Rev. Peter Trabaris 6609 Gables Way Johnston, IA 50131 515-393-7565 A Successful Pastor, is someone who understands the need to: build a strong team of leaders; empower Team Ministry, build strong disciples, provide care for those in need, strengthens congregational groups, ministers to groups more than individuals, frees individuals to conduct member-to-member ministry, and inspires congregants to reach to God, and beyond themselves to others. Rev. Peter Trabaris 2014 Seasoned Pastor seeking pastorate in either large Family Size Church, or Pastor Size Church committed to Team Ministry, and interested in discipleship, person-to-person ministry, vital worship, community facing ministry and congregational growth. MAJOR SKILLS Worship - Worship and prayer are two of the most important aspects of church life. Worship must be relevant, touching people in various ways, engaging all of the senses, and inspiring participants toward a deeper personal commitment to personal discipleship, and ministry. P. Trabaris 2014 Twenty-Six years clergy and lay preaching experience in MCC, and beyond. Preaching Style – I am flexible using various preaching styles, but focus on preaching as celebration, utilizing a strong story-telling component. My preaching is relevant to modern life, and seeks modern-day scriptural interpretations of biblical text. Twenty-Six years worship leadership experience in: Preaching, Celebration and Consecration of Communion, Baptism, and the Rites of the Church, including, Ordination, Attaining Membership, Holy Union and Holy Matrimony, Funeral and Memorial Services, Laying on of Hands, and Blessing. Worship Style – I am flexible, and able to conform to any worship style. I aim to develop worship that pulls from the full spectrum of Christian Tradition, while exploring, with the congregation new ways of worshipping that arise from the congregation. I strive for a mixture of traditional and contemporary styles. I am comfortable with the use of technology in worship, and find it to be beneficial. Group Leadership - Trained Group Leader and Facilitator BA in Organizational Management, which makes me strong with process and planning, management and development. Trained by the Serendipity Organization to be a Small Group Ministry Leader, which assists me in understanding the necessity of group ministry in growing churches, and the importance of unleashing the ministry potential of a church, through discipleship and every member ministry. Twenty-Three years of experience as the Moderator of MCC Church Boards, and Congregations. Member of Various Executive Boards which trained me to the importance of both a strong internal leadership team, as well as the necessity of a fully networked approach to community leadership in any not-for-profit setting. Delegation – The ability of any leader to achieve success is directly tied to the individual leader’s ability to let go, and promote others. P. Trabaris 2014 Personal Leadership Style – My style is to build leadership teams to address the various areas of church life. This approach facilitates leadership development, and encourages member ministry at the same time. Clergy and Volunteer Leadership – I have utilized, and supervised both clergy and laity to accomplish church ministry. Recognition – The recognition of the work, and accomplishments for both elected officers, and volunteers, is essential to the effectiveness of on-going volunteer participation and leadership development. Pastoral Care - Caring for those in need is essential to the work of the church. However, the church is not fulfilling its mission unless this ministry goes beyond the clergy, and becomes, largely, the act of the laity of the church. P. Trabaris 2014 Twenty-Three years of pastoral care experience as MCC Clergy, including: Spiritual Listening and Guidance; Hospital and Hospice, Death and Dying, Grief, Couples and Marriage Guidance, Career Guidance, Post Incarceration Guidance, Safe Sex Issues, Contraception Guidance, HIV/AIDS, Aging, Spiritual Family Guidance. Seven years of pastoral care experience as a Lay Minister in MCC, including, Hospital, HIV/AIDS, Death and Dying. Churches Served MCC of Central Iowa, Interim Pastor MCC of the Fox Valley, Associate Pastor, Solo Pastor Holy Covenant MCC, Interim Pastor October 2012 – Present 2004-2010 2001 & 2003 Joy of Life MCC, Senior Pastor and Founder 1991-2000 Denominational Ministry Great Lakes District Committee, Member-at-Large Great Lakes District Committee, West Area Coordinator Great Lakes District Committee, Clergy Representative North Central Network Team Other Designations Leadership Mentoring Graduate Intentional Interim Ministry Specialist Teaching Church Pastor 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-2001 2011-2013 2012 2012 1993 Non-MCC Boards and Representations Representative to the National Council of the Churches of Christ Member of the Executive Board of the Church Federation of Greater Chicago Member of the Executive Board of the North Park/Kenwood Interfaith Council Member of the Executive Board of the Lakeview Overnight Shelter Board Co-Founding Leader of the Northeast Lake County Clergy Network Education Master of Arts in Theological Studies Episcopal Divinity School In Progress, Estimated Completion 2016 BA Organizational Management North Park University 2002 Samaritan College 1991 Specialized Training MCC Teaching Church Training Serendipity Small Group Ministry Training, with Lyman Coleman 2012 Leadership Mentoring Retreat Graduate Intentional Interim Ministry Specialist 1992 2012 2012