Clean Air Act - Title V yes no n/a comments NSPS Construction Permit 1 Are there any current construction permits? 2 Was DHEC notified in writing of the date that construction began within 30 days of that start date? 3 Was DHEC notified in writing within 15 days of actual startup of each Permitted facility? Part 70 Air Quality Permit Revisions 1 Have there been any revisions to the permit? 2 Has the permit been updated to reflect all revisions? Facility Wide Conditions 1 Are all conditions current, accurate and updated as required by revisions? Emission Unit Description 1 Are unit ID numbers listed in the permit and maintained onsite? Equipment Description 1 Is all equipment listed currently maintained onsite? 2 Has the equipment description been updated to reflect all deleted equipment? Permit Section 5E - Emission Unit Conditions 1 Has ID 01 discharged into the ambient air smoke which had an opacity of no greater than 20%? 2 Has USC, for a period of at least five (5) years, maintained a log of the time, magnitude, duration and any other pertinent information to determine periods of startup and shutdown and make these records available upon request? 3 Do ID 01, ID 02, and ID 03 burn only natural gas and No. 2 fuel oil with a sulfur content less than 0.5% as fuel? 4 Have ID 01, ID 03, and ID 04 had PM emission rates of no greater than 0.6 lb per million Btu heat input? 5 Have ID 01, ID 03, and ID 04 had SO2 emission rates of no greater than 3.5 lb per million Btu heat input? 6 Does ID 03 shall discharge into the ambient air smoke which exceeds an opacity of no greater than 40% other than during startup or shutdown? 7 Does USC, for a period of at least five (5) years, maintain a log of the time, magnitude, USC EHS Office of Environmental Management EHS-F-178 Page 1 of 4 Destroy Previous Revisions Issue Date: 6/18/07 Reviewed: ______ duration and any other pertinent information to determine periods of startup and shutdown and make these records available upon request? 8 Does ID 02 shall discharge into the ambient air smoke which exceeds an opacity of no greater than 20% except for one six (6) minute period per hour of not more than 27%? 9 Does USC, for a period of at least five (5) years, maintain a log of the time, magnitude, duration and any other pertinent information to determine periods of startup and shutdown and make these records available upon request? 10 Does ID 02, consisting of three boilers, designated EBLR 1, EBLR 2, and EBLR 3 emit NOx at <46 TPY and SO2 emissions at <40 TPY, combined total? 11 New Source Performance Standard (NSPS 40 CFR 60), Subpart A, General Conditions and Subpart Dc, Small Industrial - Commercial Institutional Steam Generating Units, for which Construction, Reconstruction or Modification Commenced after June 9, 1989, applies to ID 01 (WBLR 1) and ID 02. Does USC comply with all applicable parts of Subparts A and Dc? 12 Do ID 01 (WBLR 1), and ID 02 emit no greater than a SO2 emission of 0.5 lbs/million BTU heat input or less than or equal to 0.5% sulfur content? 13 Do ID 01, West Plant Boiler No. 1 and No. 2, designated WBLR 1 and WBLR 2, emit SO2 emissions at less than 40 TPY, each? 14 Does ID 04 shall discharge into the ambient air smoke which exceeds an opacity of no greater than 20% other than during startup or shutdown? 15 Does USC, for a period of at least five (5) years, maintain a log of the time, magnitude, duration and any other pertinent information to determine periods of startup and shutdown and make these records available upon request? 16 Does ID 04 burn only natural gas as fuel? Permit Section 6BMonitoring and Reporting Conditions 1 Does ID 02, consisting of three boilers, designated EBLR #1, EBLR #2, and EBLR #3 emit NOX at less than 46 TPY and SO2 emissions at less than 40 TPY, combined total? 2 2 Does USC record monthly natural gas and No.2 fuel oil consumption rates for each boiler? USC EHS Office of Environmental Management EHS-F-178 Page 2 of 4 Destroy Previous Revisions Issue Date: 6/18/07 Reviewed: ______ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Does USC calculate NOx and SO2 emissions on a monthly basis, and a twelve-month rolling sum for total NOx and SO2 emissions? Does the twelve-month rolling sum remain below NOx emissions of less than 46 tons and SO2 emissions of less than 40 tons, combined total? Is fuel oil sulfur content less than or equal to 0.5 percent by weight for each boiler? Has natural gas supplier certification been obtained for the natural gas and stored on site? Has fuel oil supplier certification been obtained for each batch of oil received and stored on site? Are records of natural gas and fuel oil consumption, and natural gas and fuel oil certification shall be maintained on site for a period of at least five (5) years from the date generated and made available upon request? Are Semi-Annual reports including natural gas and fuel oil certifications, natural gas and fuel oil consumptions and all recorded parameters and calculated values submitted to the Manager of the Technical Management Section, Bureau of Air Quality postmarked no later than 30 calendar days after the end of the reporting period? Does a representative of USC perform a visual inspection on a semi-annual basis while burning natural gas and on a daily basis while burning No. 2 fuel oil? Do visual inspections include the observation of opacity during daylight hours where the inspector records whether the emissions are clear? Is the observer trained and knowledgeable about the effects on visibility of emissions caused by background contrast, ambient lighting, observer position relative to lighting, wind, and the presence of uncombined water? Are logs kept to record all visual inspections, including cause and corrective action taken for any abnormal emissions, maintained for a period of five (5) years and made available upon request? Does USC submit semi-annual reports to the Manager of the Technical Management Section, Bureau of Air Quality postmarked no later than 30 calendar days after the end of the reporting period? USC EHS Office of Environmental Management EHS-F-178 Page 3 of 4 Destroy Previous Revisions Issue Date: 6/18/07 Reviewed: ______ 15 Do ID 01 – WBLR 1 and WBLR 2 - The West Plant Boiler No. 1 and No. 2 emit SO2 at less than 40 TPY, each? 16 Does USC record monthly natural gas and No.2 fuel oil consumption rates for the boilers? 17 Are SO2 emissions calculated on a monthly basis, and is a twelve-month rolling sum calculated for total SO2 emissions? 18 Does the twelve-month rolling sum remain below SO2 emissions of less than 40 tons, for each boiler? 19 Are Semi-Annual Reports including all recorded parameters and calculated values submitted to the Manager of the Technical Management Section, Bureau of Air Quality postmarked no later than 30 calendar days after the end of the reporting period? USC EHS Office of Environmental Management EHS-F-178 Page 4 of 4 Destroy Previous Revisions Issue Date: 6/18/07 Reviewed: ______