6th Grade News - Athlos Leadership Academy

6th Grade News
Athlos Leadership Academy
Edition 1, Volume 12
Social Studies
Upcoming Dates
Mr. Lundgren
For social studies, the 6th graders have moved from the Progressive
Era to talking about the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression.
Upon completing this unit, students will be able to: explain different
factors that led to the decline of our economy towards the end of the
1920s, give examples of the impact of the Great Depression on urban
workers and on farmers., tell how local and federal government and
private organizations tried to relieve the problems of the Great
Depression, explain why prohibition was enacted and repealed, and
understand how the role of the federal government changed because
April 17Hat Day
April 24Free Dress Day
April 28Music Concert
1:15-2:00 pm
May 15College Day
of the New Deal.
Language Arts
Ms. Nord
This week in English language arts, we are finish reading The
Westing Game. The students are excited to get the final clues and
solve the mystery! Feel free to ask your students about the book
and what their predictions are for the solution of the mystery!
We will be finishing our mystery unit next week Friday. The test
on this unit will be on April 24th. Students will receive a study
guide for the test on April 17th. For the remainder of the unit,
students will be working on making their own clues for a
mystery/secret phrase and writing their own mystery stories.
Student will also continue with their grammar lessons which will
include underlining, italicizing, and using hyphens. The
grammar lessons from this unit will also be assessed on the unit
5 test at the end of next week.
May 22Free Dress Day
May 25No School
May 29Talent Show
1:00-3:00 pm
June 4Last Day of School
June 5No School for Students
Ms. Sunnarborg
Ms. Elsen
We are working on Chapter 10 Probability from course 2 (blue
textbook). Please continue using the textbook online for a resource.
It has great tools like practice quizzes, manipulatives and lesson
videos for clarification. The textbook works on Google chrome, if
you need usernames and passwords please contact me; the website
is www.my.hrw.com .
The last two days,
students have been
piloting the Insight test.
Students took this test
during class. Scores will
be used to evaluate the
-10.4 Puzzle Due 4-14
-10.4 Reading Strategy Due 4-15 (this is a change from the calendar)
-10.5 Due 4-16
-Review Packet Due 4-20
-Chapter 10 Study Guide Due 4-21
-Chapter 10 course 2 Test on 4-21 or 22 (Depends on MCA)
-10.1 Puzzle Due 4-22
-Design a Game Project with Probability Due 4-24
test for future use in
We have just started
talking about electricity.
Students will learn about
electric currents and
circuits. By the end of the
week, students will be
After Chapter 10 we will finish the year working on Chapter 9 and
Chapter 10 from course 1, which is content for students to prepare
them for 7th grade.
able to experiment with
circuit boards.
Next week, we will
continue learning about
Athlos World Fair
Come help us celebrate diversity at Athlos and
join us for our 1st Annual Athlos World Fair! On
Tuesday, May 12th from 5:30-7:00pm, our
students and staff will be hosting a World Fair
in which Athlos families will be able to “travel”
electricity and safety.
Upcoming Due Dates
Study Guide
Due May 5
All Missing Work
Due May 5
around the world to experience culture, music,
food, art and much MORE! Countries will be set
As always, keep up to
up in classrooms throughout the school while
date with science through
students and their families visit each room
during their tour of the world. Please join us
and spend the evening traveling the world
within our own school!
our classroom webpage!