CORPORATE HILLS INVESTMENT LTD APPLICATION FORM FOR CORPORATIONS, PARTNERSHIPS, NGO’s, ASSOCIATIONS, SOLE PROPRIETORSHIPS, INVESTMENT CLUBS, TRUTS Welfare I Account Highlife I Account Fixed Term I Account FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Customer ID............................................................................................. Initial Investment Amount....................................................................... ACCOUNT OPENING REQUIREMENTS FOR BUSINESS ACCOUNTS 1. Account opening form fully completed 2. Corporations : Corporate Resolution, Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement 3. Sole Proprietorship: Business License and Certificate of Commencement 4. Partnership: Business License and Partnership Agreement 5. NGOs: NGO Registration and License/Certificate 6. Investment Clubs, Associations and Trusts: Introduction of Group on Letterhead; Club/Association Resolution indicating authorizing officers of the club 7. Signatories to the account clearly identified (minimum of two signatories) 8. Valid National identity of each signatory to the account (Passport, Driver’s License, Voter’s ID card, NHIS card) 9. Two recent passport-size photographs of each signatory to the account(with name and signature affixed at the reverse of the photograph 10. Minimum Initial Investment 11. Two passport sized photographs of at least two directors. APPLICATION FOR THE OPENING OF A BUSINESS ACCOUNT COMPANY INFORMATION NAME OF COMPANY NATURE OF BUSINESS REGISTRATION NUMBER: COUNTRY OF INCORPORATION/REGISTRATION: DATE OF INCORPORATION/REGISTRATION: ACCOUNT NAME ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE BUSINESS ADDRESS CORPORATE TELEPHONE NO: FAX: EMAIL: ANNUAL TURNOVER (GH CEDIS) (If Applicable) 0-10,000 100,001- 200,000 10,001 -50,000 over 200,000 50,001 – 100,000 LIST OF DIRECTORS: NAME NAME 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. NAME OF INTRODUCER/AGENT 10. NUMBER OF SIGNATORIES (Minimum of two corporations) SIGNATORY PERSONAL INFORMATION SIGNATURE.................................... Full Name: Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr/Prof Other....................... Address for Correspondence: DATE........................ Marital Status: ................................. Nationality: Email Address: Date of Birth: ................................. Country of Residence: Residential address: Residential Telephone: Mobile Phone: Fax: ................................ Mother’s Maiden Name: ................................. Position Held in Company: Valid National ID Type: ID Number & Expiry: SIGNATURE.................................... Full Name: Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr/Prof Other....................... Address for Correspondence: DATE........................ Marital Status: ................................. Nationality: Email Address: Date of Birth: ................................. Country of Residence: Residential address: Residential Telephone: Mobile Phone: Fax: Position Held in Company: Valid National ID Type: ID Number & Expiry: ................................ Mother’s Maiden Name: ................................. SIGNATORY PERSONAL INFORMATION SIGNATURE.................................... Full Name: Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr/Prof Other....................... Address for Correspondence: DATE........................ Marital Status: ................................. Nationality: Email Address: Date of Birth: ................................. Country of Residence: Residential address: Residential Telephone: Mobile Phone: Fax: ................................ Mother’s Maiden Name: ................................. Position Held in Company: Valid National ID Type: ID Number & Expiry: SIGNATURE.................................... Full Name: Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr/Prof Other....................... Address for Correspondence: DATE........................ Marital Status: ................................. Nationality: Email Address: Date of Birth: ................................. Country of Residence: Residential address: Residential Telephone: Mobile Phone: Fax: Position Held in Company: Valid National ID Type: ID Number & Expiry: ................................ Mother’s Maiden Name: .................................