Plan of Action 2012 Timor-Leste country office PROGRAMME INFORMATION Implementing Host National Society: Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste (CVTL) Number of people to be reached: Budget total: 12,000 people CHF 1,081,943 1. Executive summary Timor-Leste’s Human Development Index (HDI) value increased 17 per cent from 2005 (0.428) to 2010 (0.502), as a result of the relatively high economic growth rates recorded in the country 1. However despite this, 41 per cent of the population still lives in poverty, many of whom are among the 77 per cent who live in rural areas where there remain significant human development problems. These encompass a wide range of issues including energy provision, food security and nutrition, access to education and health services and high levels of unemployment, particularly among young people. As Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste (CVTL) approaches just 10 years in existence and five years since formal recognition by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), its work in water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, disaster risk reduction, first aid and emergency response is well respected. Addressing priority needs of vulnerable communities, it contributes directly towards improving the quality of life for thousands of people annually and helps others to protect their communities from the damaging effects of natural disasters. The country experience increased rainfall over a prolonged period during 2010-2011, thought to be caused by the La Niña event in the western Pacific which was one of the strongest on record. Flash flooding and landslides occurred in many districts including Dili, with significant damage to infrastructure, loss of property and livelihoods and some loss of life. Recognized as an auxiliary to the government in emergency response, CVTL’s branch disaster response teams carried out assessments and distributed relief items to affected families in six of the country’s 13 districts. The National Society has been well-supported by Red Cross Red Crescent partners for a number of years and, with confidence gained through developing a new Strategic Plan 2010-2014, is committed to improving the quality of its programmes and strengthening its organization including building its branches through a staged decentralization process. Taking the learning from two pilot community-based programmes, CVTL recognizes that individual communities face complex sets of risks which are interconnected and best tackled together in a systematic, integrated way. True to the ambition stated in the Strategic Plan, it will implement a new integrated risk reduction programme (iCBRR) starting in 2012 that will enable improved outcomes for communities and provide a more efficient and effective approach to its work. The IFRC Timor-Leste country office plans to support the first iCBRR rollout to three districts and will assist CVTL in establishing the new programme nationally. At the same time, IFRC will continue to help CVTL to systematically strengthen and develop the capacity of branches, build the management skills of staff and improve volunteer 1 Timor-Leste Human Development Report 2011 UNDP management and support services, including logistics, communications and human resource management. Targeted technical and management support in health will assist CVTL in managing its HIV prevention interventions and to develop emergency health surveillance capacity. Additional support to the commercial first aid programme aims to assist CVTL in reaching the target of doubling its contribution to its fundraising. Acknowledging CVTL’s aim to strengthen its position as auxiliary to the government in emergency response, IFRC funds will also support expanding the scope of their capability and training, and equipping national and branch emergency response teams. IFRC will continue to provide strong leadership to partners to ensure that the organization acts collectively and in a coordinated manner to build CVTL’s capacity for the longer term. The National Society needs to confirm its sense of ownership in the way IFRC offers its support, and builds its skills, systems and confidence in CVTL’s ability to sustain its work as it heads towards becoming a more self-reliant National Society. 2. The Programme 2.1 Business Line 2: “To grow Red Cross Red Crescent services for vulnerable people” IFRC will provide technical support to CVTL to further develop its response preparedness in disaster management and health, to develop contingency plans and surveillance skills. Funds will be used for training and equipping emergency response teams at branch and national level. The self-reliance of communities will be enhanced through a programme of support for equipment and training. Objectives Project Code Targets for 2012 Outcome 1: CVTL has the ability to predict and plan for disasters and public health emergencies and is well-prepared to respond in all 13 districts as an auxiliary of the government. Output 1.1: CVTL has an established (set of) contingency plan(s) that covers all relevant disasters and health emergencies and reflects its auxiliary role to the government. PTP 007 In 2012, CVTL has contingency plans that guide it in all its emergency responses and that link with government and other country stakeholders Output 1.2: CVTL has capable emergency response staff and volunteers in all branches, at national headquarters and with representatives at Southeast Asia regional level, who are well trained, practised and equipped to provide timely emergency response PTP 007 In 2012, CVTL has trained and equipped branch disaster response teams (BRDTs) in all 13 districts and a national disaster response team (NDRT). PTP 007 In 2012, in target districts, communities most vulnerable to specific hazards have been identified and support initiated. Outcome 2: Vulnerable communities can anticipate future risks including climate change and are selfreliant and well-prepared to respond to disasters and public health emergencies Output 2.1: Vulnerable communities have early warning systems and contingency plans and have received training to protect the population in case of a disaster or emergency. 