Sarah Rae CRIN e05 December 17, 2013 A Social System: Ancient Roman Civilization Curricular Design based on the Parallel Curriculum Model Introduction: I chose the topic “Ancient Rome” for this unit due to personal and pragmatic reasons. Since I am student-teaching in a third grade class in Williamsburg, Virginia, I began my hunt for a topic in the Virginia Department of Education’s Grade 3 Social Studies Standards of Learning for History and Social Science. I located “Ancient Rome” as a topic and noted the related content knowledge expected of Virginia 3rd graders. Next, I compared these to National Council for the Social Studies Curriculum Standards for Social Studies, and found related skills under the strands of “Culture, Time, Continuity, and Change”, “Individual Development and Identity”, “Individuals, Groups, and Institutions”, “Power, Authority and Governance”, and “Civic Ideals and Practices”. These broader connections across Social Studies content and other disciplines fit harmoniously with the Parallel Curriculum Model, as I have detailed in the “Standards” section of following unit overview. I then confirmed using my practicum school’s Scope and Sequence that “Ancient Rome” is a topic taught in the Spring semester of 2014, meaning I may teach this unit in whole or parts in the near future. I solidified my decision on this topic because I studied abroad Spring of 2012 in Rome and was fortunate enough to take on-site Art History and Sociology courses which fostered my appreciation for the people at the heart of my unit. Unit Overview and Schedule Outline based on: Schy, E. (2012). Parallel Curriculum Model in teaching with Laurel Grove School: Item #10. Retrieved from Content: Unit Name: Essential Questions: Subject Area(s): Grade Level: Context: A Social System: Ancient Roman Civilization How did Ancient Roman civilization function through social interactions? In what ways might the decisions, interactions, and legacies of Ancient Roman civilization influence who I am today? How might all social systems be related? How might social factors influence one’s opportunities in life? Is there one correct ‘history?’ Why or why not? How can we use historical narratives to help understand differing and congruent perspectives in a historical continuum? Social Studies Connected to: Language Arts, Art, Mathematics 3rd Grade This unit is designed for a 3rd grade class at Matthew Whaley Elementary School in Williamsburg, VA. The class is comprised of 11 females, and 9 males. The class contains 5 identified gifted and talented students and 2 Length: Unit Summary: Parallels Targeted: English Language Learners. The racial demographics of the students include approximately 60% Caucasian, 25% Black,10% Hispanic, and 5% Asian. Although Matthew Whaley is not a Title I school, there are great wealth disparities among students. This unit is planned to take place over 10 days from January 20th until January 31st, 2014. Each Social Studies period is approximately 1 hour, but additional reading, writing, research, projects, and applications may take place during the timeframes of other disciplines (i.e. research during Language Arts/Media Center time, lesson on monetary exchanges for Roman Forum day during Math time, etc.). This unit focuses on the historical context, social life, civic structure, economic system, and lasting influence of Ancient Roman society, from its beginning in 753 BC until modern day, as the legacy impacts our lives. Through the culminating projects of a student-selected historical narrative and Roman Forum Day, students will embody the life a person alive during the Roman Republic. Students will investigate how various individuals including artists/poets/actors/architects, plebeians, patricians, Consuls/senate members, and gladiators/athletes played a role in the social structure. Students will evaluate the quality of life of their Roman citizen and the equity of this system. Students will research and present findings on the contributions of Ancient Romans to analyze how these systems and inventions impact our lives today, including direct and representative democracy. The Core Curriculum – Students will learn about the location, key historical events, roles of society members, and contributions (i.e. democracy, sporting events, architecture, art, etc.) of Ancient Roman society. The Curriculum of Connections – The historical narrative allows for integration of the writing process, research, and critical reading skills of Language Arts. The study of Roman architecture, prose/poetry, art, etc. relates to Art and Art History. The study of economics and exchange of goods/services for monetary units during the Roman Forum Day allows for Mathematics integration. The Curriculum of Practice – Students will act as historians as they conduct authentic research using primary and secondary sources available in the classroom and through the Matthew Whaley media center. They will compose historically influenced compositions as artists, musicians, directors, playwrights, and authors. As historical dramatists, they will embody their role in Ancient Roman society during the Roman Forum Day. They will debate and analyze civic decisions as philosophers during the Socratic Seminar and study of direct and representational democracy. The Curriculum of Identity – Through the freedom of choice in the assignment, the students will be able to express themselves in any format that conveys a historical perspective from the time period. The Standards: student will have opportunities to work socially and individually during this unit. By examining the contributions of Ancient Romans, including democracy which greatly influences students’ lives in America, the student will develop a greater understanding of how history is cyclical, related and complex. Through this exploration, students will see how the decisions of people today, influence the people of tomorrow and their place within history. VA SOL History and Social Studies: 3.1) The student will explain how the contributions of ancient Greece and Rome have influenced the present world in terms of architecture, government (direct and representative democracy) and sports 3.4) The student will develop map skills by locating Greece, Rome, and West Africa, describing the physical and human characteristics of Greece, Rome, and West Africa; explaining how the people of Greece, Rome, and West Africa adapted to and/or changed their environment to meet their needs 3.7) The student will explain how producers in ancient Greece, Rome, and the