Leadership Training Calls

Leadership Training Calls
~ Diane Lundgren ~
This idea is from Shannon Buckmaster/Lisa Madson Area and is part of my
New Consultant Training Packet:
Set up 6 Leadership Training Calls
For the Leadership Training Calls, you will want to choose six women in your life who are very
supportive and powerful. They could also be with individuals who could potentially join your Mary Kay
team. We are doing these calls to learn more about the Mary Kay business opportunity and to share this
with other women. After completing 3 Leadership Training Calls, you will earn your beautiful Pearls of
Sharing earrings, after 6 you will earn the bracelet and when you have a new team member the
Consultant’s script for setting up the Leadership Training Call:
“I am working on completing my Leadership training with Mary Kay and I have a favor to ask of you.
Would you be willing to participate in a conference call (OR may I treat you to coffee) with my director
and myself? It only takes about 25-30 minutes! All you need to do prepare for the conference call is listen
to a recorded call or watch a short video - it’s your choice. As a thank you, your name will be entered into
a drawing for $100 worth of free Mary Kay product this month!”
Send them both options. Listening to a marketing Call or watching a video. I use:
o Marketing Call 518-777-4099
o Go to dianeklundgren.com & Select a Video from the MK Opportunity Tab
o Amy Kemp: Believe in the Journey or Gloria Mayfield Banks Magic Happens
3 way Conference Call or coffee? While I LOVE face to face interaction the BEST, with trying to
accomplish as many Leadership calls as fast as possible, I have found that with busy new
consultants, conference calls could be set up and completed more quickly and easier. It
depends on your availability and schedule!
Coach your Consultant!
It is Very important that you coach your consultant! Explain the call, their roll, and inform them of the
questions they will be asked during the call: ALSO tell them NOT to talk  If they are new to these calls
make them answer these questions with just YOU and COACH them on what to say!
1. I will ask you to share with them why you selected them for your training.
 Share what you admire and appreciate about them ~ make them feel like a million bucks!
Whether they are a customer, hostess or new team member, they will feel special and that their
time was well spent.
2. I will then ask you to share with them your goals.
 Please give them the “why” of how your goals will impact your life, as well as what you’re working
on and why that’s important to you.
 For example: Not just to earn a car but “why” that car would make a difference to you and your
Director’s script for each Leadership Training Call (I strive to say their names A LOT in the
Friend’s Name, I am so excited to have you and Consultant’s Name on the call with me today.
Thank you so much for your time. So this is how the call is going to go: I’d love to get to know you a
little and then I’m going to ask you a couple of questions regarding the information you learned about
Mary Kay.
 Tell me a little about yourself?
 What are your dreams in life?
If time and money weren’t an issue, what dreams would you want to make come true in the
next year?
Great! Thanks so much. Now I think I know why Consultant’s Name chose you to help with
her training!
Now Consultant’s Name, I would love to hear why you’ve selected to do your Leadership training
with Friend’s Name? Oh my goodness, thank you so much. Consultant’s Name, please share with
Friend’s Name what it is that you are working on, so that if she decided to do this with you, she would
know what she gets to be a part of. Thank you Consultant’s Name.
The NEXT part is the training portion for Consultant’s Name. ~ DIRECTOR’S when a consultant
is NEW their friends may just be helping them earn their Pearls & they are just supporting
the consultant, then I tell them to “use their imagination & play pretend” . MANY of them
decide to join! If they are truly interested I DON’T use the verbiage of “imagination and
play pretend”
Friend’s Name, I would love for you to take a minute with me to use your imagination and play
pretend. Does that sound okay? Great! So I want you to pretend that you are super excited to get
started with your Mary Kay business. Just pretend. Can we do that? Great! Like I said you’re super
excited to get started with your Mary Kay business.
 Tell me what you’re most excited about? (I say a few of the below)
o Is it extra income? Is it the flexibility that comes with being your own boss?
o Is it all the prizes and recognition?
o The opportunity to earn a career car, the trips, the girlfriend time, our company
philosophy of faith first, family second, career third?
o Maybe personal growth?
 What most interests you? Anything else?
Great! Still playing pretend here. And, remember, you’re really excited to get started in your MK
 What questions would you have in getting started?
o Answer all of her questions and ask, “Does that answer your question?” before
moving on to the next question.
Now we’re done playing pretend. Did you have fun? Wonderful. Next, I want to tell you, Friend’s
Name, that we so appreciate your time and know that your friend, Consultant’s Name, will offer you
excellent customer service.
You asked some really amazing questions, Friend’s Name. I know you learned a lot of information
and I would love to know where you are in reality! Can you tell me on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being
you would love to join Consultant’s Name in the pursuit of her goals and maybe work toward goals of
your own and 1 being not interested, where would you be on that scale?
 Depending on her answer you will know how to follow up - Giving more information,
inviting her to look at the consultant’s website, or invite her to a weekly meeting/event.
I would love to get your permission to either text or email you. Would that be ok, Friend’s Name?
Then ask her for her email and permission to follow up with her.
Okay Consultant’s Name, I would love for you to stay on the call with Friend’s Name and thank her
for taking the time to help you with your training. Thank you ladies.
Following completion of the Call:
Consultant sends online agreement or schedules follow-up event.
Consultant calls the director back for review and Q/A.