2.2 Business Line 3: “To strengthen the specific Red Cross Red Crescent contribution to development” CVTL will be assisted in further developing its community-based approach and integrated programming with support for the first rollout of its new iCBRR programme in which disaster risk reduction, water, sanitation, health promotion, livelihoods and first aid activities can all be part of a package of assistance to assist vulnerable communities and households tackle the multiple risks they face. Long-term funding will be sought from partners to assist CVTL in establishing the programme nationally. Further development of CVTL’s first aid programme will see the National Society establish a commercial first aid component that will contribute to its domestic fundraising. Partners will be encouraged to support CVTL’s ongoing organizational development programme to systematically strengthen branch capacity and essential support services such as logistics, finance, administration and human resource management. IFRC will continue to support and coordinate partners in other institutional strengthening components such as volunteer development, resource mobilization, communications and governance with a clear focus on assisting CVTL to build a stronger and more sustainable structure. Objectives Project Code Targets for 2012 Outcome 1: Vulnerable people and communities in Timor-Leste are safer and more resilient Output 1.1: CVTL has an established integrated community-based risk reduction programme with multiple partners iCBRR PTP160 In 2012, CVTL has established iCBRR as a national programme that strengthens the safety and resilience of the most vulnerable communities and households in Timor-Leste. Output 1.2: CVTL has implemented start up iCBRR activities in target communities iCBRR PTP160 In 2012, CVTL’s iCBRR programme is initiated in at least three target districts Output 2.1: CBHFA pilot project activity plans undertaken in three remaining communities Health PTP401 In 2012, CBHFA pilot project completed in four communities in two districts Outcome 2.2: Project evaluation completed and lessons learned incorporated into new integrated community-based risk reduction programme Health PTP401 In 2012, CBHFA pilot project has been evaluated and lessons learned incorporated into iCBRR programme. Output 3.1: CVTL has an improved, standardized first aid training programme for government, nongovernment, communities and CVTL volunteers Health PTP401 In 2012, training resources field tested and finalized. Output 3.2: CVTL's first aid training and curricula are approved by government and CVTL is recognized as the preferred provider of first aid training and services Health PTP401 In 2012, CVTL is recognized by government as their preferred provider of first aid training services Output 3.3: CVTL has a commercial first aid programme with an appropriate business plan and structure which contributes to its domestic fundraising Health PTP401 In 2012, CVTL has a commercial first aid programme that contributes an income stream to its fundraising Health PTP401 In 2012, CVTL has evaluated impact of changes made to the HIV YPE pilot project on potential effectiveness Outcome 2: Vulnerable communities in Manufahi & Manatuto districts have strengthened ability to prevent and manage injuries and common health problems Outcome 3: Increased number of people trained, registered and able to provide first aid in an emergency and CVTL’s first aid programme contributes to domestic fundraising Outcome 4: At-risk populations and communities are well-informed and able to protect themselves from HIV and sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) Output 4.1: CVTL has a targeted intervention aimed at preventing HIV among at-risk youth in Timor-Leste and reducing the stigma around HIV/AIDS Objectives Project Code Targets for 2012 Outcome 5: CVTL is a strong National Society with effective leadership; capability to maintain its core services; a well-functioning branch structure; and a national network of well-managed volunteers meeting the needs of vulnerable people and communities. Output 5.1: CVTL’s annual plans and budgets are based on its Strategic Plan, are achievable and realistic, and address the priority needs of vulnerable communities OD PTP001 In 2012, all branches are actively engaged in the annual planning process and CVTL’s plans clearly reflect branch activities. Output 5.2: CVTL’s decentralized branch structure is resourced to enable fully-functioning branches, including staff, procedures and training of personnel including boards. OD PTP001 In 2012, all branches are checking email at least weekly. In 2012, all branches are using CVTL bank accounts. In 2012, 80 per cent of branches are producing plans and reports on computers. In 2012, solutions have been found to permanently house Baucau, Dili and Viqueque branches Output 5.3: CVTL has a diversified and sustainable national resource mobilization plan to fund its work, with clear roles for national and branch staff. OD PTP001 In 2012, a national resource mobilization plan has been written. Output 5.4: CVTL has volunteer management policies and procedures in place and has been supported to establish a national network of volunteers who conduct programmes and activities that contribute to CVTL's mission and goals. OD PTP001 In 2012, CVTL’s volunteer policies and procedures are being implemented, including establishment of the volunteer/member database. Output 5.5: CVTL's national and branch boards are provided with training and support to carry out their roles effectively and sustainably. OD PTP001 In 2012, each branch board has developed a membership development plan. In 2012, position descriptions have been written for branch board members. Output 5.6: CVTL's programme support services (human resources, finance, logistics, IT and communications) are strengthened and able to support CVTL's programmes sustainably. OD PTP001 Output 5.7: CVTL leadership and management have resources and capacity to be self-sustaining and able to adapt to changes in its environment, through wellmanaged capacity enhancement and organizational development. OD PTP001 In 2012, CVTL has secured effective ongoing IT advice. In 2012 CVTL’s human resource (HR) management is significantly improved. In 2012, CVTL’s organizational structure has been reviewed and aligned to enable iCBRR 2.3 Business Line 4: “To heighten Red Cross Red Crescent influence and support for our work” IFRC will support CVTL staff in developing their advocacy skills and confidence at national and branch level to further support communities where their priority needs are outside the scope of CVTL’s direct assistance. Objectives Project Code Targets for 2012 Outcome 1: CVTL is active in humanitarian diplomacy individually in Timor-Leste and collectively at a regional level Output 1.1: CVTL acts to influence and support decision-makers to always act in the interests of vulnerable people and communities and with respect for the Fundamental Principles OD PTP001 In 2012, CVTL promotes its work to government, civil society actors and others. 