Swallows Long Term Plan: 2015 – 2016 Topic Heading Literacy Maths Science Computing RE History Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer Knights and Princesses: Castles We’re going on Safari: Africa Out of this world: Space Going for gold: Olympic Games Ancient Egypt Fairy Tales Letters, postcards and emails. Repetitive songs and poems. Information Text. Traditional Tales Traditional Poems Instructions. Traditional Tales from a variety of cultures Sensory Poems Abacus Maths Stories involving fantasy Recounts Humorous Poetry Information text Stories by the same author Favourite poems Seasonal Change Healthy me Animals including humans We are Researchers Seasonal change Mini worlds: living things and their habitats We are Zoologists Seasonal change Material Monster Uses of everyday materials We are Astronauts Seasonal change Little MasterChef Animals including humans We are Game Testers Seasonal change Young Gardeners and plants Christianity: What did Jesus Teach us? Christianity: Jesus as a gift from God (Christmas) Judaism: Passover Christianity: The resurrection Man who walked on the moon. Greek: the origin of the Olympic games and how they have changed Where games have been held ISLAM: Community and belonging. Hajj Egypt: significant people and places Castles: physical and human features Geography Art and Design Self-portrait Africa: continents and seas. Comparing UK Watercolour: TingaTinga Art Design Technology Music Design a castle African masks Design a space shuttle Medieval music. Medieval instruments. (playing tuned and untuned instruments) Tag-rugby Multi-sports African Music (listening and responding) PE PSHE Trips and Enrichment Activities Seasonal and daily weather patterns Collage We are Detectives Lowry: sport pictures Creating own mascot Plan and create a tomb wall painting Sculpture or headdress Compose an Olympic theme Gymnastics Dance The disappearing spacecraft: songs about space (using voices expressively and creatively by singing songs) Circuits Dodgeball Pirates The Spirit of Christmas The Famous Five Neighbourhood Watch Ancient and modern Egyptian music (experimenting and combining sounds) Maypole Athletics Rounders Where the Wild things are Warwick Castle Harvest Festival performance Christmas Winter Wonderland Christmas production Dance Festival Art Workshop Christmas Baking Recycling workshop Beyond Bullying week Pantomime Space Centre? Lucy Clarke Forest Schools Lucy Clarke Outdoor Adventure Table Tennis Sports Day Maypole celebration Lucy Clarke