the social and ecological assets upon which we all depend. Goals: Attract participation of diverse community members including representation from non-profit, commercial, financial, municipal, and educational sectors in the workshop and learning community People participating in this workshop and learning community will understand principles of economic sustainability so that they can become engaged in their community, region and nation to change practices, laws, and policies to bring about sustainable economies. Objectives: During the workshop, participants will: - learn that economic sustainability is inextricably interrelated with social and ecological sustainability, while economic value is fundamentally different from social and ethical values. - discover that any thoughtful person, in collaboration with other thoughtful people, can learn the essentials of economic sustainability in a matter of days. - in the process of collaborative learning, you will learn ways of sharing what you have learned with your students or colleagues, without being self-conscious about what you have yet to learn. During the follow up learning community, participants will: - find ways to apply the principles and characteristics of economic sustainability - collaboratively implement sustainable economic practices and policies at the business and community level and beyond Tuesday, January 14 7:00 pm Community presentation – UWSP Dreyfus University Center Theater John Ikerd with panel of local businesses/organizations. This will help to introduce the opportunity of the learning community. Panelists: Elizabeth Aguilera (Arts Alliance: creative industries), Joel Kuehnhold (farmer, founder Auburndale Food Coop: sustainable agriculture and cooperative ownership), Anello Mollica (co-owner, Central Waters Brewery: business environmental and employment practices). John – 25 minute presentation; each panelist – 10 minute presentation; 30 minute conversation and questions from audience. Jeremy Solin will facilitate. Wednesday, January 15 - CWES 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Registration and Check-in, Breakfast 9:00 – Opening Circle Video: Indigenous Native American Prophecy: Introductions and expectations (Jeremy) Participatory reflection instructions (Matt Groshek) Overview of the workshop (John) 10:30. “The Essential Questions of Economic Sustainability” (John) Excel Visual: Future and Present Value 11:30 Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 12:00 p.m - Lunch 1:00 p.m Video: Socially Responsible Investing: (John intro) Guest: Socially Responsible Investing Grounding ideology in reality: “Economic, Social, & Ethical Values (Georgette Frazer, CPA, CFP, Fiduciary Education and Analysis; member First Affirmative Financial Network) 1:45 – 2:15 Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 2:15 p.m. Break and snack 2:45 Video: Tragedy of the Commons (John) Video: The Story of Stuff: (Critique: 3:00 Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 4:00 Video: What is the Value of Nature? Presentation: “The Essential Hierarchies of Economic Sustainability” (John) 4:30 Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 5:00 Closing circle (Dinner on own, dinner options for out of town attendees) Thursday, January 16 8:00 a.m. – Breakfast and Opening Circle On-going reflection activity 9:00 a.m. – Video: Thomas Berry on Nature and Humans (1st 3 min) Presentation: “Ecological Principles Essential to Economic Sustainability” (John) 9:45 a.m. – Guest: Ecological Principles and The Sustainability of Nature (Alan Haney, restoration ecologist, Dean emeritus, UWSP College of Natural Resources) 10:30 a.m. - Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 11:15 a.m. – Grounding ideology in reality: “Discovering the laws of nature in nature” Explore trails around CWES – Time for individual reflection, conversation, networking 12:00 – Lunch – Conversation with organic farmer, Tony Whitefeather 12:45 Video: Why Socialism – Albert Einstein Presentation: “Social Principles Essential to Economic Sustainability” (John) 1:15 Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 2:00 Video: A Steady State Economy; Herman Daly Presentation: “Essential Economic Principles of Sustainability” (John) 2:30 Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 3:00 Break and snack 3:15 Presentation: “Essential Characteristics of Sustainable Economies” (John) 4:00 Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 4:30 Closing circle and preparation for dinner 5:30 – 8:00 Sustainable Economics Community Dinner Central Waters Brewery, dinner by Christian’s Bistro, desserts by Baking for Friends and Village Hive. Dinner, music Sustainability, Local Foods, & Conviviality: Definition: A jovial, sociable, friendly, and lively disposition or nature; the good humor and festivity indulged in occasions of celebration. (Bring your musical instrument and/or words to favorite singalong songs.) The dinner includes workshop participants and invited community leaders. Approximately 30 community leaders will attend along with the workshop participants. 5:30 – 6:30 Brewery Tour 6:30 – 7:30 Dinner 7:30 – 8:30 Presentation and conversation: Brief ~20 minute presentation by John followed by table conversation led by workshop participants. 8:30 – 9:00 Networking, sing-along Friday, January 17 8:00 a.m. – Breakfast and Opening Circle On-going reflection activity (led by Matt Groshek) Wendell Berry video: (excerpts of interview with Bill Moyers 9:00 a.m. Video: The Customer is King Presentation: “Essential Characteristics of Markets in Sustainable Economies” (John) 9:45 a.m. – Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 10:30 a.m. – Video: Annie Leonard, Story of Broke Presentation: “Essential Functions of Government for Economic Sustainability” (John) 11:15 a.m. – Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning. Conversation with State Rep. Katrina Shankland and County Executive Patty Dreier. How can governments advance sustainable economies? What are the challenges, what are the needs? 12:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. Travel to Central Rivers Farmshed Greenhouse 1:30 p.m. Ground ideology in reality: “Learning social & market principles through community.” Tour of Greenhouse and discussion of community education efforts (Layne Cozzolino, Executive Director, Central Rivers Farmshed), and renewable energy (Josh Stolzenburg, Northwind Renewable Energy) 3:00 p.m. Closing circle, snacks/desserts by Main Grain Bakery 4:30 p.m. Optional potluck dinner at Greenhouse. The Future of Agricultural and Rural Communities presentation by John Curtis, Jr. will begin at 6:00 pm. Organized by Farmshed. Saturday, January 18th 8:00 a.m. – Breakfast and Opening Circle On-going reflection activity (led by Matt Groshek) 9:00 a.m. Video: “Story of Change” An Agenda for the Sustainability Revolution Video: The Purpose of the Economy – Joseph Stiglitz Video: The Power of Compounding: Presentation: “Essential Mission of Sustainable Economies” (John) 10:00 Questions, Comments, and Discussion: Collaborative Learning 10:30 a.m. – Closing Circle: Grounding in Reality: What? So What? So What Now? Each participant will have an opportunity to share the most important idea they picked up during the workshop, explain why they think this idea is important, and how they plan to integrate this idea into their profession and/or personal life. 12:00 p.m. Lunch and departure