2.4 Business Line 5: “To deepen our tradition of togetherness through joint working and accountability” CVTL’s Strategic Plan 2010-2014 and Partnership Meeting held following its launch were important milestones which provided CVTL with an exciting new platform from which to plan and work with partners and to establish a reliable, stable future environment in which to carry out its work. IFRC will provide leadership in Movement coordination and cooperation to ensure CVTL gains maximum benefit from these partnerships and builds sustainable capacity to deliver programmes into the future. Objectives Project Code Targets for 2012 Outcome 1: Partner support to CVTL is wellcoordinated, founded on CVTL’s priority needs, Strategic Plan and multi-year operational plans and carried out in the spirit of good partnership Output 1.1: Movement cooperation mechanisms are in place and effective in coordinating all partners with reference to the Code of Good Partnership and CVTL’s partnership principles. C&C PTP101 In 2012 Movement cooperation mechanisms are in place and facilitating effective communications between all partners. Output 1.2: Partner support to CVTL is well-aligned with its strategic and operational plans and priority needs and includes a commitment to organizational development. C&C PTP101 In 2012, CVTL’s annual planning process and plans are well-supported by partners. 3. Programme support strategy The Timor-Leste country office has three international delegates – a country representative and specialists in organizational development and health – who will take responsibility for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the support programme in line with Red Cross Red Crescent principles and values and global, regional and other policies and frameworks as appropriate. Three experienced national finance and administration staff support the office functions including providing services to integrated and other in-country partner national societies. The country office is located within the office compound of Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste, with whom the IFRC country office has a close and constructive relationship. Generous in-kind support from Australian, Finnish and New Zealand Red Cross provides delegate funding. Valued partnerships with Finnish, Japanese, New Zealand and Norwegian Red Cross and the UK’s department for international development (DfID) provide programme funds and support for IFRC’s field management costs. The Southeast Asia regional office in Bangkok will provide technical and programme assistance where needed and is currently supporting CVTL with finance development assistance. The Asia Pacific zone office and regional logistics unit in Kuala Lumpur also provide technical support in water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH) and have ongoing planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (PMER) mentoring and logistics strengthening projects with CVTL. Regular training opportunities are provided to CVTL in disaster management including emergency response, community-based health and first aid, and livelihoods; programme staff have been supported to attend international youth, HIV/AIDS, communications and organizational development forums. A number of CVTL staff have received emergency WASH training and are trained members of IFRC regional disaster response teams. 4. Monitoring and evaluation Detailed monitoring and evaluation plans will be developed for the 2012 support programme in due course. 5. Budget summary Project code BL 1. Humanitarian Standards 2012 2013 2014-2015 Total 0 0 0 0 0 BL 2. Grow services for vulnerable people 46,845 35,000 20,000 Outcome 1: CVTL has the ability to predict and plan for disasters and public health emergencies and is well-prepared to respond in all 13 districts as an auxiliary of the government. PTP 007 41,646 30,000 20,000 Outcome 2: Vulnerable communities can anticipate future risks including climate change and are self-reliant and well prepared to respond to disasters and public health emergencies PTP 007 5,198 5,000 0 839,567 820,000 1,030,000 209,638 550,000 900,000 BL 3. Contribution to development Outcome 1: Vulnerable people and communities in Timor-Leste are safer and more resilient PTP 160 Outcome 2: Vulnerable communities in Manufahi and Manatuto districts have strengthened ability to prevent and manage injuries and common health problems. PTP 401 Outcome 3: Increased number of people trained, registered and able to provide first aid in an emergency and CVTL’s first aid programme contributes to domestic fundraising PTP 401 Outcome 4: At-risk populations and communities are well-informed and able to protect themselves from HIV and sexuallytransmitted infections (STIs) PTP 401 Outcome 5: CVTL is a strong National Society with effective leadership; capability to maintain its core services; a well-functioning branch structure; and a national network of wellmanaged volunteers meeting the needs of vulnerable people and communities PTP 001 BL 4. Heighten influence and support 315,696 0 20,000 0 314,233 250,000 130,000 5,450 5,000 0 10,450 700,081 CVTL is active in humanitarian diplomacy individually in Timor-Leste and collectively at a regional level PTP 001 5,450 2,000 Outcome 2: The Government of Timor-Leste has international disaster response laws. PTP 001 0 3,000 190,081 170,000 340,000 170,000 340,000 1,030,000 1,390,000 Outcome 1: Partner support to CVTL is wellcoordinated, founded on CVTL’s priority needs, Strategic Plan and multi-year operational plans and carried out in the spirit of good partnership 2,689,567 0 Outcome 1: BL 5. Joint working and accountability 101,845 PTP 101 Shared Office & Services Costs (PNS) Total Budget 1,081,943 3,501,943 6. Annexes Available upon request 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Logframes Resource mobilization plan Workshops and training plan Personnel plan Vehicle plan Detailed budget