West African empire of Mali used natural resources, human resources, and capital resources in the production of goods and services NCSS Curriculum Standards: I. Culture: the learner can: a) explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies, and cultures address similar human needs and concerns, c) describe the way in which language, stories, folktales, music and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture and influence behavior of people living in a particular culture II. Time, Continuity, and Change: the learner can d) identify and use various sources for reconstructing the past, such as documents, letters, diaries, maps, textbooks, photos, and others, f) use knowledge of facts and concepts drawn from history, along with elements of historical inquiry to inform decision making about action-taking on public issues IV. Individual Development and Identity: the learner can: f) explore factors that contribute to one’s personal identity such as interests, capabilities and perceptions, g) analyze a particular event to identify reasons individuals might respond in different ways; V. Individuals, Groups, and Institutions: the leaner can d) identify and describe examples of tensions between and among individuals, groups, or institutions and how belonging to more than one group can cause internal conflicts VI: Power, Authority, and Governance: the learner can a) examine the rights and responsibilities of the individual in relation to his or her social group, such as family, peer group, and school class X: Civic Ideals and Practices: the learner can e) explain actions citizens can take to influence public policy decisions, and so forth. VA SOL English 3.6) The student will continue to read and demonstrate comprehension Skills Generalizations: Concept of nonfiction texts 3.9) The student will write for a variety of purposes: a) identify the intended audience, b) use a variety of prewriting strategies, f) include details to elaborate the main idea, g) revise writing for clarity of content 3.10) The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling 3.12) The student will use available technology for reading and writing Sequence events in Ancient Roman history Interpret ideas, events, and decisions from different historical perspectives Analyze how global societies of the past can influence local communities of the present; compare and contrast historical societies to modern-day society Analyze how social factors, including socio-economic status, gender, race, education, culture, etc. impacts an individual’s life outcomes and opportunities Gather reliable and appropriate research data using primary and secondary sources Use research to compose an original historical narrative demonstrating application of acquired knowledge, creativity, and effort Debate and make value-based decisions on a scenario Social factors influence one’s life opportunities. The decisions, interactions, and contributions of historical societies influence me in our increasingly globalizing world. There is not one “correct” history, but rather a combination of “told” and “untold” stories; historical narratives can help us understand differing perspectives through time. Social Interactions and Lasting Legacies Assessment: Pre-Assessments Formative Assessments Summative Assessments As a whole class, students will complete an introductory “Heard, Questions, Plan, Questions” chart that will continue to contribute to throughout the unit. Student engagement and effort will be formatively assessed throughout the unit based on participation in daily lesson activities. Teacher will formatively assess during whole class, small group, and pair discussions. Teacher will formatively assess students skills throughout the inquiry research process. Students will compose and present an original historical narrative, which will be graded using a rubric that students will be provided on the date it is first assigned. The students will be graded for their efforts during Roman Forum Day using a rubric which they will also be provided on the date it is first assigned. The students will take a final written assessment on the last day of the Unit to ensure that they know the required content knowledge about Ancient Rome. Calendar: (A brief overview with Historical Narrative checkpoints included; * = full lesson included on Unit Wiki site) Week 1 – Jan. 20-24, 2014 Week 2 – Jan. 27-31, 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday *Inquirybased, Local and Global Societies: “HeardQuestionsPlanQuestions” chart; research on Ancient Roman civilization; comparison of life in Ancient Rome and life in modern-day Williamsburg, VA; checkpoint: student must choose a Roman role by the end of class Economy and Trade: Simulation of trade based upon regional resources; exploration of Ancient Roman imports and exports; Sort of physical, human, and capital resources of Ancient Rome; final work period with “Roman role” group for Roman Forum Day *History: Exploring the location of Ancient Rome using Google Earth, map/globe; Assign historical narrative project; “Rome: The Musical” and history assessment; discussion on the power of historical narratives *Social Justice: Exploring the origin of “Bread and Circuses”, BBC excerpt to open the Socratic seminar topic, wealth distribution simulation; Socratic seminar about equity in Ancient Rome; checkpoint: Student must confirm project choice for Historical Narrative by end of class Presentation of Historical Narratives Day 1 (about ¾ of students) *Civics: mock Consul election, movie on American democracy and democracy in the Roman Republic; comparison of America’s modern government system to that of Ancient Rome; writing prompt on how life may be different if we did not have democracy; Assign “Roman Forum Day” Presentation of Historical Narratives Day 2 (remaining ¼ of students); review for exam, discussion of Roman legacy and contributions that impact life today Work Period: Review of what we’ve learned so far (Crash Course History video); joint Social Studies and Art preparation for Roman Forum Day; designing costumes/props/set; developing a miniskit to perform during the “Forum”; checkpoint: Historical Narrative drafts due; individual conferences with teacher ROMAN FORUM DAY! Families and other classes invited to watch the individual skits; celebration with authentic Roman food Written Assessment; (this night will be the opening of “Voices of the Past: Ancient Rome” exhibition either at the Williamsburg Regional Library or Matthew Whaley; families/communities invited)